Dislcaimer: My name is not Emura, therefore I am not the author of this story.

Ryuya clenched his fists at his side, held them, and let go.

"Downstairs, Ito."

Makoto looked into Ito's anxious eyes and nodded reassuringly. She squeezed his hand and they made their way past her brothers. Yoshi stumbled aside, his eyes wide, unable to understand the situation at the moment. He followed them down the stairs, his eyes turning from the older boys to his sister and her galpal--er, boyfriend.

"Wait...so all those times when you and Makoto-san went out...you guys were going out--in dates! Hey, someone actually likes the tomboy! Who knew?" They had reached the living room when Yoshi made the last statement. Ito turned around with her eyes blazing.

"Yoshi... I still haven't made you pay for making the place such a mess!" She smacked him upside the head.

"Hey, it was your fault! You came after me even though I didn't do anything!" He retorted while holding his head.

"Don't talk back to your elders!" She smacked him again. "Look around you!" Makoto did as she said. Indeed the whole area was in disarray.He reached down and uprighted the coffee table. Yuto and Ryuya put the couch back into it's original position. "Don't stand around! Help out!" Yuto tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to the knives in the wall as well as the broken lamp in pieces.

When everything was back to normal--as much as possible that is. There were holes in the plaster to think about as well as the situation at hand regarding a certain cross-dressing young man.

Ito fell onto the couch with a sigh. Ryuya looked at her and sighed as well. He scratched his head.

"Makoto-san, I understand your predicament at the time. For you to risk everything and agree to such a proposterous condition...you must really love acting. However, regarding my sister, I'm afraid that's a different story. All this time, you knew you were a male and yet you still indulged in my sister's naivete. You two went out shopping, you let her go to your house...you even slept over here! In the same room--her room!" Ryuya's eyes grew and rage boiled in his veins. "YOU LITTLE!!

The older brother charged at the boyfriend. Makoto stepped away from the wall and the man coming at him. Ryuya threw move after move attacking him relentlessly. Makoto moved to block and dodge. He broke into a run when they got to the hallway.

"HOW DARE YOU! DON'T YOU RUN AWAY!" Ryuya chased him, his expression smooth and focused on the figure in front of him. Makoto was trying to lead the fight in the other direction to an open space. One without many obstacles--no items to break, no lives to endanger. He ran up the stairs and ended in a dead end. Only one way to go--out the window and up to the roof.

Using Ryuya's momentum, he leapt backward and somersaulted. Ryuya followed.

"I don't want to fight you, Ryuya-san. We did nothing--nothing inappropriate. I knew Ito-san locked the door for my safety so my secret wouldn't be found out. I would never betray her trust. I love her." Ryuya was taken aback. He stared at Makoto and then remembered his father's words from so long ago.

It's all in the eyes. When the time comes, look in his eyes. They will show what kind of man he is. And he must be the best kind for my precious daughter--your only sister.

Ryuya looked across the room and delved in to the other man's eyes. He studied the brown orbs and what he found was good, honest sincere good. But it wasn't enough to fully convince him that this boy was the best for his sister.

"Alright, here's the deal. Beat me and I'll give you both my blessings." Without further warning, he shot past the boy and went for the knees. Makoto jumped up and out of the way. A roundhouse was dodged with a backflip. Ryuya knifed with the sides of his hands and the fight became a blur of cutting arm strokes. Not once did Makoto go on the offensive.

"Stop! Stop it! What are you doing? You said you wouldn't kill him!" Ito's eyes were wild, desperately looking for a way to stop the fight. She couldn't think of any other way except to charge in herself. Why not? Yuto grabbed her arm just in time.

"Don't! You could get hurt! Let them handle this."

"No!" She flung off his arm and pushed away in the same instant. Without realizing it, she had sent herself hurtling towards the edge. (I know, I know. . You must've been expecting that.)

"Ito!" "Nee-chan!" Yuto and Yoshi chorused. The fight stopped and they ran for her. Ryuya let loose a burst of speed, but was shocked into a halt when Makoto caught her arm at the last possible moment.

"Mako!" she cried. Makoto pulled her up and she fell into his arms.

"I've got you." He said into her hair. "I'd never let you fall."

"Thank you." A gruff voice said from below. The three brothers and the couple looked down to see the father below.

"Odosan!" cried Yoshi.

"Yes, I'm home. Why don't you all come downstairs?"

All five looked at each other curiously before trooping downstairs. The parent was sitting on the couch surveying the damage when they came in. He looked up at them and found Makoto. He stood and reached out a hand.

"You must be the boyfriend. I spoke to you over the phone a few months ago. I've been expecting you." His smile was polite, but his eyes were calculating. They roved up and down Makoto's frame, testing his grip, surveying his reaction, and finally looked deep in his eyes. Hmm...

Like father, like son. The same way that Ryuya had done a few minutes ago. Makoto smiled back and nodded.

"Not bad. Good man, good ma. I can tell from your eyes. But! You still need to pass one last test to see if you are worhty of my precious daughter!" He grabbed Ito at the last word and hugged her. "My darling precious treasure of a daughter!"

"Ah-ah, o-odosan! I can't breathe! Let--go!"

"Oh, I missed you so much!" He squeezed hard and let go. "Ah, the test...you must beat me! This time in the dojo instead of the roof." Oh, yes. Like father, like son.

"As you wish, Miura-sensei. Please don't be too hard on me. I hear you are a true master!"

"Ahahahaha! Well, get one hit on me and you win! How about that?" He can't pull off Chris's trick at least. Hehe.

Makoto bowed and lifted his arm to signal that Miura-san lead the way. The father bowed in return and marched to the dojo.

Again, Makoto fought on the defensive to block Miura-san's moves. This time it was with a master and he was driven back quickly. His agility and flexibilty kept him from getting cornered. He found the rhythm of the fight and slowed his breathing to focus his concentration. His eyes followed the limbs moving continuously before him. Finally, when he deemed himself ready and able to multitask in the rhythym, he switched into offensive. He dropped down with a dodge and let the older man tower above him. His feet acted like a spring and he ran up the wall to land behind the master.

"Ah-ha!" cried Miura, bringing up his arm to sidewipe the young man. Makoto did a front walkover and kicked the sensei's arm.

Makoto huffed and puffed as he waited for Miura-san's reaction. The older man stood there silently and a smile slowly spread across his face.

"Point. You won. Congratulations." It was sealed by a handshake between men.

------------Later that night-----in the living room---------------

Thump! Thump! Thump! Yuto came down the stairs and smiled at his siblings.

"Working hard?" The other three looked up at him. Ryuya grumbled, Yoshi moaned, and Ito made threatening motions with the plaster-spreader in her hand. Father had made them fix the rest of the damage after Makoto had left. "Hey, Ito! Be careful with that blade!"

"Do you think we should tell father about Makoto-san?" mused Yoshi. "How he's been pretending to be Amano-san and he's really a guy? And a cool one at that! Did you see the way he fought!" Ito dropped the bucket of plaster and grabbed his shirt.

"NO! No way--he'll go crazy! Mako will be deadmeat for sure!"

"Well, he'll need to be told sometime." said Ryuya.

"Especially when Amano never appears again after your graduation." added Yuto.

"And when she's not your Maid of Honor for your wedding!" quipped Yoshi. Ito threw a pillow at his head. "Hey!"

"Ahhhh!" Ito groaned. "How about we decide when it comes to that?" She buried her head in her arms.

"And Chris needs to be told, Ryuya." Yuto turned to look at his twin.

"Eh, she'll be happy the 'Lieutenant' finally got a guy." The others turned their heads to look at him. Ryuya shrugged. "It's Chris."

Yoshi nodded and murmured, "True, true."

"Get back to work! I'm not going to finish this all myself--move it!" Ryuya dragged his younger brother back to the wall. Ito picked up the bucket again and Yuto grabbed the plaster spreader.

Soon the numerous holes were filled and all was calm and pleasant in the Miura household.

"Yoshi, get back here!"

The End

A.N.: Sorry for taking so long to update! This is the last chapter--I hope you enjoyed it!