Talking Head chapter 5
Mature subject matter.
A/N: I know it's been a very long time but life really knocked the wind out of me in the last few months. I'm trying to get back to writing so to those that are interested I am also correcting the next chapter to Bathing Beauty. It should post in the next few days. I don't know how quickly I'll be getting things done but I promise I will keep working on them. For those of you that are still with me, thank you so much and as always your comments are greatly appreciated. Take care. Life is short so play hard and love more.
Disclaimer: They are not mine and sadly they never will be but I'll continue to borrow them whenever I can. (secretly I think they are happier with me than they ever will be with Hart anyway…)
She's working, okay she's working and stealing glances at him while he fights and then finally succumbs to sleep. Sitting at the table it takes everything she has to concentrate, there are just too many things swimming in her head. She focuses on the page, reading the few words there over and over again. She forces herself to write, she can do corrections later or even delete it but for now she needs to at least get something on the page. She gets a hold of her idea, her fingers hover over the keys as it takes shape in her head. When she glances at him his eyes are closed and he's deep in sleep. It brings her a smile of relief. He needs his rest; the body heals so much faster with extra rest. She forces her attention back to the words.
A moment later a small gasp from him drags her attention back to the sofa. His face has changed, it looks almost disturbed and it crosses her mind that he's having a bad dream. His groan brings her to her feet in concern; she wants him to rest comfortably. She's half way across the room when the sound of his voice saying her name stops her in her tracks. There's no mistaking the tone of him this time, it's purely sexual.
She shifts her weight, nervous and tingling with excitement all at once. Her eyes fall to the bulge under the blanket. When a low moaning roll rumbles from his chest her thighs clench and her breasts grow heavy with the weight of her desire. Part of her brain is screaming in panic for her to walk back to her chair in case he opens his eyes but her body doesn't move. For the first time in her life she's rendered unable to think clearly.
His body shifts, his shoulders rolling into a small arch away from the cushion. Her breathing drops to shallow gasps for air that is no longer in the room. The blanket over his lap rises as his hips rock in a barely discernable movement.
The urge to touch herself sweeps through her with such force she sways slightly in the stillness. As her name leaves his lips a second time the ache between her legs roars in response. Her brain snaps into scientific mode summoning rational biological explanations but her body continues to pulse with need. The force of her response to him stuns her and shatters her idea that it's just a normal healthy sexual attraction. There is nothing normal about this moment for her. His hand twitches and she can't help but wonder what part of her is receiving the heat of his caress.
She watches him sigh with pleasure and the image of his face in this intimate moment burns into her memory. How will she look him in the eye when he wakes up? She moves slowly back to her chair, trying desperately not to look in his direction. She feels the slick heat of her own desire between her legs and her movements only make it worse. A guttural sound rumbles from his chest and she turns toward him again. His hips lift and then once again her name is uttered in a rough plea that tightens her nipples and brings a smile to her lips. In a flash she can see herself on him, tormenting him with her mouth until he begs in the very tone he just used.
She needs to leave the room so she can think, so she can figure out how to handle this when he wakes. She takes a few slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself in the same way she does after a workout. It's only marginally effective. She's so aroused she feels light headed and the reality of it floods her with fear and anticipation. He's still letting out soft moans and her body shudders in response. She finally walks to the bathroom and begins splashing her face with cold water. She finds herself mentally fighting the urge to slip her hand into her pants. The thought running through her head is that her entire reaction is ridiculous and yet she can't seem to control it. There is very little she finds more frustrating than loosing control.
After taking a few moments to gather herself she returns to the kitchen and sits back at her laptop. She forces herself not to look at him so she can try to compartmentalize the feelings. Despite focusing for several moments it turns out to be a futile effort. When she decides to check on him he looks so peaceful she feels something in her relax. It's confusing for her to have all these emotions getting tangled up with her desire. She's accustomed to pursuing the sexual side of a person or even their intellectual side but not the emotional one. She's at a loss as to how to deal with everything she's feeling so true to her nature her solution is to throw herself into her work.
Even before Seeley opens his eyes he hears the soft tapping of her fingers moving swiftly over her keyboard. The thought of her hands stirs him slightly and the dream comes back to him. He suppresses the impulse to sit bolt upright on the sofa as all the details float in his head. She was so responsive, so tight, so…
"This isn't doing either of us any good. I need some real release now so quit with the laying around and get with the getting laid."
He wishes there was some way to silence the voice so he could spend some normal time with Bones.
"Silence me? Fat chance buddy, the average guy thinks about sex every seven seconds and judging from my frequent growth spurts every time you think about her, you're no exception."
Seeley gasps and opens his eyes. His penis is a fact wielding squint! It isn't possible. He must have picked up that statistic on some sex show over the years. He's in the throws of a mental panic when Bones' voice makes him jump.
"You're awake, how are you feeling?" She's watching him so he tries to sit up and appear somewhat normal.
"You just startled me, I'm fine, maybe a little groggy but fine." Even he knows his voice doesn't sound convincing.
"It's nothing that a roll in the hay won't fix."
He's clenching his jaw and his look of anger and frustration confuses her. Actually she's been fairly confused all day and she wonders whether or not she's capable of taking care of him. She saves and closes the chapter she was typing in order to give him a moment. She's almost relieved when she sees him turn down the hall toward the bathroom.
It hasn't even been one day and he either has to beg her to leave or tell her the truth. He scrubs his hands down his face in agitation. This entire situation is spinning out of control. He needs to just come clean with Bones so they can get through the next few days together.
"When you say together I hope you mean it in the biblical sense."
"Stop, just stop it already." He's tired of feeling crazy and he doesn't want her to be offended and go home. He washes up and heads back in the kitchen to tell her at least in part what's been happening, enough is enough already.
She's sitting at the table with a cup of tea when he slides in his seat across from her. "I need to talk to you for a minute."
She braces herself because she is pretty sure he's going to ask her just call Jack. She feels like all she's done since she picked him up from the hospital is cook and stare at him. She's disappointed in her inability to help him especially since she thought her people skills were improving. Now she's failing to be productive in caring for one of the few people that matter to her.
"I'll understand if you want me to leave." She blurts it out before she can stop herself.
He looks shocked. "Why would I want you to leave?" Some part of her looks unsure and he feels guilty for having caused her to doubt herself. "Look Bones this is my fault, I haven't given you all the information you need to understand what's going on here. I thought I could handle it myself but the situation is escalating."
"Escalating? I've been escalating all day and you haven't done much to fix that situation."
"Seeley what's the matter?" A thousand possibilities are running through her head. He can tell by the way her head tilts as she studies him that she's looking at him with a critical eye.
"I'm hearing a voice, randomly when I'm sitting here…it just speaks." He decides for right now he'll not mention that he thinks it's his penis talking.
"A voice? Who's voice?" She become still, watching him with fascination.
She reaches across the table and covers his hand with hers as though she's about to deliver him some bad news. "Of course you hear your voice, you are talking."
"NO, no I'm hearing it even when I'm not talking."
"Then how do you know it's you? Does it sound like you?" She leans toward him as though if she pays attention she'll hear it too.
"Yes it sounds just like me except it says things I wouldn't say and only I can hear it." At this point he thinks it's actually easier to have a conversation with his penis.
"You mean a hallucination?" Her tone has changed and he recognizes that she has switched to her professional mode, Dr. Brennan is now present.
"I'd love to play doctor, could Dr. Brennan be present and naked?"
He feels his cheeks turning red at the idea of her naked but he tries to focus on the conversation. "I'm not seeing anything, just hearing a voice."
She seems to relax in that instant, her shoulders drop with the escaping tension and she brushes a wayward strand of hair from her face. "There are all different kinds of hallucinations caused by firings in the brain usually after a trauma, from a tumor, during a seizure or when stimulated by certain pharmaceutical compounds. An auditory hallucination, is anytime a person hears a voice or a sound that isn't really there."
"Yes, that's it exactly." He sighs, relieved that that the conversation didn't seem so bad after all.
"What's the voice saying to you?" He pales at her question and she wonders if he's hearing the voice right at that moment.
"It doesn't matter." He answers too quickly and only glances at her when he does.
"Yes it does Booth. Is it telling you to jump out the window? To shoot people in the name of god?
"NO Bones, why would you say that? It doesn't say anything like that and even if it did I wouldn't listen." He now wishes he had never started the conversation because it has taken the one turn he wanted to avoid.
"Why don't you just make this easy on all of us and introduce me to her already? I would love to shake her hand or rather, have her hand shake me."
"Statistically most people that hear voices think it's either god or ghosts. I just thought with your religious background you would be susceptible to that kind of interpretation. It was a very logical assumption, I don't know why you would be offended by it." He's shaking his head while she's talking because he knows religious conversations with her only give him a headache. "So what exactly does this voice say to you?" She has him caught in the bright blue of her stare, intensely waiting for an answer.
"It's just…it's just speaking very colorfully." It's all he can think of to say.
"It's talking to you about colors? There are studies about how different colors represent different emotions in people but I never took much stock in that kind of thing. There isn't any real proof." She removes her hand from his and uses them to express her disgust for all things psychological.
"The only color I'm going to mention is the case of blue balls your Bones is giving me."
He groans, "no not colors. I just meant he says things that are odd and don't really mean anything."
"But you said…"
"I know what I said but I meant it's just making wild comments so that's why I sometimes say things out loud, because I'm responding to the voice. I just don't want you to think I'm going crazy or that I'm angry or frustrated with you. It's a side effect from the hit on the head; the doctor said it would only last a few days."
"Is it talking to you now?"
"Come on; tell her how charming your little head can be."
"Yes, he's making a comment here and there." He drops his eyes to the table unable to maintain eye contact with her while thinking about what his penis is really saying.
"Does it help to respond to it or does that make it worse?" Some of her questions come from her own natural curiosity and others from a genuine desire to help him.
"It isn't about answering him; it's about doing what he wants. He's relentless once he gets an idea in his head." He smiles a little then because there really is only one thing that he's wanted since the hospital and that would be sex with Temperance.
"Well as you know I'm not a big believer in psychology but since we know this voice isn't from a psychotic break its origin would be subconscious stimulus from the pressure on your brain so do what it's asking and maybe it'll stop. Is the request unreasonable?"
"YEAH!!! WOOHOO!!! Lets follow the ladies advice, she's a frickin' genius. You should give me what I want and we would all be happy. So just tell her that the bald guy wants to beat her biological urges into submission over and over again until she screams for mercy."
Seeley begins choking and she jumps up to get him a glass of water. She gives him a few minutes to calm down and breathe normally again. He looks around, wiping at his eyes and pretending that he doesn't remember that she asked him a question. He drinks the water slowly to stall for time but the silence is growing thick between them and he knows she's waiting.
"So you were telling me what this voice wants you to do." He knows she isn't trying to be annoying; her ability to stay focused is just part of her nature.
"It's just stupid stuff; most of it doesn't even make sense." He forces a casual tone.
"Well the next time you hear it say something let me know and we'll see what we can do."
"Tell her you can hear me right now and I would very much like it if she would play a little hide the pickle with me."
"See Bones it's just crazy stuff like just now I heard it say something about pickles." He is suddenly rather amused with the situation and he begins to chuckle.
"Pickles? That's strange; do you want me to get you one?" Her confusion and his own mental play on words only feeds his laughter.
"Pickles?! That's not what I said! Tell her you already have one of your own."
"If you think it might help I'll eat one but only if you'll eat one with me." He's smiling so broadly his face hurts.
"You deserve what's coming to you because the whole time she's eating that pickle you just imagine her lips wrapped around me."
His smile fades as he feels his erection tighten beneath the table. As she sets the jar of large dill pickles down between them he realizes he may just have to sit in this chair for the rest of the night.