Chapter One:
Midoriya's POV
Today was the day that I had waited almost over a year for. I was finally going to get my hand on a copy of BNHA: Chapter Two, a Manga so hotly anticipated there had been a whole article online about it; it also had its own segment on TV last night.
I stood in the line outside the Musuatafu book store with my best friends, Uraraka and Ilda. We have been standing here since 7:45 a.m. – brutal for a Saturday morning, but so total worth it – wanting to get a good spot in line before the store actually opened at 9:00 a.m. The atmosphere was phenomenal. Besides all the screaming teenage girls, there were women in their twenties, mothers with their babies, a few grandmas and a handful of other teenage boys like myself.
Uraraka leaned away from the line and glanced ahead. "I wish they would let us in already! My feet are starting to hurt" She stumbled a little and grabbed a hold of Tenya's arm for support. Believing that her shortness was a curse, Uraraka had insisted on wearing the highest pair of wedges that she owned. The result was that she twisted an ankle at least twice a month.
"I just hope that by the time we do get the front they aren't sold out" I said
Uraraka's brown eyes widened. "Deku! They can't sell out, wait you did pre-order for us, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but I heard on the news last night that some of the shipments were delayed." I replied, feeling nervous as I spoke the words. The thought of having to wait another day to read about Shoto Todoroki – the gorgeous, fearless hero – was too awful to contemplate.
"I am getting a getting a book today, even if I have to body check someone to get it," Ilda announced.
We laughed, because Ilda would never hurt a fly – literally. When I had visited him at the camp where he worked over the summer, he'd ushered even the smallest bugs out the cabin door. However he was 5'10½ and the captain of the boy's running team, so a body check or two wasn't out of the question.
"All I know is, we have to read it by Monday morning," I said. Ilda and Uraraka nodded. If we didn't finish it by then, we would have to cover our ears in the spoiler-filled hallways of our school. There had only been one volume so far – BNHA: Boku No Hero Academia – in Toshinori Yagi's planned arcs, but it was a sensation, and most people we knew had been sucked in.
I felt the cool breeze on my face, and looked around at the swaying trees, appreciating the crisp autumn weather. Some would say it was a waste of a beautiful day, because I planned to spend it inside my room reading BNHA: Chapter Two. But sometimes it was nice to read on a lovely day, especially when the world inside the manga was so exciting and thrilling.
One of the best things about the manga was that it was set in my city, Musuatafu. But BNHA Musuatafu was a very different place from the Musuatafu that I knew. It was a place where villains ran rampant and heroes who stopped then, most of the population was gifted with a quirk. BNHA Musuatafu had been hit especially hard because of one of the world's worst villains; they go by the name League of Villians.
The line surged forward, a sign that the store was finally opening its doors, and there was a chorus of squeals and some jostling.
Ilda frowned at Uraraka. "It's going to be a stampede. I told you we should have come earlier!"
Uraraka shook her head, her brown hair swinging. "I don't wake up before six for anyone, not even Kyoka Jiro."
"How dare you Ochako? And you think yourself worthy of Jiro!" Ilda made a show of hoisting his chin and turning his back on Uraraka. A self-professed drama geek, he loved using BNHA's formal language.
While my BNHA crush – well, more like obsession – was Shoto Todoroki, Uraraka and Ilda loved Jiro and Yaoyorozu, one of which as Todoroki's best friend. Todoroki was cold and mysterious, and determined to hunt down all the villains in relation to the League of Villains.
"I wonder if Todoroki is going to fall in love in this volume," Ilda said as we inched closer to the door. "It's about time, don't you think?"
"Not necessarily," I said, feeling a blush burn my cheeks. I wasn't sure I wanted a love interest for Todoroki. The thought of being jealous of a character in a manga series was silly, but I couldn't help it. Todoroki Shoto was the closest to perfection that any guy could ever be. What guy could measure up? "He isn't the romantic type. Todoroki's too focused on surpassing his father to fall in love."
"Good point," Ilda agreed. A few eager fans were now leaving the store, manga in hand, bumping into us because they'd started reading already, "But you never now. If he surpasses Endeavour and defeats The League of Villains, he's going to need a new story line."
Just the mention of Endeavour gave me the chills. There was no doubt in my mind that Todoroki would surpass his father. It was a question of when, not if.
Finally it was our turn. As we stepped over the threshold into the book store, I couldn't help but think of how lucky I was that my friends shared my passion for BNHA. It was actually our love of manga that had first brought us together, in the ninth grade. Uraraka had started a club in high school where we would read manga together and Ilda and I had been the only ones to show up. I just moved from a new school because I was being bulled and I didn't know anyone. Within weeks, we'd become a "trio of awesomeness", as Uraraka put it. Most people we met thought we'd been best friends forever, not just for a couple of years.
Thankfully the three copies I had pre-ordered were there waiting for us. I picked of my copy, hugging it to my chest like a long-lost friend. It was thicker than the last volume and that made my heart pound; the more Todoroki to read about, the better. Uraraka and Ilda were busy exclaiming over the over – it had been revealed online months ago, but it was still amazing to see it for real.
The three of us left the store, breathless with triumph. There was no talk of hanging out afterward. We caught the bus and grabbed seats, reading the whole way. When it got to my stop, I reluctantly tucked the manga under my arm and waved goodbye to my friends.
I lived in an apartment building that's located in the city of Musuatafu. On the outside there are other apartments and power lines out in the front of the building. I have no complaints about the building we live in, I live with just my mother – Inko Midoriya – as my father left years ago to do business overseas and has yet to come back, he always has an excuse as to why he can't come back yet.
I pushed those thoughts away, determined not to stew in bitterness. Besides, nothing could shake my good mood today. I had a date with Todoroki Shoto, after all.
I had to remind myself of that when I got inside the apartment and saw my mother's shoes and coat were gone. Taking my shoes off I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge which stated that she had gone out and won't be back until late. Pulling the note off the fridge, I scrunched it up into a ball and threw it in the bin. I grabbed a coke then from the fridge and a crumpled bag of trail mix, then went to my room. Taking off my jacket, I sat back against the pillows, ready to lose myself in BNHA: Chapter Two.
Hands tingling with anticipation, I opened the manga.
I slammed the manga shut, "No, no, no!"
This is not the ending I'd been hoping for.
It was Sunday night just after eleven. I'd been reading all weekend with short breaks for food, hygiene and fresh air, and the phone debriefs with my friends.
How could the author leave Todoroki's life in the lurch? Hadn't he been through enough already?
Todoroki had been more amazing in BNHA: Chapter Two. But right now he's corned by The League of Villains. And I have to wait at least over another year to find out what happened to him! That is so unfair.
A horrible thought occurred to me: he wouldn't kill him off, would he?
No he wouldn't dare. Todoroki is too important. Readers would never forgive him. I would never forgive him.
But Toshinori Yagi was notorious for doing things his way, no matter what his publisher or fans wanted. I flipped the manga over, my fingers sliding over the glossy jacket. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were on the cover, and The League of Villains watching from the shadows. The images on the manga's covers were drawn by Toshinori himself because he felt only he could depict the characters accurately. He had also refused to sell the movie rights, clamming that no actors could be true to his characters. Despite the uproar from fans, I agreed with him on that one. I couldn't imagine anyone doing justice to Todoroki Shoto.
Sliding of my bed, I crossed to the window, gazing down at the dark streets below. Our third-floor apartment had a better view now that the project next door had been torn down. From my window I could see most of the neighbourhood, the streets glistening with new rain, mist rising from the sewers.
I could almost hear the sound of Todoroki's footsteps as he ran down the street, reading to use his quirk, chasing down a villain in the moonlight. If I could spot Todoroki in this maze of streets, I'd climb down the fire escape and help him.
Not that I'd be of much use against a villain.
Anyway, now that I had finished the manga, it was time for me to go online and vent. I wished I could call Uraraka or Ilda, but it was too late, and I didn't know if they had finished the manga yet. Turning away from the window, I headed towards my computer.
I plunked down on my chair and went straight to my favourite BNHA fan site, then logged into the readers' forum as Tododeku, it was my nickname and his last name merged together, and began typing.
Tododeku: (*Spoilers*) I just finished reading BNHA: Chapter Two. I can't believe he ended it with Todoroki chasing the leader of The League of Villains! Does anyone here think he might kill of Todoroki in the next manga? I'm really worried.
I waited, and a reply came up almost instantly:
ILoveYaoyorozu4ever222: I wouldn't be surprised if he did kill him. It doesn't look like he's destined to find happiness. If he were going to have a happy ending, he would've met a girl by now.
At this point others began chiming in.
Yaoyorozumylove990: He wouldn't dare kill him. He knows we'd all freak out! I heard he's having writers block and hasn't started the third volume yet. Maybe he doesn't know what to do with Todoroki.
Writer's block? I thought with dread. I began typing again.
Tododeku: I hope he gets over the writer's block soon because over a year is way too long for the next volume. I can't picture waiting any longer than that.
ToshinoriYagifan8567: I think he'll probably have Tomura Shigarak kill Todoroki. Yaoyorozu will go ballistic and get all violent for a change, or even Endeavour will go on a killing spree to avenge his successor. If either kills Shigarak, it would be the perfect ending to the series!
A flurry of comments came up; most of them saying that it would be a terrible ending. As if killing off Todoroki would work. As if Yaoyorozu's personality would do a one-eighty.
I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. If Todoroki died, it meant the end of the fantasy, and that would be too much to bear.
It was 12:34 a.m., definitely time to stop for the night. I'd stayed up late too many times, and then ended up headachy the next day. I liked to write up little scenarios of my own in my notebooks then type them up and post them online, I used to write original stories until BNHA came about, now I write fanfictions online. I knew that if I was going to become a writer one, I would need to start writing my own stuff again. It was too bad that the character of Todoroki Shoto had already been created by Toshinori Yagi. I wished he was all mine.