![]() Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Name: itachigurlsaiyaku Age: like I'd ever tell you Sex: Female Nationality: Chinese-American Country: USA Fav Songs: Believe - folder5 Run - Dejavu Shunkan Sentimental - Scandal Jungle P - 5050 Share the World - Tohoshinki Stupid Racist People... A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him. The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." "When I was born I was black," "But you sir..." The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... Copy this onto your site and help stop racism! Funny snippets from fanfics (I do not own these fanfics) and other places: “Shit” Muttered Kiba under his breath “The stress MUST be getting to us, first Sasuke volunteers an opinion, and now Shino is talking. What’s next? Gaara hooking up with Tsunade-Sama?” “Actually” said Sakura “they’ve been seeing each other for months now.” Everybody’s jaws hit the floor except Sakura’s and Hinata’s. Hinata giggled for a moment before adding. “In an official capacity of course. Gaara is the new KazeKage,” After everyone had re-attached their lower jaws, kiba spoke up again. “So what now?” - The Day The Smile Slipped, by Manatheron - "I wanna see this Voldermort person!" Said Naruto loudly. "Shh!" Cried Ron. "You can't just go saying his name out loud!" Hermione flipped open the magazine and then handed it to Naruto and Sakura. "Holy shit!" Cried Naruto. "Its Orochimaru gone bald!" "Baka!" Said Sakura hitting Naruto in the head with the paper. "Its obviously not Orochimaru, but there are quite a few similarities..." "Humph" Said Naruto. "I suppose he's still a Hebi-teme anyway" - O W L S, by Sakurablossom009 - "Yeah. Well, at least he's not hell bent on getting bounty for killing, or another who sacrifices his victims to his god…" Deidara muttered. Elsewhere, two figures sneezed. "I'm catching a cold, Kazuku! Let me buy a new cloak!" "Shut up and look homeless; this way we can get food for free!" - Deep Red, by Pain au Chocolat - “Hello Paul,” she said. “I need you to do me a favor. Don’t worry you and I will have a drink after you get back.” “Where’s the delivery to?” “Konoha.” “Alright, permission to crap on the Uchiha when I see him?” “Granted.” With that, the bird took off and headed for Konoha. Then she had an ANBU get her family. - New Whirlpool Vol 1, by Arsao Tome - “Congratulations kid, you did it,” said Enma as the pair continued to fall. “Um . . . Enma-sama, we’re kind of falling to our deaths. Do you think you could save us both?” asked Naruto respectfully. Enma sighed, “Kid, you don’t have to ask. I follow your orders. That is the end of it.” “Fine then I order you to save my life before I go splat at the bottom of this chasm,” yelled Naruto as he got more nervous. - Change for the Better, by MaxFic - InuYasha pointed to the closest tree, a good twenty feet away, and angrily accused, "That tree attacked me!" Kouga stared at him dumbfounded and said slowly, as if he hadn't heard right, "The tree...attacked you? Did I kick you that hard?" "NO!" InuYasha bellowed. "I'm telling you, that tree attacked me!" He pointed at the tree again, hand shaking in anger. Kouga just waved dismissivly. "Yeah, sure." He turned his back on InuYasha and began, "Now where's...Ouch!!" He whirled around angrily to face the silver-haired hanyou with an attitude problem. "What'd ya do that for!?" A nut had just sailed through the air and smacked Kouga in the back of the head. InuYasha's got an almost innocent 'I-told-you-so' look and pointed at the tree again. "Oh like I believe the tree is attacking us!" Kouga yelled. "You hit me!! In the back of the head! Coward!! OUCH!!" Another nut hit Kouga, this time in the butt causing him to jump. Kouga narrowed his eyes at InuYasha and said, "Wait a minute. I was looking at you that time. You really didn't do it." "That's what I said!" InuYasha returned as if it were obvious the tree did it. - Kitsune Delight, by Mistress Nika - “…Pharaoh…?” “What?” Ruby looked up. “You ever considered a job as a maid?” The remark earned a scowl. “Yugi’s a neat-freak teacher. In everything else, he’s content to leave a mess, but Ra-forbid he should have an untidy classroom…” “Scholarly mess…tidy at work, chaos everywhere else. Some people are just like that…” Bakura shrugged. “Ryou’s a compulsive cleaner – I swear he’s neurotic over it.” Yami laughed. “I know.” “Hmm…but you don’t have to live with him.” The albino sighed melodramatically. “I swear, sometimes it’s like living with a mop instead of a human; I probably see more of that than I do Ryou.” “Yes… I can see it now…the reincarnation of Touzoku Ou Bakura is a sponge on a stick.” Yami smirked. “I suppose it explains the hair.” “HEY!” - With a wave of the wand, by Shadow over Egypt - “Al?” “Yes?” “I wouldn’t ever really change your armour into a dress.” “I know.” “You need it to keep all your squishy bits protected when you’re off being noble and slaying foul beasts and saving peasant villages.” “I appreciate your concern for my squishy bits,” Alphonse responded, dryly. “Besides…the Princess made me this,” he muttered, flushing bright red beneath his helmet. - The Wizard and the Wyrm, by Demus - A door opened off to the side, and a man stepped out, a file in his hand. He had sharp dark eyes, jet-black hair, and a smirk on his face as he looked up. “Well, Fullmetal, it’s about ti—“ he stopped abruptly, shock crossing his features as spotted the blonde. He dropped the file he was carrying as he openly gawked at the blonde. Edward’s dark mood instantly vanished, and he folded his arms, obviously gloating about the man’s surprise. “What’s wrong, General Bastard?” he mocked, walking up to the man. They were standing eye-to-eye. “Am I too tall for you?” “You grew,” Mustang said faintly, still openly gaping. “Obviously,” Ed said wickedly, grinning. Mustang fainted. Edward’s grin only grew. - A Novus Orsa, by D3athrav3n92 - “Oh my god, sex just walked through the door.” - The Tall and Short of It, by Rayne-kun “GIMME BACK MY DONUT!” a shrill scream broke their silence. “It’s my donut now, Fullmetal!” another yell broke the silence. “YOU BASTARD!” BOOM Both Mustang and Edward came rushing into the room, Roy holding a donut well above Edward’s head who was desperately trying to grab it. “You’re not getting this donut as punishment for making us late for work!” Roy growled. “I made us late?! You’re the one who overslept! I should never have stayed the night at your house!” Edward snarled, leaping up for his donut and missing it by a few inches when Roy jerked away. “If you hadn’t insisted on staying up so late!” Roy growled back, stopping himself as he realized that they were in the office. “Then I would have remembered to set my alarm clock!” “Bullshit! I had nothing to do with it! Ah-ha!” Edward cried, finally grabbing the donut. He then ran into Roy’s office with it, quickly devouring his prize. “Get back here!” Roy bellowed, running in after the blonde, slamming the door behind him. The two of them never knew that they left an entire room full of stunned people with the exception of one. Pinako stood up and began to walk towards the door. “I told you the boy would be just fine once he had some time to himself. Now come along Al, Winry, we have some shopping to do.” - Secrets of the King of Chimeras, by vampirebabe - "You look awesome, Luffy!" - Sanji "I don't even recognize him." - Zoro Episode 217, English subbed "So let's look for a guy like this." - Luffy "If that exists, I'll run away." - Usopp "M-me too. If I can find a boat, I'll escape to sea." - Sanji Episode 229, English subbed "Zoro, next time I'll try to make a medicine. A medicine for hopeless idiots." - Chopper "Hopeless idiots? Oi . . ." - Zoro "Chopper . . ." - Nami "Robin-chaaaaaan! I'm coming right now!" - Sanji " . . . make sure it works for that one too." - Nami "Okay, understood." - Chopper Episode 273, English subbed "What kind of animal is this?!" - Buggy "Let's be sure not to let him out." - Mr. 3 Episode 432, English subbed |