Disclaimer- still not mine. If it was Kikyou would soooo be in hell already!

A/N- ok so I get another chapter up… it took forever but I got it!

Chapter 3

When Kagome woke up she was in a huge four-posted bed with red and white sheets. She crawled to the edge of the bed and pulled the blood red curtains out of the way. A gasp almost escaped at the sight of the room. It was huge with polished wood floors and beautiful artwork all over the place. But the gasp wasn't because she was impressed with the décor. She gasped because Sesshomaru was laying on the couch across the room, all his usual clothes off and replaced by a simple pair of black pants. His long hair was covering half his body but the half that want' covered made Kagome want to drool. He just seemed so perfect; with his nice abs, perfect skin, and… scars? Since when did scars become a fascination with her? She tried to pull her feet off the bed but the right one jerked back, a rope tied around her leg. A growl came from her throat and she felt something flatten against her head.

"What the hell?" she whispered. She reached up and tugged on the ears, wincing when it sent a shot of pain through her head. One of the ears jerked towards Sesshomaru hearing his light movements. When she looked up at him he was sitting up, hair pushed over his shoulders.

"You had the transformation. You were lucky to keep it a secret for so long," he said. He was so quiet but she could still hear everything perfectly. Kagome growled as he stood up and took a step towards her, then frowned.

"Why am I here?" she demanded, not really expecting an answer from her usual enemy. Which explains her surprise when he took a step back and said, "I bonded you to me." One of the ears on her head went straight up while the other one stayed tight against her head. Whatever bonding her to him meant it didn't sound good. She looked down at the floor and willed herself to remember what had happened. Small flashes came back; things like falling off the edge of the well, pain throughout her entire body, a clearing with huge puddles, and her follower.

'The transformation wasn't supposed to happen for at least another month… at least that's what grandpa said…' she thought, propping her head on her fist, 'Then why did Sesshomaru say that I had gone through it already?!' She was so engrossed with her thoughts that she didn't even notice when Sesshomaru sat down next to her and took the rope off her ankle. It was when he got back up and went into what she assumed to be a closet, did she finally realize that he had even been close to her. That brought up another question- why wasn't she afraid of him? Before she had gone to her own era she had been terrified of him, the simple thought of having to stand up against him enough to make her flinch. But now it was almost the opposite! She felt calm with him, trusting even. That wasn't normal and was slightly disconcerting.

She watched him as he walked over and jumped up when she found her eyes wandering towards his ass.

"No! Bad Kagome! You have someone!" she growled, hitting herself in the head. Sesshomaru glanced over his shoulder and chuckled at the sight of her hitting her head with her eyes clenched.


As she was climbing out of the well, Kagome accidentally fell off the ledge… right on top of someone.

She slowly opened her eyes to see a very startled, yet naked, Inuyasha and Kikyou.

It slowly dawned on her that they had been having sex when she had fallen on them.

Her eyes grew wide with hurt and anger. "Inuyasha!" she yelled angrily, "How could you? On the day that I came back too!"

Both him and Kikyou were now trying desperately trying to cover themselves in any way possible.

"Ka-Kagome! Why are you here!" Inuyasha yelled.

She scrambled up off the ground and started to cry. "I said I was coming back in 2 days the last time I left! How could you do this?"

Rage began to build up inside.

She stood there, eyes closed, shaking with anger and hurt.

"Kagome?" she heard his voice call from somewhere far away.

That was enough to set her off though. Something inside cracked.

She slowly opened her eyes to reveal that they were blood red.

"You- you're part demon?" Kikyou's disbelieving voice whispered.

She snarled at the other woman, then turned and ran into the forest.


Kagome's fists stopped mid swing at her head. "Oh my god," she whispered horrified. Sesshomaru was there in an instant, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Frankly that didn't help the already freaking out girl. "Get the hell away from me!" she screamed. Her eyes were turning red again. The demon marks came out on her cheeks and forehead. How dare Inuyasha do that to her!? And how dare his egotistical older brother touch her?! She jumped off the bed and turned on him. But something caught her eye. The last she remembered was that she was wearing her school uniform before. But now she was in a green tank top and tight black shorts.

"Why am I in different clothes?" she demanded, eyes bleeding back to their normal color. Sesshomaru stood up but her eyes jerked back to his form, red slowly coming back as a growl formed in her throat.

"Calm yourself woman!" Her response was immediate and exactly what he demanded. That wasn't normal when she was human, let alone when she was a demon. How did this… demon get her to obey? Her new ears flattened against her head again.

"Your other clothes were destroyed. I had Rin change you into something from that huge sack you carry." He was completely confident in the fact that she would be ok with it. And for some odd reason she was; she believed his reasoning and accepted it as if it were the best excuse in the world.

A knock on the door brought her attention to the door. "Hello? Sesshomaru-sama, I brought the food you asked for! And Jaken-san is having a fit in the hall about you having brought Kagome to the mansion!" a girls voice called from behind the thick door. Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru to see him pulling on the last of his usual clothes. It was almost a disappointment to see the beautiful expanse of his chest covered. The ears drooped, showing her disappointment.

"Come in Rin," Sesshomaru said, just loud enough for Rin to hear. He started for the door.

"Wait! Please explain things to me! My grandpa could only tell me a little so I'm almost completely in the dark about what has happened to me!" The desperation in her voice made her want to barf but she had no choice but to plead with him. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow and smirked. TheSesshomaru just smirked at her!

"I'll be back soon. Then I will explain everything you wish to know. Until then just stay here," he went out to the balcony she hadn't realized before, " You are welcome to use the hot springs in the gardens to bathe and use anything that fits you in the closet. We will get you something that fits properly when I have time. Until I get back I suggest you stay away from anybody but Rin. Your temper will rise easily and anybody but Rin will cause it to flair." Then he was gone.


A/N- ok so this chapter was pretty pointless other than to show a softer side to Sesshomaru, which will come into play later in the story, and to show what happens when Kagome woke up. Hehe Hopefully I can get a new chapter up soon but I doubt it. I don't have a lot of time any more so I will update when I can. R&R!!!!


-watashi wa chiizu desu!!!-