Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Harry Potter. Greeting: STINKING human. Age:14 Skin:Caucasion(sp?) Hair:Brown Eyes:Brown in the middle;green outlining and golden places. In other words "Dead flower with a green sky in the back"- Cody Pyle. Movies: Anything horror or just plain weird, Spongebob, Phantom of the Opera, Inuyasha movies, Radio (BIG obssession with around Christmas for strange reason), The new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Ring, The Grudge, Donnie Darko, and Napoleon Dynamite :) Shows I like:Spongebob, Full house, Drake and Josh, Avatar: The Last Air Bender,and Xmen, Invader Zim, "Kids 'R Skary" productions, and well... I don't watch tv as much as I used to. Anime/Manga:Inuyasha, Chobits, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, Yu-Gi-oh, .Hack//Sign, Case Closed, Sailor Moon, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Witch Hunter Robin, and Card Captors, Fruits Baskets, Remote, Spirited Away, Yu Yu Hakusho, Comic Party, Kenshin, Love Hina, Ai Yori Aoshi, Peach Girl... an.. OH YEAH.. The Ring/ Spiral. Likes: I likies Anime, Horror movies, all kinds of weapons and stuff, ominous weather, shiny needle objects and tubes where you can see blood 'a squirtin' into the bottle, drawing manga/ distorted people, writing, and playing video games. YAY FOR ZELDA! Dislikes:Cats, Most People, Preps, loud people, And my sister. So basically, if your OBSESSED with cats Waaaaaaay too much, are a prep or stuck up person (I mean the preps that are waaay too happy yet are stuck up)), a loud people person, my sister, or just a most people at all, I most likely just don't like you. smiles Friends on Here:Taishoku Kurayami, Heart of Friendship, and Love and Guns. Bands: Evanescence, tatu, STAIND, Creed, Ayumi Hamazaki, BoA, and a lot that I just can't think of. Songs: Moonlight Shadow, Restless, Thoughtless, Chop Suey, Been a While, DOOM song, Holding out for a hero, and My Own Prison. I don't write just anime. I love alot of shows. But I KNOW I will never be able to write a fan fiction to all of the shows I like. - I'm not much of a people person. I don't like being around a crowd of people. I'm not claustriphobic. I just can't stand so much body heat and the sound of screaming people. Another reason is that a lot of people don't EVER take me seriously. When you speak to me, BE WARNED, that if you push my buttons then I predict horrible things for your future. "I know Kar-Rah-Tae!"-SpongeBob. All anime I like except for "Hello Kitty" and all those shows that are copy-catting "Yugioh." Pokemon? Eh... That show was okay when I was seven. - "You're all dorks," so says my teacher, Mr. White, and quite frankly, I agree with him with a few exceptions. - In my spare time I draw. I suck right now but a lot of people say I'm good. Probably only because they suck 10x worse than me, but you should have seen my drawings a year ago! I draw manga which my friends at school read. They think I'm to much of a gorey person...Ha...well... I AM! "Don't mess with her! She'll cast a Japanese curse on you!(Directed to me)"-a few in people in my class. STINKING HUMANS... Yay for me being more updated-ness now.. O.o New word. I will TRY to update more in the future, but for now, I am SLOWLY writing. I think I have made a few improvments to my descriptivness that many will appreciate... Hey, I said FEW. And when I actually feel like it. I will make a profile of my fanfic. |