Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Gundam Wing/AC. After just waking up in the morning. "My mind is afire with the arcane power that threatens to burst forth. The day is new, and the dawn, while unseen, greets my freshly-renewed mystic power. If only I had a target upon which to unleash my mighty magic. . . " -Vaarsuvius Three-headed . . . monster . . . shows up. "I love the smell of bat guano in the morning. Smells like . . . victory. FIREBALL! (Arrgh!) LIGHTNING BOLT! (Arrgh!) EVAN'S SPIKED TENTACLES OF FORCED INTRUSION!" (Wait, what? AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!) - Vaarsuvius "Oof, tha has GOT to be uncomfortable." -Roy "I can't watch!" -Elan "In the future, remind me to wait until late afternoon before insulting Vaarsuvius." -Belkar "The horror . . . the horror!" - Three-headed . . . monster. "At the earliest.." -Belkar (Order of the Stick) "Now if you don't mind, I am somewhat preoccupied telling the Laws of Phisics to shut up and sit down." -Vaarsuvius (Order of the Stick) Sorry about that, I don't usually put quotes up, but I couldn't help it. I mean, come on, that was cool. I only recently started to read webcomics after my friend told me about hers. It's on Keenspace, and I just decided to go read more of the comics. While stumbling around, checking random links, I found Order of the Stick. But I lost it. I did manage to write down these quotes before I lost it, so that's a good thing. Anyway, I don't think you came to hear about someone else's work, you want to know more about my own, right? Well, sorry to dissappoint, but I don't have any information for you. Well, not much. I'm in the process of writing a new chapter for Fire, Flowers, and Wands, I'm making a . . . sequel . . . prequel . . . spin-off . . . to one of my earliest fics, The Tragedy, and it's going to be a lot better than the original. If anyone asks, I will also revise the Tragedy. It was my first REAL fic, snd therefore, it sucks major @$$. Bios are boring, and only good for . . . well, nothing, really. So I shall go forth and venture on to bigger and better things. My brother just broght home two HUGE bags of fire works. _ Gotta love Fourth of July. |
Dark Nuriko (31) | JoIsBishMyoga (30) | Lady-Treason (0) |