Author has written 11 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist. I've started a blog for the purpose of staying in touch with my readers before, during, and after I've posted new content to answer questions and open up discussion about my fics. You can find it at: I love Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm in my 20's. I live in New York City. I started writing fanfics as a creative outlet solely for myself, and only uploaded Perfect Blood on a whim. When it got shockingly good feedback, I kept going. It seems to have snowballed a bit, and I'm okay with that. I never thought I would be such an angsty writer. But now that it seems I am, I can't say I'm completely surprised. I've always been obsessed with morbid things in artistic, stylized settings. I'm also incredibly romantic for someone who hates sentimental greeting cards and uses humor as a defense mechanism. I'm not actually a big anime lover. There have been a few in the past that I've enjoyed, but FMA and FMAB are the only ones I've watched repeatedly in their entireties. I think the reason I love it so much is because even though its a fantasy, it has so much realism. It manages to feel so believable, probably because its set in a world so strongly resembling Industrial Revolution era Europe, and automail isn't a far cry from some of the incredible advancements our society had made in the field of prosthetics. Alchemy is a science, even if it's manifested in a different form in the real world, and FMA deals with so many real issues that our society deals with today: The Military, War, Totalitarianism, Murder, Family values, Love and Loss, Science, the Human Condition. That realism set into something make-believe helps make it easy to put the characters of FMA in Alternate Universes similar to the one we live in, and I've enjoyed experimenting with that. |