Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Kagome huffed a small sigh as she trudged wearily through the grass. Keeping her head down, she stared listlessly at the ground, the repetitive cycle of watching herself put one shoe in front of the other numbing her mind and offering a little reprieve from the steady ache in her muscles that had slowly built throughout the day.

One two, one two, one two…

Shifting the heavy pack on her shoulder, she peered up past the trees at the waning sky. Dusk was upon them, and it wouldn't be long before night settled in.

She rolled her neck, wincing at the twinge that answered her efforts and huffed a little louder.

"Inuyasha…" she called wearily.

Said hanyou in front of her flicked an ear back in acknowledgement.

"How much longer?"

"Not much," responded Inuyasha shortly.

Kagome heaved a sigh and contented herself with the reply, dropping her head back to the ground again, the quiet continuous clink of the monk who trudged behind her jingled sympathetically.

A short while later the group traipsed into a small grassy clearing loosely ringed by trees. Inuyasha held up a hand and sniffed the air momentarily. "We'll break camp here for tonight."

Collected groans of relief sounded from the rest as everyone stopped and dropped their belongings.

"Finally!" exclaimed Kagome happily as she dumped her heavy backpack unceremoniously to the ground. Miroku was already on the task of building a small fire for the camp as Shippo zipped off into the trees to collect firewood. Inuyasha also disappeared into the foliage, presumably to hunt for their evening meal. The two females in the group collected and organized all their baggage and gear. A familiar routine settled over the group and soon, weary bones gathered around a blazing fire and five rabbits that the hanyou had skinned and bought back were spit on sticks and slowly cooking.

"Oi Kagome," called Inuyasha gruffly from where he sat.

"Mm?" responded Kagome just as shortly as she tore her hungry gaze from the roasting meat.

"How much longer till we reach the shard?"

Kagome squinted and focused on the spiritual pulse of the shard. "Maybe around midday tomorrow, if we continue at this pace and the rate at which it's heading towards us…although," she deliberated for a moment, "Whatever is carrying the shard has slowed, almost stopped."

"Perhaps the creature that carries the shard also requires rest?" supplied Miroku helpfully from his seat to her left.

Kagome hummed an agreement.

"It is unusual for a youkai driven by the call of so many shards to stop its quest to obtain the others, especially when it is so close," countered Sango as she poked a stick idly into the coals and stirred the flames, "but perhaps there are exceptions," she allowed.

Shippo bobbed his head, "I'd be tired too if I'd been running all day."

Inuyasha snorted softly and leaped into a tree before settling comfortably against the trunk. "There's a hot spring nearby," he started; the two girls squealed excitedly, "Inuyasha you angel!" cheered Kagome heartedly. The hanyou keh'd and looked away in embarrassment, "It'll take a while for the meat to cook, so why don't you two take a bath first while you wait? I'll call for you when the meat is done, and keep guard," stressed Inuyasha on the last word as he shot Miroku a pointed look.

Miroku adopted a look of feigned hurt, "Why Inuyasha, such little faith! I am a monk you know."

Inuyasha snorted and Sango deadpanned him, "Sometimes I wonder…" she commented flatly as she followed Kagome into the trees.

"Shippo, you coming?" called Kagome, as she held out a hand for the fox kit.

"Yes, Kagome!" chirped Shippo eagerly, sticking his tongue out at Miroku as he skipped past.

The two remaining members of the group sat quietly as they listened to the giggling of the girls walking off. "Ah…suddenly it feels so lonely," intoned Miroku sadly. His eyes alighted on the little firecat that had made a cushion of his robes," At least I have you for company Kirara," he stated happily as he reached down to pat her. Said cat lifted her head and stared at him with wide voluminous eyes before she sprang lightly from his lap and dashed off to follow the disappearing trio.

Miroku gazed at the retreating feline mournfully.

"Kirara wouldn't let you touch her," Inuyasha snickered, "Even that cat knows you're a pervert."


"Aaah, this is just exactly what the doctor ordered," declared Kagome happily as she sank gratefully deeper into the hot water.

Sango leant back against the rocks and closed her eyes blissfully, "There is nothing better than a nice hot bath to ease the aches of the day," she agreed.

Between them, Shippo floated past slowly as he paddled little circles in the small spring. Kirara blinked and meowed from her perch on Sango's shoulder. A chorus of contented sighs blew out again.

"Alright, time to start cleaning," asserted Kagome as she sat up and reached for the kitsune as she snagged her shampoo with the other hand. Shippo put up a half-hearted fight before he allowed her to lather his hair vigorously.

She was rinsing his hair when a faint blue light glowed softly, illuminating the night sky in the far distance. Both women paused and turned to stare astounded at the faint glow. Kagome's skin tingled as the slightest wave of power washed over her and tickled her spiritual power. Then the blue light faded and it was gone.

Kagome and Sango exchanged glances.

"What do you think that was?" enquired Kagome curiously.

Sango shrugged, "I'm not sure, but we should wash up quick and hasten back to the others."

Kagome nodded in agreement. Within minutes they were finished and hurrying back to the camp.


"Inuyasha, did you and Miroku see that light?" asked Kagome.

Inuyasha looked up from where he was digging happily into his rabbit on a stick. "Yeah, but the trees were blocking most of it. The fire didn't help either."

"Did you feel anything too?" she pressed.

Inuyasha and Miroku looked at each other, "We momentarily felt a hint of power," ventured the monk, "it didn't feel bad, just very faint."

Sango glanced at Kagome, "I felt it too, but it was very brief."

Shippo peered over the rabbit that he had been sharing with Kirara, "I didn't see any light," he complained gloomily, "I had soap in my eyes." Kagome smiled apologetically.

"Well, whatever it was, it's too late and dark to investigate it now," shrugged Inuyasha as he returned to his meal.

Miroku nodded, "It would be wise to wait till tomorrow, when the sun is bright and we are well rested."

A murmur of assent hummed through the group and later the band settled to sleep.

Kagome patted her sleeping bag in satisfaction and wiggled comfortably in. Leaving the zip opened, she turned and peered around the camp until she spotted Shippo playing with Kirara. "Shippo," she called, "Are you ready to sleep?" Shippo looked up from where he was playing paw tag with Kirara and nodded enthusiastically. Giving the firecat a quick pat on the head he got up bounded towards her until he leaped into her waiting arms and snuggled comfortably into her chest. Zipping the sleeping bag all the way up again, Kagome encircled the young kit protectively and quickly surveyed the camp before relaxing onto the ground.

Sango lay not far from her next to the fire, her arms also wrapped around a similar bundle of warmth that was Kirara. Miroku sat with his back propped against their bags and Inuyasha lounged comfortably on the same branch he perched on earlier. He was also doing a quick scan of the camp and their eyes met momentarily.

Kagome smiled softly and mouthed silently. Goodnight Inuyasha.


"Good morning everyone!" sang Kagome happily as she sat up and stretched out the little kinks in her back. Shippo mumbled something in reply and burrowed deeper into the warmth and darkness of her sleeping bag. Kagome laughed and pulled the sleepy kit out and settled him onto the ground next to her. He curled into a ball and tucked his head into his tail.

Shaking her head fondly at his antics, Kagome rose fluidly from her bedding and began to pack her belongings. Around the camp, the others stirred and under the habit of routine, began to stash away their things and break camp.

Daylight filtered softly from above as the group began their daily trek. Kagome held a still sleepy Shippo in her arms, his face pressed in the crook of her arm away from the sun.

The morning was still early, and Kagome breathed in the crisp clean smell of dawn as they hiked through dew laden grass that sparkled in the weak sunlight. She glanced up at the sky and noted with pleasure that it would be another pleasantly warm sunny day. She hummed quietly to herself, her spirits high. It was a wonder what a bath and a good night's sleep could do. And last night she slept like a log.

The rest of the morning passed rather uneventfully. Miroku received his ritual morning slap from a fuming Sango. Shippo woke at mid-morning demanding food. They shared out the last of the meat from last night and a couple of apples from Kagome's pack. The kit kept the group amused with foxfire and Miroku shared a few stories to keep them occupied and only a minor scuffle broke out between Inuyasha and the miko.

"Kagome," started Inuyasha gruffly as he turned back to help her up a particularly slippery and steep rise, "Yeah?" panted Kagome lightly as she took his proffered hand. "How much farther are we to the shard?" he looked up at the sky, where the sun now shined high overhead, "It's nearly midday."

Kagome cocked her head as she watched him turn back to help haul up Sango. "You're right," she paused and concentrated on the pulse of the shard. Its calling had grown stronger throughout the morning as they trekked closer. "Odd…it hasn't actually moved at all since last night," she frowned, "We're close though, if we keep going like this we'll be reach it by late afternoon."

Inuyasha straightened from where he'd helped Miroku up the steep embankment. "It's not moving?"

"No," she confirmed.

Sango mirrored Kagome's frown as she shouldered Hiraikotsu more comfortably on her back. "That is strange."

"You think another youkai got to it?" queried Shippo curiously from his seat on Miroku's shoulder.

"No, I don't think so," Kagome shook her head, "If another youkai got to the possessor of the shard, it would've still come for us anyway, drawn by the power of my shards. She eyed the small jar of crystals that hung from her neck, "Besides, it would make more sense for shard less youkai to come to me first. More shards, more power."

Miroku nodded and tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Very sound logic Kagome dearest." Kagome gave him a bright smile. Inuyasha bristled at the endearment. Miroku grinned at him. Shippo blinked. "So…what do you think happened?"

"The sooner we get there the sooner we find out," Inuyasha snapped grumpily, Shippo squeaked and dove behind Miroku's head where he peered at the peeved hanyou with trembling eyes. That earned Inuyasha a light slap on the head and an admonishing "Don't be such a bully!" from Kagome.

Lunch was a quick affair of ramen to appease the still disgruntled hanyou and the group continued their quest with quickened pace.

A few hours passed when Kagome slowed down. The pulses from the shard had morphed into a steady hum in her head and of the last few minutes had changed into a quiet buzz that rang distractedly in her ears.

"Guys," she called softly and the others turned to face her, "Be on your guard, we're getting really close." The others nodded and grouped up more closely.

Inuyasha lifted his nose and sniffed cautiously. "I don't smell youkai yet…" he started, then sniffed some more, his eyebrows tucked a little closer together, "Wait, I smell-" he cut off and whirled around as a bush rustled farther up the path ahead.

Inuyasha and Miroku both stepped to the front automatically, Sango shifted to Kagome's side and Kagome herself stepped back as she reached for her bow.

The bush rustled a little more when suddenly a little girl popped out onto the path. Little twigs clung to her hair, tied up messily to one side of her head in a short ponytail. Dirt smudged the short bright yukata the young child wore, its edges frayed with age. Grass stuck loosely to her dirty feet and legs. The little girl turned around and upon seeing the group, squeaked in surprise.

Kagome dropped her hand and stepped around Inuyasha and Miroku, her eyes wide at the unexpected sight. "Rin-chan!" she exclaimed as she hurried to where the little girl stood rooted.

Rin watched with frightened eyes as the miko that travelled with Sesshoumaru-sama's half-brother ran towards her. Rin was only vaguely familiar with the concerned young woman who approached her. She had only seen the miko a handful of times before, but the miko had been exceedingly gentle and friendly. Kagome. She had introduced herself to Rin as Kagome.

Kagome slowed as she neared the little girl and dropped to her knees in front of her. Rin stared up at her with big glassy eyes, her little hands fisted tightly in her yukata. Kagome's heart went out to her as she took in her thin upturned face and lank hair. "Oh honey, are you alright?" she murmured softly as she opened her arms to the little girl.

Rin's heart thudded loudly as Kagome enveloped her in a warm hug. Her clothes were soft, and she smelt nice. She found her face pressed gently into Kagome's chest and listened to Kagome's bigger heart thump softly and slowly under her ear. Her own arms came up to clutch tightly to the front of Kagome's clothes.

"Kagome-neesan?" muffled Rin's voice. Kagome pulled back and smiled lightly at the small girl in her arms. "Yes, Rin-chan?" she inquired gently as she brush a stray strand of hair from Rin's face. She could hear the others slowly sidle up behind her as they peered down at the dirty girl tucked in her embrace.

"Will you- Can you-," Rin hesitated, "Can you please help Rin? Please?" she stared pensively up at Kagome with big bright eyes and a small mouth that trembled.

Kagome gave her best reassuring smile and nodded.

Hope bloomed in Rin's chest. If anyone could help her, it would be the nice neesan. She would be able to help Rin-chan best and end her quest. Suddenly a huge weight was lifted off her small shoulders.

Kagome flicked a stray twig from Rin's hair and rubbed her back. "Of course sweetie, how can I help you?"

Tears pricked at her eyes as she shook her head vigorously "It's not for Rin" she mumbled, her lower lip trembled and a tear slid down her cheek. Kagome gently wiped her face and continued to rub her back soothingly. "It's- It's-," more tears. "R-Rin needs to find help f-for Sesshoumaru-sa-sama," she hiccupped as more tears slid down her face. Five pairs of eyebrows shut up into hairlines at the mention of the taiyoukai's name.

"Be-because-," Rin was on the verge of bawling her eyes out.



Sesshoumaru-sama is…? Dundun! Cliffhanger! Not really.

I've decided to rewrite this story from the start. Not like there was much to begin with. I'll be alternating between this fiction and Kiss and Sit. I like the idea of alternating between AU and Canon, whichever tickles my mood and fancy ;)

Btw, does anyone know how to put in that thin black line to segregate a story? Currently I'm using …..'s to separate the scenes, but would dearly love for someone to teach me how so the scene changes are more obviously divided.

Please review!