Surreptitious Devotion

Prologue : Pilot

Okay, so what if they've been a couple all along, they've just been keeping it under wraps. What if their attraction to each other got the better of them from the start, and things just spiraled out of control from there. This story goes all the way back to the pilot episode and changes their relationship from that point on. You'll get more out of the story if you can go back and watch the scenes being refered to from the episodes - like this one from the shooting range. Uses dialog from the show. Disregard any and all relationships they've had with others in the series. I own nothing, but boy do I love to play with them.


"You know, homicides, they're not solved by scientist. They're solved by guy like me asking a thousand questions, a thousand times, catching people telling lies every time." he said, severely encroaching on her personal space. He braced a hand on the metal wall beside her head, continuing his rant. "You're great at what you do, Bones, but you don't solve murders,... cops do." he finished, his face only inches from hers.

"Cleo Eller was killed on a cement floor sprinkled with diatomaceous earth, traces of her blood will still be on that cement. One of us is wrong," she said, noticing his gaze flicking to her partially open mouth, "maybe both of us. But if Bethleham wasn't a senator you'd be right there in his basement looking for that killing floor. You're afraid of him. Your hypothesis is that squints don't solve murders and cops do. Prove it." she challenged him. "Be a cop."

Booth made no verbal reply, choosing instead, in a highly unexpected move, to latch his mouth onto hers in a bruising kiss, his larger body pinning hers to the metal partition behind her. She was at first unresponsive to his talented lips and tongue, shocked to find herself in a liplock with the infuriating federal agent. She was planning on placing her hands on his chest to shove him away, but instead of pushing him off of her, her arms wound around his neck, drawing him more firmly to her. Her mouth joined the fray, angling against his, and she became an active participant in the impromptu make-out session. When passing out from a lack of oxygen became a very real concern, they reluctantly pried their lips apart, the action causing a noisy 'smacking' sound. They stared, bewildered, into each others eyes as they gasped for air, trying to catch their breath.

"What... the hell... was that?" Brennan asked, panting for air.

"A huge mistake." he rushed out, breathing deeply.

"Uh, yeah!" she enthusiastically agreed with him. "We can't do that again." she reasoned just as she gave into the urge to lean forward and suck his bottom lip into her mouth.

"Absolutely not." Booth added, their mouths still taking turns capturing and nibbling on each others lips. "This is a... huge mistake... uhm, taste good..."

"Un-huh." Brennan moaned into the kiss one last time as she forced herself to pull away from him. "We need to stop. We have to stop." she said to him as she pushed herself out of the cage of his arms. "I don't think this is allowed."

"No," he sighed heavily, "I don't think it is either. Pity though." he smiled sexily as she backed away from him towards the door.

"Yeah, quite the pity." Brennan smiled back at him, her own kittenish smirk on her lips, as she turned and exited the shooting range.

Booth, venting his frustration, quickly turned and fired two shots at the dummy target, hitting his mark on the head.


This is only the itty-bitty prologue. Jucier stuff to come. I wanted to post this and see if anyone is interested in seeing where the story goes. If I get enough reviews I'll post the rest in installments. I hope you enjoyed. Toodles :)

P.S. Rating is going to change, fair warning...