![]() Author has written 6 stories for Tactics, Misc. Anime/Manga, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Naruto. sometimes, i wonder just how much writing i could get done if i just put my mind to it. the life of acire-puu, sauciest wench on this side of the galaxy. on a good day. i thought i'd go for a little bit of a change since this profile hasn't really been changed since '08 or so. i'm so old, it hurts. namae wa acirebutt desu. konnichiwa, minna-san. ACIRE. full-time student. growing older each year. finally past secondary education. stuck in suburbia. (yes, children, it's privilege at its finest: suck it.) do i sound white to you? i sound a little caucasian. hullo, ducklings: i am, most assuredly, jaundiced. (oh, an unintentional pun, how lovely.) i like reading fictional stories about fictional characters who lead fictional lives in fictional adaptations of real worlds. and sometimes, fictional worlds. i like to think about food a lot. unfortunately egregiously accused of being a wannabe hip*. (this hurts me deeply on an emotional level.) i like emoticons and keyboard-smashing. i like writing in lowercase. LIFE. social networking is my home. if you look hard enough, you can find me everywhere. i tweet, i journal life, i book faces, i tumble, and i g. it's an exciting life. try finding me if you'd like. i don't bite--except for when i do. WRITE. i am the pits at writing. honestly, i am one of the most childish writers you'll have the misfortune of coming across. i can introspect, but it will sound like a seventh-grader's attempt at a cohesive essay. do not tempt me. also, i don't update regularly. it's part of this whole laziness lifestyle i've recently taken up. and i am hideously uninspired most of the time. if it's not an academic essay, don't even talk to me. which is not to say that i don't actually write fic, i'm just really bad at keeping up at it. FANDOM. i'm a fandom-hopper, but it's not very noticeable because i don't really do much in them. wip. starting the new year with some new fics, but only because I was too lazy to finish them in 2015. |