
Disclaimer~ I don't own DBZ, or any of their characters.

Chapter One: Why?

I know that I am like a lot of FanFic readers. In the sense that I like a good Vegeta taking care of Trunks Fic. But I thought, that this time, I would try a Fic where Trunks had to take care of Vegeta. The title basically says it all. It may not be good, but I'm gonna try. So here you go. Oh, and also, Trunks is around seven in this Fic, if that helps anything.


Trunks had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room, watching a movie. He had hoped it would keep him awake. But no such luck. He fell asleep before his father, Vegeta, had gotten home. The eerie fuzzy black and white screen lulled him to sleep.

There was a sudden knock at the front door. Trunks awakened immediately., and went to see who it was. He pulled over a stool and looked through the peep hole in the door. He opened it and let in Gohan carrying a very drunken Vegeta.

"He came to my house looking for my Dad to fight." Gohan announced once the front door was closed.

"But Goku's dead." Trunks said.

"I know." He walked into the kitchen and set Vegeta down in a chair. "Mom said to bring him here, and stay to make sure you would be Ok."

Trunks stared at his father for a moment, then said. "I'll be fine. I've had to deal with this before. It usually happens when mom is gone any ways."

"She's gone?"

"Yes. She's on a business trip."

"What about your grand parents?"

"Another cruise." He sighed.

"Then I really don't want to leave you here with him by your self."

Trunks shook his head. "It's Ok. I've done this before. First he'll get up and wonder around the house for a bit. Then he'll pass out on the couch eventually. The same thing happens every time."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

Gohan stared at the passed out Vegeta. "Ok. If you say so Trunks. But if you need me because he stars to get violent or some thing, you just call and I'll be right there. Ok?"

"Ok Gohan."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

And with that he left out the door. Flying back to his mountain home.

And, as if on cue, Vegeta awakened and started to stare at Trunks. "I know you." He eventually slurred together.

'Here we go again.' Trunks thought to himself. "Yes. I'm your son."

"No. That's not it... I remember now!" He suddenly stood up and wrestled his shirt off. He started to run around in circles trying to see his back, like a dog chasing it's tail.

"Dad. Dad. Daddy! What are you doing?"

He stopped suddenly and wavered on his feet. Trying to regain balance.

"Dad, you have to sit down." Trunks said and pushed Vegeta back into the chair. "Here I'll get you a glass of water. That should h--" He stopped suddenly as he noticed a white gauze on his fathers right shoulder. 'This must of been what he was talking about.' He thought and pulled it off. "Oh god."

"Ow! Hey that hurt you little brat!"

"Dad you got a tattoo!"

"Huh?" He questioned and looked at his shoulder. "That's where I saw you from!"

"Ya, I noticed." Trunks said staring at a picture if himself with his name underneath. "Why'd you get that?"

"Because." Vegeta said very drunken like. "I love you."

"Ok ... Ummmm, why don't we go watch TV?"

"Sure!" Vegeta said excitedly. He started running into the living room, but instead ran into the wall and fell over.

'Man I hate it when he's like this. And he's probably not gonna like that tattoo in the morning.' He went over to help his drunken father up, but was pushed out off the way and knocked over himself.

Vegeta got up himself, surprisingly, and was now yelling at the wall. "You! You want a piece off me? Bring it on, Kakarot!"

'Oh no.' Trunks thought. "Dad, that's not Goku. That's a wall."

He was pushed out of the way once more. But this time landing with a thud, his head hitting the table. Vegeta shot the wall; AKA 'Kakarot', with a ki blast. Shaking the whole house with the impact. Trunks grasped onto the chair leg for support.

"Now who's the strongest guy in the universe, hun!?!" Vegeta laughed, but suddenly passed out.

"Thank god." Trunks sighed. He rubbed the bump on his head while walking over to his father. He wrapped his hands under his fathers under arms and started to drag him into the living room. He stopped in front of the couch and laid him on the floor.

"Ok." Trunks said. "How do I get him up there." He bent down and picked up his legs and set them on the couch. Got some towels from the linen closet and laid them on the couch and floor. He Put the rest of his father on the cushions and laid his head to the side. He didn't want him to suffocate from his own vomit, if in fact he did throw up.

Going into the kitchen, he filled a bowl with cold water and got some wash cloths. He waked back into the living room and noticed that Vegeta had thrown up. 'Great.' He thought. He bent down and wrapped up the towels and carried them over to the washer and set them on top. Once back in the room he set a cool cloth on his fathers forehead.

'Why do you always have to do this?' Trunks questioned him silently.


Well I hope you all like it so far. I'm planning on finishing it up in the next chapter if I get some good reviews. Or any reviews for that matter. So until then. Laterz!
