Reviews for Truths and Legends
evergreen-icy chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
This is fantastic.
RubyOokami chapter 23 . 8/21/2011
Okay, even though you wrote this story a couple of years ago, I think that you would love to see a reveiw, especially long ones. I dont normally reveiw stories unless A) it is EXTREMELY well written, B) the plot is so fantastic that I cant wait for the next chapter, and lastly C) the story is one of those rare stories that fill me with such emotion, I just can't help but praise.

And guess what, you fit into all three catagories! yay~! Im sorry to say that I am a perfectionist, and CANNOT read work if there is even a SINGLE error (I know, I know, don't look at me like that...) and I have to say, I don't think I saw any errors...

Good on ya!

and the plot ... its so unique! I love it when authors think of something on their ownsome, it makes me proud ... for a really wierd reason :?

and lastly, but not least, there was this weird feeling I had in my gut the whole time I was reading this that told my brain "Don't stop reading, must not stop reading", and I say congrats to you, because it takes an exceptional author to do that (I think I've only ever read four or five others who did out of the entire FF I have seen so far ... and trust me, that is a lot)

I'm terribly sorry, but here comes the "constructive" critacism ( everyone, que BOOO-ing); maybe, for your next stories, you could make the chapters longer? I personally don't mind how long it takes you to make them longer, but still...

And you need to remember, that each character has a speech pattern, and it is up to the authors of FF to remember that, so I guess what I'm trying to say is that some (NOT ALL) characters where a little OOC? I'm just saying ...

But anyway, to wrap things up, I just want to say that you have a fantastic story, I loved it and i will definatly be passing this around my real-life friends.

Be proud of yourself, your story and all your hard work.

I am.

Love, the Elusive Ochibi-chan ;)

PS, I'm adding this to my favourites. I'm just saying ...
in-silent-seas chapter 23 . 6/23/2011
This story took me a total of two days to read. Not two days exactly, but a couple hours each day. I really liked this story. The plotline, the mystery, everything. It just worked. :D

Good job! x3


PS: Does Ed have automail? I know the stories over, but its something I was wondering while reading this.
Kizuna114 chapter 23 . 1/5/2011
And now we get to a chapter that reminds me a lot of the anime...the laws too. I actually find it cool that stuff from the anime is in here. Anyway, this was a awesome story, good job!
Kizuna114 chapter 22 . 1/5/2011
It all makes sense now! I wonder why Mustang liked alchemy...
Kizuna114 chapter 13 . 1/5/2011
I like this story. It's probally the BEST mystery story I've read on . And you keep mentioning stuff in the story that reminds me of the anime.
Shinzochi chapter 22 . 12/19/2009
i am just now looking at this and saving it to my comp so that i can read it beings i currently don't have net at home so i'm gonna read it all in one go that i have been able to save and i look forward to reading it cause you are an AWESOME writer and with as awesome as your Escaping Yesterday and Finding Tomorrow fics were i am sure that this fic will be just as if not more awesome (_)
rotten little rat chapter 23 . 11/24/2009
This is an AWESOME story... You made my day a lot more exciting.. ! Thanx for writing it and do more!
Turtle Kid the Woolgatherer chapter 23 . 11/4/2009
Firstly, I really enjoyed this story. I had no idea what was going on, and that made me very happy.

Secondly, there was something that changed partway through the story-the first time Elicia is mentioned, she's five. But then she's suddenly three. (Also, the investigator group already solved a case in Xenotime-it's mentioned in the first chapter. Yet at the end, Roy mentiones a "little place called Xenotine that sounded interesting," acting like he's never been there before.)

Thanks for writing! I had a wonderful time reading!
LightDarkandChaos chapter 23 . 10/21/2009
Wonderful story. I love a good, well written AU fic, and this... is just awesome. Congratulations on writing such a great story!
IllusionOfAghony chapter 23 . 8/24/2009
LOVED IT. so good, good enough that it was a can't put down! I was a alittle worried when you said the Elric Brothers were dead and then Roy and that figured out that they were i was full like Phu!
Griselda Banks chapter 23 . 8/1/2009
Sorry I didn't review earlier, but I guess I was waiting for the final chapter. I really liked this whole fic; it was engrossing and exciting, and I could never quite see around the next bend. But whenever new things came to light, they were always explained thoroughly. As a mystery, I think this was very successful! Good job!
Zenna95 chapter 10 . 7/30/2009
Hey, first off- great job with the story. Haven't finished reading it yet, but so far, it's absolutely amazing.

Second off- I remember Karin! Although at the time I thought her name was Corinne- which is eerily close to my own name... maybe it was because we had just watched the 'Lydia' episode (one of my sisters' names is Lydia) and I was being paranoid, but whatever
Ms. Ely Sium chapter 23 . 7/25/2009
This can't end now, right?

I want more! D:
moonray9 chapter 23 . 7/24/2009
This was an AMAZING story! It was really great! I absolutely loved it! Great work!
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