Thank you to those who reviewed. YAY! 101 reviews!!! I am in the triple
numbers!! YAHOO! Thank you to -
Serena71 - you sound very hyped up!! Just like me!! I just saw Grease the musical!! Maybe its time for sleep.......
Neo-Princess Selenity - thank you! I'm sending a hug in spirit for advertising for me!!
Ellen - I'm glad you did! ^-^!
Pyro*Chic - you're so sweet! Three reviews!! One day your Jadeite will come and sweep you off your feet!! Or put spiders down your back.... ;)
Ravenfeathers587 - thank you! I appreciate it. Your nick is very interesting; did you know that ravens are warnings of dire circumstances?
Thank you all! And now...........
Laughter rang throughout the Grand Hall that evening, Queen Serenity beamed down at the girls she had known since they were children. Her own daughter was happy, gazing fondly at her husband, Serenity was very glad that her daughter found happiness.
There had been a tearful reunion that morning filled with many hugs and kisses as the Senshi had welcomed the Generals after a two month absence. And the Queen was content that they too had found joy in their lives.
'A toast,' she said holding her glass up, 'to love,' the girls all smiled, 'to happiness and to peace!' They all cheered and applauded. 'To be young and in love again,' thought the Queen as she left them to their celebrating.
A while after the Queen had retired; Mina took it as her duty to be the first. She stood up and the Senshi immediately looked at her. The Generals sensing importance, silenced.
'This morning,' she announced happily. Ami, Lita and Raye all laughed while Serena grinned at the confusion of the Generals. The Prince had no idea what was going on.
Lita stood up then, 'Last month, he came to visit.' She declared. Mina's eyes widened but she gracefully admitted defeat. Lita looked at Ami next but she gently shook her head.
At this gesture, Raye bounced up with a smug smile. 'You?' asked Mina in disbelief. Raye nodded. 'On the day we left Earth!' she revealed, positively beaming.
'No fair!' cried Lita. 'You had already won from the beginning!'
But Raye did not hear her. She had leaped up into the air. 'I win! I win!' she sang and began her victory dance. A remarkably similar one to Jadeites', everyone noticed. In fact right down to the swaying hips and the pumping fists, it was outright mockery.
Mina grumbled about cheating hellcats but she withdrew a gold coin from her purse and tossed it at Raye. The others followed suit, which she deftly caught while spinning.
Jadeite's jaw hung open. In fact, all the Generals were slightly pale. Serena was grinning evilly.
'Would you care to explain what is going on?' questioned Darien of his wife. Serena shook her head; she was not going to ruin this joke.
'It was for a bet,' said Ami casually, glancing at Zoicite to see his shocked expression. Ami fought an urge to either laugh or throw herself at the stunned General.
'Ah, no one can defeat Raye, ensnarer of men.' She said arrogantly. 'She is going to be unbearable now,' groaned Lita, rolling her eyes. 'More than she was anyway.' Added Mina for good measure. Not one of the Generals seemed to have collected their wits; Darien wisely decided to stay out of it.
'Hey, you win some, you lose some,' commented Serena giving her husband a look. Darien tweaked her hair, remembering that night.
'And what was the nature of this bet?' asked Nephrite. The men glanced at each other, piecing the words together. They knew.
'Come my little fiancé,' said Raye pulling Jadeite out of his seat. 'Let us go celebrate my winning.'
Jadeite glanced apologetically at the room before he left. 'Maybe I should have waited,' he muttered.
Mina glanced down at her own hands, admiring the ring that was given to her that morning. 'Let us do our own celebrating,' she whispered to Malachite and they too left the room.
Nephrite and Lita had left to admire the stars from the highest tower.
Ami looked at Zoicite shyly. 'I didn't want to force you,' she muttered. Zoicite laughed. 'I have a gift for you,' he said and drew her out on the balcony.
Serena and Darien laughed as they all disappeared. 'Wait till I announce what is coming,' giggled Serena, caressing her belly where she knew an unborn child grew. Darien placed his hand atop hers. 'We can celebrate too.' He said and they both smiled.
Outside the stars shone bright as an owl gave a single hoot, all was well.
THE END!!!! I couldn't have finished it without all the reviews encouraging me!! Thank you!
There will be no sequel as to me; their lives ended there, in happiness. I don't want to create further turmoil in their lives and I do not want to write of the next generation.
I do have another General/Senshi fic and it does not involve Serena/Darien, or perhaps only in minor roles. It is called Unexpected Opportunities. Still trying to decide basic plot.......
Thanks again! ^-^!
Serena71 - you sound very hyped up!! Just like me!! I just saw Grease the musical!! Maybe its time for sleep.......
Neo-Princess Selenity - thank you! I'm sending a hug in spirit for advertising for me!!
Ellen - I'm glad you did! ^-^!
Pyro*Chic - you're so sweet! Three reviews!! One day your Jadeite will come and sweep you off your feet!! Or put spiders down your back.... ;)
Ravenfeathers587 - thank you! I appreciate it. Your nick is very interesting; did you know that ravens are warnings of dire circumstances?
Thank you all! And now...........
Laughter rang throughout the Grand Hall that evening, Queen Serenity beamed down at the girls she had known since they were children. Her own daughter was happy, gazing fondly at her husband, Serenity was very glad that her daughter found happiness.
There had been a tearful reunion that morning filled with many hugs and kisses as the Senshi had welcomed the Generals after a two month absence. And the Queen was content that they too had found joy in their lives.
'A toast,' she said holding her glass up, 'to love,' the girls all smiled, 'to happiness and to peace!' They all cheered and applauded. 'To be young and in love again,' thought the Queen as she left them to their celebrating.
A while after the Queen had retired; Mina took it as her duty to be the first. She stood up and the Senshi immediately looked at her. The Generals sensing importance, silenced.
'This morning,' she announced happily. Ami, Lita and Raye all laughed while Serena grinned at the confusion of the Generals. The Prince had no idea what was going on.
Lita stood up then, 'Last month, he came to visit.' She declared. Mina's eyes widened but she gracefully admitted defeat. Lita looked at Ami next but she gently shook her head.
At this gesture, Raye bounced up with a smug smile. 'You?' asked Mina in disbelief. Raye nodded. 'On the day we left Earth!' she revealed, positively beaming.
'No fair!' cried Lita. 'You had already won from the beginning!'
But Raye did not hear her. She had leaped up into the air. 'I win! I win!' she sang and began her victory dance. A remarkably similar one to Jadeites', everyone noticed. In fact right down to the swaying hips and the pumping fists, it was outright mockery.
Mina grumbled about cheating hellcats but she withdrew a gold coin from her purse and tossed it at Raye. The others followed suit, which she deftly caught while spinning.
Jadeite's jaw hung open. In fact, all the Generals were slightly pale. Serena was grinning evilly.
'Would you care to explain what is going on?' questioned Darien of his wife. Serena shook her head; she was not going to ruin this joke.
'It was for a bet,' said Ami casually, glancing at Zoicite to see his shocked expression. Ami fought an urge to either laugh or throw herself at the stunned General.
'Ah, no one can defeat Raye, ensnarer of men.' She said arrogantly. 'She is going to be unbearable now,' groaned Lita, rolling her eyes. 'More than she was anyway.' Added Mina for good measure. Not one of the Generals seemed to have collected their wits; Darien wisely decided to stay out of it.
'Hey, you win some, you lose some,' commented Serena giving her husband a look. Darien tweaked her hair, remembering that night.
'And what was the nature of this bet?' asked Nephrite. The men glanced at each other, piecing the words together. They knew.
'Come my little fiancé,' said Raye pulling Jadeite out of his seat. 'Let us go celebrate my winning.'
Jadeite glanced apologetically at the room before he left. 'Maybe I should have waited,' he muttered.
Mina glanced down at her own hands, admiring the ring that was given to her that morning. 'Let us do our own celebrating,' she whispered to Malachite and they too left the room.
Nephrite and Lita had left to admire the stars from the highest tower.
Ami looked at Zoicite shyly. 'I didn't want to force you,' she muttered. Zoicite laughed. 'I have a gift for you,' he said and drew her out on the balcony.
Serena and Darien laughed as they all disappeared. 'Wait till I announce what is coming,' giggled Serena, caressing her belly where she knew an unborn child grew. Darien placed his hand atop hers. 'We can celebrate too.' He said and they both smiled.
Outside the stars shone bright as an owl gave a single hoot, all was well.
THE END!!!! I couldn't have finished it without all the reviews encouraging me!! Thank you!
There will be no sequel as to me; their lives ended there, in happiness. I don't want to create further turmoil in their lives and I do not want to write of the next generation.
I do have another General/Senshi fic and it does not involve Serena/Darien, or perhaps only in minor roles. It is called Unexpected Opportunities. Still trying to decide basic plot.......
Thanks again! ^-^!