AUTHOR: Supergirl3684

BETA: Eagle Eyes

PROMPT: # 2 Disrespect



A/N: Thanks to be wonderful Beta for putting up with all my mistakes and questions!!


Sam Winchester stared at the acceptance letter from Stanford. He wasn't really shocked that he got in…nope; Dean had made sure it was going to happen. What shocked him was his father's reaction. He already knew that Dean was going to act upset about it; the two brothers had talked about what would happen if Dean was openly proud.

Closing the letter, Sam placed it in Dean's drawer and grabbed his bag; Dean was taking him to the bus station. Sam looked around the room, tears coming to his eyes; a hotel room was where he lived…Dean was his home.

The drive to the station was quiet; Sam trying his best to not cry and Dean doing the same. There was no way Dean would openly show his emotions…no way he would be willing to have a 'chick flick' moment…no way he would allow his baby brother to see his tears. Seeing the tears in his younger brother's eyes Dean shook his head.

"You cry and I'm calling you dudette the entire time we're at the station."

Sam rolled his eyes and quickly tried to hold his emotions back. Even though Sam had saved the money, Dean still bought his ticket and led his 'little' brother to a corner, away from gazing eyes.

"Here's your ticket Sammy; make sure you sit near the driver." He said it with a quick grin, treating his brother more like a child rather than a young man going off to college.

Sam nodded, the tears he'd been holding back started to fall. He looked down, quickly brushing them away, not wanting his big brother to see. His eyes settled on the bus that he was to take. Slowly he realized that Dean was calling his name. Sam looked at Dean with a raised eyebrow…silently wanting to know what his big brother wanted.

"Make sure you take all the precautions I taught you and do your homework as soon as you're done with class. Try to have fun Sammy." Dean advised being the big brother/parent he had always been.

Sam couldn't help the scoff the slipped his lips, "Sounds like what dad used to tell you man, not me."

It was Dean's turn to raise an eyebrow; his eyes showing a silent warning about Sam's tone. Sam lowered his eyes in apology before once again looking at the bus.

Sam finally couldn't stop himself and released his tears. Seeing them Dean felt a lump in his throat but swallowed it back, not wanting to show his own emotion.

"I warned you not to make this into a chick flick little bro."

Dean smacked him on the shoulder neither gently nor hard. Shaking his head and sighing, the elder Winchester brother opened his arms…it was all the invitation Sam needed.

In a second Dean had his arms filled with his younger brother. He tried to say a few comforting words, but settled instead for rubbing the younger boy's back, trying to communicate as much reassurance as possible.

"What's the matter?" Dean asked, his green eyes gazing at the brother who had been so much a part of himself and his life.

"I can't go Dean. What if I'm not smart enough? Let's just go home…please Dean."

Although Dean would have liked nothing more than to take his younger brother back to the hotel with him, he knew that wasn't possible. Sam would hate himself eventually if he didn't go. Not to mention the battles that had raged between the two over bed times and curfews; of course when Sam hit his rebellious teen years the arguments would sometimes include homework, studying, and going to school.

"You are a freakin' genius Sammy; you're gonna be fine. You want to go, I know you do and that's fine. Go and try it for a year; if you can't handle it, you tell me and I'll buy you a one way ticket home. Got me?"

Sam nodded, his tears finally coming to a halt. He took a few shaking breaths and pulled away. "Thanks Dean."

"Come on, your bus is gonna leave without you."

The duo walked to the bus, Dean's hand firmly gripping Sam's elbow. The doors to the bus were open and Dean took Sam's bag from him. "Get on; I'll stow the bag."

With a final punch to his arm from Dean, Sam entered the bus only to have Dean call him back out. Avoiding his brother's eyes Dean placed an envelope in Sam's jacket pocket with strict instructions not to open it till he was driving out of town. Sam nodded and went back into the bus. He sat in the first row opposite the driver and turned and watched Dean talk to the driver.

"See the kid looking out the window? That's my kid brother; he's on his way to college…Stanford. Just – Please would you look after him? Make sure he eats and gets off at the right spot."

"He's old enough to go to college; he's old enough to take care of himself."

"Please sir…he's my kid brother. He's never been away from home before not even over night. He – he tends to lose himself sometimes."

Sam was unable to hear what Dean was saying yet he knew what his brother was doing. He was sorely tempted to get out of the bus and demand that Dean stop but knew better; Dean had always let it be known that such blatant disrespect, no matter what his age, would not go unpunished. Instead, Sam, not wanting to be embarrassed, settled for glaring at his older brother through the window.

Dean took money out of his pocket and placed it in the driver's hand. He tried his best to make it look like a hand shake. The driver looked hard at the two brothers and gave Dean back his money.

"Save your money son. I've got a kid brother too; I know what it's like. Don't you worry, I'll look after him."

Though he'd tried to hide it from him, Sam saw the exchange of money. Not able to control his temper any longer, he pounded on the window until Dean turned around. The oldest Winchester brother turned and gave his little brother his best imitation of the 'Dad' warning look. Sam quickly got quiet not wanting to test his brother.

Dean gave him a smile and walked a few feet from the bus before looking back at Sam. He stayed there until the bus was out of sight. When he could no longer see the vehicle that took his brother away Dean got back into the impala and drove back off to the hotel…alone.

As the bus pulled out of the station Sam couldn't stop the tears from once again falling. He kept his gaze out the window not wanting to embarrass himself in front of strangers. It was a few minutes later when he heard the bus driver yelling his name.

"Come sit behind me." The bus driver ordered.

Sam obeyed the driver already knowing that his brother had talked to the man. The driver handed him a tissue and nothing else was said as Sam settled in his seat. It was almost four hours later when the bus stopped to let everyone grab a bite to eat or stretch their legs. Sam, along with a couple of others, was content to sit and wait.

"Come on boy; it's time to eat." The bus driver urged.

Sam looked at the driver, "I'm not hungry." He said dispiritedly.

"Didn't ask if you were hungry boy, your brother said to make sure you ate so get on up and let's go." The man commanded, gently, but firmly.

Sam considered arguing but knew it was pointless. What ever Dean had told the driver was making him act fatherly; Sam got up and followed the man inside the building. When he got back on the bus he was full and to his surprise tired.

When Sam woke up from his nap he remembered the letter. He pulled it out, opened it, and began to read slowly…


If you're reading this you must be out of town…yes baby brother I know you. Can't follow even one simple order can you Sammy? By now you've already been ordered around by the driver, courtesy of yours truly, have eaten and taken a nap. You've probably cried a bit too…gotta stop that Samantha! Take care of yourself kiddo; don't ever be afraid to call me. In fact I want you to call me at the very least every two weeks; Friday night's to be exact. If I don't answer leave a message, I promise I'll call you back as soon as I can. Ok, so listen to the bus driver! I know they switch half way there, but I'm sure he'll pass the message along. Listen to the nice man Sammy; he won't hurt you. I hope…if he does let me know! No one picks on you but me. Use the money wisely! I'll check on you as soon as I can. Behave yourself; if I have to come up there…love you Sammy.


Sam looked in the envelope and pulled out almost five hundred dollars. He didn't bother crying this time; he took a deep breath and prepared to face the world for the first time…alone.