Author has written 6 stories for Inuyasha, and Rurouni Kenshin.
((.x;'x.x;About Me;x.x;'x.))
Name: Kayla
Age: 18
Birthday: December 1, 1988
Occupation: Student (senior in high school), employed
Interests: Sleeping, dancing, kickboxing, hanging out with friends, anime OMFG WAT NUH-UH, glittery things, calling my best friend "easy", candles, movies, colorful things, VH1, my ipod, candy, bands that don't suck... being here .
Moody(?)::...If you act stupid, yes...I'll get plenty moody...
((.x;'x.x;Favorite Stuff;x.x;'x.))
Anime: Cowboy Bebop - Inuyasha - Yu Yu Hakusho - Fullmetal Alchemist - Naruto - Rurouni Kenshin - Witch Hunter Robin - Trigun - FLCL - Chobits - DNAngel - Case Closed - Samurai Champloo - Samurai X - Sailor Moon - All DBZ - Tenchi Muyo - Angel Sanctuary - Full Moon Wo Sagashite -
Book: Running With Scissors
Movie: Dazed And Confused
Anime songs:
Battle Cry- Nujabes (Beginning theme on Samurai Champloo)
Ningyo Hime - Tanaka Rie (Ending Theme on Chobits)
Shinjitsu No Uta - Do As Infinity (One of ending themes on Inuyasha)
Come - Amuro Namie (One of ending themes on Inuyasha)
Shell - Hitmoi Mieno, Bana (Beginning theme on Witch Hunter Robin)
The Skies Above - The Black Mages (Beginning them on FFX or FFX 2 I think..)
Suteki Da Ne - Rikki (One of themes from FFX)
Music: I listen to practically any type of music like oldies, opera, classical, pop, death metal, R&B, rock, jazz.. etc.
((.x;'x.xAuthor's Update//Story Status;x.x;'x.))
- In the past, I have changed my PenName from Little Sango to Yukijorou88.
And now today I changed it again from Yukijorou88 to Sango Yukijorou... Don't ask... I just missed the Sango title in my name. v.v
Sing to Me, the Song of the Stars
-Chapter Eight – 20 percent complete
-Chapter Seven is up!
-I finished the entire outline of this fic. Now I'm off to write the chapters!
I am officially bringing this fic back to life! I remember how much all of you loved it, and so now I really want to bring it back. I remember how I had written this little story before and so I'm sure I will not forget anything. Incase some of you don't know, this story had disappeared without warning in the first place because the staff members at had removed it themselves for some reason, and without telling me so that I could not at least save it in my Microsoft Word as a document... Now that I think about it I'm still kinda pissed about it but hey I've managed to get over it, for the most part.
Well, ok enough of my complaining, I better get to work on this!
Heavier Than Heaven
- Ok, I'm getting back on track with this fic too. Or, starting to anyways.
- Ok, Chapter 13 is up! Lol, yeah I know.. What the hell took me forever? Well, just two little things called vacation and minor writer's block. Heh, but those two are gone now and I am back in action!
I'm currently working on chapter 14.