![]() Author has written 10 stories for NCIS, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Criminal Minds, Chronicles of Narnia, Avengers, and Misc. Tv Shows. Hi! My name is Kateri, and I am glad I am finally able to start updating consistently again! Fear not, I have not stopped writing. I have over 200 WIP's at the moment, in many fandoms but most especially NCIS, Voltron, and Fairy Tail. I also have the start to a few series in Rise of the Guardians and How To Train Your Dragon. Unfortunately, I am trying to hold off on posting those until I get some of these older stories finished up, so you do not only have in-progress stories to enjoy. I have found it is rushing it a bit, but it is getting done, so that is something. My brain loves to give me a ton of ideas, which I feverishly get down on paper... and then come to a dead end. I will be posting short previews or drafts of stories I have far along in Various Fandom Drabbles, and you can comment on which one you want to see next, or give me ideas for future stories. I love family, angst, friendship, hurt/comfort, and especially surrogate father-son/daughter stories of any type. Most of them will involve spankings. I will not write romance/lemon! Not everything is about sex, and I am tired of people giving everything a sexual connotation! Arrgghh, ok, enough said. I am going to do my best to keep my writing clean from too much vulgar language. I am a Catholic, so you will probably see some influence of that in my writing, at least to some extent. Please review and give me story ideas or editing tips, but keep reviews respectful. I don't care about constructive criticism, or hearing about something you don't like, but swearing at me or others just isn't cool. College has GREATLY expanded my knowledge of different fandoms, and my favorite is now Fairy Tail. I also love Doctor Who, Naruto, Lord of the Rings, NCIS, the Avengers, White Collar, Harry Potter, Criminal Minds, Batman, Star Wars, Voltron, Magnificent 7, and others. So expect to see some stories from those. Also, if you have a request for a particular story from one of those, especially Father-son/daughter type, send it my way! I can't guarantee anything, but it might get the flow going. Thank you for reading my work, and I hope you enjoy it! :) Series Currently, I have one series posted from NCIS. The way it is set up: Each story will be titled as Dealing with (name). The name being the main person who is, uh, in trouble, shall we say. Whenever the chapters are named "Dealing With", it means that story is about the first spanking that person has gotten in my series. For example, Dealing with Jimmy: Dealing with Grades, the second part of the title, and all of the chapters, start with Dealing with- and the story talks about Jimmy's first spanking. The other stories follow themes. Our NCIS kids will mostly get in trouble for breaking a rule, or putting themselves in danger. And sometimes, a lesson needs to be revisited. So whenever there is a scene I think should be expanded on, the title will have something to do with the rule they broke. For example, my Gibbs Always Knows group is all about lying...to Gibbs. Which we all know they will never get away with. :) Each story is a different scene, usually from an episode. For example, Dealing with Timmy: Gibbs Always Knows Part I is about the lie in 9x17, while part II is about the lies in 11x3. To consolidate space in the end, I might combine them into one story later once I have them finished, and have each story about Timmy lying being one really long chapter. Title being Dealing with Timmy: Gibbs Always knows, and the Chapters being Part I: 9x17, Part II: 11x3 and so on, but let me know if you think I should keep them separate. Eventually, I would like to have a story about each member breaking a rule. So a lying story with Ziva, Tim, Abby, etc. As for the Dealing with Grades Jimmy story, there may also be some one-shots thrown in there as well, if there is a story begging to be told that doesn't follow the rules. Please give me ideas for episdoes, and who it should involve! I am working on going through the episodes and making some sort of a timeline and prompts for everyone, but even during the summer my time is limited, and will get more so once the school year starts up. So any suggestions are welcome! I really try hard to keep everything as close to cannon as possible, following timelines in the episodes and seasons, so if you notice a mistake please let me know. Happy reading!! |