Author has written 5 stories for Okami, Pokémon, Five Nights at Freddy´s, Warriors, and Parodies and Spoofs. if you don't know, i happen to REALLY like Okami and Okamiden. never heard of it? SEARCH IT UP! it's a capcom game. but anyway, enough about that. if you must know, here is some of my INFO. do you like warrior cats? is that seriously a question? Of course i like warrior cats! i love it! if you could bring back to life any cat from the warriors series, who would it be? yellowfang, hollyleaf, and brokenstar's dead sisters. they should have lived... who is your favorite cat (s) in the warrior series? yellowfang, hollyleaf, and jayfeather all the way! and i also like bramblestar and tigerstar and hawkfrost. what is your favorite pairing/shipping? squirrelXbramble. they are so cute together squirrelxbramble or squirrelxash? see question 4. leafxcrow or leafxash? leafxcrow all the way! firexsand or firexspotted? this is seriously a question? i mean, come on! the books have already declared firestar and sandstorm mates! bluexthrush or bluexoak? sigh* this is already a mate pairing too... i mean the Bluexoak. ivyxhawk or ivyxfox? ivyxhawk. they would look pretty cute together. and the ivyxfox? NO! foxleap is ivypool's uncle! ok. onto Okami & Okamiden questions! which one of chibiterasu's partners in Okamiden look the cutest with chibiterasu to you? Chibi and Kuni. let's just say this: CUTE NEVER LOOKED SO BAD ASS!!!!! Who is your favorite partner in the Okamiden series? i would have to say..Kagu. who do you think is lazier? Susano or Nagi? they are both lazy. and head strong. i have no clue what Kushi and Nami saw in them. Who is your favorite Okami charater? who is your favorite Okamiden charater? Favorite Okami charater: Orochi. duh. Favorite Okamiden charater: Black Sun the final boss. sorry Chibiterasu. they are funny, cute, sometimes just outright smart, and sometimes, the villians are my favorite animal! yeah. I HAVE JOINED THE DARK SIDE. what is your favorite quote? favorite quote: Join the Dark Side. we have Cookies. Other then Orochi, who is your favorite Okami character? NINETAILS FOR THE WIN! Do you have any recommendations to anyone? go on DeivantArt and type Okami Wallpaper. LOOK AT EVERY SINGLE ONE. THEY'RE AWESOME. What is your favorite Okami Wallpaper on DeviantArt? the one that is made by Kaze-Hime. on it is a Anime version of Issun, Oki, Amaterasu, Waka, and Ninetails. my favorite of the 5 is Ninetails. =D Why did you decide to mainly focus on truth or dare fanfics? they're easier and more fun to write! Yeah... well anyway... i am show you some shippings that i love! RubyXSapphire (Pokemon Manga, IT'S CANON!) WallaceXWinona (that's also canon in the pokemon manga) WakaXIssun (WHAT? IT WOULD BE FUNNY!) WakaXOki (that too...) WakaXKaguya (COME ON! THEY'RE BOTH FROM THE MOON TRIBE!) AmaterasuXIssun (LOL. ISSUN WOULD GET COVERED IN WOLF SLOBBER. XD) AshXMisty (I'M A POKESHIPPER!) DawnXPaul (thats cool, right?) DawnXBarry (COME ON! IT'S TWINLEAF SHIPPING! NEED I SAY MORE?) DrewXMay (they were made for each other) PikachuXBuneary (What?) ArceusXGiratina (it's Yaoi. who dosn't love Yaoi? no one, right? ...right?) RaikouXSuicuneXEntei (plz? they're doggys...) AshXEvery Person and Pokemon he meets. (...yeah... i'm that crazy...) AshXChilli (Cilan and Cress gonna be mad!) AshXCress (Cilan and Chili gonna be mad!) AshXCilan (Cilan gonna punch ash!) BrockXWinona (imagine what Wallace what think? XD) BrockXFlannery (IT'D BE FUNNY!) BrockXAsh (sorry... i love Yaoi...) DawnXDrew (PAUL GONNA PUNCH DREW! YES!) SkarmoryXMetagross (...what? it'd be funny! it's mating between Steven's pokemon in the hoenn games!) SkarmoryXAggron (ok... that be funny too...) WailordXSkitty (HOT WAILORD ON SKITTY ACTION!) Ash's Swellow X Winona's Shiny Swellow (they're both swellows!) CradilyXArmaldo (they'r both fossil pokemon...) WailordXDiglett (...That's midly disturbing...) WailordXRattata (ok... it's a bit better) SkittyXRattata (COME ON! IT'S A CAT AND A MOUSE!) AmaterasuXWaka (sorry. it's obvious, But... I LOVE IT) AmaterasuXTsukayomi (they're siblings in mythology and they did get married!) NagiXNami (i know it's really obvious.) SusanoXKushi (that's EVEN MORE OBVIOUS...) CrystalXGold (I AM SORRY!) SilverXLyra (IT'S SO KAWAII!!!) SableyeXMawile (on second thought...) EmpoleonXLuxray (IT'S POSSIBLE!) AmaterasuXOki (they're both wolves... sorta.) WakaXYami (...) WakaXAkuro (...) OrochiXYami (...why did i pair myself with this creep?) OrochiXAkuro (again, why am i paring myself with these guys?) OrochiXAmaterasu (THAT'S EVEN WORSE!) KuniXNanami (IT'S A HUMAN AND A MERMAID! IT'S THE LITTLE MERMAID ALL OVER AGAIN!) KurowXKagu (PLEASE? ACCEPT?) ChibiterasuXBlack Sun (it's basically Chibi being paired with his evil self...) KurowXAkuro (...) WakaXOrochi (i would kill him.) OrochiXSusano (...SUSANO! GET AWAY FROM ME NOW! GO HUMP KUSHI!) OrochiXNagi (YOU TOO NAGI!) Steven X Cynthia (IM A A FAN) Steven X Phoebe ( ... ) Steven X Flanney (um...) Steven X Clair ( i just found out... I SUPPORT IT! ) Yea... music i recommend Battle! Champion (Johto) - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Music Extended Battle! Champion (Hoenn) - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Music Extended I LOVE IT! I AM SO SORRY! I'M A POKE FAN! DON'T JUDGE ME! Okami Music i reccomend Reset (thank you version) Reset (by Ayaka Hirahara) The Sun Rises other music i recommend. Ai No Uta (Pikmin) and that's it. things i find kinda disturbing in the pokemon manga 1. Wallace got slammed into a rock until he started bleeding ALOT. O-o 2. There is death in it. 3. 5 of the 10 pokedex users were turned to stone... 4. ARCHIE MURDERED MAXIE! Actually, these are the reasons that the pokemon manga stands out to me as my fav manga of all time. yeah. I'm crazy... oh yeah. EEVEE! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .HR |
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