AN: Is the next day fast enough :D I'm very proud of myself! Enjoy.
Darien spent the morning pacing and thinking while Serena stayed locked in her room and finally he came to a decision.
"Serena I think you should leave." Darien said leaning against the wall.
"What?" Serena yelled throwing open her door. Well that was one way to get her to open up.
"You need to move out."
"First off I singed a lease, secondly I have nowhere else to go. And why should I suffer because you're a stubborn imbecile!"
"You were purposely trying to make me jealous." Darien chided gently.
"I think it worked a little to well." Serena muttered crossing her arms under her breast and pouting. Darien chuckled quietly and leaned forward.
"That it did. It's not fair for me to tell you who you can date, I'm not you father as you are so found of pointing out." Serena raised a brow not sure where Darien was going with this. "Obviously our current arrangement isn't working out and it certainly isn't fair for me to say that we can't date but you can't date anyone else either."
"I'm glad you agree." Darien said with a smile and turned to leave. Serena felt as though she'd missed something important.
"Umm what exactly did I agree too?" She asked uneasily, if he thought she was moving out well he could think again!
"Dinner with me." He threw cockily over his shoulder.
"I thought you wanted me to leave?" She leaned against the doorframe with a satisfied smile.
"I lied to get you to open the door." Serena shook her head and went back into her room and proceeded to fall onto her bed with a huge smile of utter delight.
Serena stepped out of her room when Darien knocked and took in the sight that greeted her with a small smile. Darien had taken a small round table and covered it with a cream colored table cloth, there were two candles and a single blood red rose in a vase and petals scattered everywhere.
"You cooked?" Serena raised a brow turning to look at him.
"I ordered Chinese." His smile broadened. "Will this do as an apology for my idiocy?"
"It'll do, but there is that little matter of Liam and the club you have to make up for."
"I'm sure I'll think of something." He murmured leaning down.
"Mmm I'm sure you will." Darien ran a hand up the back of her arm until he cradled the back of her head. And she shuddered at the tickling sensation and wrapped one arm around his neck for balance as she raised up on her toes. He lowered his face to hers kissing her softly. She opened her mouth to the flick of his tongue, and his other hand slipped around her waist and lifted her against him. He kissed her as if he would eat her from the mouth down. Finally they pulled apart gasping for breath. Darien rested his head against her forehead.
"If we do this we go slow Serena." He murmured still slightly out of breath.
"Riiight slow." Serena smiled and leaned into him closing the distance once more.
AN: Tada the END did you like? For some reason I don't think Serena is going to let poor Darien take things slow lol anyways I'm currently working on my next fic so hopefully you'll enjoy it too :D
Should I write an epilog... maybe a bit of smut?