![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, and Inuyasha. Haha I finally figured out that little picture thingy! I win! Yay! Stuff about me! Name- Neo91 duh... Age- I give it away in a lot of things... but never say it out loud... It's a secret Gender- Well lets just say that if I was a guy then all my strait ex boyfriends would be in trouble... Hobbies- I absolutely love to draw anime! I like to read, write, hang out with my friends, and make fun of people. More stuff that has nothing to do with anything- I've moved all over the U.S. and even Germany. I have 3 siblings and have a habit of taking forever to update on any of my stories. I have about47 stories started but only a few typed up and posted. I'm a hyperative person but kinda shy when it comes to new people. I have no order in my life and everything is messy. My locker, my room, even my cabinet in the bathroom! All are messy. My computers crash or break because of my siblings so I lose a lot of my stories all the time and I get stressed out everytime it happens. I play sports but since I moved to a really big school I'm afraid I might not make it on the teams this year. (Everyone cross your fingers for me) I live in the US but I'm not sure I like it all that much. This country has too many problems with it's government to call itself free anymore. I agree with my friend Mariah on the whole saving the planet thing too. It's all going to end eventually anyways. Get over it you hippies!!!! As you can tell I'm not one of the nature conservists. I'm a total blond even though my hair is now black. High school sucks and I don't know why people fail. That just means you have to go through another year of this shit. Might as well get it over with the first time! My junior year is kicking my ass too! and I hate it when I go to the stats of all my stories and see that like 14000 have read my story but only like 60 have reviewed it... I really do want to know what you think! even if you don't like it! Just tell me why if you don't like it! And thanks to a new friend shawna I will always laugh when I hear the word grope. ABSOLUTE HATES!: I absolutely hate it when you leave a somment on somebodies story and it's constructive criticism but they get all butt hurt about it. GROW UP PEOPLE! I'm trying to help! and i hate stupid drivers! and hydroplaining!!!(random) Favorites- Movie:The Boondock Saints and Dude, Where's My Car? Book: Basically anything written by Laurel K. Hamilton I love Anime/Manga- I love all of the one's I've started! Quote:"You only live life once so make sure not to fuck it up." My Aunt "You're only in highschool once so live life, have fun,and get drunk." Sam Wilcox "If at first you don't succed... you're not me." Mandy from The grim adventured of Billy and Mandy "I might be a weakling but I can kick your ass anyday you son of a bitch!" some random person I got drunk with "An Individual hero is a bunch of horse shit." Some Dead Guy |
Community: | LaidBack Demeanor Yet Still Deadly |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Naruto |