AN: I just saw The Incredibles and I LOVED it! Obviously, or I wouldn't be making this story based from it! But anyways, Syndrome was my favorite character. And in my fic, he lived through the blast! Well, you'll find out all about that here soon. This is just an introduction chapter. The rest will come up shortly!

Disclaimer: Disney owns The Incredibles, I do not. (

The world was dark and silent. Slowly his surroundings were becoming clear.

He could now hear the soft melodies of birds chirping away in their nests. His body felt numb from his near death experience. The first thought that sprang to his mind shortly after he came back to consciousness was vengeance. The obsession of being a hero in others eyes was finally over. All he wanted to do now was to make the incredible's pay for meddling in his plans.

Slowly feeling was returning to his body. And he preferred to be numb again. The pain was unbearable. He bit his lip to prevent from screaming. The bones in his legs had shattered from his fall, his shoulder blade felt out of place, and he had a few cuts and bruises. He was fortunate that he did not go into a coma from his deadly fall.

He was not sure where he was. But the blast must have been strong enough to blow him somewhere exotic. There were trees all around him. We did he land at?

He then heard hushed voices, and children screaming in the background. Wait, children?

Averting his eyes towards the sound. Then he saw swing sets, children, slides, basketball courts, and a pond. He must have landed in a park.

"Are you alright there mister?"

Syndrome rolled his eyes over to the voice confronting him. It was a little boy, that looked remarkably like him at his age. He lifted a brow at the boy, "Does it look like I'm alright?" He said, with his voice croaked and dripping with sarcasm.

The boy flinched. "I'll get some help!" He said, and dashed off somewhere unknown.

This was just great, I look like an imbecile lying here immobilized at a godforsaken children's park! He thought bitterly to himself. Syndrome closed his eyes, drifting back into subconsciousness until the medics would come to his rescue. In his dreams, he imagined his sweet revenge on the Incredible family. This would be a fool proofed plan...

And failure was not an option.

A/N: So please just tell me what you think so far. This is just the introduction chapter. More will come I promise. Please just R and R.