Disclaimer: All recognizable Elementary characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners including, but not limited to Robert Doherty. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this fan fiction story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No financial gain is associated with the publishing of this story. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: My first Elementary piece. Post-ep for "You Do It To Yourself" (1x09). The relationship between Joan and Sherlock is complex. I don't pretend to know where the producers/writers will take these characters, but it's hard to ignore their dynamic chemistry. Enjoy! –DKC

Not Tonight

"You didn't have to come. If there's somewhere else you have to be…" Joan said as Sherlock sat down next to her on the bench.

"Not tonight, Watson. Not tonight," Sherlock said solemnly.

They both knew Liam wasn't going to show up. They both had enough experience with addiction to know that an addict would not get help until he was truly ready and committed to changing his life. Truly ready often meant at rock bottom. But they both knew why Joan was there and why it hurt so damn much. After a few minutes, Holmes took Watson's hand in his.

After an hour of waiting, neither saying a word, Joan let out a deep sigh.

"Let's go home, Sherlock," Joan said.

"If you are certain," he answered.

Outside the facility, Sherlock wrapped his arm around Joan's shoulders and walked with her.

"Shall we take a taxi?" he asked.

"Do you mind if we walk? I could use some air," she answered.

"After that bench, my arse could use a stroll," Sherlock deadpanned, eliciting a chuckle out of Joan.

They said nothing as they continued to walk down the sidewalk. Joan was lost in her thoughts as Sherlock held her close. Sherlock found himself wanting to degrade Liam to make Joan feel better, but he knew now was not the time. He also wondered how many times he had caused the same want in others while he was using heroine and otherwise behaving like a daft prick.

As Joan and Sherlock arrived at the brownstone, she allowed him to help her take off her coat and hang it on the coat rack.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, walking toward the kitchen.

"I am. It must have been the tea. Though Detective Bell offered me an ice lolly claiming that would make me feel better. I highly doubt that possible," Sherlock answered.

Joan had been preparing the teakettle and Sherlock took it from her.

"Watson…" he whispered.

Joan turned into Sherlock and he wrapped his arms around her. For the first time in their short acquaintance, Sherlock saw Joan's tears and felt her sobbing into his chest.

"I wish I could apologize for him or at the very least tell him to sod off," he said. "I also realize that an addict's apology is hollow."

Joan didn't respond to Sherlock, but held on to him for dear life as if the simple act of letting go would cause her to shatter into a million pieces.

"Might…" The confident Sherlock Holmes hesitated. "Might I walk you upstairs?"

Joan pulled her head back from his chest and looked up into Sherlock's eyes. Her eyes were puffy, the tracks of her tears evident on her face and on his shirt.

"Please," she breathed.
