A.N.: This is my most recent fanfic. I guess you could call this chapter a teaser, but its chapter one, so please r&r!! Tell me what you think!! It is a work in progress, so please don't hate me if there aren't too many postings in the future. I guess this story is somewhere after all the Kikyo stuff, and way before they kill Naraku (if they even do) because as you will see, Naraku is still very powerful! But it's the time when he's got the jewel and it's at the point where there are just a few shards left to collect. As the title says—Inuyasha gets trapped in the future for a while (until they can figure a way to go back). Kagome's mom is also big on the advice and sort of sees him as a son (I wonder why).... So I hope this was enough—you cant learn too many of my secrets because I'll be out of business... nah... have fun! And please tell me what you think... I already know you will want more b/c cliffhangers are my specialty!!—CJD
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, but I love him so much...
Trapped in the Future
Chapter 1
(500 Years ago)
The battle with Naraku was becoming fierce. The amount of jewel shards he gained recently boosted his powers. He stood with his two incarnations, Kagura and Kanna.
"Take this bastard!" Inuyasha charged with his Tetsusaiga, ready to use the wind scar. Kagura smirked. "You think you can do that here?" She swiped her fan, throwing the wind off, so the wind scar could not be seen. "Damn you! But no matter, I'm still gonna tear you all to shreds!" Inuyasha yelled.
Before InuYasha could make a move, Naraku's many demonic legs shot toward them from under his fur cloak. He dodged them and cut a few off with his sword, but it was no use.
After a few moments, Inuyasha did exactly what Naraku had been waiting for him to do. He left Kagome unprotected. He smirked and then shot his sharp demonic legs right at Kagome.
"Kagome!" They all shouted. She was frozen in fear. Inuyasha sprinted toward her trying desperately to get to her before Naraku.
He jumped in front of her, taking many of the legs, but the smell of Kagome's blood hit his nose. They were both thrown off their feet and into the well that lead to the future. The rest of Naraku's sharp legs destroyed the well after Inuyasha and Kagome fell in.
"Inuyasha! Kagome!" Miroku, Sango and Shippo called.
Inuyasha was lying on Kagome's leg at the bottom of the well. He was badly hurt, but worried more about Kagome than himself. "Kagome..." he turned to see where she was hurt because she wasn't responding.
One of the legs had hit her shoulder, and the other had gotten her abdomen. She wasn't bleeding too badly, but she was in need of immediate medical attention.
He scooped the unconscious girl into his arms and jumped out of the well. He left the building and stumbled to her house as fast as he could. He opened the door and saw her grandfather and little brother.
"Kagome!" Souta shouted. They jumped up from the table and went to Inuyasha. "Souta, call an ambulance for both of them." Kagome's grandfather shouted. He took Kagome from Inuyasha, who collapsed right after.