Reviews for Unwritten
F - U - M chapter 30 . 7/25/2019
I really loved this story, it's so great and your writting is amazing. Thanks for the fic.
I would have loved to see a little of Kurt in Dalton but i'm ok with the final
carol829 chapter 30 . 2/3/2018
this is such an awesome story...thank you for putting a smile on this girls face! Looking forward to reading more of your stuff!
fandomflier15 chapter 30 . 1/17/2018
OMG, I just spent 24 hours (mostly) reading this and wow! Amazing! Beautiful! Sweet, funny, angsty, well written, etc. etc. I loved it!
Guest chapter 29 . 12/31/2017
"So I'm pretty sure you all know why we are all here today" Mr Shue started with a serious tone in his voice "The last couple of months we seemed to have forgotten about what Glee is about and both myself and yo guys have acted completely unacceptable towards Kurt. When he needed us to be his friends we instead turned our backs against him and treated him really badly. I have said it before but I wanna say it again. I'm really disappointed in all of you including myself"

At that moment...

The Noob Directions realized...

That they really screwed up.
Guest chapter 30 . 9/8/2016
It is really beautiful story and made cry a lot but thank you.
Dragongirl Jun chapter 30 . 4/22/2016
What I read seemed quite interesting (your story was searched for and it was found and I wanted to check it out). While its (by now) a rather old story... I will still recommend that either you or someone else rereads the story and fixes the 'wrong word' errors. Overall.. the story shows great promise and I can't really wait to see what you'll create in the future as you mature as an author. :)
Lee chapter 15 . 3/25/2016
My daughter acted the same way towards her stepbrother when he was going through something similar. The only difference was, unlike Kurt and Finn's parents, I heard every word of the conversation when I got home from work that day. I'll say that Finn is lucky that he isn't my kid because he would have gotten the same punishment as my daughter did: grounded for a month and blistered backside.
JazzyBoHart6 chapter 30 . 3/9/2016
Totally didn't actually realize that was the ending till I went to click next chapter. Oops. It was a very nice fic, I'm so glad Blaine told people off and Kurt didn't just forgive everyone for only realize he's still around when he almost died, and that Sam reminded them like Kurt was the hurt party and he was in no way obligated to forgive them when they didn't deserve forgiveness. my biggest frustration in most fics is people just consistently get away with everything, no one blows up at them, they don't have any repercussions or huge realizations and end up being forgiven immediately never needing to seriously work for it or having true character growth. They never really learn its just glossed over. There are so many things you can't bounce back from with a simple 'sorry' and it's like no one seems to comprehend that I swear. Or think people would respond calmly explaining what happened because of their actions and words like hell no, I'd need to be held back from physically maiming people while screaming bloody murder with tears streaming down my face at them regardless of who they were adult or would pretty much everyone I know. So I've never understood the whole- 'you guys messed up ' 'oh guess we did well heres a sorry song!' 'of course alls forgiven i'm not traumatized or anything feel free to do absolutely nothing to correct your behavior'

Enough to make a flipping nun curse up a storm. So thank you for breaking the mold in people actually getting told off and not immediately forgiven and showing actual remorse.

I'm surprised Rachel in her new desire to be forgiven especially didn't have her immediately going to her dads and the ACLU after the Karofsky and Azimo thing happened to sue the school board for discrimination, unlike in the show Kurt was in the hospital in critical condition and had bones broken as PROOF that he'd been attacked. Their actions lead to Kurt almost dying I can't see how any school board wouldn't expect and be terrified to get slapped with an extremely public nasty law suit for acting like gay bashing and death threats are acceptable. At the very least they should have been sued for Kurt's tuition for Dalton. 4 weeks suspension seems kind of seriously insane. At the very least the administration should have had something happen for not even NOTICING a student was attacked and had bones BROKEN during school along with the rest of the harassment.

But yeah. Anyways I'm glad people got told off, glad he's going to Dalton, and glad at least some people were actually working on being forgiven. Good story! Hope you keep writing.
JazzyBoHart6 chapter 7 . 3/9/2016
How long is it going to be waiting for people to figure out whats going on and feel guilty? Is this one of those really frustrating fics that draws it out painfully long and makes you want to throw your computer? Bleeding and bruises that bad I'm shocked he hasn't collapsed yet from possible infection or internal injuries, especially since he's been trying to dance and getting re injured daily.
PinkYCooper chapter 11 . 10/29/2015
He should quit and go to Dalton that would show them ! And Burt too ! I'm so pissed of right now. But looking forward the other chapters
PinkYCooper chapter 10 . 10/29/2015
Oh my God I want to slap them all so hard ! I don't like Burt so clueless but can't be perfect in every story I guess
PinkYCooper chapter 9 . 10/29/2015
Your fanfiction is heartbreaking but I'm glad it exists because bullying is a plague and even tough it gets better for Kurt in the show, for other kids in the world it doesn't. It's nice fiction ! And New Directions are so awful especially Rachel but it's good to have a fanfic where she isn't an angel. Bravo
KagomeGirl021 chapter 30 . 5/5/2015
This was such a great story! Sure there were a lot of Grammar and spelling mistakes but it was still really well written and I wish you would write a sequel of Kurt's time at Dalton and his and blaine's relationship. i would love to see how kurt adjusts to his time at dalton and how he and blaine progress in their relationship. Never stop writing. you do such a good job at keeping us readers sucked into the story. Good Luck with future endeavors!
musme chapter 30 . 12/28/2014
I like it
EstrellaReina chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
Oh my god this was so amazing! Please please please write a sequel with Kurt at Dalton? Please?
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