Chapter 19-A love for a Jewel (I don't own Inu) 'Hey peoples, I'm giving yal's a break because I think I've waited long enough for this. So this is the last chapter, no matter what. I'm working on a new story, but it isn't a fanfic, so if you want to read it later it'll probably be on fanpress eventually. TTFN-Neptune'

The gang looks up at their fallen comrade; anger, sadness, and fear are clearly visible on everyone's features. Eyes bleed red as the dog demons set aside their differences to conquer not one, but two foes.

Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha slash demons one-by-one to earn a way to their beloved's killers, Naraku and Kikyou. Demon rage takes over and swords lay forgotten on a blood filled battlefield.

Miroku pulls the recovering Sango out of the demon's wrath and terror. They stand waiting in silence from behind a tree; Miroku holds Sango close as he watches the outcome.

Kikyou tries to escape, but is caught by her mate's inner beast, who still cares deeply for the dead Kagome. He thrusts a bloody claw, through her clay body. He pulls his claw from her bleeding body and stares at his gleaming bloody claw with a surprised expression. Her limb body falls to the ground.

Sesshoumaru kills the last demon as he rips out its throat. The death signals the start of the end as Naraku and Sesshoumaru look at the last person one of them will ever see again.

Naraku is scared by the demon before him, though he doesn't let his scent show it. Sesshoumaru uses his speed to attack Naraku. Naraku gets parts of him cut up, but Naraku just regenerates himself as he tries to cover the young dog lord. Sesshoumaru's claws are flailing madly and he accidentally rips the jewel off of Naraku's neck before getting thrown back into a tree. Looking at it for a moment, he then lets his eyes drift to his chosen's dead body. Anger fills within him.

He stands up ready to kill the beast holding the jewel by its string in his hand; not noticing the glowing jewel still around Kagome's neck. He charges forward and rips into Naraku; he's on the verge of transforming into his full-beast. Getting thrown back once more, he drops the jewel. It glows and begins to float over to its counterpart. As everyone watches this sensation, Naraku makes to grab it. His tentacle comes out and touches the jewel at the precise moment at which it becomes whole once more.

A blue light fills the battlefield. It gleams brighter than that of the sun and causes everyone from the unconscious Sango to Inu Yasha to turn away. The light lasts for only a moment and then darkness.

Miroku and Sango come out of hiding to see a golden eyed Sesshoumaru in sadness. Inu Yasha looks to him for a moment with amber eyes.

"Inu Yasha, what happened," comes a voice from behind the hanyou demon. Inu Yasha turns around and looks at his mate. He pulls her into a tight hug without answering her question. He smells her scent of Jasmine flowers and honey, which has long since been forgotten. Inu Yasha smiles though sadness is still clear; they were given another chance at love, and at life.

Everyone turns to the forgotten Sesshoumaru. His back is turned to them for he doesn't want anyone seeing his weakness; Kagome. Her body is gone and now he feels there is no way to bring her back. He stands still; a single tear falls from his eyes, destroying his icy mask.

"I love you Kagome and I always will," he whispers as his tear hits the ground softly.

"What no kiss?" asks a soft voicefrom behind him…