Author has written 4 stories for Mega Man, Bomberman, and Super Smash Brothers. From time to time, i focus on my favorite series and love to draw and write about them. I enjoy crossovers such as the Smash Bros game series as they have different characters from different franchises (Kirby, Mega Man, Bomberman, Mario, Star Fox etc) and even the very obscure Konami Wai Wai World. Since 2011 i don't like seeing is a certain favorite series (I'm sure you know this by now) getting canned and bashed by their own company. It wasn't an easy thing to experience, yet i was also looking forward to one of their games. (That'd be Megaman Universe, i rarely cared about Legends 3 to be fair, since i never played the legends series before, but i feel bad about it getting canned, too). I'm also here to read and fav stories about my favorite characters and franchises. :) |
BlackRussian (5) changingfavorite (40) DestinyZX (10) | Little Kunai (32) MegaBauer (8) RandyPandy (113) | SailorSaiyan93 (15) WarioMan3K (53) |