Castle and its characters are the property of Andrew Marlowe and ABC Studios. No copyright infringement is intended.
You have your father, your siblings, your extended family, friends, colleagues, even the occasional stranger for this. So you've been fine all these years or so you thought.
It was just one of those things, a gesture that you experienced maybe hundreds of times. It shouldn't feel different this time; however, it was like being transported instantly to the past.
When Martha Rodgers extended her arms and called you, "Kiddo" it stopped you cold. That hug was maternal and suddenly you missed your mother all over again and realized how much you'd missed that gesture. You felt that bond rekindled, the one where you are tucked right into a mother's heart, the place a mother carries her children.
And for a moment, you clung to Martha and basked in that submerged need for that bond, that extraordinary mode of love and comfort.
You don't know how long it actually lasted but it changed things between the older woman and you. It was unspoken, yet you were now part of her family and if you needed her for anything including a maternal hug, Martha would be there. It also was tacitly understood that you were now the daughter she'd longed for after suffering through the women Rick had brought around. You were her example to Alexis of someone with substance, style and backbone...and you would be for Richard...Be what for him? Or let him be what to you?
Martha had fed your heart and soul; she stayed in maternal mode by offering leftovers, privacy and her son. You knew as she whisked Alexis away that whatever happened next would be on your terms but you wouldn't be alone. Your mother would approve of you opening your heart to Martha, to Alexis and maybe to… You couldn't fathom being open to anyone else who might love you and leave you.
Castle had his mother's instincts and knew what you needed. He also made sure the two of you ate as you planned, convincing you his mother would be annoyed if the food was untouched.
You called up the stairs to Martha and Alexis when it was time to leave. This time when they came down the stairs you reached out first to Martha. There it was again, that sense of calm and stability from one of the flightiest women you'd ever met. You knew Castle was watching when you murmured, "I needed this" to his mother.
Her hand was warm and soft on your cheek, "Any time, kiddo."
You remembered what it was like to be an empathetic young woman, not always sure of the correct move. So you filled your own until now buried maternal instinct and encircled Alexis into a hug. You felt her relax against you and promise, "We're here for you."
The sudden rush of feeling told you what it was like to love a child of your own and know that love back. You will have to get used to being a part of that circle of maternal and daughter love once more. This time you have Rick Castle as a guide, generous enough to share the women in his life with you, a woman who needs that kind of connection back in her own life.
You feel stronger than you have in a long time and know in your heart what is yet to be will be amazing.
The End
A/N: I loved Martha reaching for Kate in Sucker Punch, it added so much to the scenes and characters since Kate is normally so closed off, that night she was so raw and Martha knew what to do. I also wanted to give Alexis her moment since you saw her open her mouth to say something before Martha swept the teenager up the stairs. So this is my take on all that.