Diaclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me.

Chapter 2 Butterfly

Author: Fuji S. Yuki

There it was again. That smile from the darkness of his fuzzy memory always lurking behind that veil. Reaching out for him subtle but flying away into the wind disappearing in an instant when he just about touches it.

Always lurking wanting him to recall the memories long forgotten.

Waking up Kakashi rubbed his eyes and look around the room that he resided in, by what he could tell the room was not his own, rather it was in the shade of cool blue. Practically the walls were empty except for a few artworks hanging here and there. The couch was cushy and a slightly rough to the touch blanket was about to fall off his lap. The shade was a deep green whereas the couch was black.

Strange he didn't remember how he gotten to this place. Last thing he remembers was training with Iruka's three chuunin that were now his until their true instructor came back. What he did not expect was that he would somehow end up at the ramen stand that Naruto seem to be raving about crazily.

The door click open and he grasp his face to find his mask still on to his immense relief. The appearance of his female student didn't seem to alert him that much since he vaguely registered her chakra.

However by what he could tell she was still half asleep as she fumbles through the door toward the kitchen that was past the couch. Her ensemble was just a fuzzy terry robe in the color of pink and rabbit slippers on her feet. The sight was utterly adorable.

Coming back out the younger of the two handed a cup of coffee to her teacher and sips her own with relish.

"Morning" She yawns softly.

"Good Morning." Kakashi smiled behind his mask, "could you inform me on how I got here by chance?"

The pink head nods up and down as she down her coffee, "Yeah. You ended up drinking a cup of water that Sasuke had lace with a sleeping agent just to ensure that Naruto doesn't go over board on eating Ramen." Her lips curve in amusement at the thought of how she and Sasuke had taken to plot out how to stop Naruto's eating binge.

Especially since he had started to bet against them Sasuke of course did it since this time it was his turn to pay and he didn't want to go broke even though he did have funds. He just felt it would be fun to prevent Naruto from eating him out of a home.

"You ended up knock out and since my home was the closes I just had the boys dump you on my couch. Since we didn't know where you live."

Sakura had started to live by herself when she turned Chuunin she felt it would be best since she didn't want to disturb her parents during odd hours at time since she had hospital duty during the oddest hours.

Not to mention her teammates odd hours of coming to her door for medical treatment. That was the reason why her couch was black to prevent blood stains especially from her teammate's injuries.

"I see. Well thank you for letting me stay."

"It's no problem since it was my sleeping potion that knock you out I sort of felt guilty by association."

"Yes I'm sure you are." The silver hair man whispered and stood up, "Well thank you for the coffee," setting down the cup he grin behind his mask, "be sure to be at the meeting grounds in a few hours."

"I thought we are meeting at 7am today."

"So we are." In a poof of smoke he disappeared.

Leaving the medical apprentice in faint amusement and scorn from the realization that the idiotic teacher had previously made them wait all those other times for him on purpose, a small smile appeared over her face as she thought of ways to punish him.

At the frontier that borders mist Iruka was feeling uneasy with the recent attack his team came across. Even though their losses were none they still had a few injuries that would slow them down.

A shinobi's life was never certain before he had achieved Jounin status Iruka always thought there was something mentally wrong with Jounin's. Kakashi with his Icha Icha paradise obsession, Gai with his fashion sense, Asumi with his smoking habits the list kept on going on.

Now Iruka was in their shoes he was beginning to understand why they behaved the way they do. They as Jounin lived in risky situations so they need a way to stay sane.

Then again there were times that he thought he was utterly wrong.

"Eagle one." Iruka called out softly into his radio for the scouts of his group. Normally it was co-op naming terminology that would be given to each scouts leader.

This would ensure that identification would be lesson if they were caught. Most of the shinobi from Leaf's identification had been erased with blank head protectors in order to assure that their village would not be identified in case any were caught.

Since, they were heading through territory that did not know that Leaf was investigating strange occurrences especially the rumors that the Village of Sound was being resurrected by someone and that the village was moved to another location.

A slight clipping noise came over the radio and Iruka focused on it decoding the language of coded signals. Sighting of unknown structure. Switch to coded click.

Iruka pressed the ear piece closer to his ear as he start to tap the receiver button that would create the same clicking sounds. Do you require backup?

Backup would not be required, fall back into hiding positions, and wait for signal to run or come.


Turning to the other's Iruka informed them with hand gestures that they would fall back. Normally he would talk but he learned that it was best to not do so especially when the scouts had signal silent communication.

Then with grimace faces the four Shinobi in Iruka's squad quickly disappeared into trees and shortly Iruka followed wishing mentally a 'good luck' to Eagle One.

One day Sakura was working in the hospital and came across a box with a bow on top and with it a card with her name pasted onto it. The box was in a crisp shade of gray with little pink teddy bears imprinted on it. Wondering what it was Sakura checked the box with a jutsu to ensure that nothing was dangerous.

Since the last time she had received a mystery box it had landed her in a bed with hives. A prank that Naruto had pleaded and begged forgiveness for since it was meant for his evil rival Sasuke ever since then paranoia and self preservation has came first whenever Sakura gotten anything remotely suspicious.

Finishing her check she opened the card to read what it said.

Happy Belated Birthday, Sakura. Even though your Birthday was yesterday and I truly hadn't known here is a gesture of apology and best wishes. I remember Naruto mentioning that you like odd books. Kakashi

Hoping it wasn't something perverted like the Icha Icha Paradise collection of Kakashi. Sakura carefully unwrapped the box bracing herself in case something went off. But to her immense relief all that was inside the box filled with lots of tissue paper was a single book.

Lifting the book up Sakura pressed her fingers against the wooden cover. It was utterly gorgeous in the shade of Dark Cherry. Carved into the wood was a symbol of a paw encircled by a circle frame by leaves and branches of tree roots.

The lock on the book was a simple clash in the shape of a leaf made out of metal that was dull and tarnished from age and storage. Feeling excited Sakura carefully look around and slowly brought the box with the card and the book into her office that was provided to her by Tsunade.

Haruno Sakura had been working at the hospital for a while and because of that Tsunade had gifted her, the office in hopes that she could rest if she was too tired to return to her home. It was a thoughtful gesture that only a medic-nin could ever think of.

Shutting the door she locked it and slowly set the items on the desk. Unsnapping the book she flips to the first page careful as to not damage it since it was brittle with age. Settling herself on her favorite chair she skimmed the words.


The heart of swords was a myth of an old ancient civilization that died out many centuries before the formation of the hidden villages. Legend has said that a sword was forged in the heat of fire that burned with the love between two individuals.

That their love was pure as water and passionate as the color of gold from the sun. Two of one, this heart of swords is a special weapon one that is not one sword but rather two swords.

Another tale of this heart of swords is that there is a special designed fighting style that was taught for those that were born of such passions. However, since the end of times this style has been lost forgotten by those that were trained in the art.

Centuries on centuries such creations went on not realizing the potential of this masterful artwork. Only fifty of these swords were created and families that taught this art had vanished or forgotten such an art.

Whether due to times of peace or resentment toward such ridiculous legends according to those that use to protect such art it cannot be certainly said.

Now in this world there only exists only a handful of such weapons and art. To waken such art would be to those that are chosen to handle such art. For you see the heart of swords chooses their masters by fate or destiny that entwines them together.

The rumors of a wolf clan have been borne the brunt of guardian ship of the manual that would be the first step to mastery of such an art. Each art is different none that stay the same. That is the key of such power for creativity and innovation is the primary factors to gain the power.

Especially to those entwined.

However, each wolf clan member has been targeted in tragedy as the guardian of the manual. But as the tale goes on and all it has been turned into a fairy tale of each member. This is the log and tales compiled together and it is this author's fondest wishes that the Wolf Clan would achieve their purpose and bring back this art to the world especially in it's greatest time of need.

Two is one. That is what my wife believed I only regret that I cannot tell the whole story since I do not know the true answer. Nevertheless the key lies in the stories so please follow on with this foolish authors words.

White Fang

Sakura place the book down and lean back in wonder at the introduction. The book was strange indeed it would provide to be rather useful in entertainment and yet it was strange that Kakashi would come in possession of such a book. Whether it be fable or something entirely different the pink haired kunoichi would not know until she started on chapter one of the book, even though it looked tempting to read she would have to do it later since she was starving and her shift would start up in one hour from now.

Getting up she slid the book into her desk and locked it. Smiling she walked away heading to the hospital cafeteria in hopes to acquire some food to sate her hunger.

Unnoticed to her a slow fog was creeping onto the village of the hidden leaf as the sun slowly set in the far off distance.

Noted Comments:

BlackAngelBlood: Thank you for your support of the story. ; Especially since this is the first time I am writing a KakashiSakura story for that matter.

Shahdee13: Thanks for the er…worded comment. Hehe XD

Jemiul: Of course I will continue the story it just takes longer since I write it on PDA and I've been really busy lately.

Mistress Dragon Flame: Yes I know the notes seem strange but those were for myself since I suck at calculations.

Eve: I love to write detail but sometimes I am stuck in some spots especially since I go with the flow.

PRoyalAngel: Thank you for the comment.