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![]() Author has written 32 stories for Soul Eater, Yin Yang Yo, W.I.T.C.H., Tokyo Mew Mew, Code Lyoko, Vampire Academy, Aladdin, Jackie Chan Adventures, Fairy Tail, Inuyasha, Once Upon a Time, Danny Phantom, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Kim Possible, Supergirl, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Winx Club, Immortals series, Alyson Noel, Secret Saturdays, and Ben 10. Hello!!!! Thank you for visiting my page! I'm Sailorlyoko4life and I personally welcome you! I love to read fanfics and I also love to write them so check out the rest of my page and my stories to know more of my style! I just want to note that Falling into the Wrong Hands will be drastically changed due to a new point of view on my behalf. The main plot will still be there, there are just some things I will take out and re-write, and if you know the story already you will see the difference. Its either that or delete it all together, which I would hate to do because it was my very first story. Plus due to that as well I need to re-edit some things too due to me not knowing until I had graduated highschool that I have dyslexia and now see alot of my silly mistakes that I was unaware of before. I will only change what is necessary to change, but I will keep language due to it being in character for the characters. Anyways, on to some of my rants that i keep on here just because I went through a little rough spot due to circumstances. This next paragraph is a rant, so if you want to skip it then go down to the requests. 4-8-15 wow, i really don't update my profile much... well its been a few years now. Anyways I'm only updating this little tid bit right here for all my readers who are getting mad at me... I AM SORRY! Since late august I have not had a computer since mine died. Long story short, updating has been extremely difficult because I have no way to write new documents without deleting old ones on my account... I am trying to save up money for a laptop, but it will still be a while. If I update anything then it will most likely be something I already had started in my account. I'm sorry, I just can't stand typing on my nook all the time instead of a real keyboard, I make more mistakes and its a pain to fix because this thing bugs out on me sometimes and won't let me save anything so I have to shut it down and it wipes everything I was in the middle of and ticks me off. ( that has already happened to me, I was just done with a new chapter for my JCA witch crossover story and had the dream perfect, but I couldn't save it because this thing bugged out on me. I had to re write everything, and of coarse I didn't like my rewrite nearly as much as my original. That's why I haven't put it up yet.) Anyways, my rant is now OVER, I'm so sorry for those of you who are waiting, but I promise I will update everything when I get a laptop. Thank you and now on with my old profile stuff. 4-12-15 OMG my family is awesome!! Today is my birthday and they got me that laptop that i've been wanting for months!!!!!! Now I can update again when i'm not working. I'm so excited to give you this news!!!!!! So now my temporary unwanted hiatus is over! I love requests. I love requests. I love requests. I love requests. I love requests. I love requests. I am now taking requests... as long as I know the show/book/movie/series/ect. Shows that I most likely will write for: Bakugan Any of the Yugiohs ( ok not zexal, but any of the others) Secret Saturdays Jackie-chan Adventures W.I.T.C.H Sailor moon KHR Soul eater Danny phantom Code lyoko Fairy tail Inuyahsa Ben 10 Generator rex AD:JL DBZ Bleach She-ra Reboot A:TLA Ladybug Supergirl (2015 CW) And I know multiple others that I just get a random idea from... i'm a huge anime nut so I know a lot of anime's and cartoons. And I read a lot of fanfictions. I love reading about stuff like when the good guy/ main character turns bad/evil, gets hypnotized, or falls for a bad guy. :) i'm just crazy like that, but not quite mentally insane ... yet. It's also the good versus evil internal struggle that I love to write about the most. I do like pairings and stories that are normal or just friendship things too, I even have one in mind and have it half written about Dan and Shun's past... but am more into the fun stuff that keeps you at the edge of the seat. Just pm me what you got in mind... especially if it's something along the lines of my nitch ( if you follow my type of stories you will know what I mean) I just can't do any lemon. As always... I will give full credit to you for the story. You just got to give me the basic info for what you want. (I will extend that list up above later, that was just when I started out. I know ALOT more shows (anime/cartoons/ books) then that.) Today's date that I wrote this current paragraph that you are ( if you are really still reading this) reading this paragraph is: October 27, 2014. People don't really know that much about me... I am an actress who's goals are to someday be a professional voice actress and then voice director and possibly even a story board writer for animation and cartoons. I do this because I was bullied as a kid and Sailor Moon taught me what real friendship was and that its whats in your heart that matters, and there are people who will just love you for who you are no matter your flaws. I have great friends now and am strong in my faith and am on my way in the acting industry to reach my goals. So that's a little bit about me and my reading/writing interest. I usually don't do the copy and paste things unless I think they are good, funny, or true about me. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile. If you and your friends have a nickname, title, or anything else for each other, copy and paste this in your profile. If you have ever had a crush on a fictional character copy and paste this on your profile. 93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7 percent who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this into your profile. If you have ever spent too much money at Barnes and Noble/Borders, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever wanted to go into a book and slap/scream at a character copy and paste this onto your profile. If you think sometimes songs really speak to you, paste this on your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, zElDaPhAnToM-bLiNdBaNdIt-RaVeN, Firehawk, Rainfire, Snowfur, Rayne Star, i wish anime guys were real, XxcrimsonxgothicxtidexX, Goth-Vampire Ninja,Trausti, xkittycatgirlx,sailorlyoko4life, There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE when it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile. |
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