![]() Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Power Rangers, Merlin, Sherlock, and Chronicles of Narnia. Fan-Fiction is a huge part of my life. Some may think it's weird, some may think it's silly. Well, I think they're weird and silly. Fan-Fiction is important to me because it allows me to take characters and settings that I know and love, melt them all down, and then re-forge them in my own way. It is a great way for me to get feedback on my writing, allows me to play with other universes that I enjoy so much, and it's a great way to practice and develop my writing for the novels I'm working on as well. So yes, Fan-Fiction is a massive part of my life. It helps me escape. Post this on your profile if this fits you. :D (2015: Me, re-evaluating my old profile two years later. Let's see, now...) Morning. Evening. Afternoon. Whatever the hell it is now wherever you were when you decided to stop by. (Off to a rough start already, great.) GREETINGS! I've finally decided that after two years, three months, and fourteen days, I really should probably introduce myself on this website. So you all don't think I'm some kind of mysterious plotting serial killer. I'm mysterious and I plot, but I'm squeamish and NOTHANKYOUSIRINOKILL. (Well, that's no longer true. Resumes now are regularly marked with 'serial killer', usually under questions like 'What skills do you believe you can provide our company?')) Anyway, I guess the basic are in order. I won't tell you my last name (trolls-- literally, TROLLS) (I don't think anyone cares, young Abbie), but my first name is Abigail. My alias is a bit long 'cuz I'm COMPLICATED (uh, no), but if you're kind to me and send me a virtual cookie now and then, you can just call me Abbie, TomTom, BountyHunterGirl (or a variation of this), or basically anything as long as I approve it. DON'T ANYONE CALL ME GAIL. JUST NO. (Pfft. "Approve." Just don't call me Gail, and you can refer to me as bitch for all I care.)
Guard, you say, what's that? Oh here we go. For all of you that don't recognize the term, we're the girls (and mostly homosexual men, no bias, just saying) (this is true, so) who go out on the football field with the band and spin all the heavy and dangerous flags and guns and things o_o Head injuries are promised. (I hold the record for most and worse head injuries on the team now.) Anyway, my passions in life are writing (obviously), reading, dancing, and I'll come out and say it: I had absolutely no idea what Fanfiction was until about I was that kid who grew up watching television, and whatever show I was watching at the time, different plotlines would buzz through my head like a swarm of bees! I know that you know exactly what I'm talking about! You sit down to watch Justice League (I am a MASSIVE nerd :) Love me!) and suddenly your mind is buzzing with ideas like a director on crack! Superman actually dying by the ToyMaster's hands! Flash as a woman! Wonderwoman taking out the entire Nazi army! Hawkgirl turning against the Thanagarians on first sight and killing them all to KINGDOM COME!!! (These are true, and I'm copyrighting them rn.) So, yes, I was one of those more creatively morbid children. Blame the internet. (Blame my parents, bro. They did good work.) BACK ON POINT. (oh god. I was the on point girl before being on point was a thing.) I spent my life reading and watching television and movies, and I would always imagine how I would have done it, or how it could have been or would have been if maybe this had happened or maybe that had happened. Growing up without Fanfiction made that seem like a dream! Powerless against the idea that things could have been different, and that we would all have to live without the creativity or wondering "what if?" Finding Fanfiction that day all those years ago, I was struck dumb by just how perfect the concept was for me. I wanted to scream and cry and laugh and thank whoever came up with the original Fanfiction, because this was the place I had been looking for all my life! I could change things here, make them the way I wanted or thought they should be. I could make Harry and Hermione a couple, or keep William from dying at World's End, or make Samwise the Ringbearer instead of Frodo! (future story spoilers-- ssssh!) (Uh yeah, how about no. I'm already lazy about shit I just reopened after TWO YEARS.) This place became my haven for the beginning of my writing career. Fanfiction was what finally made me realize that I wanted to write in my life, whether it original or not; Fanfiction gave me my aspirations to be a novelist. I love writing so much, and I'm glad I found a place that I can recieve feedback and reviews and try new ideas and styles for my stories. I think that it's incredibly important to have a census of people so similar in interests and ideas to you that are willing to see your ideas and thoughts and help you along as a writer and give you positive and negative connotations on how you're doing as a writer and how successful you are in your journey. When I joined this website in January of '11, I was exuberant; however, I was also terrified. What if I was awful? What if my stories were lame and horrible? What if people didn't like anything I wrote? More than anything, I just wanted people to read my stories and say "Wow. I like this. This is good." I wanted to know that I wasn't a fool for doing what I was doing because I loved it. I had spent months beforehand reading Fanfictions, reading about Fanfictions, filling my head with ideas and plots and stories that I could write and post here-- I didn't want to be disappointed. (Honestly, I'm not too much anymore, now that I've deleted some of my... eh. More uncomfortable stories.) I'll say now that, almost two and a half years later, I've done better than I thought I would. Don't take me for conceited, because if you're reading this I hope that that means that you like me and my stories enough to agree. I was filled with inspiration, and all I wanted to do was just write here and know that I was doing well in what I loved. I had a rocky start at first, I'll admit (Mary-Sue land-- poor child, I had no idea xP) (Aaaaaand there are those uncomfortable stories. I apologize to anyone that actually liked How Three Became Four.) but I look at myself now and see Now that I've finally got all those FEELZIES out, I'll move on from the, erm, "heavier" stuff. SQUEAL. (Why did no one assassinate me as a child.) I'm one of those girls who tends (meaning always) to go through those "obsessive stages" when it comes to fandoms x/ (shit.) You know, those stages where you watch BBC's Merlin for the first time, and then all you can talk about is how OHMIGERHS MERLIN IS SO AWESOME AND ARTHUR'S SHMEXY AND HEY IS THAT GUINEVERE OMG UTHER'S A JERKFACE AND MORGANA'S GOT A DRUID BOY IN HER CHAMBERS AND LOOK AT MERLIN NO BRING HIM BACK MEEERRRLLLINNN!!!!! (This behavior hasn't changed, just moved on. To Supernatural. Which pretty much envelops my whole life. Fuck.) Yeah, I know. For those of you that think that those feelings will go away anytime soon, or become less potent, you are sorely mistaken. 'TIS A MARK OF SAUCERY!!!!! (WHY WAS I ALLOWED TO LIVE THIS LONG, HOLY MOTHER OF) As you've obviously figured out by now, I'm a pretty hardcore Merlinian U I'm huge on Merlin and Arthur's bromance (slash? I have this obscene fascination with Gaius, because while he's not my number one here, I feel like he's the perfect epitome of what someone wise, intelligent, and, well, wonderful and caring should look like. He's an amazing guardian, and watching him on the show, I always feel like Merlin has the most amazing father figure going here. DE KNGITHS O' CAMOLOUT o.o Ooooooooooooo pretty sparkly... (That's it. I think I'm going to be sick. This is just getting worse as I go.) I also really liked Nimweh, Elena, Mithian, Freya, and even Morgause too. I think they were amazing female characters, and I wish that the first two had had a bit more screen time when it came down to it. Freya was pretty-kick butt as well, and while Morgause was almost a bit silly at times, I really thought she was a cool, strong feministial (This was before I knew was feminism really was, mind you) character. Nimweh wasn't really silly, but hey, she was good at her job. Cenred, Uther, and all those other knoogbees can rot in my dungeons. Mwaha. (seriously what the fuck) When it comes to Harry Potter, I ship Harry/Hermione, both romantical and friendshipical. I do admire Ron, I do, but sometimes I feel like there needed to be more moments where Harry and Hermione had those epic FEELZ OF FRIENDSHIP and such because they were just so close. Romantic or not, they loved each other, and they had those special moments that Ron would never have been able to experience: the graveyard, the dance, the way Hermione touched Harry's hair with her hand-- they just love, and I support that all that way. (And now J.K.'s come back and said she regrets Romione SO I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG) I don't really like Ginny. She's nice I suppose, and incredibly smart and fiery, but I feel like she and Harry never really connected. In plain terms, as the series progressed, I feel like she just stalked him until they finally fell into what the H/G nation considers "love." Don't hate me, please, I just think that they fell into this "love" oddly quickly o.O Am I the only one who noticed that Harry didn't express any romantic interest, or really any interest at all, in her until suddenly in the sixth book? I just felt like they fell so quickly into something, and then their married for however-so many years. (Now that I'm older, I like Ginny more, but I'm still iffy about their very suddenly mutual love for one another...) I don't like Cho. She's whiney and annoying. I like Cedric though, I thought he was the perfect example of what it truly meant to be a Hufflepuff (Hufflepuff myself-- PUFF POWER!) (I'm severely embarrassed for the rest of the Hufflepuff species right now) I love Luna/Neville that came across in the movies. Whie we didn't really know Hannah Abbot, I suppose she was fine, when it came down to it, but I think the way Neville and Luna were portrayed made them a nice fit, and I'm really glad that David Yates put some nice interest in the movies there for them. (TRUTH) I love just about everyone else in HP, however I'll spare you some time and not go to far into it anymore. I have seven years worth of FEELZ ready to burst out about everything Harry Potter, but I really don't want to break the website trying to hump all my stupid empathy into this text box. (This is so embarrassing reading over this why am I doing this) Lord of the Rings: Sam and Frodo BROMANCE ONLY (Eh, I gotta stick with this one), Aragorn/Eowyn, Legolas/Tree or whoever the heck he wants to be with. I support all friendships. (He's not supposed to be in The Hobbit, guys, come on now) Trees are When it comes to crossovers, which I've already done one of at the moment, as long as the characters aren't terribly OOC or there's any strange pedophilia going on O.O Then you can pretty much do whatever you want and I'll read it, honestly. My story is Hermione/Peter, but I've seen some other crossovers from the same and different categories and they're fine. I also like SUPERNATURAL, STEVEN UNIVERSE, ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, AMERICAN HORROR STORY, Doctor Who, Pirates of the Caribbean, Inception, Once Upon A Time, Chronicles of Narnia, Avengers, and some other things I have yet to watch. I'm still on a Merlin hype though (this is actually true, because I just got super back into Merlin), and probably will be for a few bajillion more years, so I'll hold off on that. I honestly hate writing these profiles thingy-majiggers because I feel like I've never said exactly what I wanted to and I've only scratched the surface. EMPATHY IS A MOTHER SASSEN' EFFIN' TWO-FACED BACKSTABBING AIALKSNDLAKSBDLJABSDJABSLJDBAJSBDLA. (I believe that word you're looking for is "fucker", Abbie.) I hope you find this somewhat nonsensical. I really do love being an insane, mad, crazy, fun-loving, no sense making individual. I think, honestly, unless you talk to me personally, or meet me in the flesh, you won't seen too much of the full lunacy that is me and my brain. (Please do not attempt to risk your good nature by seeking me out in person) I'm kind of running out of some things to say. Because I hate writing personals. Sometimes I just wish that everyone knew me and exactly how I was feeling and such so I didn't have to strain myself trying to convey things to you. (Thank GOD) Some last things I think I'll put in this lonely white space. Hmmmmm. I'm afraid of grasshoppers, tornados, abandonment, gorey horror movies, hobos in my attic when I'm home alone, No one buy me an angel statue for my birthday, or I swear I will put you in a pit without electronics so you can never read or write Fanfiction again. Dear God, I'll never look at a cemetary the same way EVVYUUURR again. (Please stop) For now, I think that's about it. If I think of something in my long days of non-stop brain function (seriously, I don't think I ever just have a blank moment!) I'll put it here somewhere. Here's to good days and good readings. Love, BountyHunterGirl134 :) (I need to go lie down bye) |