Day Twenty One: Breaking the Dawn

Kano glanced at the girl sitting next to him; Tsubomi Kido, the girl that had come into his house a few nights ago. He had been living alone, along with her, so the two could pretty much just do whatever they wanted, naturally leading to other things, and he wouldn't mention them by name, naturally as well.

He wouldn't call them close, but he knew her, her likes and dislikes, and her past. They could be called friends, although Kano himself used the term heavily. By any other terms, they would definitely be called that. He supposed the feeling of being close to someone was foreign to the both of them, which is why they said that there was nothing between them.

Naturally, yet again, he figured that by any other terms, that would be called 'love', but he didn't have any experience with the so called feeling. It's not like it was a necessary staple to life, and everyone made it out to be like that, evident by how many pairs would always make out in the halls, despite teacher warnings.

He supposed a better word for the feeling was 'stupid'. The entire process would be called 'stupid', if it wasn't so commonly known by the other name.

Depressing thoughts like these were often of presence in the male's mind, and he accepted them gratefully, since it was better than cutting his already scar-riddled arms.

He had determined that the form of treatment was all together too effective in letting go of his emotions, but, thanks to Kido, he had stopped for a month or so.

However, there was still a nagging thought in the back of his mind, and altogether too often, he learned that the particular feeling often meant that something bad had either happened recently or was going to happen soon. It usually meant that it happened at the moment he felt it, but he would only discover it later.

Perhaps his apartment had been lit on fire and was now burning down.

He shook his head, giving a sigh, and turned to the greenette. "Is your sister going to be home tonight?"

The quiet girl shook her head, not bothering to provide the blond with an explanation, as usual.

"If something happens, can I go over?"

She nodded.

Better to be safe than sorry after all.

As the end-of-the-day bell rang a few hours later, Kano walked through the drizzle, thinking about how much he really did loathe life, and wondering why he didn't just end it already?

But then again, Kido would have no one, and he was sure that his mom, even though she hated him, wouldn't want him to do that either.

And he knew that suicide was never an option, but it never did stop him from dreaming.

His dreams were usually better than his reality anyway, but maybe there would be a light at the end of this long school-restrained tunnel.

At least that was what he hoped, as he pulled the cover over his head and quickly slipped into the land of wishes.

. . .

The word 'friends with benefits' flashed along Kano's mind every time he thought of the green haired girl, and he supposed she felt the same, especially since their class was horrendously into shipping the two together.

This was probably only because they talked to no one but each other, and even then they never really talked, it was more of a 'You can sit here, and I'll sit there, and no one will talk to us then' sort of friendship, and Kano was completely fine with it being like that.

Insipid thoughts like that once again clouded the blond's mind as he trekked on his way to school, the rain still coming down in thin sheets. Once again, he didn't have an umbrella, but things like that never had bothered him. He was pretty much numb when it came to feelings things anyway, but he still reacted to stuff like physical pain.

Which was why he jumped out of the way as Kido stepped on his foot, feeling pain run up his leg. "I see you're in a good mood this morning." He listened to her give a sigh, shrugging her shoulders. He closed his eyes, stretching slightly as he tried to give off an aura of being nonchalant. "I heard there's another sickness going around the school. Don't catch it, ok?" Another nod, and silence for the rest of the dark, rainy day.

Kano wasn't really surprised that this kind of systematic pattern kept on going for about three weeks before Kido actually acted out of the norm, which wasn't entirely weird in itself, because occasionally the girl would get fed up with keeping her dark personality, and got fed up with someone bashing the school system when they themselves were the issue. Kano usually agreed with her.

He handed her another tissue as she sneezed, and she blew her nose. His eyes fell a little as he noticed how sick she actually was, evident in her skin tone and eyes. "You should probably go home, it looks like you got sick. I'm guessing it was the flu."

Kido murmured something, giving a grunt and hugging her stomach, bending over slightly. Kano gave a sigh, standing up and pulling her up with him, making sure that she could stand and walk. "I'll take you home, ok?" And with that, he signed out, took the girl home, and that was that.

Until Kido, a few days later, showed up at his door after school, red-faced and shaking slightly, although Kano assumed that it was the cold weather. He let her in, like any other time she would come over, and made some tea, picking their favorite types. He sat on the couch, Kido on the love-seat in front of him; his mother's personal favorite. He was surprised that she had let him have it, but then again she really owed him a lot. He was lucky that he hadn't ended up abusive like her.

"What's wrong? It seems pretty urgent to come over to my house. Usually you'd tell me to go walk over to yours." He took a sip of his tea, not really paying attention to Kido's body language at all.

Kido rubbed her arms, looking to the side. "W-well… It's pretty important."

She was never one for words, so whenever she would be rather vague with her speech, Kano was the one who had to jump in and worm the point out of her. It was usually grueling, and he hoped that it wouldn't be the case today, considering the unusual circumstances.

"And what would that 'important' thing be? Did you win the lottery? Kill someone? I can help you bury the body if that's the case." He took another sip, completely joking of course, but anyone else would be wondering if they had a serial killer on their hands.

Kido shook her head, her hair floating around her face slightly, not contained by the usual ponytail. "It's not about an abstract thing, but rather an actual thing."

"Ok, so lottery won't be it, but a body is an 'actual' thing, if we're going by your standards." He set his tea down, noticing that Kido's voice had wavered slightly, watching the untouched tea in front of her. "Seriously though, what's wrong? I've never seen you so worried."

Seniors were usually worried about exams and the like, but Kido had already said herself that it wasn't the case, so that had piqued the male's curiosity.

Kido took a deep breath, appearing to regain a bit of confidence, and finally looked Kano in the eye.


The answer registered in Kano's mind before she had even said the words; the sudden sickness even though it had pretty much passed through the school, her worried glances everywhere, sudden clothing style change.

His eyes widened, causing Kido to shy away from saying the final answer right away, but to get it out of the way, she shook her head, closing her eyes and looking down slightly, her hair covering her face enough so that Kano couldn't see her exact expression, although he didn't even need that amount of knowledge to know how she looked and was feeling.

"I'm pregnant…"

Golden: I also did this one a while ago, and it isn't finished, but I'm not sure when it will be to be honest...

But it's been four months since starting this document, and I figured this one would be the best one to put for an occasion like this~

Happy (or not) reading~