Connecticut: T_T Oh, gramercy! He hath been benumbed in but half an hour this time.

Pennsylvania [thinking]: He's still intolerable, but I have a bit of respect for Connecticut for putting up with this every day.

Pennsylvania: O_O! Delaware! D: What are you doing? DX DX

Delaware: Hm? [looks up from drawing on the drunk, unconscious Rhode Island's face] Oh, nooooothing. X3

[Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland are now exiting the pub.]

Pennsylvania: And you're certain that Connecticut will be able to get Rhogues Island home safe?

Delaware: Huh?

Maryland: Yes, yes. He's had to do this many times before. But, Rhode Island just doesn't seem to learn.

Delaware: Wait a minute….

Pennsylvania: Well, that's Rhode Island for you.

Maryland: Yes. That's Rhogues Island for you.

Delaware: What's going on? TwT

Maryland: Now, will you and Delaware come back to my house to play? :D

Pennsylvania: Actually, we have something important to talk to you about.

Delaware: We do? [Is elbowed by Penn] Ah, yes! We do! 8D

Maryland: Is that so? Well, then, we can go back with one of my babies! XD

Pennsylvania: With one of your what? O.O [Turns accusingly to Delaware.] So, that's what you've been doing at her house all of this time! :O

Delaware: What? O.O

Pennsylvania: You cur! How dare you not do the proper thing and take responsibility? DX I demand you wed her immediately!

Delaware: No! You don't understand! DX I'm innocent!

Maryland: N-no! Not those kinds of babies! These kinds of babies! [She gestures towards the harbor, where some large ships can be seen.] I designed them all myself!

Pennsylvania: O-oh… -_-;

Delaware: [Sniff.] Big brother called me a cur! T_T And he doubted me! [Sadly smokes on pipe.]

Narrator: After a relatively peaceful voyage, Pennsylvania and Delaware began to discuss the petition at Maryland's house over a cup of tea.

Maryland: I see. So, that's what the Continental Congress is planning. [Offers more tea to a stuffed animal placed in the seat next to her.]

Pennsylvania [looking at the stuffed animal]: Um….-_-;

Delaware [apparently not noticing it]: You'll sign it, won't you, Maryland? –w–

Pennsylvania [to Delaware]: Of course she will! After all, she is a delicate maiden of good sensibility. If there's one thing that you must understand about maidens, Delaware, it's that- although seemingly weaker- the peaceful and compassionate heart of the female makes her superior to the more violent and war-prone male.

Maryland: -_- I won't sign it.

Pennsylvania and Delaware: What? O_O

Maryland: I- I can't submit to England! Not even in the smallest way!

Delaware: But, these terms will fix everything! If England obeys to these, we can go back to being ruled fairly!

Maryland: What if I don't want to be ruled fairly? What if I don't want to be ruled at all?

Pennsylvania: O.O But….just what are you going to do about it without the other colonies' support?

Maryland: I'm going to pass the Declaration of the Freemen and show resistance, no longer dictated by prudence merely, but by necessity! There's no alternative but base submission or manly opposition to uncontroulable tyranny!

Delaware: O.O Maryland…I've never seen you this passionate before…

Pennsylvania: O.O "Manly opposition"…

Maryland: [looks at clock] Oh! I forgot! I told Virginia I'd go visit her about this time! Ooh…How she loathes it when I'm late! [Hurries to the door.] There's cake in the kitchen if you want it! :3 [Exits.]

Pennsylvania: …

Delaware: …

Pennsylvania: …

Delaware: …so…..what do we do?

Pennsylvania: [Snaps out of it.] What do you think we do? We have to have each state's signature! We can't let her go!

Delaware: So…to Virginia's house?

Pennsylvania: [Nods with a determined look.] To Virginia's house.

Delaware: [Puts pipe in mouth.] Imagine! Someone's chasing after a girl in this story!

To be continued!