Adventures in Hoenn

This is it, fellas! Adventures in Hoenn ends today! I feel very mixed on this. I'm happy to be moving on to new stories and I'm sad to end what I consider to be my best work so far. I hope you will enjoy this chapter and be sure to stick around until the end where I'll tell you my next projects! Also, special thanks to SunnySummer77 for help with this chapter! She's been a great friend who has supported my stories for a long time. Check out her current story, Love in the Abyss of Time! It's great stuff! Now without further ado, let's finish this!

Chapter Forty Six: Goodbyes

*Alex's p.o.v*

As I slept, I heard the sound of food frying. I slowly opened my eyes, sat up and saw Prof. Birch in the kitchen cooking. Coffee was boiling in a pot nearby and the table was set with sugar, milk, orange juice, plates, silverware, and napkins. The clock read 9:02 AM.

''Good morning, Professor,'' I said rubbing my eyes and yawning. I was given the couch as my bed for the night.

''Oh, good morning, Alex,'' Prof. Birch smiled. ''You caught me off guard. How do you like your eggs?''

''Scrambled, please,'' I requested.

''Scrambled it is!'' Prof. Birch said merrily. ''And you don't have to call me Professor if you don't want. Just call me Dan.''

''Okay Dan,'' I laughed.

''Could you check on May to see if she's awake?'' Dan asked. ''Tell her breakfast will be ready soon.''

''Sure,'' I said as I folded up the blanket. I picked up the blanket and pillow and walked upstairs towards May's room. It wasn't hard to find it since the door had a giant poster of Wallace. ''May?'' I asked knocking. No response. ''Get up! Breakfast will be ready soon!'' Still no response. I opened the door slowly and saw May sound asleep in her bed practically strangling her Fennekin plush. Her room was decorated with posters (especially of Wallace) and her shelves had plush toys sitting on them. A television sat in front of her bed with a Wii hooked up. A table and laptop sat in the corner of her room with a lamp near it. I crept towards May. I was about to push on her arm when I came up with a better idea for waking her up. I clobbered her with my pillow causing May to wake up startled.

''What the #$&% Alex?!'' May shouted. ''I was having a nice dream and everything!''

''Was it about Wallace?'' I teased. May blushed instantly in response.

''Yes…'' May answered poking her fingers together. ''Wallace and I were the same age and Wallace proposed to me. We got married and lived our lives happily having ten kids!''

''Dang, you REALLY like him!'' I laughed. May swatted me with a pillow in response knocking me onto my butt. ''Oh, getting fresh with me, are you?'' I smacked May in retaliation. A pillow fight ensued. Dan then came into the room.

''What's going on here?'' Dan asked in shock. ''It's time for breakfast!''

''Whoops! Sorry, daddy!'' May said sheepishly. ''We'll be right down!'' Dan left the room and we soon followed. The table's plates had bacon and eggs on them.

''What is your favorite sauce for eggs, Alex?'' Dan asked smiling.

''Tabasco, please,'' I requested. Dan got some Tabasco sauce out of the fridge and placed it on the table. We sat down at the table and began eating.

''How is it, girls?'' Dan asked.

''Great! Thank you,'' I said happily.

''It's yummy as always daddy,'' May said.

''Say, if you don't mind me asking, where's your mom, May?'' I asked curiously noticing the fourth empty chair.

''Oh, May's mother is out performing in contests,'' Dan responded after sipping coffee. ''She's a busy show woman. She's been performing in contests for as long as I can remember.''

''And I want to follow in her footsteps and become a great coordinator!'' May beamed.

''My grandma, my dad's mom, actually used to put together Pokémon Musicals in the Unova region,'' I added.

''Really? I bet she was a great performer,'' Dan said.

''I heard she was but I never saw her perform because she retired to raise a family after getting married,'' I responded.

''Sometimes we have to put our passions on the back burner in order to tend to what really matters,'' Dan said. ''Something tells me she made the right choice.''

''Perhaps,'' I smiled. ''I'm personally not interested in acting. I have a case of stage fright.''

''You? But, you look like such a confident young woman,'' Dan said in surprise. I blushed in response at the compliment.

''Looks can be deceiving,'' I chuckled. May finished her breakfast and washed her dishes before putting them in the proper places. I soon finished my meal as well and did the same.

''Thank you, Dan,'' I said gratefully. ''May I use the shower?''

''Yes you may,'' Dan said polishing off his coffee. ''And you're welcome.''

''Race you to the bathroom!'' May yelled playfully as she jogged down the hall.

''Oh no you don't!'' I yelled back. We made it to the bathroom door but had a, for lack of a better term, a mild debate on who gets to use it first. The last thing I heard from Dan was a sigh.

*Brendan's p.o.v*

I was sitting at the table casually eating pancakes. My mother hummed happily as she prepared a pot of coffee. Dad had to leave for the Petalburg Gym early due to other Trainers eagerly waiting to challenge him. Dad asked me to be his Gym Leader Assistant (or GLA). A GLA helps the Gym Leader with teaching children about Pokémon Battles, catching Pokémon, taking care of Pokémon, among other things. I was more than happy to oblige. That morning though, I was feeling remorse over Alex having to leave Hoenn. I understand that her dad just wanted her to get ready for school, but I couldn't help but feel sad regardless. I then heard a knock at the door. ''That must be her,'' I said somberly as I got up out of my chair. I walked over to the door and opened it with Alex and May standing there.

''Good morning,'' Alex said trying to sound cheerful.

''Good morning, Alex and May,'' I said as I gently hugged Alex.

''Good morning, girls! Come on in!'' my mother said happily. I let the two young ladies in escorting them to the table. ''Would any of you like something?''

''No thanks, Mrs. White,'' Alex answered.

''I'm good,'' May added. There was a brief amount of silence between Alex and I. We both knew what was happening today.

''So…you're leaving today, eh?'' I said trying to make conversation.

''Yep,'' Alex responded quietly. More silence. My mother came to the table and sat down. ''Mmm…be sure to visit me in Vermillion City. And call at least every week.''

''I will,'' I said trying to smile. ''And you come visit me, too. I'm going to Petalburg High School.''

''I promise,'' Alex replied. ''I'll be at Vermillion High. I have your phone number. You have my address and phone number, right?''

''I do,'' I said. There was more silence. My mother had an expression of sympathy on her face. She was about to say something when Alex suddenly snapped.

''I DON'T WANT TO GO!'' Alex shouted standing up quickly catching us off guard. ''IT'S NOT FAIR! I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU!'' Alex then began to sob hysterically as fell to her knees with her face in her hands. I instantly ran to her side, picked her up, and held her close to my body.

''I don't want you to go either, sweetie,'' I said. ''But, you need to be strong.''

''How?'' Alex sobbed as she looked up at me.

''Even with the massive distance between us, we can still see each other,'' I explained holding her out so that we could get a good look at each other. ''We both have Pokémon that can fly making it easy to get to each other.''

''But-'' Alex began. I put my finger on her lips and calmly shushed her.

''No buts,'' I said quietly. ''We're both in each other's hearts. We won't be forgetting each other any time soon. Do you believe me?''

''Y-yes,'' Alex replied as she dried her tears.

''That's good,'' I said. ''Do you promise to be strong for me?'' Alex nodded without a word. I then kissed her on the lips and hugged her. Alex put her hands on the sides of my head and we closed our eyes. ''I love you. With ALL of my heart and soul.''

''I feel the same way, Brendan,'' Alex responded.

One hour later…

Alex, May, my mother, Prof. Birch and I were out in front of my house. Alex's Flygon was outside of her Poké Ball ready to take off.

''I've had a great time here in Hoenn, everyone,'' Alex said in a much better mood.

''So have I,'' I replied. ''And you only made it better.'' Alex giggled and blushed at the comment.

''You take care, Alex,'' Prof. Birch said smiling.

''I will, you too,'' Alex said shaking his hand.

''Please do come and visit soon,'' my mother said hugging Alex.

''I promise I will,'' Alex said smiling.

''You better!'' May said rubbing Alex's hair teasingly while smiling. Alex then rubbed May's hair causing May to yelp. May felt her mussed up hair and grunted in anger. Alex then hugged May.

''Take care, May,'' Alex said happily. May giggled and hugged her back. Alex ran to me next and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. ''I love you, Brendan.''

''I love you, too,'' I said lovingly.

''Tell Norman I said 'good-bye,''' Alex said looking up at me.

''Sure will,'' I responded. Alex slowly made her way towards Flygon and mounted her. Alex looked back towards us and waved as her eyes watered. We all waved back as Flygon got a running start before taking to the sky. I felt my eyes moisten as Alex vanished below the tree line.

''Are you going to be okay, sweetie?'' my mother said hugging me.

''Yeah mom, I'll be fine,'' I said quietly. Inside, I was hurting like heck that Alex left but I knew that everything was going to be okay. We'll always be together in our hearts.

*Alex's p.o.v*

Riding a Flygon is like riding the world's fastest roller coaster. It felt like we would be in Kanto in about ten minutes! However, the speed didn't keep my mind occupied in the slightest. I was still deeply saddened leaving the beautiful Hoenn region and leaving my sweet Brendan. My eyes felt like they were going to gush tears once again.

''You okay, Alex?'' Flygon asked loudly.

''Oh, yeah!'' I answered trying to be cheerful. ''Brendan told me to be strong and I'm going to do that!''

''Okay, I'll take your word for it,'' Flygon responded. After a few minutes, I saw Vermillion City on the horizon. ''There it is, Flygon! Vermillion City!''

''Look at those tall buildings!'' Flygon said in awe. Boats were crossing the harbor. The Gym stood out in all its grandeur.

''Let's land there!'' I said pointing towards the beach.

''Got it!'' Flygon called. Flygon descended towards the beach. Many people looked up towards us. Flygon quickly slowed down and flapped her wings kicking up sand and dust. Many people began screaming and coughing.

''Mommy, I got sand in my eyes!'' a boy cried. The dust cleared and we saw people either glaring at us, coughing, or rubbing their eyes.

''Uh…sorry!'' I said nervously rubbing the back of my head. Everyone was quiet. ''Well, I guess I should leave now.'' I returned Flygon to her Poké Ball and quickly left the beach. ''I thought I was gonna die before I even got home!'' I ran as fast as I could running through crowds of people, past bakeries and floral shops, and past Vermillion High until I bumped into someone knocking us both down. I looked and saw it was mom.

''Mom! Mom, I'm so sorry!'' I helped mom up who was still knocked out. Mom opened her eyes and they lit up happily.

''Alex! You're back!'' she said hugging me.

''Yeah, I came back as soon as I could,'' I said hugging her back. ''How're dad and Alice?''

''They're doing great!'' mom answered smiling. ''They're eager to see you! I was just here window shopping and I was just on my way home.''

''Well, let's get a move on,'' I said. We then began our walk home. We soon came upon our house. This is the home I lived in ever since I was a baby. It was a solid white, two story house with a deck. A swing, table, and four chairs decorated the deck. A white picket fence surrounded the house and hedges peeked over it. In addition, a garden was on both sides of the stairs. ''Ah, it feels good to be home.'' Mom and I entered the house.

''I'm home!'' I hollered.

''Hey Alex! Come on up here!'' my dad called back. Mom and I hurried up the stairs. I came into the room and saw dad lying in bed still in his pajamas. It was like a hospital in our home. I walked up to dad and hugged him gently. ''My beautiful baby girl. How are you?''

''I'm alright,'' I answered. ''How are you?''

''Still trying to get better,'' dad replied. ''I can't wait to get better so I can play soccer with you again!''

''I'll still beat you,'' I chuckled.

''Oh, I'm not that bad!'' dad retorted.

''I think I'll leave you two alone so you can bond,'' mom laughed as she walked out of the room. After mom left, I closed the door and sat down.

''Dad, there's something important I need to tell you,'' I said seriously.

''What's wrong?'' dad asked the smile disappeared from his face. I cleared my troat.

''On the night after my match with Brendan, I was out at the seaside cliffs when the ground below me gave way,'' I began.

''Oh no! Were you hurt?!'' dad asked concerned.

''No, not at all,'' I said. ''Just surprised. Brendan came to save me. However, we both fell until a Pokémon named Deoxys came to save us.''

''Thank Arceus,'' dad sighed in relief. ''Anyways, go on.''

''Deoxys told me that a darkness is after me and that I should be careful,'' I furthered.

''Darkness?'' dad questioned. Dad put his hand to his chin thinking. Dad's eyes then lit up in fear. He then looked at me with the most serious expression that I've ever seen him wear. ''Alex, on the night that accident, did you see anything…out of the ordinary?''

''Umm…as I looked up while hanging from a ledge, I saw a shadowy figure,'' I answered. ''I couldn't get a good look at it since it disappeared right when I looked up, but it looked like it was pitch black in color. It floated and had sharp claws.'' Dad's eyes widened even further horrified. ''What's wrong?''

''He's back,'' dad said under his breath.

''What is it?'' I asked again getting even more worried. Dad gulped nervously.

''I-I don't know what to say,'' dad said as he quivered in fear. I could hear his heart beating like a drum from my chair. ''But, it's a force that my father, your grandfather, and I have fought against. Sadly, it claimed your grandfather's life.''

''What could do such a thing?'' I asked in shock.

''It was a Pokémon,'' dad explained. ''But, I don't know how to tell you. I'm concerned about your safety and your peace of mind.''

''So, you're not going to tell me who it is?'' I asked confused. Dad shook his head no. ''But dad, what can I do if I don't know what's after me? I can handle anything!''

''You don't understand,'' dad butted in. ''When I encountered this force, I barely defeated it and if it wasn't for the help of my team, I may not have been able to defeat this and I could've…I don't want to think about it. All I want you to do is be aware of your surroundings and don't stay out after dark, understand?''

''Y-yes, I guess so,'' I answered.

''You guess?'' dad asked raising an eyebrow.

''I DO understand, dad,'' I said quickly.

''Good,'' dad said nodding in approval. I looked down sadly worrying about what this force is. ''Hey, come here.'' I looked up and saw dad holding his good arm out for a hug. I walked up to him and we embraced each other. ''I love you. And I promise I'll never let anything bad happen to you. I'd give my life for your safety.''

''Thank you, dad,'' I said quietly smiling and as a tear of joy materialized in my eye. ''I love you, too.'' Dad stroked my soft black hair and kissed my forehead. I kissed him back on the cheek. I wiped the tear out of my eye.

''Now, go say hi to your sister and the rest,'' dad said as he loosened his grip. I walked out of the room and towards my room. I opened the door and saw Alice also in pajamas and lying in a bed across from mine. Alice was reading a Pokémon Weekly issue. Alice looked over the magazine and smiled.

''Hey Alex!'' Alice grinned. I walked over to her and hugged her. ''It's great to see you home!''

''It's good to be home,'' I smiled. ''How do you like Vermillion?''

''It's a nice city,'' Alice responded. ''But, I've been resting mostly. The downside about it though is that I think I'm gaining weight.'' Alice lifted her shirt and showed her bulging stomach. Alice sighed in depression.

''Hey, don't feel bad!'' I said happily. ''We'll go to the gym and work off that belly.''

''Thanks Alex,'' Alice smiled. ''Maybe I'll also get to see some cute Kanto boys, too!'' We both giggled at the thought.

''What are you two giggling about?'' mom teased as she walked into the room.

''Just boys,'' Alice smirked.

''I know THAT feeling,'' mom laughed as she came over and sat down on the edge of the bed. ''Ah, how I miss the days of being a teenager. But, here I am at my old age of 39. Soon I'll be getting grey hairs and wrinkles.'' Mom shuddered at the thought.

''Aw mom, you're still beautiful,'' I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

''I agree,'' Alice chimed in.

''Thank you girls,'' mom said blushing. ''Anyways, I just wanted to come ask you two if you'd like to go shopping at the mall and then go watch a movie at the theater. Any takers?''

''Yeah!'' Alice and I said in unison.

''Great!'' mom said. ''Alex, help Alice get dressed, okay?''

''Okay mom,'' I said.

''Girl's night out!'' Alice cheered.

''Yep, we're going to paint the town red,'' mom winked. ''Come on down when you finish.''

''We will,'' Alice and I said simultaneously. I helped Alice get undressed and looked in the closet.

''What clothes do you want Alice?'' I asked rummaging through the closet.

''The scarlet dress please,'' Alice requested. I pulled it out and tossed the dress to her. She put it on and handed her the crutches. ''Well, let's go check out the prices and the guys!'' Alice winked.

''You can check out the guys because my heart belongs to Brendan,'' I said blushing. My emotions went on a relapse as my sadness returned. ''I miss him so much.''

''I know, Alex,'' Alice said sympathetically. ''But, he's in your heart, right?''

''Yeah,'' I said somberly.

''And it's the same with Brendan, right?'' Alice asked again.

''Right,'' I nodded.

''Then you're never really apart,'' Alice said. ''He's wherever you go even if he's not there in person.''

''You're right, Alice,'' I smiled. ''I'm not going to let this depress me. Let's go have some fun now.'' Alice giggled and we left the room.

*Darkrai's p.o.v*

I was in my lair, Dark Crater, viewing Anthony's daughters as they walked out the door. I watched them through a small dark portal I made that is invisible to others as I sat on my throne. ''Yes, you enjoy your time of peace,'' I sneered. ''For now. The time will come, Alex, when you shall face my wrath and my vengeance on your father will be complete.'' I then chuckled evilly to myself.

''Lord Darkrai,'' a feminine voice said in the darkness. I dematerialized the portal and looked towards the source of the voice. Out of the dark came my humble servants Delphox, Chandelure, and Hydreigon.

''What is it?'' I asked.

''When may we go after this Alex girl?'' Delphox asked.

''Yeah, I for one am itching to cause pain and misery on your enemies, Lord,'' Chandelure chimed in as the fire emanating from his head intensified.

''I can't wait to taste the blood of Anthony and Alex,'' Hydreigon added smiling sinisterly.

''IDIOT!'' I shouted at Hydreigon angrily causing everyone to flinch in fear. I floated up to Hydreigon quickly, picked him up by the throat, and shoved him towards the ground holding him down. Delphox and Chandelure backed up frightened. ''It is I who will destroy Anthony and Alex! Understand?!''

''Y-y-yes, I'm sorry, Lord Darkrai,'' Hydreigon said straining to speak as I held my grip on his throat.

''Good,'' I snorted as I released my grip and walked away. I could hear Hydreigon gasping for breath. ''In response to your question, Delphox, be patient. I know when the time is right. You trust me, yes?'' I turned my head towards Delphox causing Delphox to shudder.

''O-of course, Lord Darkrai,'' Delphox answered sweating.

''Excellent,'' I smiled menacingly. I made my way back towards my throne and sat down. ''In the meantime, Continue your rescue missions and continue to fool the towns people into thinking that you're a good rescue team. And remember, I get seventy-five percent of the profits and rewards.''

''Yes, Lord Darkrai,'' everyone said simultaneously. Everyone then disappeared into the darkness.

''Soon Anthony, soon,'' I said to myself. ''You and your family will know the true meaning of suffering…as with the rest of the world when I rule it in darkness and nightmares.''


And voila! Adventures in Hoenn is now complete! I hope you enjoyed the ride. I had a ton of fun writing this story and hopefully it showed to you all as you read it. And now, I'll make some important announcements as to what my next stories will be. Keep in mind that not all of these are in order of being written.

-Team Wildfire Rekindled: A remake of my first story, Let's Go Team Wildfire! Looking back at my first story, admittedly, I don't like how the story turned out in some ways. So what does one do? Redo it, of course! Revised dialogue, more character development, and overall a better story. This remake will now be considered canon while the original version will be non canon. I may still keep it up just as a testament to how far I've come as a Fanfiction writer but you guys tell me your thoughts.

-Team Wildfire 3 *working title*: The next Team Wildfire story featuring Alex in the Pokémon world as she teams up with some new friends in an effort to take down Darkrai and his evil minions. Expect to see new characters as well as old ones in this exciting new adventure from the glob of grey matter in my head called a brain!

-A Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver-based story featuring Isaac, Alex's cousin, in his journey to be the Johto League Champion. Alex is forced to go with him. Oh the shenanigans!

Intrigued? Well, I hope so or I'll crawl in the corner of my dorm and cry myself to sleep. Just kidding! Any who, please share my stories with friends and family. Without your support, writing stories just wouldn't be as fun. Thank you ALL for supporting my content and I hope to continue to deliver great stories. Don't forget to vote on my poll! It ends in a few days! Take care, everyone. BigBossMan, out! ;)