Vampire's Lust

Summary: "You are afraid of me, your pulse is erratic." Itachi stated, his voice husky with the lust for her blood. Sakura bit her bottom lip, "please don't hurt me," she whispered, scared stiff.

Authors note: Well, I have 5 chapters done, and I'm still working on it, I'll post the next chapter in a week or two. Oh and, I'm trying to update my other stories too, but I've just lost inspiration for them, really…but I'm going to try, for Sakura-chan :D

Chapter one


Scarlet coloured eyes observed its prey as it hurried down the street. He had been watching this one for some time. She worked in the local library, living in a small flat three blocks away.

Yes, he had studied this one with a little curiousity. She was always on her own, never had he seen her graced with company. She intrigued him, so happy and smiley when she was around people, but when she was on her own, -which was most of the time-, she seemed in such a dark mood, brooding constantly.

She would go to the library in the day time, as was her job to. Then she'd leave when she had covered her shift, then when the library was closed, she would go there for as long as she wanted. He had found it interesting watching her read books, or lounge in chairs; even when she talked to herself; it was amusing.

Gracefully, the black haired man silently followed her through the shadows. When she unlocked the library's front entrance, then closed it and relocked it, he made his way to the back entrance, making sure to stay unnoticed.

Walking into the large room stacked with books, Itachi slid in and out of the shadows, making his way to where he could hear pages turning and someone mumbling. When he finally had the pink haired girl in his sight, he watched her intensely, his eyes boring into her.

Sakura looked up from her book, sitting back in her chair and crossing one leg over the other. She frowned; she felt the icy feeling that ran down her spine, as if someone was watching her. But no one could be here; it was only her and her books, just the way she liked it.

Books were better company than people in her opinion; they could always brighten her days, especially the romance/fantasy books. Shrugging to herself, she went back to reading her book, getting into it again.

Itachi watched her for a little longer, before deciding to show himself. Standing out of the shadows a little, he waited for the girl to notice him. It didn't take long, her short scream nearly made him wince, but he stared into her terror filled eyes.

"Do not be frightened, I also work here." He murmured, trying to sound friendly; she looked so enticing when she was scared, his resolve nearly broke.

Thank god for self-control.

Sakura calmed down slowly, her heart still beating frantically. "Um, hi," Sakura mumbled, smiling. Itachi slowly walked over to her, seeing her eyes travel over him with amazement as he showed himself.

Oh yes, I know I'm beautiful.

Sakura quickly looked down at her book, glancing to her side as he stood there, "what are you doing here at this time of night?" His husky tone sent shivers down Sakura's spine.

"I was just researching something." She lied, watching as his elegant hand moved down and picked up the book she was reading. When she glanced up at him, he had an eyebrow raised, "researching romance?" he mocked.

Sakura scowled, snatching the book back. "Well, I really don't think it's your business, mister busy-body!" She grumbled, pushing her chair back and cringing at the sharp noise it made as the bottom of the wooden chair legs scratched against the floor, ruining the silence.

Itachi let amusement slowly cross his features, before staring at her blankly. "Well, I don't think Tokyo is very safe for a beautiful lady such as you, to be walking around at this sort of time. There are things out there that would love you to cross their paths." Itachi smiled albeit coldly.

Sakura gave him a look that crossed between a glare and a look that said, "You're the most freaky thing I have ever met" before she walked over to a shelf of books, reaching up to get a book.

Itachi's eyes traveled from half of her face that he could see; to the pink jumper she was wearing as more of her stomach was revealed to his red gaze. Her snow like skin begged to be touched; it looked soft to the touch.

Sakura got the book she was looking for, glaring at Itachi before turning around and sitting against the book shelf, flicking through her favourite book. Itachi shoved his hands in his pockets, walking over to the seat she had been sitting in, sitting in it himself and leaning back.

Sakura's eye twitched in annoyance, glancing over her book she glowered at him, "stop staring damnit, I don't even know you!" She muttered, still glowering. Itachi leaned forward on the old desk, "why?" he asked.

Sakura exasperatedly flung her hands at her sides, the book landing in her lap, "Because it is VERY annoying, who are you anyway!"

Itachi chuckled, "why should I tell a mortal such as you?" He questioned, getting up and soundlessly walking towards her, staring down at her.

Sakura blinked up at him once, twice. Mortal…? Did this guy think he was some kind of god or something? He was gorgeous, too gorgeous to be human. His long black hair had a gloss to it; his scarlet eyes had to be contact lenses, the most enchanting contact lenses she had ever seen.

His black leather pants defined his muscular legs, his loose red top didn't show his chest though, and Sakura found herself wanting to see under that shirt.

Ridiculous, hell yes.

"…Your eyes, they're…contact lenses?" She asked, mesmerized as three comma like shapes started to spin, this guy was really freaky! Bending down, Itachi's index and thumb took a hold of her chin, tilting her head up completely so she could look directly into his eyes.

"Do they look like contacts to you? I also do not think that you can get things spinning in contact lenses." Itachi stated, watching her face as her lips parted slightly. Her green eyes had dulled slightly, stopping the commas spinning, Itachi let her go, walking away and towards the shadows again.

Sakura snapped out of her daze, confusedly looking around for the beautiful –but freaky- man. Standing up, she brought a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes to stop the dizziness taking over.

Opening her eyes again when she was sure she wouldn't fall over, Sakura looked around some more. "Where did you go?" She timidly asked thin air, well she didn't know his name, what else was she to say?

How about "hey, hot sexy freaky guy, come out again so I can hump your leg!

Slapping her forehead, she grumbled to herself about needing to get out and find a man for once in her life.

Sighing, she packed up her things, quickly getting her long black mackintosh. Gazing around the room one more time, she flipped the switch, stepping outside; she relocked the door before quietly walking down the steps and unto the high street.


Sakura ran through the open doors to the library, panting heavily, hands on her knees. Once she got her breathing under control, she walked to the front desk, smiling politely, "I just got here." She said to the grumpy woman.

The woman looked at her over her glasses, "you're late." The woman flatly answered. Sakura's smile slowly left her face, "I'm here now, sign me in." She commanded, walking away, towards where her manager would be.

Knocking on the door, she heard a mumbled "come in" walking in; she stared at her manager, smiling again. "Hello, Yuya-sama. Do you know a guy who lives here? Hot…really hot…muscular, long silky black hair…really pale…gorgeous red eyes…" she mumbled, gazing into space, not even knowing what she was saying.

Yuya glared at her, "please, no daydreaming." She mumbled as Sakura came back to reality, blushing and stuttering. Yuya waved it away, letting her head rest on her hand, "no, unfortunately there is no one working here with that description."

Sakura's right hand gripped onto the edge of the desk, Yuya gave her a bewildered look. Sakura glared at the desk, as if burning holes through it.

That fucking bastard! He lied to me! Argh!

Sakura closed her eyes, breathed in deeply, and then counted to ten in her head. Re-opening her jade eyes, she smiled a little forced, before walking out of the office.

"Sakuraaaa, yo!" A voice squealed from her left. Glancing up, she saw Ino walk into the library. She groaned, she really wasn't in the mood for this right now.

"Hi, Ino," she muttered, putting her bag behind the desk, with her coat. Then she picked up the box of books, walking from shelf to shelf and placing the books on them as Ino walked around with her chattering about something or other.

It's going to be a long day.


Pacing up and down the large room, she kept checking her watch for the time. It had past 11 o'clock, growling a little, she wished he would show up soon, she couldn't wait to ask him way he had lied to her!

A voice in the back of her head was whispering why she really cared, she didn't even know his name and she talks to him for 5 minutes, then bam! He's everything she's thinking about?

Sighing, her eyesight went a bit distorted, rubbing her eyes with her hands, she re-opened them to jump back. Staring at the thing of her thoughts, she suddenly glared at him.

"Why the HELL did you lie to me?" She shrieked, hands fisted by her sides. Itachi leaned back against the side of the bookshelf, gazing at her impassively. "I see you missed me." He teasingly mocked her, watching with dark amusement as her face turned red in anger.

Sakura huffed, "why did you even come here again?" She yelled, turning away from him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Wrong move.

Itachi, with the grace and speed a human could no way possess, was behind her, one finger tracing down her neck, the other by his side. Sakura froze, dumbstruck with fear; was he going to kill her!

"Sakura, you should never turn your back on someone you do not trust, let alone you do not even know me." He whispered his voice smooth as silk. Sakura trembled as his finger ran over her pulse, she couldn't see his face, but she could imagine him sneering at her right now.

Distantly, Sakura wondered how he knew her name, she had never told him…but then again, he might even watch her when she's working!

"You are afraid of me, your pulse is erratic." Itachi stated his voice husky with the lust for her blood. Sakura bit her bottom lip, "please don't hurt me," she whispered, scared stiff.

Itachi turned her head to the side, so their faces were merely an inch away. "Now why would I want to hurt a thing such as you? I could think of much better ways to keep myself occupied with you." Itachi smiled sinisterly, holding back the urge to taste her blood.

Sakura's mind screamed for her to get away, yelling at her to run, hide anything to get away from this threat! But her legs still wouldn't move, was she really attracted to this guy? He sure was freaky, but good looking…

No guy had ever shown interest in her, she didn't pay attention to them, and always wore glasses. It was only around two weeks ago she had gotten contact lenses, and actually started to wear in fashion clothing!

Itachi let go of her face, moving away completely so they had no physical contact. "Come." He said walking toward the table he sat at last night, sitting in the same chair and motioning for her to sit beside him.

She didn't move, just stared at him with wide eyes. Itachi stared back, sighing when he knew she wouldn't sit next to him. "You fear me, yet you are fascinated by me. Correct?" Itachi raised a black eyebrow.

Sakura's legs started to work again as she tried to move, stumbling over to the vender machine, she put in some money and got a soda, gulping it down steadily. She didn't answer his question just yet, but…how did he know that he fascinated her? She knew he was like no other person she had met in her life, no way.

"I…well, I am fascinated by you and that doesn't mean I cannot fear you." She stumbled over her words, finishing her drink quickly. Itachi stayed silent, not moving and not speaking. She really was intriguing he mused; watching as she went to her bag and got what looked like another book.

Holding the worn looking book, she fixed her eyes on his unmoving form. "I did some research while working today, I found this." She threw the book at him, observing Itachi's reflexes.

He caught the book with ease, staring at the front cover with cold, calculating eyes. "So, you went to the restricted area of this old library." He whispered, showing nothing in his voice. Sakura nodded, "as you said, you fascinate me, so I looked up everything about a red eyed black haired man." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

She couldn't believe how steady her voice sounded; she was even more surprised that she hadn't already started trembling with fear for this man.

Itachi gently eased the book onto the table, "this book has nothing to do with me. This book is about my little brother and his escapades." Opening up the book, Itachi unhurriedly looked through the pages, as if he had looked at the book day after day, sliding it across the table when he found the page.

Sakura frowned, warily walking toward the table and glancing at the page. She had seen the picture before, it was obviously Itachi! "Look, it is you, red eyes, black hair, and arrogance surrounding you!"

Itachi shook his head, "if you look close enough, you can see the difference. Look at the eyes" he murmured.

Sakura looked at Itachi's eyes, and then back down to the man in the picture. Realisation dawned on her face, "you have three commas, and he has two." She declared, sighing in disappointment.

"He's better looking too." She grinned when Itachi glared at her, "he is nothing good to look at. I'm beautiful" he ran a hand through his hair with a seductive smirk. Sakura blinked, "you sure aren't low on self esteem, narcissistic bastard."

Itachi chuckled, "I'm not arrogant, I'm stating a fact." He smirked, getting up, walking towards the back door.

"Wait!" Sakura yelled, running up to him and grabbing onto his arm. When he looked back at her questioningly, she blushed. "I…I still don't know your name." She mumbled, curiousity seeping into her voice.

He stared at her, pondering. "Uchiha Itachi," he murmured, voice like velvet. Before Sakura could even open her mouth, he had vanished. Stepping back, she muttered to herself, "I really gotta ask him how he does that."

Well, at least now she knew his name, and that he definitely wasn't human. Somebody else would probably move away, quit their job at the library, or at least stop staying there at night time. But Sakura's curiousity would never allow her to; she was hungering to know more about this mystery, not knowing that she was getting pulled deeper into the darkness.


Sakura stared at the headlines of the newspaper with a frown, sipping her coffee. Apparently, there had been some confusing killings, the investigators had seen nothing like it.

They had found three bodies, all with bite marks on their necks, drained of blood. Sakura finished off her coffee, rolling up the newspaper then walking out of the small café, making her way to the library that was across the street.

She had a sneaking suspicion Itachi had something to do with it, but that would mean…

She didn't even want to think about it! Once she was inside of the library, she started her daily happenings, putting the books away, helping costumer's e.g.

"Excuse me, could you help me?" the familiar voice made Sakura drop the books she was holding, kneeling down she quickly picked them back up, stiffening slightly when the other person kneeled also, helping her pick up the books.

As she stood up, she looked at the man she had been dreading to see, but also excited to see.

He smiled at her, handing her the books, "so can you help me?" He asked again, crossing his arms over his black fishnet covered chest.

Sakura nodded, "what do you need help with?" She settled the books on the table, turning and looking at him.

"I need to find a book with a lot of romance in." He stated, walking towards some shelves, letting one finger run along spines of books. Sakura bit her lip to stop the scathing remark that wanted to come out, "I have just the thing" she said, sickly sweet.

Getting a few books that were her favourites, she dumped them in front of him, "these are the best romance books I know." Sakura stared at him, what was he up too? Itachi nodded, "thank you," he softly answered, but didn't touch the books.

He noticed the stares from the majority of women, ignoring them he walked closer to Sakura, amusement sparking up in his eyes when she moved back. "Sakura…would you like to come and have lunch with me?" He purred, running a hand through his bangs, getting them out of his eyes.

Sakura shook her head, "Itachi, I'm working!" she hissed, looking around and smiling nervously. Itachi sighed, walking toward the manager's office. He came back out minutes later, telling Sakura to get her things.

Sakura scowled, "I'm working Itachi!" she protested. Itachi picked up her bag himself, "I told your boss we are going to see your poor sick mother." He murmured, walking out of the library.

Sakura could do nothing but follow the outrageous man! "Gods Itachi, you take liberties" Sakura murmured, glaring at him darkly.

Itachi smirked, handing her her bag. "We will go to the Italian restaurant." He declared, walking down the bustling road. Sakura sighed in defeat, "fine."

When they got to the restaurant and were sat down, Itachi finally started to talk. He asked Sakura if she had researched some more on him, especially because now she knew his name. Sakura shook her head, "I didn't have time today" she murmured, thanking the waiter as he handed her and Itachi menus.

Sakura looked at her menu, skimming over the contents. Feeling Itachi's gaze again, she glanced up to see him staring at her, head on his hands. She raised an eyebrow, "again with the staring." She muttered, hearing his deep chuckle.

She glanced at his forgotten menu, "aren't you going to eat anything?" she asked. Itachi shook his head, "I'm going to have a glass of wine, I'm not very hungry. I'll…catch my dinner tonight." He murmured.

Sakura looked him up and down suspiciously, but shrugged, telling him what she wanted to eat. Nodding, he called over a waiter and ordered.


Sakura stopped once they got to her front door, turning around she glanced at Itachi.

A pregnant pause.

"…Are you going to invite me in?" Itachi asked, raising his eyebrow. Sakura looked away, "Itachi, I don't know you. For all I know, you could come in, rape me, take my stuff and that'll be the end of Haruno Sakura."

Itachi closed his eyes, "you think very lowly of me. I have more pride and honour than to rape a helpless woman. What makes you think I couldn't have raped you all those times in the library?" he asked.

Sakura fell silent, what could she say to that? "Well…look, I had a nice time with you, but…I'll see you around." She quietly mumbled, turning around and opening her front door.

When she turned around to see him, he was gone.

Such a strange man.

Sakura walked inside of her flat, sighing to herself. "Home sweet home," she muttered, setting her bag on the floor, walking into her small living room and sitting down on her own.

She hated being alone, she had been alone for so long.

Authors Note: I'm sorry, it hasn't been beta'd. XD but yeah…PLEASE REVIEW! It makes me so happy when people review 3 it'll make me update quicker as well, I'm aiming to try and get 50 reviews per chapter, and then go up from there. Look at all these other ItaSaku writers; they have way more than me. I must be a disgrace ;-;