While everyone was expecting it to happen eventually, no one expected
it to happen so soon. That's right, after 3 months away Logan came home.
Marie was waiting for him to come home for so long, that she got so excited, and rushed into his arms when she saw him. "I'm so glad your home, I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too kid, I told you I'd come back for you, right."
Marie knew what he meant when he handed her those tags. He was giving her room to grow a little and trying to find out who he was in the mean time. The tags he'd be back for, but he'd also, more importantly be back for her. She was going to be his. They both knew that, at that moment he made it perfectly clear to them both.
Logan tilted his neck making it crack and stretched until his back did the same. It had been a damn long ride and he'd only stopped for gas the whole way. However his 3 day journey did lead him to the only home he'd ever really considered a home, and to his Marie.
"Wow sugah, you're starting to sound like an old man." she giggled.
He growled at her playfully.
"There is so much I have to catch you up on!" He shrugged and threw his bag over his shoulder once again, before nodding to the stairs and following her.
They went up to her room and she gave the tags back, he took them without question, sliding them over his head. Then he lay on her bed as she ran through an endless book of things that had happened while he was gone.
A little while later, Jean came to the door and opened it slightly knowing Logan was there from her telepathically scanned of the grounds. She went up under the ruse' that she was getting Rogue for dinner.
Marie turned toward the door hesitantly and Logan's eyes shot to the door as he watched Jean. "Uhh... yeah?"
She leaned in enough to present a generous visual of her exposed cleavage and, as Marie watched, Logan ran his eyes over her body. He seemed to forget all the things he'd said earlier. Marie looked back to Jean, not wanting to watch Logan's wandering eyes.
"You coming to din... Oh hello Logan, Charles told me you were back." She opened the door wider and stepped in as Marie quietly sat at her desk watching in horror as Jean and Logan talked as if she wasn't even in the room. "How did your search go?"
"Didn't find much of anything. Pretty much a dead end." His eyes watched her closely and attentively, "How are you and the Boy Scout, Red?" "Oh, well ... Scott and I are ... well we've put back the wedding date." she said seductively.
Rogue's eyes widened. That isn't what she heard, she heard that Scott was pushing for an EARLIER date. She turned and watched for Logan's response in dread.
"That's to bad Jeannie, maybe we can talk about it later... I could beat him up if ya like."
Jean giggled, "Oh, Logan. I don't want you to hurt Scott...but having someone to talk to might be nice."
"You got it Red."
Jean blushed and left leaving the door open as she walked away. After she was out of sight Logan jumped up. "Ready to eat, kid?"
'Kid... she was back to kid. Maybe she didn't have him at all.' That thought hurt so bad that she discarded it immediately.
"Uhh sure. If you want... " She stuttered sadly.
Logan noticed her hesitation. "Hey Marie, you know who I want is you, right."
She looked down but said nothing. He used her hair to lift her chin. "I'm serious." He used her scarf to pull over her lips and kissed her.
Marie sighed in wonder; her second kiss was so much better than her first.
She nodded "Your rahght, I'm just being silly."
"That's right..." he nudged her to the door, "Common kid."
After dinner he went into the professor's office to talk about what he'd found, or lack thereof. After spending the whole dinner tiptoeing around Jean and staring at her. Which she gladly returned his intense looks. Dinner finally wound to an end, leaving Scott and Rogue nervous and unsure.
For the first time, in a long time, she wondered if Logan had been telling the truth when he told Jean about her having his heart. Logan had told her that he just wanted to get laid, as he so crassly put it, and would have said anything right then to get it. He said that he was sorry over and over ... but did that really mean he was telling her the truth. What she had seen so far, said he was lying.
She pushed the thoughts away as she lay in bed staring at the ceiling and willing herself to sleep. Hoping the next day would be better.
Late that night though, Logan crawled into her bed, he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her awake. "Baby, wake up."
In her sleepy state she didn't notice the smell at first, as he started pawing at her, cupping her breasts and kissing her neck through her hair. She thought it was her dream come true. Yet when she tried to turn to face him, he held her turned away from him.
The smell finally hit her...he was drunk. It had to take a lot to get him drunk with his healing factor. He rubbed himself against her a few times then bit her neck as he bucked hard, groaning words she couldn't make out against her throat. He promptly fell asleep after.
It was a long time till she went to sleep.
When she woke up, he was gone. She was almost thankful. So when she didn't see Logan in the morning and Scott, who had looked so sad, asked her if she wanted to go on a ride. Who was she to refuse those pout lips? Besides she needed to get away for a while anyway. So they jumped in Scott's new car and drove off to the city. Scott surprised her a little when he pulled up to a bar, Dolphin's Tavern.
He glanced over and caught the look, "Don't get any idea's, were here to play pool."
She smirked and shrugged, not quite agreeing with that, but not arguing either.
They walked in and Rogue looked around. She smiled widely when she saw the bar tender. He had wings... apparently this was a mutant friendly bar. She giggled at her deduction and the cause of her final opinion. 'Hey,' she thought 'the wings were cool. Wonder if can actually fly with them.'
Scott shook her out of her thoughts when he handed her a cue stick, "Ready to get you butt whipped?"
She smirked, opening up, for the first time that day. Determined to actually have fun, she responded. "If you would quit thinking about my butt, you might get to watch me kick yours."
"Damn straight!" she laughed as Scott broke the balls.
They were laughing so hard when they came out that a few eyes turned their way.
"Ahright, ahright. Ya win, ya big ninny!" "Ah yes, 'tis a great chance I took, full of danger and adventure, yet I'm more the happy to be home, than to morn such a trip." he said dramatically.
Rogue clapped gloved hands; "Ah didn't know you were a poet." she giggled.
"Again it 'tis a sad bit of business that, I get to slay no dragons" he pouted. "Simply write of the knight that does, as he catches the eyes of so many damsels. Oh, to be in that profession!" he smiled dramatically, he acted like he was contemplating something deeply, "'Tis a fact and truth, I would not the profession long, for no dragon was ever befouled by the pen."
Marie was doubled over in laugher. "Your way to good at tha'"
He smiled at her "Ya, it comes with being an English teacher and having to read books and poems like that every year."
"Ah love your class, mistah Summers!" She leaned on the car and put a finger to her pouting lip. "'Course mah grade doesn't show it..." She got dramatic all the sudden and grinned mischievously. "'Tis tha truth mistah Summers. You thought to win with not a pin but a cue stick, yet in the end were not so lucky; Ah befell you with your own pride, for simply a higher grade. Were you to contest me when Ah had naught to gain... no reason to let you triumph ... you sir would find you should stay to the pen... for I shall defeat you at every turn on the pool table."
"T'would be a sad event indeed, for only one can win... " He sighed sadly.
She burst into more giggles and he joined her with a deep laugh.
A couple clapped behind them, surprising both. They turned to see the older woman and man. The woman spoke up, "I have to admit, you two are perfect for each other. It is rare to find that kind of love this day in age." she softly glared at Scott, "Be sure to hang onto her, young man."
Scott cleared his throat and nodded not trusting his voice to contain his laughter. He glanced behind him, as Rogue was hiding, what he could only assume, smiling lips from them, behind a gloved hand.
"And you young lady, keep an eye on that man. Make him behave as he should."
"Yes Mah'am."
"Good girl." and with that she threaded her arm through her husband's and walked away.
Scott and Rogue jumped into the car as they held their breath. They only got a block away before the laughter broke out. "Oh mah! Mistah Summers... Ah bahlieve you just got put in your place."
He was still laughing and driving when he glanced at her. "It would seem so."
When they got home Marie went to find Logan. She hadn't talked to him at all today. Scott decided to follow along, since she would be going right past Jean's office on her way to the gym. Where she assumed Logan would be... well that or the danger room, she smirked, beating up some big, bad, bully. They teased each other along the way and stopped when they got to Jean's office. "See you later, Rogue?"
"Uh Scott, we live in the same house... I believe that's inescapable."
He smiled, "Your right, I'll see you then."
"Sounds good... young man" she giggled.
He was about to reply when they heard something heavy crash in Jean's office. They looked at each other than ran in.
"Jean? Jean... are you alr..." He stared at Jean in horror as she tried to stand up immediately. She had been bent over the desk, with Logan behind her... riding her as he pushed on her shoulder pinning her there. He saw the lamp that had been pushed to the floor, and realized it had been done in passion ... not danger.
"Oh mah g..." Marie covered her mouth in shock.
Jean was trying to shake Logan's hand off her shoulder and stand, but the movement sent Logan over the edge. He growled as he climaxed. Then slowly came back to himself and realized Marie had seen... was still seeing. "Damn it all, Logan, let me UP!" Jean pushed.
Logan stiffened and did so immediately. He pulled up his pants and ran over to the retreating Marie. She was shaking her head in denial. Logan reached out to grab her shoulders.
"Marie... Marie please." she looked at his hands in disgust and he pulled them away before he touched her.
"Scott... It was a mistake ... I'm so sorry, please don't hate me!"
Scott looked at Marie and got behind her letting her back up into his waiting arms. She jumped when she felt him, but soon realized who was behind her and sunk into his arms in defeat.
"How could you Logan?" she cried, "I thought you came back for.... "
"I did! This was a mistake... I know I screwed this up in a major fucking way. But please believe me, baby. This will never happen again. I swear to you... "
"Promise me Logan!"
"Oh baby, I promise!"
Marie straightened up, her pride forcing her to show dignity, even in this dark situation. "Wash her off you. Then promise me again."
Logan nodded and left, Marie's tears wouldn't stop as she turned in Scott's arms and leaned into him for support. Jean watched as she begged Scott to forgive her.
Scott finally replied, "Give me time and distance to think... I ... I just don't know what to say right now."
"But you can forgive me?"
"Yes... with time." he looked at her "Why don't you go take a shower as well."
She nodded and left. As her door shut, Marie let the sobs come as Scott held her gently rubbing his chin softly across her head and promising he'd always be there no matter what. That she could always rely on that.
"Ah still love him... it hurts, and it hurts worse to feel that love... it isn't as much as it used to be... oh gods what are we gonna do?"
"Forgive them this once... hope the love grows again... we can walk away if it hurts to much."
She cried and he too let a few tears fill his eyes.
Scott was walking down the hall still playing the events of the day through his head. Rogue and he hadn't spoken to Logan and Jean since the incident. They had been sitting in the library getting lost in paperwork and Rogue sat in there with him studying. He had just turned a corner in the west wing when he stopped short. He had heard some mumbling. He looked down a side hall, growing tense as he saw Logan and Jean. Logan was thoroughly kissing Jean! They had promised never again... they hadn't even lasted a whole day. She ripped off his shirt, sending buttons everywhere, and he used his claws to cut open hers, which made her groan deeply. Scott cringed as he watched Logan look down at Jean's breasts rubbing them before quickly carrying her into his room. For some reason he couldn't stop staring at the now empty hall, with buttons everywhere. He sighed heavily and turned away, walking on.
He walked to Rogue's room and knocked on the door. Jubilee answered, "Dude, I totally already did my English homework."
He smiled, hiding his pain, dying to drown it away with another meaningful time with Rogue "Good to hear, I'm sure you'll be turning it in tomorrow on time then, right?"
"Oh... Uh...yeah. Of course."
He smirked and nodded to her, "I'm actually here to see Rogue."
"Ohhhh, why didn't you say so... " She walked away from the door, and a few minutes later Rogue appeared.
"Hey Mistah Summers."
"Hey," he smirked. "Get dressed."
"Uh... Ah am." she said confused looking down at her clothes from earlier.
"Were going out dancing, dress accordingly." he smiled at her.
"We are?"
"Yeah, meet you in the garage in 15 minutes, or I'll come back up after you!"
Her eyes widened and she nodded, still confused, but understanding his orders.
Rogue went to the garage with a spaghetti strap cammi, but instead of covering her stomach it 'V'ed down from the built in bra, to her belly button where there was a little emerald chain hanging off the tip. She wore a royal green sheer shirt, to keep her and others safe, over her darker green cammi. Her legs were covered in black leather pants that hugged her lower half in ways that left little to the imagination.
When she entered the garage Scott's eyes went wide.
Rogue blushed. "Is this ahright?"
Scott simply stared with his mouth slightly open in surprise.
"Mistah Summers?"
He shook his head, "Uh... sorry, what did you say?"
"Nevahmind. You just answered it."
He smiled "You look hot."
"Thanks" she glanced down; he wore black slacks with a white, tight, T-shirt. "Your not to shabby yourself." her brows met in confusion all the sudden, "Um ... Mistah Summers?"
"Call me Scott... at least outside of the classroom."
She nodded, "Ok, Scott... why are we doing this? Ah mean, not that Ah'm not excited ... just umm ... why?"
She had a right to know he just didn't want to be the one to tell her. But unfortunately he was the only one that could.
"Scott?" she said at his hesitant pause.
"I saw Logan and Jean... together... kissing... and" he winced "tearing clothes off each other. That's all I saw before Logan carried her into his room. I'm sorry I just wanted to get out of here for a while. Ya know?"
She frowned at the situation but nodded in understanding. It hurt her even more that she wasn't able to call Scott a liar. It hurt that she was expecting this, knowing it would happen. Knowing it wouldn't be truly her in Logan's arms as long as he stared so thoroughly at Jean. Her eyes widened as she realized he had groaned Jean's name against her neck last night. She shook the sad, depressing thoughts away and let out a small smile to Scott. "Your rahght, let's go out."
"So do you vote motorcycle?"
"Oh yeah." she smiled trying to lift the betrayed feelings, "and FAST."
He looked shocked, "You mean there are other speeds?"
She laughed and shook her head 'no'.
He climbed on and she mounted behind him. They pushed out and once on the road he sped off. Her legs squeezed him the faster he got. With that thought, he hit the turbo speed button and smirked when her legs clamped around him and her arms slid across his chest too hug him tight.
When he took a tight turn, her hand slid lower for more leverage. His body tensed then shivered as he let out a small moan. She noticed both, one from the mic in their helmets, the other because her body was plastered to his back.
"Scott, are you ahlright?"
He grasped her hand that had just skimmed his thigh, and slipped it beneath the visor on his helmet, kissing it. Then setting it safely on his upper chest. That clued Marie in on what the problem was. "Sorry, sugar."
"Don't be" he smiled even though she couldn't see it. "I just can't enjoy it right now... well not if you want to arrive there in one piece"
"Deal! No more wandering hands on the bike."
She heard his laugh over the mic, and he reached down to squeeze her knee before turning his attention back to the road.
The club was big, and Marie had barely made it through the door before she was asked to dance. "Sorry, sugar, Ah'm with him." she pointed to Scott.
And when asked he simply did the same thing.
"Wanna dance?" Scott leaned close so she could hear him over the music.
"Oh yeah."
They weren't expecting the next song to be a bump and grind. They actually hadn't even thought of it. So they danced apart for a minute, just facing each other.
Finally Scott took the initiative, and put a large hand on the small of Rogue's back. He pressed her up against him, and slipped a leg between hers. She in turned wrapped her arms around his neck smiling.
"This position ok with you?"
She let out a breathless, "Yes."
Scott smiled and they started dancing, he laid his hands on her hips and started really enjoying himself. Sliding his hands up and down her curvy sides. Gritting his teeth as Rogue unknowingly ground down on his growing bulge in his pants. For the next song he turned her around and adjusted himself quickly in his pants, before pulling her back to press against his chest. He tilted his head back a she grasped his hands lifting the above her head in her own. Then letting them go allowing him to slide them down her arms, and caress the sides of her breasts on the way down to her stomach where he laced them together, using his thumb to caress her as they danced in a way that stung of bodies entwined in sex.
He was ashamed when the picture of slipping his hand between her thighs popped into his head. Screw the other dancers around him! He could feel her heat on his thigh that stayed between hers. He shook his head trying to think of anything else. 'She's a student! One of YOUR students' but unfortunately that turned him on all the more, thinking of a study session with her steaming up. He'd never had these clearly raw fantasies about anyone else. That was when Rogue became the object of all his fantasies. Dominating his thoughts! Positions to take her, he'd never done with Jean. Playing games while having sex... also a new one for him...
She drug him out of his thoughts as she reached for his hands sliding them up her body, guiding them with her own on top. She ran them over her breasts where he couldn't help flicking his thumb over her nipple as they past, and she slipped them back into the air for the ending bit of the song as she rotated her hips against his. She was in total abandon, the music controlled her movements and thoughts, giving her no embarrassment or reservation when she did these erotic things.
"Damn, Rogue!" He whispered as his hips bucked a little towards hers without thinking, as the song's last note played.
As the third song came to an end they were surpassed to hear hoots and clapping around them. A woman came up to Scott and Marie. As Marie slowly came out of the trance the music had put her in. "Damn you guys that was downright erotic to watch." she smirked at Scott, "Bet it felt even better than that to you." she brassily nodded down. As Rogue completed turning in his arms.
Marie followed her nod and saw that Scott had a rather large bulge next to her right thigh. She looked down so he couldn't see her smile. It felt good to feel desirable. She had felt the opposite every time Logan looked at Jean. Marie shook those thoughts away and looked up with a blush. Scott raised a brow and smirked at her.
"Why are you blushing?" he asked, acting innocently confused, as he tried to embarrass her more. She saw through the question, locking onto his mischievous purpose for asking it, and instead of blushing more she grinned seductively and swayed her body 'accidentally' putting pressure and rubbing it at the same time. "Why Mistah Summers, what would give me reason to blush?"
He groaned heavily and his eyes darkened. He pulled her body flush against his and put his mouth right by her ear, so when he whispered, his breath would caress her and his lips would brush against her. To fast for her skin to react. "Why? Hmmm... Any one of the thoughts that have been flying through my head would cause you to blush to the tips of your hair." He nipped at her earlobe.
She shivered, Logan and Jean's betrayal slipping to the back of her mind, away from this heated moment. "What thoughts?" she ground against him a little and hung on tightly around his neck as he shivered and panted against her neck. "Tell me your thoughts, Scott."
He growled in his throat and turned dragging her out the door. She just smiled and tried to keep up. He all but threw her on the bike and, although he did forced her helmet all the way strapped on and everything, his was not so carefully tightened. The strap hung from the bottom hitting his neck and shoulder. He flew out of that parking lot and Marie held on, laughing as she saw his hand go down to adjust himself. "Uncomfy, sugar?"
He grabbed her knee and slid his hand up a little higher and smirked when she sucked in a breath. "Far from." he said smoothly.
"So, sugar you gonna tell me those thoughts or what?"
She raised a brow at the comment and held on as he made a sharp turn into a parking lot of some park.
He kicked the kickstand down and slid off. She threw her leg over to do the same, but once it was over, her hips were grabbed holding her on the seat of the bike. He nudged her thighs apart and slid between them, keeping his hands on her hips.
She caressed his chest softly and smiled when he laid his forehead on her shoulder. "Your amazing, you know that?" he snuggled.
She wrapped her legs around him and arms in a tight hug, and was pleasantly surprised when he slipped his hands under her butt and lifted her. He carried her to a bench with her legs still around him, and when he sat he adjusted her legs to bend so she was kneeling and straddling him.
Suddenly she thought of something, "Scott, are we being as bad as them?"
He looked up at her, "Depends... Do you...Can you take him back after what he did?"
She looked down and shook her head. "No."
"Me either... so technically were single now... they're just to busy at the moment for us to tell them."
"Ah don't want to be a rebound, Scott. Loosing you too would hurt so much."
He smiled at her; "You could never be a rebound."
"You could never be one with me either..." she blushed, "Just so you know."
He let out a seductive grin, and leaned down instead of answering he said. "Tell me to stop at any time."
She nodded and gasped as he kissed her neck through a scarf. His hand slid up her belly in-between her breasts. "Scott!" she moaned at the touch.
He thought she wanted him to stop and so started to pull his hand away. "No Scott, please! Don't stop."
"Never!" he cupped her breasts, and arched his hips into her letting her feel him, as he lowered his mouth to her nipple.
She retaliated by sliding her hand up his thigh; she hesitated when his whole body went stiff, but when she realized it was with want, she cupped him gently.
His hand flew to hers and wrapped his hand around it, making her squeeze him harder. "Oh yes!" he showed her the way he stroked himself when he was alone, her eyes glazed over when she realized what pace he was truly showing her.
"Y... you, this is the way you..."
He nodded, "Yeah, this is the way I ...uh...do myself." he whispered blushing.
She pushed his hand down, bright red, but drowning in passion, "This is my way."
He bucked into her hand. "Hell yes! Show me Rogue." and she did. "Is this... Are we masturbating together?" He grinned evilly.
"No... Were masturbating each other... " She copied his look, "Using each others hands to get off... you like it?"
"Hell yeah, can I... Can I use your scarf to touch you? As skin on skin as we can."
She all but ripped it off as he reached down and carried her a little back out of the light and laid her on the ground. He slipped her pants and silky underwear down. Then reached for the scarf she held. She held it out of reach and his eyes shot to hers in worry that he had gone to far.
But she just raise a brow and nodded to his pants which he undid and slid down a little staring at her as he hissed at letting himself free.
She handed him the scarf when he slipped off his gloves, and they took each other's hands again, Rogue's gloved hands showing Scott how to please her and Scott's bare hand showing her gloved one how to touch him.
They stared at each other as the touches brought them to the cliff. "Rogue... I'm gonna cum." He warned her so she could let go... instead she let go of his hand on her and swiped off some pre-cum on her gloved finger, before popping it in her mouth as her other stroked him firmly and faster. Watching that sent him over the edge and the pressure of his finger stroking spastically as he climaxed sent her right behind him.
He rolled them over so she was on top, as he panted coming down off his high. "Damn"
"You got tha' rahght!"
He smirked and they lay peacefully for a bit.
She finally tilted her head up and looked at him curiously, "What are you going to say to Jean?"
He shrugged "I can't trust her anymore, I know that, and I can't live my life with, or marry, someone I can't trust."
Marie hugged him, it was harder for him, she never tasted, and never had the chance to fall completely in love and know everything about the one she loved. Oh, sure she had him in her head, but she couldn't predict what he was going to do... what he was thinking. Which she was proven right tonight?
The intense heat of the ride to the park soothed down and they talked of everything from Jean and Logan, to the way frogs eat when they heard one somewhere behind them. It was a wonderful night, which lasted until dawn. On the ride home, Marie, actually realized that talking it out with Scott like they had... made her forgive them. And get over what they had done... helped her move on. She giggled.
"What's so funny?"
"Ah was just thinking' that ya helped me get over Logan, ta move on and such."
"And that made you laugh?"
She shook her head, then realized he couldn't see it. "No, Ah just thought it would be nice to move on and everything... and you seem to be more than happy to go on the ride with me." She blushed but smiled, and borrowed into his back.
"Your right."
She giggled again, "Yeah, Ah know... Ah'm a genius like that."
They laughed and teased the rest of the way home.
Scott held her as he carried her up to her room, but upon hearing Jubilee's soft snores he turned and started walking in the opposite direction. He didn't want to go to his and Jean's room. It wouldn't be right. But he didn't want the night to end. So he went to the room he had when he was still a student at Xavier's School for the Gifted Youngsters.
The next day was Saturday so he wasn't worried about keeping her up late, or keeping her from class the next morning. He also decided to forgo his plans of being in his office to accept the papers that were due for his class. 'Hell' he thought 'I have a desk. they can lay them there! And I'll get to it.' he smirked 'When I get to it.' It made him smile when he realized how freeing being with Rogue was. He didn't want to plan everything like he usually did. He shook his thoughts away and opened the door with the hand under Rogue's legs.
The room was unoccupied, and pretty much the way he remembered it with some small changes in furniture.
"Where are we?"
"This was my room when I was a student."
She smiled, "Kinda hard to picture you as a student."
"Yeah well unlike most think I actually had a mom and dad and wasn't grown in a lab as a robot, with no personality what-so-ever. I was a lot like you in fact."
She giggled, "You couldn't touch, and you used to love a man you met in a bar, that could be like... well Ah don't know how many more times your age. That cheated on you?"
Scott laughed a little. "OK, Ok not that much like you I guess." he smirked, "You see I always had a thing for the weaker sex... the more FEMINE gender. I'm not really into older men." he laid her down on the bed then stretched out beside her on his side, so he could talk to her.
Rogue laughed a true laugh. She thought a bit, then smiled. "Marie.."
"I'm sorry?"
"My ... my name... it's Marie."
"Marie...It fits you all the better."
She smiled and she was glad she had told him. No longer 'Rogue the invincible with lots of people in her head, even one that had been the reason his fiancée' cheated on him'. No she was Marie to him.
As for people being in her head... well the easiest way to say it is that they faded. In Logan's case she mostly held only his powers, she had had Eric's to but he and his powers had faded away a long time ago. He hadn't held on long enough to keep them in there. But Logan was different; his powers were still with her a little... she didn't heal near as quickly as him. Unfortunately, probably only 1/2 as good. Still the point was that everything DID heal up eventually, even ones she had before everything. Before her mutation hit. Logan personally ... well his thoughts faded, and his memories. She really only had his senses, and a little shorter leash on her temper.
Carol's were with her as strong as the moment she drained her. According to Hank they were there permanently since Mystique had forced contact until it killed Carol. Carol was unconscious so she never felt the pain Rogue did, as their hands were forced together.
"Thanks, Scott."
He smiled.
"Why are you smiling?"
"I love the way you say my name with your southern belle charm, and accent." he leaned back, beside her. "It reminds me of my mother."
"You never talk about your family... " She propped herself up on her elbows, "tell me about them."
He closed his eyes under the visor and walked back through his memories. "My mother was from the south, like you she had a calming, beautiful accent. My father's family was from Alaska and was raised there. I'm not quite sure how they met... I don't remember them telling me. I remember her singing to me and Alex." at her confused look he embellished, "my little brother." she nodded understanding, "My father was a pilot and we had a cabin in northern Canada that we visited all the time. That's where we were going when the plane malfunctioned, the engine caught fire and my mother and father wrapped a parachute around me and Alex, also giving them one each. We all jumped and they stayed with us long enough to pull the 'shoot for us. My father's caught fire... Alex and I watched as my mother tried to hold him with her own parachute... We were told they didn't survive. When Alex and I hit the ground My head took a lot of impact... damaging the part of my brain that would have allowed me control over my mutation. Hence my need for these..." he motioned to the visor, Marie squeezed the shoulders that she had started rubbing at some point, in sympathy. He sighed at the wonderful feeling then continued. "My grandparents took us in, but when my mutation asserted itself, I almost killed Alex" he sighed at that awful memory, then continued. "So I ran away. The professor found me and I've been here ever since."
"Oh Scott, do you visit them?"
"I did once. After college... after I met Jean... after I got my visor and could look at them again. I was in love with Jean though and she didn't like Alaska and wanted to return to Westchester... so we did. My grandparents were hurt that I didn't stay any longer than 3 days... but Jean hated it there and I wanted to do whatever she wanted to be sure she'd stay with me. I haven't gone back since."
"Ah've always wanted to go to Alaska. it's where Ah was headed when we met up with you, and Ah met up with Logan." she smiled, "Maybe we could go there together and visit them more than three days..." she giggled "maybe even four!"
He didn't laugh though; he turned to look at her shocked. He stared at her eyes... though she couldn't see him doing it... she FELT it. "Would you really consider it? Coming with me I mean..." he smiled.
"Of course Scott... without question. Your my best friend... the only man Ah trust..." she thought a little then started rambling, "besides the professor and Hank... of course looking at the professor as a man is just to weird... he's like a guardian angel with wheels. And Hank... well Ah trust him, Ah really do... which kinda amazes me, cause Ah haven't spent much time with him. Ya know? Ah don't usually trust people Ah don't know. Your the only one Ah'm close to though."
He didn't move. "What about Logan?"
She thought a moment. "He hurt me... a lot, it hurts to think of him the way Ah used to. It doesn't seem right, doesn't fit him anymore... Ah don't know...Ah feel like Ah never REALLY knew him. Or him me, not enough at least, to know how much this would hurt me... or maybe he doesn't even care."
"Then he's more of a fool than I ever guessed." He felt the fact that she didn't want to talk about it, so remained quiet, after that. Choosing instead to contemplating things. After a while of comfortable silence, he took a deep breath then jumped in; "I want to go to Alaska ... with you. Come with me?"
"Yes" she smiled. "We can make a long trip of it! See everything along the way and all that."
He hugged her tight and pulled her onto his chest. "Thank you"
Marie smiled and eventually they fell asleep, for a short while before breakfast, holding each other.
The next morning they went to their rooms, to change for breakfast.
Jean walked in as he was getting ready. "I'm so sorry, I just get so immersed in my studies that sleep seems foreign. Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, very."
"That's good," she said absently.
Scott watched her through the visor, and had found that he had no desire to see her without it anymore. He found that odd, to not even want to look at what he had loved for so long, found that rather surprising indeed ... yet at the same time, understandably fitting. "See you in the dinning room, ok? You don't need to wait for me I still have to take a shower."
Logan knocked on Marie's door as always to get her for breakfast as he planned to just fall back into the schedule they had before he left.
Jean and he had talked it over. They knew what they had done was wrong. They knew right away it was a mistake. So they swore to each other that they would never tell Scott or Rogue about the second time. That they were done... it would never happen again. So no one needed to know.
Marie opened the door ready for breakfast and nodded at Logan.
"Ready, kid?"
"Of course." she said without feeling.
Logan ignored it, chalked it up to her not being a morning person, or the more likely candidate, that she was still mad about the first time. The thought that he'd done it again made him cringe. He was 'never' going to tell her!
As they walking to the dining room eyes met as usual, something was different this time though. For before Jean always looked at Logan when she sensed him in the room and Logan looked at Jean... and this time was no different besides the oddity of their guilty, remorseful looks... no this time was different because for the first time... Scott looked at Rogue and Rogue looked at Scott and there was no guilt, no remorse, no fear or anger. They simply smiled and Scott stood from the x table and embraced her.
He whispered in her ear as he hugged her. "How are you this morning, Beautiful?"
She whispered back, "The same as you, sugar"
"mmmm I like that. Sugar... suits me well doesn't it?"
"Conceited piggy"
"Striped kitty"
They both smiled and parted.
"Come to my office after your last class, we'll talk" he whispered as she took a seat beside him. She nodded again and Logan took a seat on her other side.
Logan and Jean glanced at each other then looked away. Logan was concentrating so hard on trying to be sure he wasn't projecting his thoughts, so that Xavier wouldn't hear, that he missed what was being whispered.
After Marie got done with classes, she raced to Scott's office and ran in closing the door. "Hey little piggy" she jumped into his waiting arms.
"Hey little Kitty" he responded setting her on the leather couch in the room and pulling her feet onto his lap.
She looked at the table beside them, where Oreo's and milk stood temptingly.
He followed her gaze as she smiled at the sight. " As I recall this was both our comfort foods as a kids?" she nodded enthusiastically. "Which is why I found it the perfect snack. Don't you?"
She laughed fully. "Oh yes, it's perfect!"
She dipped an Oreo in milk and lifted it to his mouth. He bit it smirking and smiled even wider when she licked the chocolate off her fingers, after she took her hand away from his mouth. He rolled his shoulders and took off her shoes.
She moaned as he started giving her a foot massage.
They spent the whole afternoon eating Oreo's and planning their trip.
They decided to take it next week at the end of finals and graduation, for about a month during summer. Scott had pulled out a map so they could choose the route that hit all of the sights they wanted to see. They used the internet to pull up the tourist spots in each state they would cross into, as well as those in Canada.
Scott estimated that it would take around 2 weeks to get there, maybe more if they spent whole days at these places Marie kept finding. So with that thought in mind they made it a whole summer long trip. 'Maybe even longer.' Scott hoped. Even mapping out their return trip and all the sights they planned to see on the way back.
They spent time laughing with true joy that neither had done in a long time.
They walked in the dinning hall together for dinner and went to the tables they were expected to be at. Rogue alone with Logan and Jean with Scott at the x-table, to be served.
Rogue wanted to be at least friends with Logan so she set about making him so in her mind. Carrying along in conversation as usual.
Logan glanced Jean's way once more and looked down at his dinner furious with himself.
".... and her yellow jacket had to be sent to the dryclea... Logan?"
His eyes shot up to Marie's and he realized she'd been talking. "Sorry kid I got distracted. What did you say?"
Marie sighed and pushed her mixed fruit around, nabbing the one cherry. She glanced up as she let the sweet flavor invade her senses and made a decision. She sighed heavily, "Logan... last night..."
His attention was all the sudden completely and totally hers. His eyes begged her not to know, and begged her to know it all at the same time. She bit her lip, but continued "Last night, Ah...We...know what you did..." tears filled her eyes as she said goodbye to her first love in her heart.
Logan tensed considerably.
"I hope you find the happiness... the happiness you've been looking for...I hope you find it with her."
It was the hardest thing she'd ever had to say and she knew she stumbled over the words... but she HAD said them. With that she stood and started running out of the room trying to get somewhere private before the tears hit.
"MAR... Rogue!!" he remembered no one knew her name at the last minute. Who was he to tell them? He'd hurt her a lot already. He grabbed her arm when he caught her right outside of the dinning room, in the hall. "Please listen to me, Marie."
"I can't, Logan... I just can't" He tugged her arm hard, spinning her around to look at him, "Shit, just listen to me!!!"
Something slammed into his face and it hurled him to the floor. He sat up stunned to see Scott rubbing his knuckles. "damned metal skeleton" he murmured.
Logan stood and winced as she saw Marie throw herself in Scott's arms. But what hurt worse was hearing Scott whisper her name, her REAL name that only he was supposed to know.
"shhh Marie... it's me, I'm here"
"What the hell?!? Get your hands off her Cyke!" he let the claws out and snarled.
Scott looked up at him and raised his hand to his visor. "Don't you dare ... Wolverine." he taunted
Jean ran out into the hall, and saw Scott looking at Logan with his hand poised above his visor. "Scott! What are you doing?!?"
Marie untucked her head from his chest and looked at Jean. Then turned and touched Scott's hand. He looked down at her and lowered it immediately.
Logan saw his chance and leapt at him, only to be thrown to the ground once more. Only this time a raging, southern belle with super strength stared down at where she'd thrown him.
"Don't you think you and Jean have caused us enough pain, by sleeping together... twice?!"
Jean gasped, her hands flying over her mouth as her eyes widened. She started crying. "Scott I'm so sorry! I love you, it was a mistake, a huge one. Please forgive me Scott. Please. I love you so much.... please"
Marie looked up at Scott as he looked on at Jean, he turned his head feeling Marie's eyes on him and instead, looked at her. Brushing some tears from her face with a gloved hand and pushing her hair behind her ears. He shook his head 'no' to her unspoken question. "Was he going to take Jean back?"
"Marie?....Marie it wasn't like that. I swear baby. Please ..."
Marie didn't take her eyes from Scott when she answered, "Then what was it like Logan?"
"Not like that... I ... it... I don't know... just not like that. We lost control, I forgot for one moment who I loved."
"No Logan" she looked down sadly and Scott's arms tightened around her, she smiled softly at that. "No Logan, Ah don't think you did... You needed something you could touch, something or someone to drown your nightmares away with... You KNEW that... and you knew what you were looking for... but you didn't come to me... you went to Jean... You didn't forget Logan... you went LOOKING for her."
"no Marie... I.."
Marie put her hand up and shook her head, "Ah just can't right now, Logan. Just leave me alone for a while, OK?"
"Alright, alright,...Ok, but just for a while Marie."
She winced, but nodded.
Marie and Scott were walking downstairs where Jean and Logan sat waiting. Scott watched Marie, she'd been bouncing off the walls since going and talking to the professor for and hour and a half. But suddenly grew silent as she saw the two. Logan's elbows were on his knees with his hands in his hair as he stared at the floor. Jean however sat with a straight-as- a-lance back and stared into nothingness. Scott sighed and squeezed Marie before walking to Jean. Rogue did the same and sighed knowing this would be easier now than later.
Logan leapt to his feet when he smelled her. "Marie...I... please Marie" he begged.
Marie tucked her hair behind her ear. "Logan, Ah forgive you. Ah might even eventually understand why."
Logan looked so relieved and filled with hope that Marie cringed at having to let that down.
"But Logan, Ah can't trust you anymore. Ah can't be with you if Ah can't trust you. It isn't fair to me." She looked sad but resigned. "Ah'm sorry Logan... as trite as it may sound... Ah still want you in my life as a friend."
"Always" he said quietly "I'm so sorry Marie, I just want you to know that. That and... I'll always love you."
She smiled softly, "Thank you."
He nodded and walked away defeated for now. But determined to find a way to get her back. 'There just has to be a way to get her to forgive me!' he thought.
Jean stood, "Scott...I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I can make our marriage work. We'll get married tomorrow if you like. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to get your trust back."
"Jean I forgave you once for this same thing... but I can't do it again. I didn't want it to be like this... Ever, but I think it's best it happened now, before we married each other. Because I honestly don't think I could have kept you true to me. I'm not the man you want. And I'm tired of playing boy scout."
"I'm sorry I betrayed you. I'm so sorry I made you feel that you had to be perfect for me..." she stopped, "You never acted the same around her...she brought out the true Scott didn't she?" she smiled sadly, furious with herself that she hadn't noticed, hadn't tried to do the same.
"Yeah, she just let me be me. She never wanted me to be perfect, she knew I wasn't. She outright teased me for trying all the time." He smiled at the memory of her doing so. "she let me and encouraged me to loosen up."
"I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you... I'm glad you found someone who could. You deserve that." She smiled. "Do you think we can still get along... still be friends."
He nodded, "Give me some time to get over things, but yeah, I think we can in time."
She smiled and looked forward to that, as she too walked away, stopping next to Marie.
"Rogue... I'm sorry I was a part of something that ended up hurting you."
"You knew it would, Jean"
"Yes, and I deserve loosing him for that. I just want you to know, I'm so sorry."
Marie looked at Jean in that moment, thoroughly seeing her pain. "Thank you for saying so"
"Do you think you can forgive me eventually?"
"Ah forgave you then, Ah understand you wanting Logan... Ah just don't understand why Scott wasn't enough to you."
"Me either, he's a good man. Take care of him."
She smiled, "Thank you Rogue"
Marie nodded and walked away, over to Scott.
"Ah'm so tired, Ah didn't realize how draining thah'd be."
"I know." he sighed "Common lets go to bed."
"Ah love it when you think like tha'" she smiled lazily.
He walked her to her door and kissed the back of her head, softly running his fingers through her hair, before catching himself. He stepped back and focused his gaze over her head at the oak door to her room.
"Night Marie."
"Nih't Scott." she thought a moment, "Where are you gonna sleep, sugar?"
"My old room I guess" he said. "Do you... would you like to sleep over?"
Marie looked to the floor blushing, "Ya know Scott, you're to tempting foh words."
He smiled, "Is that a yes?"
She nodded "Ah'll try not to bite."
He smiled than nodded, as she opened the door leading into the room, he smirked again at his thoughts 'Bite away.'
Marie grabbed her jammies then ran back out, so she didn't wake Jubes.
Then they ran up to his room where he opened the door slowly, after seeing no sign of Jean he sighed gratefully and stepped inside to grab flannel pants and a grey shirt.
They left before anyone came and went to Scott's old room. Marie changed in the bathroom, then let Scott go. He took his pants and went in, soon coming back out shirtless.
Marie saw him glancing around for his T-shirt and snagged it from the end of the bed, hiding it behind her. All to just be able to stare at his well-muscled chest a while longer.
He noticed the movement and raised a brow, smiling he crossed his arms. "You hiding something?"
"Now sugar, really, what would Ah want to hide from you?" she gave him an innocent look.
"As much as you staring at me is helping my ego, if you don't want a large dose of me in your head you might want to hand it over." he grinned and started walking closer to the bed.
He tackled her laughing and she watched in amazement, as he avoided her skin without thought or worry, .. he wasn't afraid of her at all. As he scrambled for his shirt she kept it away taunting him.
"What? The big bad leadah of the x-men, can't overcome a little girl?"
He was laying on top of her with his hands around her back, trying to snag the shirt she had hidden there. "You'd be amazed at what I can do" he winked. The fact that they were laying the way they were, made it that much more suggestive.
Marie stared in his eyes as she thought of what she had wanted to show him ever since her visit with the Prof. "Scott... can ummm... can I do something... would you trust me?"
He didn't hesitate, didn't take time to think it through, "Yes"
She tugged her hand out of under her and took off an opera glove, rolling them over. His eyes widened at the act, but she could see it wasn't in fear, more surprised at the action. She grinned as she reached towards his face. He just lay back and waited, trusting her completely. She touched his face and when, after a moment, he realized her mutation wasn't kicking in he grabbed her hand in surprise and kissed her palm. She whimpered in understanding that he was ready to let her touch him... even when he didn't know she could touch.
"Oh Scott."
He looked at her, "When? When did you learn it?"
"Today, the professor said that Hank thought controlling my mutation was less about concentration and meditation like the Prof had been teaching me, but a switch. He's right Ah can flip it on and off now! Ah wanted you to be the first to know."
"Why me?" he said as he cupped her face as she sat kneeling above him as he lay there.
"I trust you."
She closed her eyes and let her name wash over her, he said it reverently, and like it was something beautiful... so much different than Logan said it.
A door slammed down the hall, and she jumped. Scott's eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulders. Startled Marie looked down at him. "Scott?"
"Marie, I feel you... When you jumped... you pushed ... you pushed into me ... I mean your thoughts into me."
"Really!?!" she gasped "Oh my ... did ..did it hurt you?"
"No, not at all, it was calming me." He looked at the thoughts more carefully, "So you like my chest huh?"
She blushed but said with no embarrassment, "Oh yeah! It's a hot chest. Yah know this means Ah'm keepin' the shirt, rahght?"
He laughed, as she stripped off her virginal nightgown that covered everything, for his T-shirt. It hardly covered her butt and was much looser on her.
Marie sat there stunned, all the sudden, as she thought of what it could all mean. She could push thought into others... wait... what about powers that she had from others... her permanent ones from Carol... her small portion from Logan that had seemed to stop fading... Healing... Logan's healing... she could maybe heal someone like Logan had her... 'SCOTT!!!...the damage to his brain... oh my ...'!
"Scott!!!" she grabbed his hand, smiling like a maniac, "Ah want to try something, ok?"
"Sure" he said confused.
"Ok...let me try Carol first..." He nodded confused. "Ok Ah gotta concentrate first." She closed her eyes and concentrated on Carol... not so much Carol more of Carol's powers... how to use them, the power themselves, the feeling of using them... all needing to be pushed into Scott to make this work. Once she thought she had a handle on it, she lay a finger on his cheek and pushed. Then opened her eyes, she stared at him... willing him to try.
He understood. He gathered the thoughts she had given him and he flew off the bed... right smack into the ceiling. He grunted in pain.
Marie couldn't be happier! And after realizing that he didn't know how to get down she floated up herself, using her more defined, more centered, super strength to pull him back down.
She landed on the floor as he sat up after being pushed to the bed stunned. He rubbed his forehead where he had hit it, as he watched her jump on her toes giggling. "Oh uhhhh... yeah Ah forgot to warn you of that... it will happen a couple times till you learn how to control it."
"I can fly?" he stuttered.
"Yeah .... but there is more... Scott Ah think Ah can heal you... your brain... you could control it if it worked!!! Scott you could live without the visor... have control."
His mouth dropped. Oh Man! He nodded, trying not to get his hope up. "OK, yeah OK lets try."
Marie concentrated harder this time bringing Logan up front and center. Then touched him. Opening her eyes she saw the small scar on his arm, from the fight at the statue of Liberty, heal into non-existence. "Scott, Scott your arm healed. The scar... do your eyes? Do you think it worked?"
"There's no headache, no burning... there has always been. They've become a part of me... oh damn.. I think it worked."
They walked over to the window and opened it just in case. He raised his face to the sky and Marie raised her hands to his temples, to the visor.
"Are you ready?"
"I. yes. I think so" he stuttered.
He closed his eyes as she slipped them off. "Ok Scott, open your eyes."
He did so carefully, slowly and when colors invaded, when stars became visible he shuttered. Damn it had been so long that he had hoped. He had prayed. Marie... he had to see Marie.
He turned to see tears in her eyes as she stared at him. "Scott, Oh Scott you're so beautiful. Your eyes... they're blue!"
He smirked, "Yeah... I'd almost forgotten" he touched her face canvassing everything with his eyes, his hands. He stopped and rested his hands on her hips. "Your beautiful. I've .. you were always so beautiful in red... but in color. Damn Marie... your gorgeous."
She blushed. "Thanks" she couldn't stop staring at his eyes. They were so blue, with silver in them! They were the hottest eyes she'd ever seen. She didn't know if they were that amazing because of something to do with his mutation or if they were just all Scott. But they WERE beautiful.
He leaned down slightly, and gazed at her lips. "Marie? Can I kiss you?"
Her breath was shallow, "yes... yes please"
His lips brushed over hers softly as he pulled her close to him, and he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes, he watched her as the kiss grew passionate as she watched him.
They kissed for a long while before they both lay in the bed, he encouraged her to talk about her childhood, and her fears and comforts.
The next morning they got up and grabbed clothes from their rooms to change into. Scott and Marie dressed in their usual attire, gloves and visor. As they looked at each other they nodded in understanding.
They walked down to breakfast exhausted from their late night and sat at the x-table.
"Scott you look awful.."
He laughed, "I can always count on you to give it to me straight, 'Ro."
Marie and 'Ro smiled as well.
After breakfast they walked into the hall to see Logan with his hands on either side of Jean's head. Pinning her there. Blaming her for everything. He turned and looked just in time to see Marie stare in surprise then turn and walk away.
Scott wrapped an arm around her.
"Marie!" Logan ran after her.
She stopped, "Logan... call me Rogue please."
He winced, "Rogue...please... listen to me.."
"No!" She started to cry, "there were so many things Ah wanted to share with you... my touch..." She grabbed her stomach remembering he didn't know... didn't wait, "Ah can.my skin" she stopped stumbling over the words and took a glove off.
Logan's eyes grew wide.
She touched Scott's face. As, Jean and Logan watched. Scott didn't flinch, didn't fear her, in fact he leaned into her touch as he rubbed her back softly.
Jeans stuttered, "You knew already?"
Without looking at Jean he nodded.
Marie looked up at him questioningly. He nodded, and she raised her hands to his visor and took it off. Scott's eyes were closed, but slowly he opened them, the students that had gathered in the hall stared in amazement, 'Ro and Xavier were similarly speechless. Hank looked on curious, dying to ask how and test why.
Marie smiled up at him, his eyes were just as piercing blue as she remembered. His chiseled face was so different with his visor off.
Jubes ran up, of course not able to stay stunned QUIET like everyone else for very long. "Damn girl, when did you like, learn to touch? And why wasn't I sent a touch-a-gram or something. I'm totally your roommate! I'm suppose to be like, totally in the 'know' about this stuff."
Marie giggled and Scott smiled, which brought Jubes attention to him. "And you! Why didn't you tell us you were a total hottie under those glasses! There are so many girls that could have had, like millions of sweet dreams about your hot ass. But nooo... you go keepin' it all to yourself!"
Jubes, Scott, Marie and Hank seemed to be the only ones with any moving ability left. Hank came up, "Why don't I take you both downstairs to the med lab and we can see how this came to be and why. To see if it is permanent"
"It like totally has to be permanent!" Jubes protested. "Looks, like Rogue is going to get some hot Summer's lovin'. no offense or nothin' Cyke."
Scott smiled mischievously, "None taken."
Marie was blushing bright red.
"Coolness! Girl we so got to go shoppin' We have to get you some clothes to go with your now touchable hot bod!!!"
"Later, ok Jubes?" Marie looked at Scott and Hank, "We have to have some tests run."
"Tests, girl, even of the not school related variety are icky, as in I can totally help you shop. But your love muffin will have to hold your hands through those. They totally give me the creeps. But come get me when your done, ok chica?"
"Alright Jubes, Ah promise."
Hank led the two to the lab as Xavier took Jean and Logan to his office, leaving 'Ro with the rest of the students to settle and get back on track
Hank hustled them down to the lab and started preparing things he thought he would need, as he asked "Why don't you tell me how this happened and what was going on at the time."
Scott smiled. "As you know... Rogue learned to touch" Hank nodded, "We had just gone upstairs she had just revealed to me she could touch, and I was holding her hand when someone down the hall slammed a door." Marie blushed, "Yeah, who would have guessed Invincible Rogue scared by a creak in the night."
They laughed.
Scott continued, "So when she jumped, her skin opened up... but instead of drawing me in, her concentration on the noise and her slowly calming down was pushed into me."
"Was there any pain involved on either end?"
"No none." Marie smiled gratefully.
Hank was writing everything down and nodded when he had finished jotting that note to his growing pile of information.
Marie took up where Scott left off. "When Scott told me Ah wondered if Ah could send more over, powers and such, like Logan did to me." she smiled at Scott, "Our first experiment almost squished Scott."
Hank raised a brow and looked at Scott, "Care to add?"
He smirked and nodded, "Since Carol is the strongest in her we tried her first since it was easier for Marie to concentrate on."
Hank noticed the slip up of her real name, but because of background checking on Rogue that the professor had done, he was already privy to that as well as her medical records. He had explained that to Rogue and she had asked to be called Rogue anyway. Wanting to keep that between her and Logan. Understanding, the professor and Hank were glad to do as she asked.
"And the squishing part?"
Scott used his memories to once again try out his new flying ability. Again he flew towards the, much higher, ceiling. This time stopping right before he crashed into it.
Rogue clapped her hands together, "Oh Scott you're getting the hang of it!!!" she bounced excitedly.
Hank laughed finally having to support himself with his hand on a counter when Marie flew up to guide Scott down. "I now see where the squishing came in." he smiled at a blushing Scott "It must be helpful to have such a understanding, loving, STRONG partner to help you out."
Scott nodded and wrapped an arm around Marie, who was more than happy to burrow herself into his side.
"But how did it come about that you are no longer in need of the visor?"
"Unfortunately I have to give Logan his due in that..." he smirked "I bet that would truly piss him off to know that he's the reason I can see again."
"Scott! behave!" Marie chastened him with a brilliant, mischievous smile.
Hank patiently waited for Scott to continue.
"I assume you know the reason I can't control it?"
Hank nodded, "A blow to the head, damaging the ... controller persay?"
"Exactly, Rogue concentrated and sent healing my way too. Healing that damage. Hence no visor."
"Amazing!" Hank wrote furiously on his pad then looked up. "Mind if I run some tests? I want to see if the powers are a lasting addition."
"Sure" Scott said, "I'm curious to know anyway. If I get them forever, I really should get that flying thing down"
They all laughed and Hank prepared a test that he hoped would bring up the components of Scott's X-gene. To see of the powers had changed it in any way.
Two and a half, hours later, the test had been completed and the results in. Hank happily told them that Scott's X-gene had changed to accommodate the new powers. However they discovered that since the sun provided extra energy to power his mutation, which caused headaches. He was told to wear his common quartz sunglasses outside so he could turn his gift on to use up that power to keep any headaches at bay. Rogue told Hank she'd make sure he did, and even made Scott promise that we would always carry them with him in the case a headache might occur.
Hank also had a theory that Rogue may now harbor Scott's power.
He was proved correct when they tried. A small piece of metal was melted in the test, but the out-comming results more than made up for something so small. But unfortunately on testing the x-gene, he found that hers didn't change to accommodate Scott's powers. He hypothesized that this was because she didn't draw him in like she would usually do. He did not become a part of her like the others that had touched her. Where their powers became hers, because of being an actual personality still in her head, Scott's was going to wear off in a day or two.
Even with that result, all the tests proved to be positive in Marie and Scott's eyes.
After the tests, both were hungry, so they raided the fridge. Marie picked up a truly huge bowl of mashed potatoes and set it on the counter.
"Damn Marie, I'm not that hungry!"
She giggled and got two bowls out of the cabinet. "Ah know... but this sounded good to me. Go dig up something else if you don't want any of the most wonderful, smooth, mashed p'tatahs in the kitchen."
He smirked "I guess it's mashed potatoes then... I don't feel like digging."
"Hey! Ah helped make these myself!"
"Oh so your trying to poison me?" he laughed, until he got a handful of potatoes rubbed into his hair.
"MARIE!" he accused
"Wha'? Ah didn't to ahnythin'" she smiled.
He walked up to her and she smirked up at him, not noticing his hand reaching behind her to grab some for himself. He leaned down to kiss her until she closed her eyes, but the popped open as soon as he smashed a handful of potatoes in her hair from each side, rubbing it slowly in.
"Ya big Ninny!!!"
He laughed and got some potatoes in a bowl. but she threw a glob onto his shirt and he whirled on her.
Scott launched a handful at Marie as she ran away, but she ducked letting it miss her and land on.... Professor Xavier's head.
Marie's jaw dropped when she looked up and so did Scott's, "Oh Mah... "
Scott stumbled for an explanation as Xavier raised a distinguished brow. "I... she... you see..." He sighed, "Sorry Charles." he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the glob slide from Xavier's head to his shirt.
Marie ran over with a rag, "Ah'm so sorry, Professah." half way over she slipped on some mashed potatoes on the floor, and Xavier found himself with a lap full of Rogue. She blushed and scrambled up. "Uhh... sorry again."
"Quite alright Rogue, I was feeling a bit left out of the game anyway." He coughed to cover his smile, but couldn't help join Rogue in laughter a moment later.
Scott ran over and picked Marie off the floor where she had sat after her laughter brought tears to her eyes. He set her on the counter.
"Sorry again Charles." Scott looked embarrassed as his mentor smiled at him.
"It's fine, Scott, I'm glad to see you like this again. It's been years since I saw you this happy. I believe the last time was when you were a student here... putting lizards and other pranks in all your teacher's desks... of which I did not escape the couple of pranks you sent my way as well."
Scott's ears burned red as the rest of his face. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and when it came away full of potatoes he sent a glare at Rogue... Who simply shrugged and gave him in innocently confused look. Only betrayed by her mischievous eyes.
Xavier laughed again.
"We'll clean it up, Proffessah."
"Very well... as long as there are no water fights in the process."
Marie giggled and Scott looked surprised to see his mentor in such a playful state.
"Sure, Charles .. we'll try to contain ourselves."
Xavier nodded and left, presumably to find a towel and clean shirt.
"You MINX!" Scott accused.
"Silly lil' piggy... p'tatahs are for kids." she taunted
He laughed and helped her off the counter, but once down he kept a hold on her hips. Making Marie look up confused.
"Your beautiful, Marie, you know that?"
"Thanks, Sugar." she grinned " So are you... such a handsome little Piggy."
"Gorgeous!" he stepped closer
"Handsome" she looked at him. Getting a little lost in his eyes. They had turned the color of melting silver, and she was more than happy to melt along with them.
"Marie..." he tilted her head up a little further with his thumb. His gaze flew to her lips, making her wet them with her tongue. Which made his eyes darken.
"Sc..Scott.." she whispered as her breath got shorter. She whimpered when he stopped coming closer, "Ahre... ahre you gonna ki... kiss me?"
He smiled at her, "Yeah."
And he did, passionately, pinning her to the counter with his hips as he slid his fingers into her hair. Tilting her head to give him better access.
He picked her up setting her back onto the counter and slipping between her legs. "Oh baby" he moaned as she wrapped her legs around him bringing their hips to grind against each other.
"What the fuck, is THIS." Logan yelled from the doorway to the kitchen.
Marie tore her lips away long enough to look at him. "It's a p'tatah fight." she said causing Scott to grin.
Logan stormed over reaching for Scott when all the sudden a blast of energy hit him, throwing him back. It had been warm, and strong enough to throw him back, but not painful. It took a second for Logan to realize Scooter hadn't turned around.
"What the hell?"
He looked at Marie, there was a red glow fading from her eyes.
"I take it, you still got it?" Scott smirked
"Yeah, at least a little. It's fading fast though."
Scott spoke to Logan without turning. "Leave us alone, Logan."
"Like Hell I will!"
"Yes Logan, you will." Marie looked at him sternly. "Ah'm not yours anymore, were friends, and you WILL accept this." she indicated to her and Scott with her hand, "Or Ah can't even be that to you."
"Shit Marie... please!"
"It's Rogue, Logan... and please leave."
He glared daggers at Scott's back. "Fine!" he yelled and slammed his fist into the wall next to the door as he stormed out.
Marie sighed and hugged Scott... "guess we should clean up this mess, huh?"
"Yeah... after one more kiss." She giggled.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Jean cringed as Logan yelled his threats, pacing across the library, with his claws out.
"Logan... he's making Rogue happy." Logan whirled on her. "Could you take that away from her? Can you be so selfish as to cause her that much pain?"
Logan growled, but slid the claws back in. She could tell he was thinking it over and he cussed loudly after a moment and pushed a bookcase over. He stalked out, but Jean knew he had chosen to let Rogue be happy, no matter the cost to him.
When she heard Scott's old motorcycle, that Logan had stolen so long ago, speed off. She knew he was going to go beat his anger out on a few rednecks. She sighed deeply and started picking up the books and putting them away after telekinetically putting the bookcase back up.
Scott leaned down and kissed her. Then nervously ran his fingers through his hair. Showing her was one thing, actually telling her was another. He sighed and gathered his courage. "Marie... you should know..." he grunted, "Damn why is this so hard to say?" he felt stupid, HE was suppose to be the mature one. He was a teacher after all. Which made him even more afraid of saying it... what if he was wrong about her beyond romantic feelings in him growing? What if he said it and she cringed away? How would he deal with that?
"Maybe do it like taking off a Band-Aid. Tell it all really fast." she whispered confused, but without question trying to help, as she always did.
He nodded, "I'm falling in love with you." he pressed his lips together, holding his breath.
Marie giggled, "Good, it's about time you joined the same race with me. You have a lot of catching up to do!" she winked.
Scott stuttered surprised and stunned. "You.. you mean you...you love me?"
"Ahh so you figured out my secret..." She leaned up and kissed him. "And about that falling in love. Fall away sugar, just don't fly into any walls."
"You minx!" he swung her up into his arms, "You'll pay for that."
Marie sighed dramatically, and laid her hand on her forehead, "Oh promises, promises... whatever will Ah do?"
Scott laughed heartily and twirled her around.
They went to his room and their kissing soon got out of control. Scott's hand eventually started stroking her in the way she liked and she soon joined in.
This time however they stripped each other down and were lying on the bed. Scott was kissing her neck, but the skin on skin was quickly driving reason away.
"Marie... Marie, wait we ... damn ... we have to stop." He was panting hard.
"Why Scott?"
He sighed, he hated being out of control. "Because... Marie I want to do to much at this point, and you're not ready."
"Says who?" Scott choked at that.
"Ah mean it, Scott... says who? Ah'm ready! Ah promise."
"Are.. are you sure?"
She stared straight in his eyes and didn't turn away, "Yes, Positive."
Scott smiled, "Then I hope you're not tired"
She smirked "Not at all"
Marie and Scott spent the rest of the night learning each other's bodies and rhythms, in every way.
Marie was now in hell, she was sure of it! Finals were so horrible and stressing that she knew that a whole week of them must be an act of hellish proportions.
She lay on her and Scott's bed on her stomach, kicking her legs back and forth as she studied.
Over the weekend before finals Scott and Marie had started to move in his old student room together. After admitting their love, and since they would be in a car and hotel rooms... well basically living together in two more days. They didn't see the need to move anywhere else where they would be apart.
"Damn I've fallen in love with Jubilee"
Marie jumped, she hadn't even heard him come in. "huh?"
"All these sexy as hell outfits." He walked over to the bed and slowly slid his hands up her body, bringing himself down to lay across her back, supporting his weight on elbows. He rubbed his hips against her ass, as he kissed the back of her bare neck. "I can't decide my favorite." he smiled when he noticed Marie had felt his arousal, and was rolling her hips against him teasingly.
Marie giggled and turned over when he sat up straddling her. "Oh really? Ah thought you liked my tight skirt yesterday, with the equally tight shirt."
"The one with the tiger stripes?" she nodded, "hell yeah, I loved it."
"Then wouldn't that be your favorite?"
"Oh no, I hadn't seen you in these short shorts, and that baby tee." he ran his hands down her sides, and over the skin showing her stomach.
She shivered. "Mmm, so this is how you're going to help me study?"
"Don't you have an anatomy final coming up?"
She laughed, "Nope took it today at one."
He pouted and gave her his puppy eyes, "Please can I have a kiss?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck, " a'course little piggy"
"Oink, oink" he lowered his lips to hers kissing her passionately and invading her mouth by opening it with a thumb. "What... about... math?" he said between kisses.
"Tomorrow. So Ah think Ah should study. Besides you said a 'kiss' as in one... not plural."
"Took your English final, huh?"
She giggled and nodded. "Yeah, you forget already? Remember looking up my skirt the whole time? Ah know you were, you can't hide it from me, even with your glasses. In fact it is my theory" she put her hand to her eye, as if holding an eyepiece. She talked in a low voice "That you put the glasses, you no longer need inside, on. Simply as a way to hide what you were looking at.
"Ahh I remember now, you little minx! It's your fault! You deliberately sat up front taunting me all class!"
"Guilty as charged"
"Well then, my point is proven! As for this math final, I have an equation for you"
"Oh really?" she raised a brow.
He leaned down and kissed it, then made a trail of kisses down her neck. "Oh yeah."
He kissed her hard again, when she came up for air she asked, "Well?"
He smirked, "If I kissed you first, then you kissed me, just as deeply.... how many kisses would it take to please your horny man?"
"That's easy"
"Have an answer already?"
"Mmmm, question first." she kissed his neck, making him growl in pleasure a little.
"Where am Ah kissing you during this equation"
"Damn Marie! You know how to turn a man on." he growled and pressed her hand to his groin. "Touch me, baby."
She grinned and rubbed him through his slacks, causing him to let out an instant shiver .
He nipped at her neck as he lowered his hand to her breast. He pushed her book to the floor, and pushed her higher on the bed. He groaned at the pressure of her steady long stokes. Her other hand was unzipping and unbuttoning his slacks. Then she ripped open his shirt with a little bit of her super strength. She flipped them over and slipped off the bed. He whimpered at the loss of her touch. "More Marie, please!"
"Shhh... you'll like my idea... Ah promise!" she straddled him, "After all Mistah Summers, Ah want a good grade." his eyes glazed over. He loved this game... it was every man's hot fantasy. Except he was really a teacher and her ... a student. He grinned, 'his' student ... that he was truly allowed to touch.
He linked his hands under his head. as he lay back, with his shirt wide open, showing off his chest, and his pants undone as a line of soft hair led the way into them. He looked her up and down and gave her a stern look. "Well, Marie...what would you do for this good grade?"
"Whatevah you ask, Mistah Summers." she looked down meekly as knelt before him.
He raised a brow, "Hmmm... take off your clothes."
She acted surprised, "Mistah Summers?!"
He sat up and looked her up and down. Than lifted his hand to cup her and rub her breasts, before commanding her. "Do it Marie... Now."
She bit her lip, trying not to smile, and lifted her baby-tee over her head, then crawled off the bed to stand and continued to strip down till she was bare.
His hand skimmed over his erection as he watched her. "Very nice.."
She blushed, and he smiled knowing it was a true blush. He stood and walked around her, seeming to be sizing her up. His finger gave a feather light touch along her spine raising goosebumps on her and making her nipples hard. As he flattened his hand on the small of her back and ran it around her stomach and lower, "So Marie what kind of grade did you have in mind? An 'A' Perchance?" she nodded, "Well that does bring up a problem, doesn't it?... To go from a D- to an A takes a lot of dedication.... Or a lot of persuasion." He slipped his hand away from her and turned her. "I'm afraid you will have to persuade me to give 'it' to you."
Her eyes widened and he saw the surprised mischievous look fly through her eyes. She didn't move for a moment.
"Well, if you don't want the grade Marie, I believe this meeting is ov..." he hissed as she slid her hand in his pants, grasping him as he walked away.
"Ah want 'it', Mistah Summers." she walked around him, after pulling his shirt off, and tugging down his pants. She smirked as she pushed him on the bed and crawled between his thighs, she flicked her tongue over the tip... and before she could do more he grabbed her.
The game had ended as their lust turning to loving and Scott pulled her up his body, before kissing her lips. "Damn Marie, you can be amazingly erotic. Gods, do you make me want you!"
"Good, sugar. Ah want you just as bad. Come 'ere." she rolled them over.
He slipped between her thighs and rubbed himself against her.
She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her. He started sliding in and out in a fast rhythm, she was at the edge, "Harder sugar!"
"Hell yeah, you got it baby!" he groaned. He sped up and watched her get launched over the cliff as he followed, falling down on her, supporting his weight, but exhausted none the less.
"Mmmm, how many kisses was that?"
"Lost count" he murmured.
"Hmm, Ah guess Ah'll have to study that equation more later then, huh?"
"Oh yeah... we want a good grade on your final and all."
"Speaking of which, what grade did Ah persuade you to give me?"
"I'll give you whatever you want." He brought her eyes to his, growing serious, "I promise, Marie, I'll give you whatever I can." he swore, no longer talking about grades, or even school at all. Suddenly his fear showed through. " Just don't ever leave me."
"Never sugar, Ah promise." She caressed his cheek, then mumbled tiredly. "Nap time?"
"Absolutely" He rolled to his side and held her close as she used him for a body pillow.
"Ah'm starting to really like math, well that and being a student."
It choked a laugh out of him.
Her last thought before they both fell asleep was about Alaska, and how fun and freeing it would be to finally do what she had made a map out in her room to do years ago.
And as they slept, everything that was needed to lead up to a pregnant Marie...happened.
To be continued, next chapter "Presents from Alaska"
Marie was waiting for him to come home for so long, that she got so excited, and rushed into his arms when she saw him. "I'm so glad your home, I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too kid, I told you I'd come back for you, right."
Marie knew what he meant when he handed her those tags. He was giving her room to grow a little and trying to find out who he was in the mean time. The tags he'd be back for, but he'd also, more importantly be back for her. She was going to be his. They both knew that, at that moment he made it perfectly clear to them both.
Logan tilted his neck making it crack and stretched until his back did the same. It had been a damn long ride and he'd only stopped for gas the whole way. However his 3 day journey did lead him to the only home he'd ever really considered a home, and to his Marie.
"Wow sugah, you're starting to sound like an old man." she giggled.
He growled at her playfully.
"There is so much I have to catch you up on!" He shrugged and threw his bag over his shoulder once again, before nodding to the stairs and following her.
They went up to her room and she gave the tags back, he took them without question, sliding them over his head. Then he lay on her bed as she ran through an endless book of things that had happened while he was gone.
A little while later, Jean came to the door and opened it slightly knowing Logan was there from her telepathically scanned of the grounds. She went up under the ruse' that she was getting Rogue for dinner.
Marie turned toward the door hesitantly and Logan's eyes shot to the door as he watched Jean. "Uhh... yeah?"
She leaned in enough to present a generous visual of her exposed cleavage and, as Marie watched, Logan ran his eyes over her body. He seemed to forget all the things he'd said earlier. Marie looked back to Jean, not wanting to watch Logan's wandering eyes.
"You coming to din... Oh hello Logan, Charles told me you were back." She opened the door wider and stepped in as Marie quietly sat at her desk watching in horror as Jean and Logan talked as if she wasn't even in the room. "How did your search go?"
"Didn't find much of anything. Pretty much a dead end." His eyes watched her closely and attentively, "How are you and the Boy Scout, Red?" "Oh, well ... Scott and I are ... well we've put back the wedding date." she said seductively.
Rogue's eyes widened. That isn't what she heard, she heard that Scott was pushing for an EARLIER date. She turned and watched for Logan's response in dread.
"That's to bad Jeannie, maybe we can talk about it later... I could beat him up if ya like."
Jean giggled, "Oh, Logan. I don't want you to hurt Scott...but having someone to talk to might be nice."
"You got it Red."
Jean blushed and left leaving the door open as she walked away. After she was out of sight Logan jumped up. "Ready to eat, kid?"
'Kid... she was back to kid. Maybe she didn't have him at all.' That thought hurt so bad that she discarded it immediately.
"Uhh sure. If you want... " She stuttered sadly.
Logan noticed her hesitation. "Hey Marie, you know who I want is you, right."
She looked down but said nothing. He used her hair to lift her chin. "I'm serious." He used her scarf to pull over her lips and kissed her.
Marie sighed in wonder; her second kiss was so much better than her first.
She nodded "Your rahght, I'm just being silly."
"That's right..." he nudged her to the door, "Common kid."
After dinner he went into the professor's office to talk about what he'd found, or lack thereof. After spending the whole dinner tiptoeing around Jean and staring at her. Which she gladly returned his intense looks. Dinner finally wound to an end, leaving Scott and Rogue nervous and unsure.
For the first time, in a long time, she wondered if Logan had been telling the truth when he told Jean about her having his heart. Logan had told her that he just wanted to get laid, as he so crassly put it, and would have said anything right then to get it. He said that he was sorry over and over ... but did that really mean he was telling her the truth. What she had seen so far, said he was lying.
She pushed the thoughts away as she lay in bed staring at the ceiling and willing herself to sleep. Hoping the next day would be better.
Late that night though, Logan crawled into her bed, he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her awake. "Baby, wake up."
In her sleepy state she didn't notice the smell at first, as he started pawing at her, cupping her breasts and kissing her neck through her hair. She thought it was her dream come true. Yet when she tried to turn to face him, he held her turned away from him.
The smell finally hit her...he was drunk. It had to take a lot to get him drunk with his healing factor. He rubbed himself against her a few times then bit her neck as he bucked hard, groaning words she couldn't make out against her throat. He promptly fell asleep after.
It was a long time till she went to sleep.
When she woke up, he was gone. She was almost thankful. So when she didn't see Logan in the morning and Scott, who had looked so sad, asked her if she wanted to go on a ride. Who was she to refuse those pout lips? Besides she needed to get away for a while anyway. So they jumped in Scott's new car and drove off to the city. Scott surprised her a little when he pulled up to a bar, Dolphin's Tavern.
He glanced over and caught the look, "Don't get any idea's, were here to play pool."
She smirked and shrugged, not quite agreeing with that, but not arguing either.
They walked in and Rogue looked around. She smiled widely when she saw the bar tender. He had wings... apparently this was a mutant friendly bar. She giggled at her deduction and the cause of her final opinion. 'Hey,' she thought 'the wings were cool. Wonder if can actually fly with them.'
Scott shook her out of her thoughts when he handed her a cue stick, "Ready to get you butt whipped?"
She smirked, opening up, for the first time that day. Determined to actually have fun, she responded. "If you would quit thinking about my butt, you might get to watch me kick yours."
"Damn straight!" she laughed as Scott broke the balls.
They were laughing so hard when they came out that a few eyes turned their way.
"Ahright, ahright. Ya win, ya big ninny!" "Ah yes, 'tis a great chance I took, full of danger and adventure, yet I'm more the happy to be home, than to morn such a trip." he said dramatically.
Rogue clapped gloved hands; "Ah didn't know you were a poet." she giggled.
"Again it 'tis a sad bit of business that, I get to slay no dragons" he pouted. "Simply write of the knight that does, as he catches the eyes of so many damsels. Oh, to be in that profession!" he smiled dramatically, he acted like he was contemplating something deeply, "'Tis a fact and truth, I would not the profession long, for no dragon was ever befouled by the pen."
Marie was doubled over in laugher. "Your way to good at tha'"
He smiled at her "Ya, it comes with being an English teacher and having to read books and poems like that every year."
"Ah love your class, mistah Summers!" She leaned on the car and put a finger to her pouting lip. "'Course mah grade doesn't show it..." She got dramatic all the sudden and grinned mischievously. "'Tis tha truth mistah Summers. You thought to win with not a pin but a cue stick, yet in the end were not so lucky; Ah befell you with your own pride, for simply a higher grade. Were you to contest me when Ah had naught to gain... no reason to let you triumph ... you sir would find you should stay to the pen... for I shall defeat you at every turn on the pool table."
"T'would be a sad event indeed, for only one can win... " He sighed sadly.
She burst into more giggles and he joined her with a deep laugh.
A couple clapped behind them, surprising both. They turned to see the older woman and man. The woman spoke up, "I have to admit, you two are perfect for each other. It is rare to find that kind of love this day in age." she softly glared at Scott, "Be sure to hang onto her, young man."
Scott cleared his throat and nodded not trusting his voice to contain his laughter. He glanced behind him, as Rogue was hiding, what he could only assume, smiling lips from them, behind a gloved hand.
"And you young lady, keep an eye on that man. Make him behave as he should."
"Yes Mah'am."
"Good girl." and with that she threaded her arm through her husband's and walked away.
Scott and Rogue jumped into the car as they held their breath. They only got a block away before the laughter broke out. "Oh mah! Mistah Summers... Ah bahlieve you just got put in your place."
He was still laughing and driving when he glanced at her. "It would seem so."
When they got home Marie went to find Logan. She hadn't talked to him at all today. Scott decided to follow along, since she would be going right past Jean's office on her way to the gym. Where she assumed Logan would be... well that or the danger room, she smirked, beating up some big, bad, bully. They teased each other along the way and stopped when they got to Jean's office. "See you later, Rogue?"
"Uh Scott, we live in the same house... I believe that's inescapable."
He smiled, "Your right, I'll see you then."
"Sounds good... young man" she giggled.
He was about to reply when they heard something heavy crash in Jean's office. They looked at each other than ran in.
"Jean? Jean... are you alr..." He stared at Jean in horror as she tried to stand up immediately. She had been bent over the desk, with Logan behind her... riding her as he pushed on her shoulder pinning her there. He saw the lamp that had been pushed to the floor, and realized it had been done in passion ... not danger.
"Oh mah g..." Marie covered her mouth in shock.
Jean was trying to shake Logan's hand off her shoulder and stand, but the movement sent Logan over the edge. He growled as he climaxed. Then slowly came back to himself and realized Marie had seen... was still seeing. "Damn it all, Logan, let me UP!" Jean pushed.
Logan stiffened and did so immediately. He pulled up his pants and ran over to the retreating Marie. She was shaking her head in denial. Logan reached out to grab her shoulders.
"Marie... Marie please." she looked at his hands in disgust and he pulled them away before he touched her.
"Scott... It was a mistake ... I'm so sorry, please don't hate me!"
Scott looked at Marie and got behind her letting her back up into his waiting arms. She jumped when she felt him, but soon realized who was behind her and sunk into his arms in defeat.
"How could you Logan?" she cried, "I thought you came back for.... "
"I did! This was a mistake... I know I screwed this up in a major fucking way. But please believe me, baby. This will never happen again. I swear to you... "
"Promise me Logan!"
"Oh baby, I promise!"
Marie straightened up, her pride forcing her to show dignity, even in this dark situation. "Wash her off you. Then promise me again."
Logan nodded and left, Marie's tears wouldn't stop as she turned in Scott's arms and leaned into him for support. Jean watched as she begged Scott to forgive her.
Scott finally replied, "Give me time and distance to think... I ... I just don't know what to say right now."
"But you can forgive me?"
"Yes... with time." he looked at her "Why don't you go take a shower as well."
She nodded and left. As her door shut, Marie let the sobs come as Scott held her gently rubbing his chin softly across her head and promising he'd always be there no matter what. That she could always rely on that.
"Ah still love him... it hurts, and it hurts worse to feel that love... it isn't as much as it used to be... oh gods what are we gonna do?"
"Forgive them this once... hope the love grows again... we can walk away if it hurts to much."
She cried and he too let a few tears fill his eyes.
Scott was walking down the hall still playing the events of the day through his head. Rogue and he hadn't spoken to Logan and Jean since the incident. They had been sitting in the library getting lost in paperwork and Rogue sat in there with him studying. He had just turned a corner in the west wing when he stopped short. He had heard some mumbling. He looked down a side hall, growing tense as he saw Logan and Jean. Logan was thoroughly kissing Jean! They had promised never again... they hadn't even lasted a whole day. She ripped off his shirt, sending buttons everywhere, and he used his claws to cut open hers, which made her groan deeply. Scott cringed as he watched Logan look down at Jean's breasts rubbing them before quickly carrying her into his room. For some reason he couldn't stop staring at the now empty hall, with buttons everywhere. He sighed heavily and turned away, walking on.
He walked to Rogue's room and knocked on the door. Jubilee answered, "Dude, I totally already did my English homework."
He smiled, hiding his pain, dying to drown it away with another meaningful time with Rogue "Good to hear, I'm sure you'll be turning it in tomorrow on time then, right?"
"Oh... Uh...yeah. Of course."
He smirked and nodded to her, "I'm actually here to see Rogue."
"Ohhhh, why didn't you say so... " She walked away from the door, and a few minutes later Rogue appeared.
"Hey Mistah Summers."
"Hey," he smirked. "Get dressed."
"Uh... Ah am." she said confused looking down at her clothes from earlier.
"Were going out dancing, dress accordingly." he smiled at her.
"We are?"
"Yeah, meet you in the garage in 15 minutes, or I'll come back up after you!"
Her eyes widened and she nodded, still confused, but understanding his orders.
Rogue went to the garage with a spaghetti strap cammi, but instead of covering her stomach it 'V'ed down from the built in bra, to her belly button where there was a little emerald chain hanging off the tip. She wore a royal green sheer shirt, to keep her and others safe, over her darker green cammi. Her legs were covered in black leather pants that hugged her lower half in ways that left little to the imagination.
When she entered the garage Scott's eyes went wide.
Rogue blushed. "Is this ahright?"
Scott simply stared with his mouth slightly open in surprise.
"Mistah Summers?"
He shook his head, "Uh... sorry, what did you say?"
"Nevahmind. You just answered it."
He smiled "You look hot."
"Thanks" she glanced down; he wore black slacks with a white, tight, T-shirt. "Your not to shabby yourself." her brows met in confusion all the sudden, "Um ... Mistah Summers?"
"Call me Scott... at least outside of the classroom."
She nodded, "Ok, Scott... why are we doing this? Ah mean, not that Ah'm not excited ... just umm ... why?"
She had a right to know he just didn't want to be the one to tell her. But unfortunately he was the only one that could.
"Scott?" she said at his hesitant pause.
"I saw Logan and Jean... together... kissing... and" he winced "tearing clothes off each other. That's all I saw before Logan carried her into his room. I'm sorry I just wanted to get out of here for a while. Ya know?"
She frowned at the situation but nodded in understanding. It hurt her even more that she wasn't able to call Scott a liar. It hurt that she was expecting this, knowing it would happen. Knowing it wouldn't be truly her in Logan's arms as long as he stared so thoroughly at Jean. Her eyes widened as she realized he had groaned Jean's name against her neck last night. She shook the sad, depressing thoughts away and let out a small smile to Scott. "Your rahght, let's go out."
"So do you vote motorcycle?"
"Oh yeah." she smiled trying to lift the betrayed feelings, "and FAST."
He looked shocked, "You mean there are other speeds?"
She laughed and shook her head 'no'.
He climbed on and she mounted behind him. They pushed out and once on the road he sped off. Her legs squeezed him the faster he got. With that thought, he hit the turbo speed button and smirked when her legs clamped around him and her arms slid across his chest too hug him tight.
When he took a tight turn, her hand slid lower for more leverage. His body tensed then shivered as he let out a small moan. She noticed both, one from the mic in their helmets, the other because her body was plastered to his back.
"Scott, are you ahlright?"
He grasped her hand that had just skimmed his thigh, and slipped it beneath the visor on his helmet, kissing it. Then setting it safely on his upper chest. That clued Marie in on what the problem was. "Sorry, sugar."
"Don't be" he smiled even though she couldn't see it. "I just can't enjoy it right now... well not if you want to arrive there in one piece"
"Deal! No more wandering hands on the bike."
She heard his laugh over the mic, and he reached down to squeeze her knee before turning his attention back to the road.
The club was big, and Marie had barely made it through the door before she was asked to dance. "Sorry, sugar, Ah'm with him." she pointed to Scott.
And when asked he simply did the same thing.
"Wanna dance?" Scott leaned close so she could hear him over the music.
"Oh yeah."
They weren't expecting the next song to be a bump and grind. They actually hadn't even thought of it. So they danced apart for a minute, just facing each other.
Finally Scott took the initiative, and put a large hand on the small of Rogue's back. He pressed her up against him, and slipped a leg between hers. She in turned wrapped her arms around his neck smiling.
"This position ok with you?"
She let out a breathless, "Yes."
Scott smiled and they started dancing, he laid his hands on her hips and started really enjoying himself. Sliding his hands up and down her curvy sides. Gritting his teeth as Rogue unknowingly ground down on his growing bulge in his pants. For the next song he turned her around and adjusted himself quickly in his pants, before pulling her back to press against his chest. He tilted his head back a she grasped his hands lifting the above her head in her own. Then letting them go allowing him to slide them down her arms, and caress the sides of her breasts on the way down to her stomach where he laced them together, using his thumb to caress her as they danced in a way that stung of bodies entwined in sex.
He was ashamed when the picture of slipping his hand between her thighs popped into his head. Screw the other dancers around him! He could feel her heat on his thigh that stayed between hers. He shook his head trying to think of anything else. 'She's a student! One of YOUR students' but unfortunately that turned him on all the more, thinking of a study session with her steaming up. He'd never had these clearly raw fantasies about anyone else. That was when Rogue became the object of all his fantasies. Dominating his thoughts! Positions to take her, he'd never done with Jean. Playing games while having sex... also a new one for him...
She drug him out of his thoughts as she reached for his hands sliding them up her body, guiding them with her own on top. She ran them over her breasts where he couldn't help flicking his thumb over her nipple as they past, and she slipped them back into the air for the ending bit of the song as she rotated her hips against his. She was in total abandon, the music controlled her movements and thoughts, giving her no embarrassment or reservation when she did these erotic things.
"Damn, Rogue!" He whispered as his hips bucked a little towards hers without thinking, as the song's last note played.
As the third song came to an end they were surpassed to hear hoots and clapping around them. A woman came up to Scott and Marie. As Marie slowly came out of the trance the music had put her in. "Damn you guys that was downright erotic to watch." she smirked at Scott, "Bet it felt even better than that to you." she brassily nodded down. As Rogue completed turning in his arms.
Marie followed her nod and saw that Scott had a rather large bulge next to her right thigh. She looked down so he couldn't see her smile. It felt good to feel desirable. She had felt the opposite every time Logan looked at Jean. Marie shook those thoughts away and looked up with a blush. Scott raised a brow and smirked at her.
"Why are you blushing?" he asked, acting innocently confused, as he tried to embarrass her more. She saw through the question, locking onto his mischievous purpose for asking it, and instead of blushing more she grinned seductively and swayed her body 'accidentally' putting pressure and rubbing it at the same time. "Why Mistah Summers, what would give me reason to blush?"
He groaned heavily and his eyes darkened. He pulled her body flush against his and put his mouth right by her ear, so when he whispered, his breath would caress her and his lips would brush against her. To fast for her skin to react. "Why? Hmmm... Any one of the thoughts that have been flying through my head would cause you to blush to the tips of your hair." He nipped at her earlobe.
She shivered, Logan and Jean's betrayal slipping to the back of her mind, away from this heated moment. "What thoughts?" she ground against him a little and hung on tightly around his neck as he shivered and panted against her neck. "Tell me your thoughts, Scott."
He growled in his throat and turned dragging her out the door. She just smiled and tried to keep up. He all but threw her on the bike and, although he did forced her helmet all the way strapped on and everything, his was not so carefully tightened. The strap hung from the bottom hitting his neck and shoulder. He flew out of that parking lot and Marie held on, laughing as she saw his hand go down to adjust himself. "Uncomfy, sugar?"
He grabbed her knee and slid his hand up a little higher and smirked when she sucked in a breath. "Far from." he said smoothly.
"So, sugar you gonna tell me those thoughts or what?"
She raised a brow at the comment and held on as he made a sharp turn into a parking lot of some park.
He kicked the kickstand down and slid off. She threw her leg over to do the same, but once it was over, her hips were grabbed holding her on the seat of the bike. He nudged her thighs apart and slid between them, keeping his hands on her hips.
She caressed his chest softly and smiled when he laid his forehead on her shoulder. "Your amazing, you know that?" he snuggled.
She wrapped her legs around him and arms in a tight hug, and was pleasantly surprised when he slipped his hands under her butt and lifted her. He carried her to a bench with her legs still around him, and when he sat he adjusted her legs to bend so she was kneeling and straddling him.
Suddenly she thought of something, "Scott, are we being as bad as them?"
He looked up at her, "Depends... Do you...Can you take him back after what he did?"
She looked down and shook her head. "No."
"Me either... so technically were single now... they're just to busy at the moment for us to tell them."
"Ah don't want to be a rebound, Scott. Loosing you too would hurt so much."
He smiled at her; "You could never be a rebound."
"You could never be one with me either..." she blushed, "Just so you know."
He let out a seductive grin, and leaned down instead of answering he said. "Tell me to stop at any time."
She nodded and gasped as he kissed her neck through a scarf. His hand slid up her belly in-between her breasts. "Scott!" she moaned at the touch.
He thought she wanted him to stop and so started to pull his hand away. "No Scott, please! Don't stop."
"Never!" he cupped her breasts, and arched his hips into her letting her feel him, as he lowered his mouth to her nipple.
She retaliated by sliding her hand up his thigh; she hesitated when his whole body went stiff, but when she realized it was with want, she cupped him gently.
His hand flew to hers and wrapped his hand around it, making her squeeze him harder. "Oh yes!" he showed her the way he stroked himself when he was alone, her eyes glazed over when she realized what pace he was truly showing her.
"Y... you, this is the way you..."
He nodded, "Yeah, this is the way I ...uh...do myself." he whispered blushing.
She pushed his hand down, bright red, but drowning in passion, "This is my way."
He bucked into her hand. "Hell yes! Show me Rogue." and she did. "Is this... Are we masturbating together?" He grinned evilly.
"No... Were masturbating each other... " She copied his look, "Using each others hands to get off... you like it?"
"Hell yeah, can I... Can I use your scarf to touch you? As skin on skin as we can."
She all but ripped it off as he reached down and carried her a little back out of the light and laid her on the ground. He slipped her pants and silky underwear down. Then reached for the scarf she held. She held it out of reach and his eyes shot to hers in worry that he had gone to far.
But she just raise a brow and nodded to his pants which he undid and slid down a little staring at her as he hissed at letting himself free.
She handed him the scarf when he slipped off his gloves, and they took each other's hands again, Rogue's gloved hands showing Scott how to please her and Scott's bare hand showing her gloved one how to touch him.
They stared at each other as the touches brought them to the cliff. "Rogue... I'm gonna cum." He warned her so she could let go... instead she let go of his hand on her and swiped off some pre-cum on her gloved finger, before popping it in her mouth as her other stroked him firmly and faster. Watching that sent him over the edge and the pressure of his finger stroking spastically as he climaxed sent her right behind him.
He rolled them over so she was on top, as he panted coming down off his high. "Damn"
"You got tha' rahght!"
He smirked and they lay peacefully for a bit.
She finally tilted her head up and looked at him curiously, "What are you going to say to Jean?"
He shrugged "I can't trust her anymore, I know that, and I can't live my life with, or marry, someone I can't trust."
Marie hugged him, it was harder for him, she never tasted, and never had the chance to fall completely in love and know everything about the one she loved. Oh, sure she had him in her head, but she couldn't predict what he was going to do... what he was thinking. Which she was proven right tonight?
The intense heat of the ride to the park soothed down and they talked of everything from Jean and Logan, to the way frogs eat when they heard one somewhere behind them. It was a wonderful night, which lasted until dawn. On the ride home, Marie, actually realized that talking it out with Scott like they had... made her forgive them. And get over what they had done... helped her move on. She giggled.
"What's so funny?"
"Ah was just thinking' that ya helped me get over Logan, ta move on and such."
"And that made you laugh?"
She shook her head, then realized he couldn't see it. "No, Ah just thought it would be nice to move on and everything... and you seem to be more than happy to go on the ride with me." She blushed but smiled, and borrowed into his back.
"Your right."
She giggled again, "Yeah, Ah know... Ah'm a genius like that."
They laughed and teased the rest of the way home.
Scott held her as he carried her up to her room, but upon hearing Jubilee's soft snores he turned and started walking in the opposite direction. He didn't want to go to his and Jean's room. It wouldn't be right. But he didn't want the night to end. So he went to the room he had when he was still a student at Xavier's School for the Gifted Youngsters.
The next day was Saturday so he wasn't worried about keeping her up late, or keeping her from class the next morning. He also decided to forgo his plans of being in his office to accept the papers that were due for his class. 'Hell' he thought 'I have a desk. they can lay them there! And I'll get to it.' he smirked 'When I get to it.' It made him smile when he realized how freeing being with Rogue was. He didn't want to plan everything like he usually did. He shook his thoughts away and opened the door with the hand under Rogue's legs.
The room was unoccupied, and pretty much the way he remembered it with some small changes in furniture.
"Where are we?"
"This was my room when I was a student."
She smiled, "Kinda hard to picture you as a student."
"Yeah well unlike most think I actually had a mom and dad and wasn't grown in a lab as a robot, with no personality what-so-ever. I was a lot like you in fact."
She giggled, "You couldn't touch, and you used to love a man you met in a bar, that could be like... well Ah don't know how many more times your age. That cheated on you?"
Scott laughed a little. "OK, Ok not that much like you I guess." he smirked, "You see I always had a thing for the weaker sex... the more FEMINE gender. I'm not really into older men." he laid her down on the bed then stretched out beside her on his side, so he could talk to her.
Rogue laughed a true laugh. She thought a bit, then smiled. "Marie.."
"I'm sorry?"
"My ... my name... it's Marie."
"Marie...It fits you all the better."
She smiled and she was glad she had told him. No longer 'Rogue the invincible with lots of people in her head, even one that had been the reason his fiancée' cheated on him'. No she was Marie to him.
As for people being in her head... well the easiest way to say it is that they faded. In Logan's case she mostly held only his powers, she had had Eric's to but he and his powers had faded away a long time ago. He hadn't held on long enough to keep them in there. But Logan was different; his powers were still with her a little... she didn't heal near as quickly as him. Unfortunately, probably only 1/2 as good. Still the point was that everything DID heal up eventually, even ones she had before everything. Before her mutation hit. Logan personally ... well his thoughts faded, and his memories. She really only had his senses, and a little shorter leash on her temper.
Carol's were with her as strong as the moment she drained her. According to Hank they were there permanently since Mystique had forced contact until it killed Carol. Carol was unconscious so she never felt the pain Rogue did, as their hands were forced together.
"Thanks, Scott."
He smiled.
"Why are you smiling?"
"I love the way you say my name with your southern belle charm, and accent." he leaned back, beside her. "It reminds me of my mother."
"You never talk about your family... " She propped herself up on her elbows, "tell me about them."
He closed his eyes under the visor and walked back through his memories. "My mother was from the south, like you she had a calming, beautiful accent. My father's family was from Alaska and was raised there. I'm not quite sure how they met... I don't remember them telling me. I remember her singing to me and Alex." at her confused look he embellished, "my little brother." she nodded understanding, "My father was a pilot and we had a cabin in northern Canada that we visited all the time. That's where we were going when the plane malfunctioned, the engine caught fire and my mother and father wrapped a parachute around me and Alex, also giving them one each. We all jumped and they stayed with us long enough to pull the 'shoot for us. My father's caught fire... Alex and I watched as my mother tried to hold him with her own parachute... We were told they didn't survive. When Alex and I hit the ground My head took a lot of impact... damaging the part of my brain that would have allowed me control over my mutation. Hence my need for these..." he motioned to the visor, Marie squeezed the shoulders that she had started rubbing at some point, in sympathy. He sighed at the wonderful feeling then continued. "My grandparents took us in, but when my mutation asserted itself, I almost killed Alex" he sighed at that awful memory, then continued. "So I ran away. The professor found me and I've been here ever since."
"Oh Scott, do you visit them?"
"I did once. After college... after I met Jean... after I got my visor and could look at them again. I was in love with Jean though and she didn't like Alaska and wanted to return to Westchester... so we did. My grandparents were hurt that I didn't stay any longer than 3 days... but Jean hated it there and I wanted to do whatever she wanted to be sure she'd stay with me. I haven't gone back since."
"Ah've always wanted to go to Alaska. it's where Ah was headed when we met up with you, and Ah met up with Logan." she smiled, "Maybe we could go there together and visit them more than three days..." she giggled "maybe even four!"
He didn't laugh though; he turned to look at her shocked. He stared at her eyes... though she couldn't see him doing it... she FELT it. "Would you really consider it? Coming with me I mean..." he smiled.
"Of course Scott... without question. Your my best friend... the only man Ah trust..." she thought a little then started rambling, "besides the professor and Hank... of course looking at the professor as a man is just to weird... he's like a guardian angel with wheels. And Hank... well Ah trust him, Ah really do... which kinda amazes me, cause Ah haven't spent much time with him. Ya know? Ah don't usually trust people Ah don't know. Your the only one Ah'm close to though."
He didn't move. "What about Logan?"
She thought a moment. "He hurt me... a lot, it hurts to think of him the way Ah used to. It doesn't seem right, doesn't fit him anymore... Ah don't know...Ah feel like Ah never REALLY knew him. Or him me, not enough at least, to know how much this would hurt me... or maybe he doesn't even care."
"Then he's more of a fool than I ever guessed." He felt the fact that she didn't want to talk about it, so remained quiet, after that. Choosing instead to contemplating things. After a while of comfortable silence, he took a deep breath then jumped in; "I want to go to Alaska ... with you. Come with me?"
"Yes" she smiled. "We can make a long trip of it! See everything along the way and all that."
He hugged her tight and pulled her onto his chest. "Thank you"
Marie smiled and eventually they fell asleep, for a short while before breakfast, holding each other.
The next morning they went to their rooms, to change for breakfast.
Jean walked in as he was getting ready. "I'm so sorry, I just get so immersed in my studies that sleep seems foreign. Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, very."
"That's good," she said absently.
Scott watched her through the visor, and had found that he had no desire to see her without it anymore. He found that odd, to not even want to look at what he had loved for so long, found that rather surprising indeed ... yet at the same time, understandably fitting. "See you in the dinning room, ok? You don't need to wait for me I still have to take a shower."
Logan knocked on Marie's door as always to get her for breakfast as he planned to just fall back into the schedule they had before he left.
Jean and he had talked it over. They knew what they had done was wrong. They knew right away it was a mistake. So they swore to each other that they would never tell Scott or Rogue about the second time. That they were done... it would never happen again. So no one needed to know.
Marie opened the door ready for breakfast and nodded at Logan.
"Ready, kid?"
"Of course." she said without feeling.
Logan ignored it, chalked it up to her not being a morning person, or the more likely candidate, that she was still mad about the first time. The thought that he'd done it again made him cringe. He was 'never' going to tell her!
As they walking to the dining room eyes met as usual, something was different this time though. For before Jean always looked at Logan when she sensed him in the room and Logan looked at Jean... and this time was no different besides the oddity of their guilty, remorseful looks... no this time was different because for the first time... Scott looked at Rogue and Rogue looked at Scott and there was no guilt, no remorse, no fear or anger. They simply smiled and Scott stood from the x table and embraced her.
He whispered in her ear as he hugged her. "How are you this morning, Beautiful?"
She whispered back, "The same as you, sugar"
"mmmm I like that. Sugar... suits me well doesn't it?"
"Conceited piggy"
"Striped kitty"
They both smiled and parted.
"Come to my office after your last class, we'll talk" he whispered as she took a seat beside him. She nodded again and Logan took a seat on her other side.
Logan and Jean glanced at each other then looked away. Logan was concentrating so hard on trying to be sure he wasn't projecting his thoughts, so that Xavier wouldn't hear, that he missed what was being whispered.
After Marie got done with classes, she raced to Scott's office and ran in closing the door. "Hey little piggy" she jumped into his waiting arms.
"Hey little Kitty" he responded setting her on the leather couch in the room and pulling her feet onto his lap.
She looked at the table beside them, where Oreo's and milk stood temptingly.
He followed her gaze as she smiled at the sight. " As I recall this was both our comfort foods as a kids?" she nodded enthusiastically. "Which is why I found it the perfect snack. Don't you?"
She laughed fully. "Oh yes, it's perfect!"
She dipped an Oreo in milk and lifted it to his mouth. He bit it smirking and smiled even wider when she licked the chocolate off her fingers, after she took her hand away from his mouth. He rolled his shoulders and took off her shoes.
She moaned as he started giving her a foot massage.
They spent the whole afternoon eating Oreo's and planning their trip.
They decided to take it next week at the end of finals and graduation, for about a month during summer. Scott had pulled out a map so they could choose the route that hit all of the sights they wanted to see. They used the internet to pull up the tourist spots in each state they would cross into, as well as those in Canada.
Scott estimated that it would take around 2 weeks to get there, maybe more if they spent whole days at these places Marie kept finding. So with that thought in mind they made it a whole summer long trip. 'Maybe even longer.' Scott hoped. Even mapping out their return trip and all the sights they planned to see on the way back.
They spent time laughing with true joy that neither had done in a long time.
They walked in the dinning hall together for dinner and went to the tables they were expected to be at. Rogue alone with Logan and Jean with Scott at the x-table, to be served.
Rogue wanted to be at least friends with Logan so she set about making him so in her mind. Carrying along in conversation as usual.
Logan glanced Jean's way once more and looked down at his dinner furious with himself.
".... and her yellow jacket had to be sent to the dryclea... Logan?"
His eyes shot up to Marie's and he realized she'd been talking. "Sorry kid I got distracted. What did you say?"
Marie sighed and pushed her mixed fruit around, nabbing the one cherry. She glanced up as she let the sweet flavor invade her senses and made a decision. She sighed heavily, "Logan... last night..."
His attention was all the sudden completely and totally hers. His eyes begged her not to know, and begged her to know it all at the same time. She bit her lip, but continued "Last night, Ah...We...know what you did..." tears filled her eyes as she said goodbye to her first love in her heart.
Logan tensed considerably.
"I hope you find the happiness... the happiness you've been looking for...I hope you find it with her."
It was the hardest thing she'd ever had to say and she knew she stumbled over the words... but she HAD said them. With that she stood and started running out of the room trying to get somewhere private before the tears hit.
"MAR... Rogue!!" he remembered no one knew her name at the last minute. Who was he to tell them? He'd hurt her a lot already. He grabbed her arm when he caught her right outside of the dinning room, in the hall. "Please listen to me, Marie."
"I can't, Logan... I just can't" He tugged her arm hard, spinning her around to look at him, "Shit, just listen to me!!!"
Something slammed into his face and it hurled him to the floor. He sat up stunned to see Scott rubbing his knuckles. "damned metal skeleton" he murmured.
Logan stood and winced as she saw Marie throw herself in Scott's arms. But what hurt worse was hearing Scott whisper her name, her REAL name that only he was supposed to know.
"shhh Marie... it's me, I'm here"
"What the hell?!? Get your hands off her Cyke!" he let the claws out and snarled.
Scott looked up at him and raised his hand to his visor. "Don't you dare ... Wolverine." he taunted
Jean ran out into the hall, and saw Scott looking at Logan with his hand poised above his visor. "Scott! What are you doing?!?"
Marie untucked her head from his chest and looked at Jean. Then turned and touched Scott's hand. He looked down at her and lowered it immediately.
Logan saw his chance and leapt at him, only to be thrown to the ground once more. Only this time a raging, southern belle with super strength stared down at where she'd thrown him.
"Don't you think you and Jean have caused us enough pain, by sleeping together... twice?!"
Jean gasped, her hands flying over her mouth as her eyes widened. She started crying. "Scott I'm so sorry! I love you, it was a mistake, a huge one. Please forgive me Scott. Please. I love you so much.... please"
Marie looked up at Scott as he looked on at Jean, he turned his head feeling Marie's eyes on him and instead, looked at her. Brushing some tears from her face with a gloved hand and pushing her hair behind her ears. He shook his head 'no' to her unspoken question. "Was he going to take Jean back?"
"Marie?....Marie it wasn't like that. I swear baby. Please ..."
Marie didn't take her eyes from Scott when she answered, "Then what was it like Logan?"
"Not like that... I ... it... I don't know... just not like that. We lost control, I forgot for one moment who I loved."
"No Logan" she looked down sadly and Scott's arms tightened around her, she smiled softly at that. "No Logan, Ah don't think you did... You needed something you could touch, something or someone to drown your nightmares away with... You KNEW that... and you knew what you were looking for... but you didn't come to me... you went to Jean... You didn't forget Logan... you went LOOKING for her."
"no Marie... I.."
Marie put her hand up and shook her head, "Ah just can't right now, Logan. Just leave me alone for a while, OK?"
"Alright, alright,...Ok, but just for a while Marie."
She winced, but nodded.
Marie and Scott were walking downstairs where Jean and Logan sat waiting. Scott watched Marie, she'd been bouncing off the walls since going and talking to the professor for and hour and a half. But suddenly grew silent as she saw the two. Logan's elbows were on his knees with his hands in his hair as he stared at the floor. Jean however sat with a straight-as- a-lance back and stared into nothingness. Scott sighed and squeezed Marie before walking to Jean. Rogue did the same and sighed knowing this would be easier now than later.
Logan leapt to his feet when he smelled her. "Marie...I... please Marie" he begged.
Marie tucked her hair behind her ear. "Logan, Ah forgive you. Ah might even eventually understand why."
Logan looked so relieved and filled with hope that Marie cringed at having to let that down.
"But Logan, Ah can't trust you anymore. Ah can't be with you if Ah can't trust you. It isn't fair to me." She looked sad but resigned. "Ah'm sorry Logan... as trite as it may sound... Ah still want you in my life as a friend."
"Always" he said quietly "I'm so sorry Marie, I just want you to know that. That and... I'll always love you."
She smiled softly, "Thank you."
He nodded and walked away defeated for now. But determined to find a way to get her back. 'There just has to be a way to get her to forgive me!' he thought.
Jean stood, "Scott...I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I can make our marriage work. We'll get married tomorrow if you like. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to get your trust back."
"Jean I forgave you once for this same thing... but I can't do it again. I didn't want it to be like this... Ever, but I think it's best it happened now, before we married each other. Because I honestly don't think I could have kept you true to me. I'm not the man you want. And I'm tired of playing boy scout."
"I'm sorry I betrayed you. I'm so sorry I made you feel that you had to be perfect for me..." she stopped, "You never acted the same around her...she brought out the true Scott didn't she?" she smiled sadly, furious with herself that she hadn't noticed, hadn't tried to do the same.
"Yeah, she just let me be me. She never wanted me to be perfect, she knew I wasn't. She outright teased me for trying all the time." He smiled at the memory of her doing so. "she let me and encouraged me to loosen up."
"I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you... I'm glad you found someone who could. You deserve that." She smiled. "Do you think we can still get along... still be friends."
He nodded, "Give me some time to get over things, but yeah, I think we can in time."
She smiled and looked forward to that, as she too walked away, stopping next to Marie.
"Rogue... I'm sorry I was a part of something that ended up hurting you."
"You knew it would, Jean"
"Yes, and I deserve loosing him for that. I just want you to know, I'm so sorry."
Marie looked at Jean in that moment, thoroughly seeing her pain. "Thank you for saying so"
"Do you think you can forgive me eventually?"
"Ah forgave you then, Ah understand you wanting Logan... Ah just don't understand why Scott wasn't enough to you."
"Me either, he's a good man. Take care of him."
She smiled, "Thank you Rogue"
Marie nodded and walked away, over to Scott.
"Ah'm so tired, Ah didn't realize how draining thah'd be."
"I know." he sighed "Common lets go to bed."
"Ah love it when you think like tha'" she smiled lazily.
He walked her to her door and kissed the back of her head, softly running his fingers through her hair, before catching himself. He stepped back and focused his gaze over her head at the oak door to her room.
"Night Marie."
"Nih't Scott." she thought a moment, "Where are you gonna sleep, sugar?"
"My old room I guess" he said. "Do you... would you like to sleep over?"
Marie looked to the floor blushing, "Ya know Scott, you're to tempting foh words."
He smiled, "Is that a yes?"
She nodded "Ah'll try not to bite."
He smiled than nodded, as she opened the door leading into the room, he smirked again at his thoughts 'Bite away.'
Marie grabbed her jammies then ran back out, so she didn't wake Jubes.
Then they ran up to his room where he opened the door slowly, after seeing no sign of Jean he sighed gratefully and stepped inside to grab flannel pants and a grey shirt.
They left before anyone came and went to Scott's old room. Marie changed in the bathroom, then let Scott go. He took his pants and went in, soon coming back out shirtless.
Marie saw him glancing around for his T-shirt and snagged it from the end of the bed, hiding it behind her. All to just be able to stare at his well-muscled chest a while longer.
He noticed the movement and raised a brow, smiling he crossed his arms. "You hiding something?"
"Now sugar, really, what would Ah want to hide from you?" she gave him an innocent look.
"As much as you staring at me is helping my ego, if you don't want a large dose of me in your head you might want to hand it over." he grinned and started walking closer to the bed.
He tackled her laughing and she watched in amazement, as he avoided her skin without thought or worry, .. he wasn't afraid of her at all. As he scrambled for his shirt she kept it away taunting him.
"What? The big bad leadah of the x-men, can't overcome a little girl?"
He was laying on top of her with his hands around her back, trying to snag the shirt she had hidden there. "You'd be amazed at what I can do" he winked. The fact that they were laying the way they were, made it that much more suggestive.
Marie stared in his eyes as she thought of what she had wanted to show him ever since her visit with the Prof. "Scott... can ummm... can I do something... would you trust me?"
He didn't hesitate, didn't take time to think it through, "Yes"
She tugged her hand out of under her and took off an opera glove, rolling them over. His eyes widened at the act, but she could see it wasn't in fear, more surprised at the action. She grinned as she reached towards his face. He just lay back and waited, trusting her completely. She touched his face and when, after a moment, he realized her mutation wasn't kicking in he grabbed her hand in surprise and kissed her palm. She whimpered in understanding that he was ready to let her touch him... even when he didn't know she could touch.
"Oh Scott."
He looked at her, "When? When did you learn it?"
"Today, the professor said that Hank thought controlling my mutation was less about concentration and meditation like the Prof had been teaching me, but a switch. He's right Ah can flip it on and off now! Ah wanted you to be the first to know."
"Why me?" he said as he cupped her face as she sat kneeling above him as he lay there.
"I trust you."
She closed her eyes and let her name wash over her, he said it reverently, and like it was something beautiful... so much different than Logan said it.
A door slammed down the hall, and she jumped. Scott's eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulders. Startled Marie looked down at him. "Scott?"
"Marie, I feel you... When you jumped... you pushed ... you pushed into me ... I mean your thoughts into me."
"Really!?!" she gasped "Oh my ... did ..did it hurt you?"
"No, not at all, it was calming me." He looked at the thoughts more carefully, "So you like my chest huh?"
She blushed but said with no embarrassment, "Oh yeah! It's a hot chest. Yah know this means Ah'm keepin' the shirt, rahght?"
He laughed, as she stripped off her virginal nightgown that covered everything, for his T-shirt. It hardly covered her butt and was much looser on her.
Marie sat there stunned, all the sudden, as she thought of what it could all mean. She could push thought into others... wait... what about powers that she had from others... her permanent ones from Carol... her small portion from Logan that had seemed to stop fading... Healing... Logan's healing... she could maybe heal someone like Logan had her... 'SCOTT!!!...the damage to his brain... oh my ...'!
"Scott!!!" she grabbed his hand, smiling like a maniac, "Ah want to try something, ok?"
"Sure" he said confused.
"Ok...let me try Carol first..." He nodded confused. "Ok Ah gotta concentrate first." She closed her eyes and concentrated on Carol... not so much Carol more of Carol's powers... how to use them, the power themselves, the feeling of using them... all needing to be pushed into Scott to make this work. Once she thought she had a handle on it, she lay a finger on his cheek and pushed. Then opened her eyes, she stared at him... willing him to try.
He understood. He gathered the thoughts she had given him and he flew off the bed... right smack into the ceiling. He grunted in pain.
Marie couldn't be happier! And after realizing that he didn't know how to get down she floated up herself, using her more defined, more centered, super strength to pull him back down.
She landed on the floor as he sat up after being pushed to the bed stunned. He rubbed his forehead where he had hit it, as he watched her jump on her toes giggling. "Oh uhhhh... yeah Ah forgot to warn you of that... it will happen a couple times till you learn how to control it."
"I can fly?" he stuttered.
"Yeah .... but there is more... Scott Ah think Ah can heal you... your brain... you could control it if it worked!!! Scott you could live without the visor... have control."
His mouth dropped. Oh Man! He nodded, trying not to get his hope up. "OK, yeah OK lets try."
Marie concentrated harder this time bringing Logan up front and center. Then touched him. Opening her eyes she saw the small scar on his arm, from the fight at the statue of Liberty, heal into non-existence. "Scott, Scott your arm healed. The scar... do your eyes? Do you think it worked?"
"There's no headache, no burning... there has always been. They've become a part of me... oh damn.. I think it worked."
They walked over to the window and opened it just in case. He raised his face to the sky and Marie raised her hands to his temples, to the visor.
"Are you ready?"
"I. yes. I think so" he stuttered.
He closed his eyes as she slipped them off. "Ok Scott, open your eyes."
He did so carefully, slowly and when colors invaded, when stars became visible he shuttered. Damn it had been so long that he had hoped. He had prayed. Marie... he had to see Marie.
He turned to see tears in her eyes as she stared at him. "Scott, Oh Scott you're so beautiful. Your eyes... they're blue!"
He smirked, "Yeah... I'd almost forgotten" he touched her face canvassing everything with his eyes, his hands. He stopped and rested his hands on her hips. "Your beautiful. I've .. you were always so beautiful in red... but in color. Damn Marie... your gorgeous."
She blushed. "Thanks" she couldn't stop staring at his eyes. They were so blue, with silver in them! They were the hottest eyes she'd ever seen. She didn't know if they were that amazing because of something to do with his mutation or if they were just all Scott. But they WERE beautiful.
He leaned down slightly, and gazed at her lips. "Marie? Can I kiss you?"
Her breath was shallow, "yes... yes please"
His lips brushed over hers softly as he pulled her close to him, and he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes, he watched her as the kiss grew passionate as she watched him.
They kissed for a long while before they both lay in the bed, he encouraged her to talk about her childhood, and her fears and comforts.
The next morning they got up and grabbed clothes from their rooms to change into. Scott and Marie dressed in their usual attire, gloves and visor. As they looked at each other they nodded in understanding.
They walked down to breakfast exhausted from their late night and sat at the x-table.
"Scott you look awful.."
He laughed, "I can always count on you to give it to me straight, 'Ro."
Marie and 'Ro smiled as well.
After breakfast they walked into the hall to see Logan with his hands on either side of Jean's head. Pinning her there. Blaming her for everything. He turned and looked just in time to see Marie stare in surprise then turn and walk away.
Scott wrapped an arm around her.
"Marie!" Logan ran after her.
She stopped, "Logan... call me Rogue please."
He winced, "Rogue...please... listen to me.."
"No!" She started to cry, "there were so many things Ah wanted to share with you... my touch..." She grabbed her stomach remembering he didn't know... didn't wait, "Ah can.my skin" she stopped stumbling over the words and took a glove off.
Logan's eyes grew wide.
She touched Scott's face. As, Jean and Logan watched. Scott didn't flinch, didn't fear her, in fact he leaned into her touch as he rubbed her back softly.
Jeans stuttered, "You knew already?"
Without looking at Jean he nodded.
Marie looked up at him questioningly. He nodded, and she raised her hands to his visor and took it off. Scott's eyes were closed, but slowly he opened them, the students that had gathered in the hall stared in amazement, 'Ro and Xavier were similarly speechless. Hank looked on curious, dying to ask how and test why.
Marie smiled up at him, his eyes were just as piercing blue as she remembered. His chiseled face was so different with his visor off.
Jubes ran up, of course not able to stay stunned QUIET like everyone else for very long. "Damn girl, when did you like, learn to touch? And why wasn't I sent a touch-a-gram or something. I'm totally your roommate! I'm suppose to be like, totally in the 'know' about this stuff."
Marie giggled and Scott smiled, which brought Jubes attention to him. "And you! Why didn't you tell us you were a total hottie under those glasses! There are so many girls that could have had, like millions of sweet dreams about your hot ass. But nooo... you go keepin' it all to yourself!"
Jubes, Scott, Marie and Hank seemed to be the only ones with any moving ability left. Hank came up, "Why don't I take you both downstairs to the med lab and we can see how this came to be and why. To see if it is permanent"
"It like totally has to be permanent!" Jubes protested. "Looks, like Rogue is going to get some hot Summer's lovin'. no offense or nothin' Cyke."
Scott smiled mischievously, "None taken."
Marie was blushing bright red.
"Coolness! Girl we so got to go shoppin' We have to get you some clothes to go with your now touchable hot bod!!!"
"Later, ok Jubes?" Marie looked at Scott and Hank, "We have to have some tests run."
"Tests, girl, even of the not school related variety are icky, as in I can totally help you shop. But your love muffin will have to hold your hands through those. They totally give me the creeps. But come get me when your done, ok chica?"
"Alright Jubes, Ah promise."
Hank led the two to the lab as Xavier took Jean and Logan to his office, leaving 'Ro with the rest of the students to settle and get back on track
Hank hustled them down to the lab and started preparing things he thought he would need, as he asked "Why don't you tell me how this happened and what was going on at the time."
Scott smiled. "As you know... Rogue learned to touch" Hank nodded, "We had just gone upstairs she had just revealed to me she could touch, and I was holding her hand when someone down the hall slammed a door." Marie blushed, "Yeah, who would have guessed Invincible Rogue scared by a creak in the night."
They laughed.
Scott continued, "So when she jumped, her skin opened up... but instead of drawing me in, her concentration on the noise and her slowly calming down was pushed into me."
"Was there any pain involved on either end?"
"No none." Marie smiled gratefully.
Hank was writing everything down and nodded when he had finished jotting that note to his growing pile of information.
Marie took up where Scott left off. "When Scott told me Ah wondered if Ah could send more over, powers and such, like Logan did to me." she smiled at Scott, "Our first experiment almost squished Scott."
Hank raised a brow and looked at Scott, "Care to add?"
He smirked and nodded, "Since Carol is the strongest in her we tried her first since it was easier for Marie to concentrate on."
Hank noticed the slip up of her real name, but because of background checking on Rogue that the professor had done, he was already privy to that as well as her medical records. He had explained that to Rogue and she had asked to be called Rogue anyway. Wanting to keep that between her and Logan. Understanding, the professor and Hank were glad to do as she asked.
"And the squishing part?"
Scott used his memories to once again try out his new flying ability. Again he flew towards the, much higher, ceiling. This time stopping right before he crashed into it.
Rogue clapped her hands together, "Oh Scott you're getting the hang of it!!!" she bounced excitedly.
Hank laughed finally having to support himself with his hand on a counter when Marie flew up to guide Scott down. "I now see where the squishing came in." he smiled at a blushing Scott "It must be helpful to have such a understanding, loving, STRONG partner to help you out."
Scott nodded and wrapped an arm around Marie, who was more than happy to burrow herself into his side.
"But how did it come about that you are no longer in need of the visor?"
"Unfortunately I have to give Logan his due in that..." he smirked "I bet that would truly piss him off to know that he's the reason I can see again."
"Scott! behave!" Marie chastened him with a brilliant, mischievous smile.
Hank patiently waited for Scott to continue.
"I assume you know the reason I can't control it?"
Hank nodded, "A blow to the head, damaging the ... controller persay?"
"Exactly, Rogue concentrated and sent healing my way too. Healing that damage. Hence no visor."
"Amazing!" Hank wrote furiously on his pad then looked up. "Mind if I run some tests? I want to see if the powers are a lasting addition."
"Sure" Scott said, "I'm curious to know anyway. If I get them forever, I really should get that flying thing down"
They all laughed and Hank prepared a test that he hoped would bring up the components of Scott's X-gene. To see of the powers had changed it in any way.
Two and a half, hours later, the test had been completed and the results in. Hank happily told them that Scott's X-gene had changed to accommodate the new powers. However they discovered that since the sun provided extra energy to power his mutation, which caused headaches. He was told to wear his common quartz sunglasses outside so he could turn his gift on to use up that power to keep any headaches at bay. Rogue told Hank she'd make sure he did, and even made Scott promise that we would always carry them with him in the case a headache might occur.
Hank also had a theory that Rogue may now harbor Scott's power.
He was proved correct when they tried. A small piece of metal was melted in the test, but the out-comming results more than made up for something so small. But unfortunately on testing the x-gene, he found that hers didn't change to accommodate Scott's powers. He hypothesized that this was because she didn't draw him in like she would usually do. He did not become a part of her like the others that had touched her. Where their powers became hers, because of being an actual personality still in her head, Scott's was going to wear off in a day or two.
Even with that result, all the tests proved to be positive in Marie and Scott's eyes.
After the tests, both were hungry, so they raided the fridge. Marie picked up a truly huge bowl of mashed potatoes and set it on the counter.
"Damn Marie, I'm not that hungry!"
She giggled and got two bowls out of the cabinet. "Ah know... but this sounded good to me. Go dig up something else if you don't want any of the most wonderful, smooth, mashed p'tatahs in the kitchen."
He smirked "I guess it's mashed potatoes then... I don't feel like digging."
"Hey! Ah helped make these myself!"
"Oh so your trying to poison me?" he laughed, until he got a handful of potatoes rubbed into his hair.
"MARIE!" he accused
"Wha'? Ah didn't to ahnythin'" she smiled.
He walked up to her and she smirked up at him, not noticing his hand reaching behind her to grab some for himself. He leaned down to kiss her until she closed her eyes, but the popped open as soon as he smashed a handful of potatoes in her hair from each side, rubbing it slowly in.
"Ya big Ninny!!!"
He laughed and got some potatoes in a bowl. but she threw a glob onto his shirt and he whirled on her.
Scott launched a handful at Marie as she ran away, but she ducked letting it miss her and land on.... Professor Xavier's head.
Marie's jaw dropped when she looked up and so did Scott's, "Oh Mah... "
Scott stumbled for an explanation as Xavier raised a distinguished brow. "I... she... you see..." He sighed, "Sorry Charles." he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the glob slide from Xavier's head to his shirt.
Marie ran over with a rag, "Ah'm so sorry, Professah." half way over she slipped on some mashed potatoes on the floor, and Xavier found himself with a lap full of Rogue. She blushed and scrambled up. "Uhh... sorry again."
"Quite alright Rogue, I was feeling a bit left out of the game anyway." He coughed to cover his smile, but couldn't help join Rogue in laughter a moment later.
Scott ran over and picked Marie off the floor where she had sat after her laughter brought tears to her eyes. He set her on the counter.
"Sorry again Charles." Scott looked embarrassed as his mentor smiled at him.
"It's fine, Scott, I'm glad to see you like this again. It's been years since I saw you this happy. I believe the last time was when you were a student here... putting lizards and other pranks in all your teacher's desks... of which I did not escape the couple of pranks you sent my way as well."
Scott's ears burned red as the rest of his face. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and when it came away full of potatoes he sent a glare at Rogue... Who simply shrugged and gave him in innocently confused look. Only betrayed by her mischievous eyes.
Xavier laughed again.
"We'll clean it up, Proffessah."
"Very well... as long as there are no water fights in the process."
Marie giggled and Scott looked surprised to see his mentor in such a playful state.
"Sure, Charles .. we'll try to contain ourselves."
Xavier nodded and left, presumably to find a towel and clean shirt.
"You MINX!" Scott accused.
"Silly lil' piggy... p'tatahs are for kids." she taunted
He laughed and helped her off the counter, but once down he kept a hold on her hips. Making Marie look up confused.
"Your beautiful, Marie, you know that?"
"Thanks, Sugar." she grinned " So are you... such a handsome little Piggy."
"Gorgeous!" he stepped closer
"Handsome" she looked at him. Getting a little lost in his eyes. They had turned the color of melting silver, and she was more than happy to melt along with them.
"Marie..." he tilted her head up a little further with his thumb. His gaze flew to her lips, making her wet them with her tongue. Which made his eyes darken.
"Sc..Scott.." she whispered as her breath got shorter. She whimpered when he stopped coming closer, "Ahre... ahre you gonna ki... kiss me?"
He smiled at her, "Yeah."
And he did, passionately, pinning her to the counter with his hips as he slid his fingers into her hair. Tilting her head to give him better access.
He picked her up setting her back onto the counter and slipping between her legs. "Oh baby" he moaned as she wrapped her legs around him bringing their hips to grind against each other.
"What the fuck, is THIS." Logan yelled from the doorway to the kitchen.
Marie tore her lips away long enough to look at him. "It's a p'tatah fight." she said causing Scott to grin.
Logan stormed over reaching for Scott when all the sudden a blast of energy hit him, throwing him back. It had been warm, and strong enough to throw him back, but not painful. It took a second for Logan to realize Scooter hadn't turned around.
"What the hell?"
He looked at Marie, there was a red glow fading from her eyes.
"I take it, you still got it?" Scott smirked
"Yeah, at least a little. It's fading fast though."
Scott spoke to Logan without turning. "Leave us alone, Logan."
"Like Hell I will!"
"Yes Logan, you will." Marie looked at him sternly. "Ah'm not yours anymore, were friends, and you WILL accept this." she indicated to her and Scott with her hand, "Or Ah can't even be that to you."
"Shit Marie... please!"
"It's Rogue, Logan... and please leave."
He glared daggers at Scott's back. "Fine!" he yelled and slammed his fist into the wall next to the door as he stormed out.
Marie sighed and hugged Scott... "guess we should clean up this mess, huh?"
"Yeah... after one more kiss." She giggled.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Jean cringed as Logan yelled his threats, pacing across the library, with his claws out.
"Logan... he's making Rogue happy." Logan whirled on her. "Could you take that away from her? Can you be so selfish as to cause her that much pain?"
Logan growled, but slid the claws back in. She could tell he was thinking it over and he cussed loudly after a moment and pushed a bookcase over. He stalked out, but Jean knew he had chosen to let Rogue be happy, no matter the cost to him.
When she heard Scott's old motorcycle, that Logan had stolen so long ago, speed off. She knew he was going to go beat his anger out on a few rednecks. She sighed deeply and started picking up the books and putting them away after telekinetically putting the bookcase back up.
Scott leaned down and kissed her. Then nervously ran his fingers through his hair. Showing her was one thing, actually telling her was another. He sighed and gathered his courage. "Marie... you should know..." he grunted, "Damn why is this so hard to say?" he felt stupid, HE was suppose to be the mature one. He was a teacher after all. Which made him even more afraid of saying it... what if he was wrong about her beyond romantic feelings in him growing? What if he said it and she cringed away? How would he deal with that?
"Maybe do it like taking off a Band-Aid. Tell it all really fast." she whispered confused, but without question trying to help, as she always did.
He nodded, "I'm falling in love with you." he pressed his lips together, holding his breath.
Marie giggled, "Good, it's about time you joined the same race with me. You have a lot of catching up to do!" she winked.
Scott stuttered surprised and stunned. "You.. you mean you...you love me?"
"Ahh so you figured out my secret..." She leaned up and kissed him. "And about that falling in love. Fall away sugar, just don't fly into any walls."
"You minx!" he swung her up into his arms, "You'll pay for that."
Marie sighed dramatically, and laid her hand on her forehead, "Oh promises, promises... whatever will Ah do?"
Scott laughed heartily and twirled her around.
They went to his room and their kissing soon got out of control. Scott's hand eventually started stroking her in the way she liked and she soon joined in.
This time however they stripped each other down and were lying on the bed. Scott was kissing her neck, but the skin on skin was quickly driving reason away.
"Marie... Marie, wait we ... damn ... we have to stop." He was panting hard.
"Why Scott?"
He sighed, he hated being out of control. "Because... Marie I want to do to much at this point, and you're not ready."
"Says who?" Scott choked at that.
"Ah mean it, Scott... says who? Ah'm ready! Ah promise."
"Are.. are you sure?"
She stared straight in his eyes and didn't turn away, "Yes, Positive."
Scott smiled, "Then I hope you're not tired"
She smirked "Not at all"
Marie and Scott spent the rest of the night learning each other's bodies and rhythms, in every way.
Marie was now in hell, she was sure of it! Finals were so horrible and stressing that she knew that a whole week of them must be an act of hellish proportions.
She lay on her and Scott's bed on her stomach, kicking her legs back and forth as she studied.
Over the weekend before finals Scott and Marie had started to move in his old student room together. After admitting their love, and since they would be in a car and hotel rooms... well basically living together in two more days. They didn't see the need to move anywhere else where they would be apart.
"Damn I've fallen in love with Jubilee"
Marie jumped, she hadn't even heard him come in. "huh?"
"All these sexy as hell outfits." He walked over to the bed and slowly slid his hands up her body, bringing himself down to lay across her back, supporting his weight on elbows. He rubbed his hips against her ass, as he kissed the back of her bare neck. "I can't decide my favorite." he smiled when he noticed Marie had felt his arousal, and was rolling her hips against him teasingly.
Marie giggled and turned over when he sat up straddling her. "Oh really? Ah thought you liked my tight skirt yesterday, with the equally tight shirt."
"The one with the tiger stripes?" she nodded, "hell yeah, I loved it."
"Then wouldn't that be your favorite?"
"Oh no, I hadn't seen you in these short shorts, and that baby tee." he ran his hands down her sides, and over the skin showing her stomach.
She shivered. "Mmm, so this is how you're going to help me study?"
"Don't you have an anatomy final coming up?"
She laughed, "Nope took it today at one."
He pouted and gave her his puppy eyes, "Please can I have a kiss?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck, " a'course little piggy"
"Oink, oink" he lowered his lips to hers kissing her passionately and invading her mouth by opening it with a thumb. "What... about... math?" he said between kisses.
"Tomorrow. So Ah think Ah should study. Besides you said a 'kiss' as in one... not plural."
"Took your English final, huh?"
She giggled and nodded. "Yeah, you forget already? Remember looking up my skirt the whole time? Ah know you were, you can't hide it from me, even with your glasses. In fact it is my theory" she put her hand to her eye, as if holding an eyepiece. She talked in a low voice "That you put the glasses, you no longer need inside, on. Simply as a way to hide what you were looking at.
"Ahh I remember now, you little minx! It's your fault! You deliberately sat up front taunting me all class!"
"Guilty as charged"
"Well then, my point is proven! As for this math final, I have an equation for you"
"Oh really?" she raised a brow.
He leaned down and kissed it, then made a trail of kisses down her neck. "Oh yeah."
He kissed her hard again, when she came up for air she asked, "Well?"
He smirked, "If I kissed you first, then you kissed me, just as deeply.... how many kisses would it take to please your horny man?"
"That's easy"
"Have an answer already?"
"Mmmm, question first." she kissed his neck, making him growl in pleasure a little.
"Where am Ah kissing you during this equation"
"Damn Marie! You know how to turn a man on." he growled and pressed her hand to his groin. "Touch me, baby."
She grinned and rubbed him through his slacks, causing him to let out an instant shiver .
He nipped at her neck as he lowered his hand to her breast. He pushed her book to the floor, and pushed her higher on the bed. He groaned at the pressure of her steady long stokes. Her other hand was unzipping and unbuttoning his slacks. Then she ripped open his shirt with a little bit of her super strength. She flipped them over and slipped off the bed. He whimpered at the loss of her touch. "More Marie, please!"
"Shhh... you'll like my idea... Ah promise!" she straddled him, "After all Mistah Summers, Ah want a good grade." his eyes glazed over. He loved this game... it was every man's hot fantasy. Except he was really a teacher and her ... a student. He grinned, 'his' student ... that he was truly allowed to touch.
He linked his hands under his head. as he lay back, with his shirt wide open, showing off his chest, and his pants undone as a line of soft hair led the way into them. He looked her up and down and gave her a stern look. "Well, Marie...what would you do for this good grade?"
"Whatevah you ask, Mistah Summers." she looked down meekly as knelt before him.
He raised a brow, "Hmmm... take off your clothes."
She acted surprised, "Mistah Summers?!"
He sat up and looked her up and down. Than lifted his hand to cup her and rub her breasts, before commanding her. "Do it Marie... Now."
She bit her lip, trying not to smile, and lifted her baby-tee over her head, then crawled off the bed to stand and continued to strip down till she was bare.
His hand skimmed over his erection as he watched her. "Very nice.."
She blushed, and he smiled knowing it was a true blush. He stood and walked around her, seeming to be sizing her up. His finger gave a feather light touch along her spine raising goosebumps on her and making her nipples hard. As he flattened his hand on the small of her back and ran it around her stomach and lower, "So Marie what kind of grade did you have in mind? An 'A' Perchance?" she nodded, "Well that does bring up a problem, doesn't it?... To go from a D- to an A takes a lot of dedication.... Or a lot of persuasion." He slipped his hand away from her and turned her. "I'm afraid you will have to persuade me to give 'it' to you."
Her eyes widened and he saw the surprised mischievous look fly through her eyes. She didn't move for a moment.
"Well, if you don't want the grade Marie, I believe this meeting is ov..." he hissed as she slid her hand in his pants, grasping him as he walked away.
"Ah want 'it', Mistah Summers." she walked around him, after pulling his shirt off, and tugging down his pants. She smirked as she pushed him on the bed and crawled between his thighs, she flicked her tongue over the tip... and before she could do more he grabbed her.
The game had ended as their lust turning to loving and Scott pulled her up his body, before kissing her lips. "Damn Marie, you can be amazingly erotic. Gods, do you make me want you!"
"Good, sugar. Ah want you just as bad. Come 'ere." she rolled them over.
He slipped between her thighs and rubbed himself against her.
She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her. He started sliding in and out in a fast rhythm, she was at the edge, "Harder sugar!"
"Hell yeah, you got it baby!" he groaned. He sped up and watched her get launched over the cliff as he followed, falling down on her, supporting his weight, but exhausted none the less.
"Mmmm, how many kisses was that?"
"Lost count" he murmured.
"Hmm, Ah guess Ah'll have to study that equation more later then, huh?"
"Oh yeah... we want a good grade on your final and all."
"Speaking of which, what grade did Ah persuade you to give me?"
"I'll give you whatever you want." He brought her eyes to his, growing serious, "I promise, Marie, I'll give you whatever I can." he swore, no longer talking about grades, or even school at all. Suddenly his fear showed through. " Just don't ever leave me."
"Never sugar, Ah promise." She caressed his cheek, then mumbled tiredly. "Nap time?"
"Absolutely" He rolled to his side and held her close as she used him for a body pillow.
"Ah'm starting to really like math, well that and being a student."
It choked a laugh out of him.
Her last thought before they both fell asleep was about Alaska, and how fun and freeing it would be to finally do what she had made a map out in her room to do years ago.
And as they slept, everything that was needed to lead up to a pregnant Marie...happened.
To be continued, next chapter "Presents from Alaska"