Author has written 27 stories for Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Avatar: Last Airbender, Twilight, Tin Man, and Watchmen.
am sixteen,
am silly,
am immature,
am crazy,
hate school,
love to read,
love to write stories,
hate to write poetry,
wish it was always summer,
love English class,
hate all other subjects,
have a dirty mind,
love my friends,
am Looly.
Any questions? Any fic recommendations? Anything at all? E-mail eccentricsaga@. Mkay? Mkay.
Favorable Pairings:
Katra x Zuko (A:tLA)
Aang x Toph (A:tLA)
Smellerbee x Longshot (A:tLA)
Cloud x Aeris (FFVII)
Cloud x Tifa (FFVII)
Zidane x Garnet (FFIX)
Vivi x Eiko (FFIX)
Leon (Squall) x Yuffie (KH)
Sora x Kairi (KH)
Roxas x Namine (KH2)
Roxas x Olette (KH2)
Hayner x Olette (KH2)
Seifer x Olette (KH2)
Seifer x Fuu (KH2)
Draco x Luna (HP)
Draco x Ginny (HP)
Draco x Hermione (HP)
Ron x Hermione (HP)
Harry x Luna (HP)
Harry x Ginny (HP)
Snape x Sinistra (HP)
Remus x Tonks (HP)
Jack x Ana Maria (PotC)
Tia Dalma x Davy Jones (PotC)
Naota x Haruko (FLCL)
Naota x Mamimi (FLCL)
Rogue x Wolverine (XM)
Rogue x Pyro (XM)
Kitty x Wolverine (XM)
Kitty x Pyro (XM)
Cain x DG (TM)
Glitch/Ambrose x Az (TM)
7-03-08: I'm back to updating! I don't know how long this will last, but, ah, well. To any new readers checkin' out my bio page--yo! I beg of you, don't read anything published before Black Reflections, as I consider everything I wrote before then... well, pretty much trash, nowadays. It was my younger self building up to something a little bit better--not awesome, obviously, but of a slightly better quality. So, that's that, and get readin'!