Spoils Of War

Disclaimer: This is the last chapter and I still don't own anything.

Chapter 14: Lifetimes To Live

Year – 2010: Iloilo City, Philippines

Serena ordered a McDonald happy meal and went to sit at one of the tables facing the busy streets outside. She played with the toy that went with the meal with acute interest. Somebody spilled a drink a table away from her. She looked up slightly and placed the toy back its box.

She stared at the useless map lying beside her uneaten cheeseburger. Her backpack slung on the empty chair beside her began to ring and vibrate. Her hand automatically went to the special pocket of her pack where she placed her cell phone.

"Hello? Mom? I'm fine. Really, I am."

Thousands of miles away in another continent, Ilene smiled with a grimace. Sue her for being the over-protective mother. "Maybe I should've called your Uncle. He would've been more than happy to drive you around so you won't get lost."

"Mom, I'm turning 26 next month." Serena spoke with patience. Besides, what can her mother do? She was already here with an ocean separating them. "Listen, I have to go. I'll call you later. Sure, I'll take care. And if I need anything I won't hesitate to call Aunt Les."

Born with mixed heritage, Serena got most of her looks from her father's side of the family. She was a foreigner through and through with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Though her height was just average back home, she was a good foot taller than the average people in the vicinity.

She was once more studying the map with consternation that the man had to clear his throat twice before she noticed him.

"Hello. Would you mind if I shared the table with you? If you're alone that is."

It was at the tip of her mouth to refuse him but that was before she looked at him and felt her heart beat strangely faster. Serena glanced around and found all other tables occupied. She shrugged and moved her backpack to the floor.

The man was a foreigner like her and seemed to be of the same age, perhaps a year older or two. "Thanks." He gave her a smile. She smiled back cautiously and went back to reading her map.

"Can I be of any help?" He asked indicating towards the map.

Serena's brows winged up surprised. "That would be good. I'm trying to go to this place." She took out a piece of paper from the pockets of her jeans and handed it to him. "I can't find it in the map." She admitted.

"What a coincidence. I'm going to that place too. Why don't we go together?"

"Do you know how to get there?" She asked looking at him with caution.

"I'm a great map reader." He gave her a confident smile.

An hour later, "We're lost." She made the remark flatly as she glanced around. They had arrived at the neglected part of the city that was nearly deserted.

Darien gave her a rueful grin. He had been so busy charming her with stories that he forgot to check the map. She was such an avid listener that he had been telling her about his love of travel. How he was always wandering looking for something that he can never find.

"Maybe we can catch a cab."

She gave him a sour look and made a face. She hailed a taxi and spoke fluent Tagalog as she gave instructions back to her hotel.

"I'm sorry." He spoke beside her.

She glanced at him. "For leading me in circles? You're a worst map reader than I am." She said wryly.

"Maybe I can take you out to dinner?" He suggested. "As compensation." He added quickly.

Serena laughed. "I didn't know that I was much of a charming companion. From all of your travels and all of the people you meet, I think I pale in comparison. I don't think I'd be worth a paragraph in that book you wanted to write of interesting people."

"Please?" He asked with a rakish grin and a hopeful voice.

"Fine." She agreed giving him an amused look. "See you at 7."

He was on his way back to his hotel when he realized that he didn't know where she was staying. The taxi driver was helpful enough after he had finished explaining what he wanted, that took 20 minutes. He gave him a large tip afterwards.

Over dinner, he had got her laughing so hard with his words as though he was tickling her. After her laughter subsided, she daintily wiped her mouth with the napkin. Sweet slow music began to fill the room and couples were drawn towards the dance floor.

Arms wrapped around each other two songs later, Darien murmured into her ear. "Remember how I said I was always looking for something…?" She made a sound like 'hmmm.' He tightened his arms around her. "Well, I think I found it."

He was such a charmer! But when she lifted her eyes to meet his, they were sober. He was looking at her as though she was the only thing that existed in his universe.They stopped dancing though the music hadn't yet stopped.

"Yesterday, I would've said this was ridiculously corny." She spoke giving him an honest look trying to separate herself from the rush of emotions that were drowning her. "I can't believe I'm participating in this mushy scene of romance and I don't feel like puking."

He chuckled, understanding her.

He led her outside to the night where a full moon was waiting to greet them. They were standing beside the pool. Serena gazed at her reflection. Darien didn't bother; he was too busy looking at her.

"I don't understand." Her breath became husky, her eyes luminous. "I…this is all so bizarre." She mumbled. "As though my heart belongs to you… in just one afternoon." She looked at him.

"Not only your heart… your mind…your body…all of you." He whispered possessively arms around her nuzzling her neck.

She was suddenly feeling too hot...confused...out of her mind. If she had been her normal self, she would've pushed him away and laughed at his face. But it all clicked together. As though it all made sense somehow. She looked into his eyes and her breath caught.

"You belong to me Serenity. In every life that we lived, you always have." He stated solemnly.

Images of a life in Peru, Egypt, Italy, England, North America, Thailand…different faces yet their souls recognized each other. Finally, their first life in Ancient Greece… She saw him die, for her…

"The gods have gifted us to meet in every life." She spoke realizing. Tears threatened to overcome as for a single moment she began to remember, everything…

"I love you." He said simply.

"And, I you." She whispered kissing him then.

They were pulled back to the present then. They were still kissing.

"You know, I remember everything…" She said with a thought.

Darien shrugged. "I don't know what's different this time. We were only supposed to get a single moment to remember during our first meeting."

"It doesn't matter." She said quickly.

A smile began to form in his face. "Hey, you were a gypsy dancer in Arabia. Maybe you can dance…for me." He grinned suggestively.

She scowled. "I did dance for you. And every time I didn't wiggle my hips right you made me lose a strip of clothing." She fumed at the memory.

He laughed. "C'mon, you were enjoying it. How about you dance for me tonight?" He asked as his hands traveled with familiarity over her body.

They went inside eager to get home. He called for the check. As he slipped his hand to his back pocket he found nothing. A dreaded though occurred to him. He groaned mentally. He had been trying on every pants, slacks and trousers he wore that he forgot to transfer his wallet to his final choice.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Well they were soulmates…maybe she wouldn't mind." He thought wincing.

She chuckled when he told her. She laughed when he told her the reason. Good-naturedly, she threatened him. "tsk, I'm going to extract payment for this later." She said eyes still laughing.

He promised her profusely. She held out a hand and whispered what kind of payment she wanted. A tinge of red crept up his face but he slowly smiled. "Count on it."

Hours later, naked and satiated Darien rolled to his back taking her with him. She was sprawled on top of him, contented, breathing in the scent of him. He kissed her and kept caressing her back lingeringly, murmuring soft words.

Abruptly, Serena remembered something. "Can I use your phone?" She asked softly, not wanting to disturb the comfy silence. He helped her up and placed her sitting comfortably on his lap. She leaned against him as the phone rang on the other line waiting to be picked up.


"Serena! You called a bit later than usual. Has something happened?" Her mother asked worriedly.

Serena chuckled. "Mom, I'm getting married."

"…" Her mother dropped the phone as she leaned back on the wall in shock. Her daughter was getting married!

After word:

Thank you for reading this. I'm relieved that this is finished. Feel free to comment on what should be improved and if you have any questions I'll get back to you.

This was inspired by a movie based on the Iliad. They fast-forwarded it when we watched it so I didn't catch the title. But if you watched Troy, there was a reference there on the spoils of war. I've been updating faster than usual, probably because I was inspired when I watched Troy, and because classes start for me on June and I wanted to finish it before then.

Again, thanks to all especially to those who've been reviewing this story…