"I'm a goddamn coward!" Violet told herself as Syndrome shut the door. "I'm afraid of him, then I want him, suddenly I don't..."

She sighed and ran her hand through her dark hair, remembering Syndrome's gentle touch only moments before. She closed his eyes and imagined him before her, like he had just been. His face close to hers, his lips slightly parted, his breathing heavy... God, it would have felt so good to let him kiss her!

'Well, you blew your chance,' her mind teased. 'Once again, you miss out on all the fun.'

Violet pressed her nails against her palms, wincing slightly. She hated this. Why did she never have the courage to follow her heart? Regretfully, she thought about what could've happened between them. What one little kiss could've let to.

It was just like when she was younger. Back when she used to hide behind her hair, and always blending in with crowds or turning invisible whenever things became unpleasant or difficult. How she wished she was able to turn invisible now. To be able to hide from her captor, from his hypnotizing eyes and gentle touch. Everything would be so much easier if she could just hide from him, or protect herself with a forcefield. To make it impossible for him to find her, to touch her, look at her...

But she couldn't. He had broken down her powers, and now, he was slowly breaking down her barriers.

Violet sat down on the bed, still scratching her nails over her the thin flesh in her palms, needing to think of something else. She searched trough her bag and pulled out her discman. Then, she turned the music all the way up, in an attempt to drown out her frustrating thoughts. The heavy beat pounded in her eyes, and though it hurt, she kept the headphones on, pounding her fists into the madras to the beat of the music. Her long nails were piercing her skin, but she didn't care.

'Make it stop,' she thought. 'Make everything stop.'

She closed her eyes. The world was spinning. Everything she had known and believed in was being turned upside down. How come he this effect on her? Why did she turn to rubber inside whenever she heard his voice? Oh god, she could imagine the shame her parents would feel if they found out about her sudden change of heart towards their nemesis.

Her parents. She missed them so much. And her brothers. Heck, she even missed Dash. Knowing that she would never see them again made her feel sick and anxious. But for some reason, they weren't the first thing on her mind. He was. She sighed. He was turning her away from everything she loved. Or maybe she was just finding it.

With a growl of desperation, she clenched her fists as hard as she could. She felt her nails go trough the skin several places, and gasped slightly in pain. Slowly bringing her sore fingers before her eyes, she examined her nails. They were still covered with a small amount of black nailpolish, and a few of them had a bit of blood on the edges. She began to slowly scratch it of, while listening and humming along to the tune of the heavy beat in the song. Finally, it became to much for her, and she changed the number into something more relaxing. She closed her eyes and sang along to the sound of the familiar melody.

Rolling down the hills of sadness
Falling at there feet below
All I want to do is call you
Cant begin to let you go

All my thoughts seems schizophrenic
I am two forever more
All your voices makes me manic
Let us be what was before

Giving up or giving in
Let it out or keep it in
What turns you on
Will turn you of again
I'm not the same…

Violet raised her voice and sang as loudly as she could, not giving a damn if anyone could hear her. And actually, someone could.

I try to run but I feel stagnant
No roads leading anywhere
You and I are charging magnets
Sanity has disappeared

All I want to do is hold you
There is nothing much to say
I would like to tell a lie to you
Just pretend another day

Giving up or giving in
Let it out or keep it in
What turns you on
will turn you of again
I'm not the same…

Syndrome listened to every little word she sang. He knew it was wrong, watching her in secret like this, but he was slowly growing addicted to it. And as it seemed at the moment, this was the closest he was gonna get to her. Well, at least until tomorrow night.

He smirked at the thought of the evening ahead. At first, he had thought it to be a bad idea, but now, as he was alone, he was beginning to change his mind. Maybe that evening was all he needed to convince her that he wasn't so bad. A chance to talk like normal people, to make her see another side of him. His guts wrenched at the memory of how close he had been to make her see that side earlier. He had been so close to her, to her soft at delicate lips. But she had pushed him away.

'No matter,' he thought. 'If possible, things will change tomorrow night. To my benefit.' With that, he turned of the screen and continued his work.

A/N: It's short, I know, but it was the best I could come up with. I kinda like it myself, so I hope you do to.

To Rack: I would be proud to be the first reviewer of your fic. Looking forward to reading it:)

And to everyone else who reviewed: THANK YOU! You guys are the best.

(The song is not mine, but once again a wonderful number by Kira and the Kindred spirits. I just love them, and this song reminded me a little bit of this fic. So that's why it's in here.)