![]() Author has written 4 stories for Dark Angel, Harry Potter, Terra Nova, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Well I am Mrs Moony as you can see (Harry Potter reference for any non-nerds out there reading this)... I discovered the joys of fanfiction a few years back when I was a freshmen in high school. It started with JAG and then moved onto Harry Potter where I resided for a very long time! I then moved on to Dark Angel, Bones, Supernatural, Southern Vampire Mysteries (True Blood), Twilight (as much as I love Twilight and Vampires as a whole I just think the sparkle takes something away from the badassness of being a vampire. In the first move Edward looked like he had been attacked by strippers with body glitter), The Avengers (group and all solo movies), Star Trek 2009 Terra Nova, Hunger Games, and Jane Austin novels. My newest obsession is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sometimes I also venture out into other categories but for the most part I know what I like. I read A LOT of fan fiction but I write very little, I have this problem with procrastination and so I will start a story get almost to the end and then forget about it. Which sucks... I do always try to review though, (I guess that is a form of writing). I know that sometimes a little bit of encouragement can mean the world to a writer and it is nice to know that not only is someone reading but that they cared enough to tell you what they thought. The only time I don't review is when I have nothing either constructive or nice to say. I would rather be silent than needlessly degrade someone’s work. Its all about personal preference. Like the saying goes; one mans trash is another mans treasure. What I think is utter crap someone else my adore. Oh ya and the other times I don't review are when I am at work reading fanfiction at my desk and my boss comes out of her office and I have to quickly exit out of and pretend that I am not surfing the net and am working quite diligently. I enjoy stories with romance (can't help it I'm a hopeless (and when I say hopeless I mean HOPELESS!!) romantic.) and I enjoy humor. I will read other fics but I will usually read something with those themes. Oh ya and if you can't tell from my favorites list and the fics I have published I am also a bit smutty sometimes, (ok most of the time... Ok fine you caught me, all the time!!!) and really enjoy M rated fiction, but only if it is well written and I am not a fan of degrading vulgar themes. Anyway enough of my disjointed ramblings! I really do get quite wordy. MrsMoony86 P.S. My Icon is a image by frodobolson72 that a friend of my made into an icon for me. Update 6/17: So I read that this site will be enforcing the no MA rated stories rule that it has had in place for ten years. While I advocate the responsibility in enforcing the policies they have put forward, I think that the exclusion of MA fics are a mistake. The advertising that goes into this site is geared towards adults and if you limit what legal adults can post or read, they will go somewhere else. If the site administrators want to ensure that minors can not access the MA content they should make it login required and have an age verification when accounts are created. I personally love this site, the features are exactly what I want and the most convenient of any of the fan fiction sites out there. With all of that being said, my MA story can be found on Adult FanFiction (dot) net And Archive of our own, under the same penname as here. Enjoy... |