Author has written 112 stories for Rizzoli & Isles, X-Files, Elementary, Killing, 2011, Good Wife, Fall, Criminal Minds, Bold Type, and For the People, 2018. I ship Jane/Maura, Mulder/Scully, Sherlock/Watson, Stella/Reed, Quinn/Rachel, Donna/Harvey, Kalinda/Alicia, Linden/Holder, Beth/Rio, Prentiss/JJ, Ellen/Patty, Kate/Sandra and Jane/Jacqueline. If a fanfic writer can specialize, I specialize in post-eps and missing scenes. I read a little bit of everything and by everything I mean every possible genre, a variety of pairings and numerous fandoms. I've been writing fanfic since 2011 and reading it since the early days of The Gossamer Project. |
Alias424 (27) angeliqueFanfic (14) coolbyrne (78) CSIBradley (24) fadedelegance (54) feltknickers (10) HowNowWit (21) J. D. Roxburgh (22) | justlovebt (24) JustSandz (2) LilyBartAndTheOthers (46) MSonya (5) PattyHewesbian (8) phaedraphelan (16) Pride365 (0) schwarmereione (25) shallow-seas-we-sail (19) | socks-lost (52) SSJL (50) storybycorey (58) unsedentary (19) variousflumps (20) wolvesjr34 (35) Writer Marx (24) |