Chapter 19

The enterprise limped to Ryan's station. The trip was going to take a little over a month without our wrap engines. Since Spock and Jim managed to save the work I been doing with the translation of the Tordor language I continued to work on it. My husband to be said he was impressed with the work I had done. I still sometimes think of him as my teacher.

Today it was really hard to concentrate I had cramps all night last night and they were continuing today. Dr. McCoy was shocked that I have carried into my ninth month with twins. No one was more shock than I.

"I realize you are uncomfortable Nyota but I will not mind meld with them to force them to come out." He said with pity in his voice.

I rolled my eyes at him and moved from him. He told me that it was the twins who had caused the Klingons to 'get sick' as he called it. Spock was still trying to figure out how to classify their powers. They had both telepathic and psychic powers.

"I don't want to be pregnant any more." I cried. Uncomfortable was not the word for the way I was feeling. "Spock is this normal for a Vulcan pregnancy? Please don't tell me I have three more months or something." I whined and he smiled again.

"Vulcan gestation is the same for humans. Seeing as the twins are mostly human I am fascinated that they are remaining in the womb so long. Multiples should have a shorter gestation because of the space issue." He said softly as he ran his finger up and down my arm.

"Yeah they are defiantly out of space." I whined again.

He kissed my cheek and smiled. "Rest." He said softly.

I looked at the pad in front of me with my latest translations. There was a surge of pain that shot through my body and I cried out. I stood up and went to the bathroom as the sudden urge to really pee hit me. Just as I got to the bathroom liquid ran down my leg. The pain knocked me to my knees.

I let wave of pain pass. This had been going on all day these pains but now it was happening every two minutes. After this I now knew were contractions passed I quickly reached the com to call Spock and Dr. McCoy.

"Uhura to sickbay." I called calmly.

"McCoy here."

"Doctor. It's time I'm in labor the contractions are two minuets apart."

"I'll send a team."

Another contraction but I couldn't wait for it to be over.

"Computer where is Commander Spock?" I questioned panting.

"Commander Spock is on the bridge." It answered back.

"Of course he is." I spat. "Uhura to Spock."

"Spock here." He answered emotionless.

"You need to meet me in sickbay. The twins are coming."I yelled into the com as the pain racked my body again.

"On my way." He answered and I could pick up the quiet panic in his voice.

I lay on the sickbay table in the hospital gown in extreme pain. Spock tried to remain stoic but he was scared he could hide that from everyone but me.

"Dr. McCoy! Get them out of me!" I screamed.

Dr. McCoy just ignored me and smiled and gave Spock a knowing smile.

"Nyota. You must breathe and remain calm." Spock coached.

I cut my eyes at him and he was taken back.

"Did you just say that to me? This is your fault I've never letting you touch me again." I screamed.

He threw that damn eyebrow up and I screamed out in pain.

"Nyota. Screaming at me is not going to make this any easier." He said calmly.

"Shut up Spock! I hate you for doing this to me."

"Nyota it is common knowledge that it takes two…" I cut him off my grabbing his shirt by the collar.

"Never again. You are never touching me again." I seethed in his face. "Dr. McCoy if you don't get them out right now I will cut them out myself."

Dr. McCoy sat down on the stool between my legs and took a deep breath.

"Ok Uhura here we go baby number one is ready. With the next contraction I need you to give me a really big push." He coached.

I grabbed Spock's hand as the contraction came. I pushed holding my breath for what felt like hours. When I couldn't push anymore I laid back for a moment to breathe. Spock kissed my sweat soaked forehead and continued to hold my hand.

Another contraction and I pushed again.

"Good Uhura good here's the head." McCoy called happily.

"I can't do this." I cried tired and wanting this to be over.

Spock placed his forehead on mine. "You can do anything. You rescued everyone off of the Klingon ship you can do this too." He kissed my forehead again.

Another contraction I push again.

"Great Uhura the shoulders are out one more push and we'll have baby number one." McCoy coached.

Another contraction I push again and I could feel the rest of the baby's body come out. Spock's face held shock and pride as this squealing creature was put on my chest. McCoy handed Spock the laser scissors.

"Cut the cord Spock." McCoy coached.

With a smile Spock cut the cord on his son. I cried tears of joy as I looked at my son for the first time. Then the nurse to him to clean and wrap him.

"I am very proud of you." Spock whispered in my ear.

Another contraction and I pushed again. This baby was eager the head and should came out in one push.

"One more push Uhura and you'll have baby number two." McCoy coached.

Last contraction and I pushed for the last time. I laid my head back on the table relieved they were both squealing and this part of the experience was over. McCoy handed Spock the scissors again.

"Well she really wanted to join her brother." McCoy laughed.

Spock sat next to me and brushed the hair from my sweat soaked face as we waited for the twins to be cleaned, weighed and checked out. Nurse Chapel handed us our son first. I saw a small glint of sorrow in her eyes. Everyone knew she had a crush on Spock but he was all mine.

She placed my son in my arms and I smiled at his chubby face. McCoy handed Spock our daughter. I smiled at the confusion on Spock's face. Holding a baby was a completely new experience for him.

"Ok you two we need names." McCoy said with a smile.

I looked at Spock and smiled I bit my lip before I spoke.

"I know that you would like them to have Vulcan names but I was thinking that you could indulge my request and make their middle names Vulcan?" I questioned knowing that he would love what I was going to propose.

"What names do you wish them to have?" he questioned looking from our daughter to me.

"Amanda and Grayson. After your mother I thought that since she's not here with us." I paused. "I thought it would be a great tribute to her. And when you talk to them about her they will feel honored to have her name."

He tilted his head in thought I guessed he was trying to find the right words without sounding too emotional in front of the sickbay staff.

"Thank you for thinking of my mother that way Nyota. I think the names are logical." He answered and left a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Ok doctor. Amanda and Grayson Uhura Spock." I announced and Spock looked at me again in surprise.

"Well I know Vulcan's don't have last names but in human tradition it is the boy who is expected to carry on the family name. Spock is our family name." I answered.

"You truly are amazing and I don't deserve you." He replied in a whisper.

"Yes I am and no you don't but here we are. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else holding anyone else's child." I answered.

"This is Captain Kirk lets give congratulation to Commander Spock and on the birth of the first babies to be born on the Enterprise. Grayson and Amanda Uhura Spock born on earth date July 11, 2246. Grayson weighs 8lbs 7oz and Amanda weighs 8lbs 4oz. Congratulations to the new family."

I smiled at Jim's announcement. I looked at the baby lying in my arms asleep and content. He was perfect ten toes, ten fingers, his fathers ears and hair, my eyebrows, honey colored skin, when he opened his eyes they were hazel borderline green and trait they picked up from my father. Grayson was almost an exact match for Spock just darker his hair was straight for now but we would have to wait to see the pattern in which his hair would grow.

I realized that Amanda looked just like me which could be why he was still staring at her. He'd been holding her for an hour now. She had the same color eyes as Grayson although hers were more green than brown, her skin was also honey colored, her hair was curly and light brown. Her ears were Vulcan like Grayson's but she too had my eyebrows.

In this moment for me everything that happened everything we went through it brought us here and I was more than happy. I wouldn't change the events for anything. I didn't know if in the other timeline if I'd had any children or even happy but in this timeline in this moment I was happy with the man of my dreams and our babies.

The end…

I just want to thank everyone for reading my little story for those of you who enjoyed it I'm glad it was fun to write it just poured out of me. I was thinking about writing a new story to add the wedding and how the Spock family deal with duty and family. Let me know if you want more. I aim to please. It would be fun to delve into what the twins would be able to do as they get older.

Thanks again Kisha