Author's note: brand new fic - reviews more than appreciated, as usual - daily updates; enjoy!

Chapter one: How To Get Jane To Accept The Invitation

Maura cast a last glance at the kitchen counter – bit her lower lip in a gesture of uncertainty – and took a deep breath. She shook her head, trying to sweep away the negative vibes haunting her mind.

It would do it. It had to. The situation was critical enough, she couldn't afford to miss out her rather thin chances. Yet the context didn't play in her favor. Jane didn't owe her anything special, she had not forced her to give into rushed results or – worse – flirt with the lines of illegal actions.

No. The brunette had been irreprochable, lately.

She really has chosen her moment to be calm. The main door opened. Maura straightened up. There she went. It was now or never. Smile: on.

Jane dropped a bag by the door and walked – rather happily – to the kitchen. With the same pack of beers as the one that was already on the counter. The one that Maura had bought a bit earlier.

The Italian stopped as she noticed such detail and raised a surprised eyebrow. "You got some? What happened to your resveratrol campaign?"

Come on. It is now or never, Isles. "Just because wine is healthier doesn't mean we can't drink a beer from time to time. Besides..." Moving to a tray covered by tinfoil, she cleared her voice and – with a dramatic gesture – took the silver-colored paper off to reveal the dish she had cooked. "It goes better with these burgers..." And another step on her right, towards a bowl. Tinfoil: off as well. "And with these French fries. Homemade French fries."

Jane gasped, more than taken aback. She bent over the counter and squinted her eyes as if looking – rather sharply – for the detail that would ruin everything. But there was nothing, this time. Not even a single leaf of kale. The only green touch came from pickles.

"These aren't tofu ones, are they?" Better safe than sorry. After all, she knew Maura quite well. Way too much, if she had to be completely honest.

The scientist laughed – her eyes glimmering of amusement in the delicate light of the night – as she shook her head rather vehemently.

"Turkey burgers. The only part I slipped is bacon. I don't want to be responsible of the disastrous – and yet I measure my words – condition of your arteries."

The comment made Jane smirk. She loved Maura more than she had ever loved anyone. The honey blonde was smart – a bit quirky at times – but mostly sweet. The sweetest person she had ever met, actually.

The last weeks had been tough – for the two of them – and here she came, with a surprise and delicious dinner. Something she wouldn't have chosen for herself. Obviously, she had cooked it just to please Jane.

"I suppose I can survive without bacon, for once. Is it paprika you put on the French fries?" Daring a boiled gesture, the detective picked up one and chewed on it.

Maura nodded. "It is, indeed. I found the idea on the web then gave it a try. The result isn't bad."

More than convinced, Jane sat on a stool and rolled her eyes. "Hell, definitely not." She reached out for a bottle of beer, pre-opened.

"Oh, no! Wait!" Waving like a mad woman, Maura shook her head and started gesticulating to make her friend stop. "We will have dinner in the living-room; in front of television. I know that there is a game on tonight and am sure that you would love following it."

Bottle halfway to her lips – up in the air already – Jane froze. Alright. Now she was becoming a tad suspicious. "Did I... Make it to some sort of Twilight Zone when passing the door?"

Maura got tense. Her smile began to tremble a bit. "Why? Oh wait, how silly am I! I have forgotten to take the Ketchup out of the fridge." Nervous chuckle.

Jane squinted her eyes at the scene and watched how the blonde put the bottle on the counter with a slight hesitation. She moved on her stool – cast a brief glance at the kitchen – ran her tongue on her lips before clearing her voice.

Bottle of beer: back on the counter.

"Okay. What's going on?"

Silence. Shrug. Another nervous chuckle from Maura. "I don't see what you are talking about."

Jane blinked – knowing better than that – and motioned at the honey blonde's neck before her tired voice piercing through the house. "Hives..."


This time, the Italian burst out laughing and shook her head. The situation was confusing. What was going on that Maura didn't dare to say? Had she broken something? Was she guilty of anything? Her behavior didn't make much sense right now. Jane couldn't put her finger on the problem.

"What is it, Maur'? Wait." Jane turned livid – realization suddenly kicking in – and with the ghost of a panicked voice, she looked all around her. "Where is Jo Friday? She didn't welcome me back. She is alright, isn't she? What happened to her?"

Maura widened her eyes. Her turn to look confused.

"She is peaceful sleeping by the fireplace, Jane..." And as if to prove her point, she pointed out at an armchair by the flames.

The Italian turned around and sighed of relief. Her dog was there; huddled up and peacefully asleep. But then what was it? Why was Maura playing the perfect host like that? It was almost scaring now she thought about it.

"... Okay... So you didn't accidentally kill Jo Friday..." Ignoring the mock of horror on her friend's face, Jane went on. "Then what is it?" And then she spotted it, by the sink. Gasp. "Oh my God. The chocolate fondant! You need a favor, don't you?"

Maura made a face. Busted. Perhaps she had been a bit too far when baking Jane's favorite dessert. Things were turning out to be way too evident. No subtlety whatsoever. Sadly enough.

You are screwed, Isles. Accept the fact and tell her the truth. Right now. "I was wondering if you err, well... If you were available in two weeks? February, 26th."

Jane shrugged, unsure of whether she should say yes. In theory, she was. But when it came to some suggestions from her friend, 'theory' was nothing but fragile.

"Why?" Suspicious tone of voice. She should have known better. Of course, this dinner was not at all deprived of any interest. How could have she even believed so in the first place? She was not a novice, dammit!

"My cousin Apolline is getting married and I was wondering if you would like to come with me. As a guest, you know." Maura bit her lips. No need to tell Jane that she had already RSVP.

"I'm sorry... What's your cousin's name again?" The brunette slightly bent over and shook her head.

Maura swallowed hard. She was sweating – her heart was beating way too fast – and the room was somewhat starting to spin around. In a word, she was on the verge of passing out. Because of stress.

"Apolline? She was named after Apolline of Alexandria. In 250, Dèce – the emperor – published an edict asking all the citizens to sacrifice people to the gods in order to save the empire. Apolline was their third victim. People broke her jaw – as well as her teeth – before dragging her to a stake where they forced her to insult God. She refused – politely enough – and threw herself in the flames. Such edict marks the beginning of another persecution of Christians."

Jane raised an unconvinced eyebrow. "How sweet."

Timidly enough but not missing her friend's sarcasm, Maura shrugged and fought against herself to keep her hands still; on top of the kitchen counter. "So my cousin is getting married to her long time boyfriend. Would you like to join me? The wedding will be hosted at the family mansion. Very nice and peaceful place, in the countryside."

The brunette took a deep breath – tilted her head on a side – and ended up nodding. "Why not. I'm not sure your family will be very fond of me but hey... A weekend out of Boston might turn out to be quite nice. With the crazy weeks we've just had, a bit of fresh air can't do harm."

The veil of uncertainty that had darkened Maura's features disappeared suddenly, pushed away by a bright smile.

"Perfect! Of course, we will have to go shopping a bit. I am afraid that you don't own the required... Outfits... For such wedding. I take charge of the rest. You don't have to worry about anything else."

Jane nodded. Maura's reaction – very expressive – took her aback. Why was the scientist so extreme before a rather random event? Was she that much afraid of her family? The brunette picked another couple of French fries. She had seen Maura interact with Constance. She knew the awkwardness of their relation. Was it the same when it came to her cousins?

"How old is she? How old is teethless Apolline?"

This time, Maura missed the sarcasm completely. "What? Apolline has all her teeth... She isn't the one from Alexandria." But seeing that her friend didn't reply, she resumed. "She is thirty-five years old."

Not bad. Jane began to relax. At least the guests – family apart – would probably be around Maura's age and thus hers. Nothing to worry about.