AN: Yep, this is a series of original Mad Libs, featuring the characters, places, and events of Middle-Earth, as well as a whole bunch of other, somewhat unrelated randomness. I'm sure most (if not all) of you know how Mad Libs work, but in case you need a refresher...

Get a piece of paper and number it 1 through however many numbers are listed. Each number will have a part of speech assigned to it, and you must think of a word that matches that part of speech (the crazier, the better!). When you are finished, scroll down and read the short story, substituting your words for the appropriate numbers (careful, some numbers/words might repeat). The result should be a funny, wacky, or downright nonsensical story!

A brief description of the parts of speech I will use (feel free to skip this if you already know the parts of speech):

A noun is a person, place, or thing (but usually a thing). Ex: sword, shirt, badminton racquet. I will also use plural nouns frequently.

A verb is an action. Ex: run, snore, paint. I may also ask for a verb in past tense, or with a certain ending – such as -ing, -ed, etc. – so the story will make sense grammatically.

An adjective describes something. Ex: furry, small, obnoxious.

An adverb describes a verb (it usually ends in -ly). Ex: quickly, noisily, stupidly.

An exclamation or nonsense word is just that. Ex: yikes, gadzooks, oobleck.

A character is a character from Middle-Earth (duh). Ex: Aragorn, Gimli, Haldir. I may be more specific with this, such as asking for a male or female character.

A numberis self-explanatory. Ex: 2, 15, 5,235,643.466.

And some other specific things which will not need further explanation.

After each Mad Lib, I will include an example of a completed one, if anyone cares to read it. If not, that's fine.

That was way too long of an author's note. Sorry about that, the others will be much shorter!

Have fun Mad-Libbing!


1. character, male
2. character, female
3. animal
4. adjective
5. adjective
6. adjective
7. noun
8. number
9. adjective
10. adverb
11. adjective
12. noun
13. plural noun
14. liquid
15. adverb
16. exclamation
17. adjective
18. adjective
19. plural noun
20. another character
21. noun
22. plural noun
23. body part, plural
24. adjective
25. adverb
26. yet another character
27. verb
28. adverb
29. adjective



A Romantic Dinner

When _(1)_ asked _(2)_ out to a romantic dinner at the Prancing _(3)_, _(2)_ was _(4)_. She wanted to look _(5)_, so she put on her _(6)_ dress and favorite _(7)_.

Exactly _(8)_ minutes later, _(2)_ entered the restaurant and spotted _(1)_ already at a table. She sat down across from him.

"Good evening," _(1)_ said. "You look absolutely _(9)_."

"Thank you," _(2)_ replied _(10)_.

A waitress stopped at the table and listed the day's specials: _(11)_ stew or grilled _(12)_, each served with a side of _(13)_ and the restaurant's signature _(14)_. _(1)_ and _(2)_ placed their orders, and the food arrived _(15)_.

"_(16)_!" cried _(1)_ as he took a bite. "This food is _(17)_!" As the two of them ate, they discussed _(18)_ topics such as the restaurant's _(19)_, _(20)_'s new _(21)_, and _(22)_.

When the meal was finally over, _(1)_ looked deep into _(2)_'s _(23)_ and whispered, "I had a/an _(24)_ time." He kissed her _(25)_, and left.

As _(2)_ exited the restaurant, she ran into her friend _(26)_. He/She naturally wanted to _(27)_ all about the date, and asked _(2)_ how it went.

"Oh," _(2)_ replied _(28)_. "It was _(29)_."


My Example (with words provided by my sister)

When Legolas asked Éowyn out to a romantic dinner at the Prancing Pug Dog, Éowyn was feathery. She wanted to look loopy, so she put on her glittery dress and favorite sweatshirt.

Exactly 263,484 minutes later, Éowyn entered the restaurant and spotted Legolas already at a table. She sat down across from him.

"Good evening," Legolas said. "You look absolutely furry."

"Thank you," Éowyn replied smoothly.

A waitress stopped at the table and listed the day's specials: scaly stew or grilled yearbook, each served with a side of desks and the restaurant's signature seltzer water. Legolas and Éowyn placed their orders, and the food arrived swimmingly.

"Zoinks!" cried Legolas as he took a bite. "This food is coarse!" As the two of them ate, they discussed metallic topics such as the restaurant's lace doilies, Arwen's new sale rack, and sheets.

When the meal was finally over, Legolas looked deep into Éowyn's earlobes and whispered, "I had a slimy time." He kissed her roaringly, and left.

As Éowyn exited the restaurant, she ran into her friend Tom Bombadil. He naturally wanted to skip all about the date, and asked Éowyn how it went.

"Oh," Éowyn replied quietly. "It was damp."


AN: Well, that's Middle-Earth Mad Lib number one! Thanks for reading. If your Mad Lib turned out particularly funny, feel free to post the highlights in a review :D