Gets semi-graphic…not really but you've been warned.


Final Chapter

The store had been dead. There was probably only one other person in the store besides Faye who didn't work there. The process of food shopping had been brief, thankfully. Faye pulled her jacket closer to her body as she reentered the cold outdoors. Her truck wasn't far and with only this one small bag, Faye was able to practically run to the door.

Slamming the door shut and locking it, Faye sat the plastic bag on the passenger side. Faye breathed in and out catching her breath from the short run, tiny white clouds escaping her lips. A black SUV pulling up next to Faye made her jump slightly. Faye looked next to her but the windows were too tented to see in. Starting the engine, Faye backed up and headed home.

She enjoyed the night sky. It was beautiful; everything seemed at peace around her. Turning the music up, Faye drove home at ease.


"I don't have to compromise anything; you're the one who broke your end of the deal." Spike countered after a long moment of silence.

"You're not the one with the powers, now are you?" The angel shot back with a smile.

"You're more like a devil then an angel." Spike lit another cigarette.

The angel said nothing as she began to dance in a small circle. Spike rolled his eyes.

"How'd she die?" Spike spoke lowly.

"Hmmm. I guess since I did break my half of the deal I could…nah." The angel giggled as she crouched behind Spike.

"Could what?"

The angel quickly covered Spike eyes with her hands.

"I know you want to see her again." The angel whispered.

Spike didn't response. The angel slowly lifted her gentle hands off of Spike's eyes.

Spike found himself sitting in the back seat of his truck. In the drivers seat sat Faye, her lips moving as she sang along with the song playing on the radio.

"Faye." Spike spoke as he inched closer to the driver's seat and was now centimeter away from her. He's mouth at Faye's ear. She didn't respond, she didn't even acknowledge him.

"She can't hear or see you." The angel suddenly sat next to Spike.

Faye now turned onto a narrow two lane street. Nothing but small fields were around. Faye noticed the lights of a car behind her.

The car was gaining fast. They were already practically on her tail. Faye adjusted her mirror and turned down the music.

"What's going on?" Spike asked as he looked behind him.

"Shh." The angel hissed.

The car switch lanes, now going 70 on the wrong side of the road.

"What the hell?" Faye whispered harshly as she slowed down the truck.

The angel grabbed Spike's hand. Spike found himself outside watching as a SUV rammed into the truck. In slow motion Spike watched as the trucked skidded off the road and flipped sideways when it reached the grass ditch. Spike ran over to the truck. He could hear the screeches of the wheels from the SUV as it tried to halt to a stop.

Faye fluttered her eyes open. Her head was pounding. She lightly touched the top of her head. A red liquid seeped onto her fingers. Faye slowly reached for the seatbelt. She hit the release button. Faye quickly tumbled to the other side of the truck. She hit with a loud thud. Faye ignored the pain as she climbed up to the other door and opened it. She fell the few feet to the ground.

Spike was relieved to see Faye stumble from the truck. She was bleeding on her head but other then that she looked alright. That's when Spike noticed the man charging towards Faye. He felt to helpless.

"Let me help her." He yelled to the angel who stood a few yards away.

She smiled and shook her head no.

"Damn it." Spike cursed.

Faye was shoved into the side of the truck. She realized right away who it was who had her pinned against the flipped truck.

"Michael." She hoarsely breathed.

"Long time, Faye." He kissed her harshly on her lips.

Faye bit his lips hard and could taste his blood on her lips. She didn't mind since he got him off of her briefly. She shoved him away and took off running. She ran as fast as her bruised legs could take her. Michael was close behind her. He took a violent grab at Faye and managed to snatch the hood of her jacket. Faye quickly stripped off her jacket and didn't mind the cold air harshly hitting her. Michael once again snatched at Faye, this time managing to grab her hair. With a hard yank he forced Faye to the floor.

"I don't want to watch this," Spike yelled at the angel.

The angel ignored Spike once again.

Michael now sat on top of Faye.

"Have you missed me, baby?" He said as he ripped Faye's shirt in half.

"Get off of me Michael." Faye yelled as she scratched his Faye to the best of her abilities.

"You know you don't mean that." Michael said as he licked the side of Faye's face.

"Leave me alone." Faye pleaded, now beginning to sob. She couldn't help it, her body was shaking, she felt as if she might throw up any minute, and she could barely breathe.

"Stop crying." He ordered. Faye couldn't stop. He slapped her.

Spike heard Faye whimpered.

"Take me back." He ordered as he glanced the few feet away to where Faye was. Spike chest tighten.

"Stop it." Michael yelled again. He encircled his large fingers around Faye's neck.

Spike couldn't turn away as he watched his friend have the life forced out of her. He watched as she struggled at first to get out of his grasp. He watched as her face lost its color. He watched the defeat in her face as she slowly gave up. He watched as her body went limp with death.

"Damn you. You were supposed to be mine." Michael said as he held Faye's body close. Tear's slid down his cheek.

Spike would give anything to beat the shit out of him but there wasn't a thing he could do. Spike stood there for a hour, feeling sick as he gazed on Michael crying and hugging Faye's lifeless body. Finally Michael left. He just left Faye's body where it was. He hoped into his SUV and drove off.

"Go to her." The angel encouraged.

Spike hesitantly walked over to Faye's lifeless body. A single tear slid down Spike's cheek as he looked at Faye's body. Finger print bruises lined her neck. Her lips were beginning to match her hair. Spike crouched next to her. He wished he could touch her.

"I love you too," He whispered. "I'll do it."

"Hmm?" The angel asked with a curious smile.

"The whole deals off. I want to be the one dead, not Faye."

"Are you sure?" The angel asked, patting Spike lightly on the back.

"Never more."

The angel grabbed Spike's hand once again. Spike was once again in a tiny room. The walls were all black. The angel glowed in the dark room.

"You're a good guy Spike."

Spike just smirked as he watched the angel open the tiny door way.

"Bye Spike."

"Later and good riddance." Without a second thought Spike jumped into the unknown.


Faye ran up the stairs, over to where she Spike had fallen.

"Please be alright." Faye prayed as she flipped him over. He had a small pulse.

"We need medics over here. Now!" Faye shouted. Faye watched as the paramedics carried Spike away.

"Spike, you better not leave me here. You promised." Faye threatened as she ran down the stairs.


Spike was glad to finally be back on the Bebop. The last three months had been hell at the hospital. His only visitor had been Jet. Jet was the one who had picked him up today.

"Ed, get off the couch. Spike needs to sit." Jet's rough voice ordered.

Spike watched as Ed, without argument, jumped to the floor.

"Wow, if it isn't the one and only." Faye's voice filled Spike's ear. Spike smiled.

"Thanks for the visits." Spike shrugged as he lit a cigarette.

"I was going to but Jet said I shouldn't jeopardize your health."

"How thoughtful." Spike replied. If only this woman knew what Spike had been through for her.

"Well lunkhead, I'm going to the store. Need anything?" Faye offered.

"Yep. Sure do."

"What?" Faye questioned.

Spike nodded his head, telling her to come closer. She stepped a few feet closer.

"Closer." He ordered.

With an eyebrow raise she inched closer to him. Once she was in arms length, Spike grabbed her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Faye kissed him back for a second. Then she pulled away.

"Well, what you think?" He smirked as he leaned back.

He watched as Faye's face contorted into different expressions, one of joy, confusion, and the of course anger. She slapped him.

"Jerk." And with that Faye strutted off.

"Back to square one." Spike muttered. He remembered the times when Faye was begging for his kisses. "Soon she'll see." He muttered as he prepared himself for a nap on his favorite couch. How he had missed this yellow sofa.


"Have you been messing with that boys head again?" An angry Annie questioned as she walked up to the beautiful blonde.

"I had to." Julia said with a small smile.

"Had to, eh?" Annie said, placing her hands on her thick hips.

"It wasn't his time."

"And who made you in charge over him?" Annie wondered.

"Me. Besides he only needed a small push to see what was right in front of him."

"He can be so stubborn." Annie agreed.

"I know. He'll be happy again."

"Let's go, Julia."

"Goodbye Spike." Julia whispered before joining Annie to their new home.


The end. Hope you liked. Don't flame me too much for the Julia. I usually hate, hate, hate her but I thought it fit.