Author has written 34 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Gargoyles, Peter Pan, Dragon Ball Z, Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Name (for online): Fira Full Title: Fira, The Mouse of Anon (A.K.A. almighty genderless one) Age: Does it matter? Gender: I'm an it, end of sentence, end of story. Hair color: dark chocolate brown (that's the way my mom describes it!) Eye color: Hazel (usually settles on green though) Race: mutt A.K.A. Race? What race? I'm too much of a mutt to be sure WHAT all I am. Species (online of course!): Caushog- Cat/Mouse/Hedgehog Eyes: Yellow/amber Fur: Green (tail tuft is green streaked with red) Bangs: Red If I ever get the chance to post up a picture of my fursona (when or if I ever get a buggering scanner) I'll be sure to post it up on deviant art under Fire Mouse. Fandoms: Likes: (See my fandoms), music(NO COUNTRY! XP! gags), singing, dancing, reading, writing, acting like a complete and total loon and freaking out everyone I possibly can (except for my friends who know me too well), RPing, dreaming, archery, badmitton, kick a movies, talking about weird stuff that makes absolutely no sense what so ever with my friends, playing my flute and whatever other musical instruments I have (so I don't remember what some of them are called, so sue me), and... um... Well, hanging out with my friends is a given, but you get the idea. Oh yeah! And Halloween, my favorite holiday! grins evilly Dislikes: slimeballs, sunburns, evil vice principals (had way too many kicking around in the schools I went to), school most of the time, chick flicks (gag, hack, hack, cough!), stupid idiots who don't stop hitting on me even after I nearly bash their damned heads in, B-movies(well, except to make fun of anyway), morons who are too obsessed with their looks to grow a brain and actually realize what they're doing to other people when they treat them like dirt, cold calculating _. Ano... I could go on, but I'll shut up on this bit for now. Pairings: I don't really have a problem with any particular pairing really, no matter what fandom, just so long as it's decently written! Yes, that's right, I have no problem with yaoi, yuri, or het pairings. So all of you narrow minded bigots out there can piss off! Also, just as a warning, I specialize in alternate universe fics. So if you're going to read my fics know that, and enjoy! November 18 2006, Saturday I know all of my fans out there are probably screaming for my head for not updating, but I have a really good reason for that. In order to update, I need the internet (which I am currently lacking at home), thus the entire reason for such a complete and thoroughly sucky halt in my writing. If I get any sort of chance to update anything I will. So in short- No kill I! Now you'll excuse me as I go rip fics onto my flash drive to save my brain. Nakja ta gaenna! (Translation: See you after/ see you later.) December 8 2008, Monday Alright, here are how things stand due to my insane amounts of class work and exhaustion: January 13 2009, Tuesday Awesome news for all of those that are fans of The Truth Revealed; it's now being turning into a comic on Deviant Art! My fan, Blinklight (a.k.a. B.Blackstar), got a hold of me and got my permission to do the comic. As such I'm collaborating with her and giving her ideas for how to work things, and she's doing all the heavy-duty work: so you'd best give your kudos to her when the actual comic itself starts coming out. For right now there are only a couple of character sheets and the logo, but you can find it at http:///. I hope you all enjoy, and go look at it if you have a chance. Nakja ta gaenna! n.n March 12 2009, Thursday To one and all: Blink and I need help on the comic of The Truth Revealed. We are in dire need of a background artist for the comic. Anyone that is interested, by all means, please get in touch with either myself or Blink when you get the chance. Any such help would be greatly appreciated. |
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