Author has written 21 stories for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Misc. Movies, 21 Jump Street, Casanova, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, Sailor Moon, Sleepy Hollow, and Superman. I'm a twenty one year-old female. I am from England. I love to read and write, and check out the latest fanfiction sites. I also go under the name JCL_Tennat-Piper_1985 on . I read fandoms: Charlie and the chocolate factory, Once upon a time in Mexico, Harry Potter, Corpse Bride, 21 Jump Street, Sleepy Hollow, Cry-Baby, Smallville, Superman the new adventures of Lois and Clark, The princess diaries, Queer as folk, Buffy, Angel, Star wars, Pirates of the Carribbean, Doctor Who, Sailor Moon, Torchwood, X-Men, Superman Returns. I write for fandoms Charlie and the chocolate factory, Once upon a time in Mexico, Harry Potter, Star wars, Cry-Baby, real person slash (Johnny Depp in particular), Queer as folk, Doctor who, Casanova, 21 Jump Street, X-Men, Superman Returns. My favourite pairings that I like to read about are: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Sirius, Harry/Remu, Harry/Draco, Hermione/Barty, Hermione/Sirius, Hermione/Remus. Hermione/Severus Hermione with Fred or George, James/Lily, James/Sirius, James/Remus, James/Severus, Ron/Sirius, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Blaise, Sirius/Severus, Ginny/Sirius, Ginny/Remus Ginny/James. Charlie/Willy, Willy/OC Violet/Mike. Clark/Chloe, Clark/Lois, Clark/Lex. Ichabod/Katrina. Jack/Will, Jack/Elizabeth, Jack/Norrington, Jack/OC. Brian/Justin. Victor/Emily. Sands/El, Sands/OC. Buffy/Spike, Spike/Dawn, Spike Angel, Angelus Willow/Angel/Angelus, Dawn/Angel/Angelus. Anakin/Obi-wan. Micheal/Mia. Cry-Baby/Allison. Hanson/Hoffs, Hanson/any slash pairing. Tenth Doctor/Rose Darien/Serena, Minako/Yaten. Marie/Scott Scott/Logan. Jack/Gwen. Clark/Superman/Richard Clark/Superman/Lois. Pairings I write about: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Remus, Sirius/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Blaise, Hermione/Ginny Hermione/Barty, Ginny/Sirius,James/Lily. Willy/Charlie, Violet/Mike. Sands/OC. Anakin/Obi-wan. Cry-Baby/Allison. Brian/Justin. Johnny Depp/Christina Ricci, Orlando Bloom/Keira Knightly, David Tennant/Billie Piper, Christopher Eccleston/Kate Winslet. Scott/Marie Logan/Jean. Clark/Superman/Richard Clark/Superman/Lois. I like actors: Johnny Depp, Hayden Christensen, Gale Harold, Leonardo Dicaprio, Ewan McGregor, Johnathan Rhys Myers, Freddie Highmoore (I do not fancy him, even if he is a little cutie, far to young for me. But he is a good actor through), Jet Li, Edward Furlong, Gary Oldman, Daniel Radcliffe, David Thewlis, James Masters, Orlando Bloom, David Tennant(Tenth doctor. He is hot. And that accent is sexy.) Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor.) James Marsden. Brandon Routh. I like actresses: Kate Winslet, Claire Danes, Nicole Kidman, Keira Knightly, Renee Zellweger, Drew Barrymore, Sara Michelle Gellar, Allison Hannigan, Natalie Portman, Billie Piper. My Charlie and the chocolate factory and Cry-Baby Yahoo group.Http:///group/Cry-Baby_WillyWonka_CharlieBucket_Allison My other e-mail address is: My journal I have changed my penname, from Tenth-Doctors-Rose to JCL-Tennant-Piper-1985. So just in case anyone was thinking someone had taken my stories and tried to pass them off as their own, I have changed my penname. I figured it was time for a change. http:///story.php?no=600090103&chapter=10 The link to chapter ten of my story My husband and my best friend. It is a more adult version and is longer by about two and a half pages. |
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