"Hey! Hey! I wonder what is going on over there!" I heard a voice shout. I was hiding in the bushes. I had my paws tucked together.

"These dumb dogs were fighting again! We will never find that white rat!" I heard another voice shout, but this voice was gruff. I flinched when I heard the bushes shifting as I turned around. I then heard a bunch of dogs barking. Were they coming for me? I had no time to think about it, I dashed out of the bushes in front of the speaking beings who walked on two legs. They shouted some things that I didn't catch right away.

"GET HIM!" I heard the man shout from behind me. I started to run faster, my heart was pounding, I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the dogs and their barking. For a moment, I thought that I was moving but suddenly, I was stopped. A tree was in front of me, my eyes were shut. Did I run into a tree? How? Why? What is going to happen to me next?

I woke up a few hours later. I yawned and noticed that there were bars around me. What was this? A prison of some kind? I looked around, the place I was in was a huge place. I heard that they call this place a laboratory or something of the sort with all of the strange gadgets and odd tools. I got up and walked up to the bars and pawed at them. I chirped a little bit, I was not liking this small space that I was in. I wanted to be free again. To smell the fresh air and go play. I whimpered and thought of a way to get out. I pushed the cage off of the little table and I fell as the cage became dented and destroyed, I was free! But a heard some people talking and their footsteps were coming closer. I ran into a corner but they saw me and ran over to me and picked me up. I curled my lips back and growled at them. I showed them my small sharp teeth as I tried to fight my way out of the tough guy's arms. He was wearing a white lab coat as they call it and he wore some things over his eyes.

"I don't think you're going anywhere Experiment 726... Damn, now I need another cage for him..." He looked at me and then to the cage on the floor. I bit his other arm when he bought it over to my direction but he didn't budge, he only smacked me in the back of my head. I chirped a little and whimpered. I was not ready to be locked up again, I turned to the other Louies and they saw me. Wasn't there anyone that could help me get out of this?

Once I was placed in a new cage, I was locked up again. I growled and sighed. There was no hope left for me. I tried to think of another plan and that one failed. I tried to escape by picking at the lock and when I did, I got out only to be caught in the hands of the man in the white coat again and again and again. I tried to sneak through an air vent, but I was caught once again. I've tried several attempts to escape and no avail. I was never going to see the light of day ever again...

"I think it's time that I stop trying... I might as well die in this place..." I whimpered. The men would often carry sharp objects and I would hear Louies screaming day in and day out. Was I next? Finally, one of the men opened up my cage and picked me up, he set me down on a table across from my cage. He started petting me which was a good sign that he might not kill me, I purred with delight and lied down on my back and then he rubbed my belly.

"You are quite a friendly fella when you want to be..." The man chuckled and before I knew it, I felt something sharp go into my side. I yelped in pain.

"Chhrrrrriiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiopririeeeeeeeeeeioriop!" I barked, the pain was horrible. The man injected me with some olive green liquid. I was starting to feel numb as my eye lids were starting to lower again, I tried to keep awake but I wasn't able to, darkness clouded my vision once again. I was gently placed back in my cage and I was wearing a collar around my neck, it was a red collar.

This is my life... To be an experiment for their enjoyment. For their entertainment... I lost all rights to my own life as I'm being used against my own will... I'm a lab rat now...

From the writer of Fire Emblem 2 and The War In Acme Falls...

BlackLouie Presents...


"That Louie seems to be used to the shots we keep on giving him. Nothing is happening to him at all anymore." A scientist grumbled as he scooted his chair across the room, he stopped himself near the table where my cage was. I looked at the scientist with fear in my eyes, the needles that were jabbed into me would hurt. I couldn't bear to do anything else with needles today.

"I'm not going to inject you this time. Not today." The scientist looked at me with a stern look. I backed into the corner of my cage. I may have given up on escaping for now but I was not going to take another shot from those nasty beings. My red eyes were now focused on a Louie that went insane from being zapped in the head twice, he started laughing at me.

"Shut up you mangy Louie! I'm wanting to get out of here!" I shouted at the insane Louie.

"Hahahahaha! You are going to die 726!" He laughed at me again. I growled and layed my head down on my paws, I was too exhausted from all of the testing that was done on me yesterday.

"If I could get out of here..." I started to speak again but I heard the lab doors opening. It was another guy that was carrying a cage. It was the same size cage as mine and the other smaller Louies. He set it down right next to my cage as I watched him take the blankets off of it and revealed a young female Louie. She yawned and looked up me for a bit before shaking off.

"What are you looking at, squirt?" She hissed at me as I tried to be polite to her.

"Sorry ma'am..." I turned away from the female Louie but she spoke to me again.

"No need to turn away." The female Louie looked into my eyes

I turned to face her again and I noticed that she had no tail! It's like they were using her tail for a project that has failed.

"What happened to your tail?" I asked the female Louie, she has stripes of a tabby cat.

"Oh? My tail? I don't need it!" She grinned and looked back at me.

"What's your name?" I asked the female Louie as she took her time to answer my question. She finally turned to me and smiled.

"My name is, Lila. What is your name?" She replied while looking at me.

"Hey Lila! My name is Dante." I looked at her with my gleaming red eyes, I could feel that she didn't like living in this place.

"Hey, do you want to help me bust out of this place?" Lila looked at me.

"Yes, I would love to be free again." I looked down at the ground and then back at Lila.

"Don't you worry, Dante, tonight we are escaping!" Lila laughed. I chuckled and looked ahead. A huge Louie was taken in for testing, I watched them for a bit until the poor Louie chirped himself to death before there was an explosion.

"Let's get to bed now, shall we?" I looked at Lila as she nodded in agreement.

To be continued...