Chapter 1

Kagome looked through her drawers.There had to be something to wear!!

"Kagome",Sango sighed,"Can we go now?".

"In a minuet",she said wurridly,"I gotta find something to wear!".

"Kagome,we are going,to burger world",she stated flatly.

"Yes I know!".

"You are such a girly girl!".

"Are not",Kagome insisted.

"Are too and everybody sees it! even at school! you play no sports and.... well,you'r a girly girl face it!!!!!".

"Am not!",Kagome shouted.

"Then prove it and c'mon!",Sango yelled,grabbing Kagome's arm and dragging her out to the car.

"Look around",Sango said slyly,"Look at all of the guys!".

"Ooooooooh now who's the girly girl!?!",Kagome mocked.

"I'm sorry,but I am a girl,it's my cryptonite!!!".

The two girl laughed.

"Hey Sango!",called a guy from behind the Burger World counter.She looked over to see their friend Miroku walk out frombehind the counter over to them.

"Hey,wazzup?",he asked.

"Nothin",Kagome replied,takeing a sip from her soda cup,"You?".


"Hey Miroku" ,Sango said,suddently striking conversation,"Tell Kagome that she is so a girly girl!!!".

"Am not!",she protested!

"Are too",he laughed.

"Am not!!!!!!!".

"Then prove it!",Sango said slyly.

"Fine how?",she asked!

"By takeing my dare!",Miroku decided.

"Hm?"Sango looked at him. Since when did he decide that?!

"Alright! anything no matter what it is! i'l do it!".

"Alright,I dare you to spend one month in the same all boys academy that me and Koga and Inuyasha go to!".

"What !",she yelled,"But i'm not a boy!!!".she protested!

"But that's noit what everyone else is going to think!".

"Huh?,you meen dress up like a boy?",Sango asked,"I like it!".

"Ugh I don't",Kagome grimiced.She hated the thought of being in an all boys school,much less,the same one as her next door neighbor and worst enemy Inuyasha! Not to mention that Koga was a little weird and in the past year,Miroku hadn't said many good things about this school. But there was no backing out of this dare. It was part of the girls unwriten code of honer.

Rule 482 : Never back away from a dare!

"Done",kagome stated,"starting when?".

"Tomorrow. I'l have all of the paper work and regestration ready.All youl'l have to do is get your looks together,Sango,will you give her a hand with that?".

"Yes of corse",Sango rplied,smiling wickedly!

Kagome gulped.What had she gotten herself into?

Hey ppl! sry ths chappie was so dull and short. but i promise as we get into the plot more it will get better so bear with me!!! think about it.a girl in a boys school! it's funny!


Later !