Duty Calls

Summary: Things don't go entirely smoothly when Gibbs is called away as a reservist. Warning: spanking of adult. Don't like? Don't read!

Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just play with them.

A/N: This is part of my discipline series and builds on a larger plot arc, but it should make sense on its own. This takes place after Stakeout and before Dog Tags.

Thanks to AislingK who asked a question that inspired this story.

Warning: this story contains the discipline spanking of an adult. If you have a problem with that, click on that 'back' button now. You've been warned.

Tony sat down at his desk and flicked on his computer. It seemed to take longer than usual to boot up, and he glared at it impatiently. He really needed to finish going through Cmdr. Davis's financial records before Gibbs got into the office.

Twenty minutes later, he heard the ding of the elevator. Shit, he thought, knowing that there weren't many people likely to be coming in at 0630. The one morning I need time to finish something up, and Gibbs decides to get in extra extra early. He looked up, hoping that his being in the office working would at least take the edge off Gibbs's anger about him not being finished yet.

To his surprise, Gibbs was striding towards him dressed in his Marines uniform.

'Oh, good. You're here. Saves me leaving you a note.'

'Uh, Boss?'

Tony scanned his eyes over the uniform, his question clear. He wasn't surprised not to get an answer.

'These are my notes on the Davis case. You're taking over.'

Tony took the stack of folders he was handed.

'What's going on?'

'I'm going to be at Quantico, teaching an advanced training programme for snipers.'

'You're going undercover?'

'No, Tony, I'm going to be teaching an advanced training programme for snipers.'

'For real?'

'Yes, for real!'

'Why you?'

Gibbs didn't respond, just arched an eyebrow.

'I mean, of course you can teach the course. But... uh... you're not even in the Marines anymore...'

'Still in the Reserves, DiNozzo.'

'Yeah, inactive reserves! You haven't done the one-weekend-a-month stuff since Director Morrow chewed you out for having to get Mike Finnegan to take over a murder investigation so you could go jump out of an airplane, and made you stop.'

'Well, they needed someone to teach the class at the last minute, and I'm it. The guy who was supposed to be doing it got killed two days ago...'



'We're at war with Canada?'

Gibbs slapped him upside the head.

'He was hunting with an old buddy.'

'And the buddy shoots as well as Cheney?'

'Car accident. Hit a moose.'

Tony burst out laughing.

'He was hunting, but the moose killed him?!'

Gibbs smacked him again before turning on his heel and heading back towards the elevator.

'I'll be back in two weeks. Try not to torture McGee too much...' he called, before the doors shut.