Luck of the LadyCat - Adjusted for consistency thanks to luciangirl06


Adrien thanked her. Her! He sat at his desk, but swiveled around to face Marinette.

"Of course," Marinette's cheeks brimmed with a proud blush. She's been there for him, and he was thanking her! If only it hadn't been while she'd been wearing pajamas.

Chloe hiked a hip on Adrien's desk and held out her phone. "Adri-kins, tell me this is a lie. You'd never betray your best friend by going out with her."

Marinette caught a glimpse of the phone. The picture of her and Adrien at the movies, she in a towel and swimming goggles. Her face paled.

"I didn't betray anyone, Chloe. I went to the movies with a friend."

"But it says here she's your girlfriend. Please renounce such a disgusting lie."

Adrien sighed, leaned on his desk and propped up his head. "You know I don't have a girlfriend," he muttered.

Marinette's shoulders fell. In her perfect world Adrien would have leaped atop his desk and proclaimed his undying love with Marinette right then and there. This was why she had to stop daydreaming so much. She doodled on her homework and tired not to listen to Chloe's reaction.

"See! There, you all heard it. Adrien would never date such a dull, boring little doormat like Marinette." Seemingly satisfied, Chloe marched off to sit at her desk and gossip with Sabrina.

Adrien glanced at Chloe, his lips pulled to the side, then turned back to Marinette. "Sorry, you know how she is." He shrugged.

"Oh yes. I mean Chloe's not all bad, though she's the worst. I mean, why apologize for her?"

Adrien brushed back his hair, breaking their eye contact. "I didn't want you to think you're undateable. If you're half as good of a girlfriend as you are a friend, then anyone would be really lucky to have you."

Marinette warred with her inner self. Adrien just said she'd make a good girlfriend!... for someone else. "Yeah… lucky. How about you? No! I don't mean as in dating you, uh I, no. I'm saying someone someday is going to be really happy to date you, too. You're a great guy, Adrien." She doubted anyone else would see the sadness in his eyes, but she spent hours examining his perfect face and knew there was something wrong. She was about to ask what when Nino and Alya plopped down next to them.

"Hey girl, did you finish the paper on the Irish potato famine?" They'd been studying Ireland all week after the new girl transferred to school. She'd transferred from the states, but was proud of her Irish roots, at least according to Alya. Marinette hadn't had much of a chance to talk with the girl.

"That's not due until St. Patrick's Day." Marinette pulled out her planner and flopped it open, proud she even remembered the answer from their quiz yesterday: 'what is the date of St. Patrick's Day?'

"Uh, yeah. That's today? Also," Alya pinched her, "that's for not wearing green!"

Oh no. She'd forgotten the paper. "Ouch! Today can't be St. Patrick's Day!"

Adrien turned back, a half smile gracing his soft pink lips. "It's Monday, Marinette."

The twist of horror in her expression made them all laugh just as Miss Bustier called the class to attention.

"It's not that bad," Tikki said. "Miss Bustier gave you an extension until tomorrow."

"It's not just that." Marinette opened the bakery door and hugged her parents hello, then went upstairs to her room. "I don't think Adrien will ever see me as more than a friend, and I never want to lose his friendship, it means everything to me. I think… I don't think I have a chance with him." Marinette surveyed herself in the mirror. She was no elite like Chloe or famous and beautiful, she was just… Marinette.

"But you can still love him."

"Yeah, I think I always will."

"Does this mean it's time to dismantle the shrine?"

Marinette laughed and poked Tikki. "It's not a shrine!" The pictures posted around her room did have a fangirl essence that she couldn't deny. Sighing, Marinette took down all the magazine cut outs, the posters, and pried apart the framed pictures she'd snuck of Adrien over the year. Instead she pulled out the pictures of all her friends together. She had a copy of her class photo, selfies with the girls, and group shots of her, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. Marinette selected a few choice shots of her and Adrien from yesterday—sure, she was in her pajamas, but some of the shots were really good and deserved to be framed.

While she worked, Marinette flicked on her favorite chanel. A new Jagged Stone music video played and she danced to the rockin' new beat.

"Marinette! Can you come down for a minute?" her mom called.

"Be right there!" Marinette righted her hair, feeling flushed from the dancing.

Downstairs at the bakery counter was a group of students from school, but not from her class. One was the new girl and she struggled to remember her name.

"Hi there, it's… Emily, right?" Marinette addressed the purple-haired girl.

She squeaked and bounced up and down. "Yes! See everyone, I told you I knew her. I'm so lucky you're here today. Can I get your autograph?" Emily had three friends with her, all guys Marinette had never met. One said something in English she didn't understand.

"My autograph? What? Why?"

Emily held out a print of her in the towel with Adrien at the movie. Marinette made a squeak Tikki would be proud of and snatched the photo. "Where did you get this?"

"Hey, don't tear it! It's all over online, I printed out a copy. You and Adrien are in the entertainment sections on like, eight different sites! Though they don't say very nice things about you." She shrugged.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend?" Marinette's mother asked while leaning over her shoulder to eye the photo.

"No! I mean, no he's not and this is so bad."

Emily reached out with a pen. "Will you sign it?"

Marinette panicked, reached for the pen, but knocked it away as her hand shook. She then dropped the photo and ducked to pick it up just as Emily did the same. They both pulled and ripped the image.

"All you had to say was no, you didn't have to rip it up! Who do you think you are? Just because you got lucky doesn't mean the rest of us are beneath you." Emily clenched her fists and her jaw. "I bet if it had been me instead of you, I wouldn't have been called a 'fashion-less fangirl' in the article." She spun and pushed through her friends to the door. When they'd all left, Marinette sagged against a stool.

"Honey, are you okay? That girl was awfully upset over something so small."

"I'm okay. Everyone really loves Adrien, and even though it was all a mistake, they think I'm his girlfriend now. I guess it really proves how strange it would be for him to date someone so average like me."

"This is the same Adrien who trained on that game with you, right? He was a sweet boy. I think you'd be a wonderful couple."

Marinette caught her mom's tone and arched upright, a quick smile replacing her woe. "That's ridiculous! We're just friends. I don't, I mean sure I like him, but I don't, you know—"

Her mother laughed. "Here, this will cheer you up." She pulled out a bright green kiwi tart and offered it to Marinette.

"Thanks mom, I'm lucky to have you and dad, especially since my luck is so disastrous everywhere else." Marinette felt Tikki nudge her from within the purse. "Like school and such," she added.

Marinette carried the tart upto her room in a little box, deciding to eat it when her mood improved. The news was streaming now, and held no interest for her, so she took the tart to the balcony instead.

"You know," Tikki began. "In some ways you're the luckiest girl in all of Paris."

Marinette bowed her head. "I know, being Ladybug and having my Lucky Charm is incredible, but it doesn't change who I am without the mask. I'm just Marinette…No wonder Adrien doesn't see me."

"He values your friendship."

Marinette sighed, took a deep breath, and let it out in a rush. "You're right. So I'm going to be the best friend I can be."

"That's the spirit! Wow, Marinette, do you see that?"

"You mean the perfect rainbow over the Eiffel tower?" Marinette shaded her eyes, but there was no rain or even clouds for the sun to reflect through. "Where's it coming from?"

"Look!" Tikki fluttered higher just as a black cat soared towards the tower. A cat with a staff.

"Tikki, spots on!"

"Cat!" Ladybug leaped across the river and used her yoyo to arc up the tower.

"There you are. Did you see?"

"I only saw you. What's going on?"

"Someone took the luck of the Irish a bit far." He pointed at the translucent rainbow above them. "She called herself Chance on the news. Said to follow it for the pot of gold." He rolled his eyes.

Ladybug chuckled. "It's not everyday someone exasperates you."

"She lacks originality! I mean why not say 'test your luck' or 'you'll get lucky'?"

"Because that means something entirely different."

"Can't blame a guy for dreaming." He winked.

"Well aren't you two adorable." A new voice cut in. Above them a girl in all green—hair, clothes, eyes—leaned over the rails. "What are the chances of running into both Ladybug and Cat Noir? Hmm," she seemed to consider, tapping her chin and grinning. "I'd say about the chances of your platform collapsing."

As soon as she said it, the floor groaned and cracked.

"Jump!" Cat and Ladybug leaped off the tower, Ladybug caught him around the middle and swung out to another platform.

They could hear Chance laughing. "And what would be the chance of your Miraculous just falling off? I'd say 100%."

Ladybug cupped her ears as Cat held his fist to his heart. Nothing happened and it enraged Chance.

"Fine. If I can't luck what I want from you then Hawkmoth can wait. I have other things to attend to." She jumped off the tower without anything to slow her down. As she neared the ground an inflatable children's playhouse—which Ladybug could have sworn wasn't there a moment ago—cradled her. She stepped from the deflating tangle with ease, gave Ladybug and Cat a little wave, and was immediately swept up by a group of runners and disappeared within their mass.

"Did you see where she went?" Cat asked.

"No, but what did she mean she had other things to attend do. Did you recognize her?"

"Vaguely, but I'm not sure from where." Cat tapped his lips. "Let me check something." He popped open the slide in his staff and poked at the slim screen. A website opened, one Ladybug recognized.

"An Adrien Agreste fan site? You're a fan?"

Cat started. "Not exactly. He was targeted yesterday, so I was doing some research on him." He shifted his weight.

"The publicity of him and that girl got around pretty quick. Not everyone is happy about it." Ladybug tried to sound nonchalant, but Cat's ears turned to her.

"Everything okay, M'lady?"

She thought about brushing it off, but if Adrien was at risk because of her… "What do you think of that girl with him?" She pointed at the staff screen where an all-too-familiar photo from yesterday was highlighted. "We've saved that girl a few times. Seems they cause a lot of akumas."

"Considering most of the akumas can be traced back to their friend Chloe, I'm not worried." Cat laughed, but Ladybug didn't join in. "Well," he continued, "the few times I've spoken with Marinette she seemed nice enough."

"You don't think she attracts trouble?"

"What's this really about?"

Ladybug opened her mouth, but caught herself and shook her head. "Nothing. If she's after Adrien then we need to keep him safe. I know where he lives, follow me."

"Uh, wait, M'lady, I'll go check on him. Maybe you got check on Marinette. The girl, Adr-ily02 commented a lot of hate on her photos."

"But Cat, I—" Cat put his fingers over her lips.

"Trust me, Ladybug, just as much as I trust you."

As much as she wanted to see Adrien, she knew this was best. Besides, she should distance herself from Adrien as Ladybug. He deserved someone who wouldn't keep secrets, someone who was enough without a mask. She nodded and Cat retracted his finger and pressed it to his own lips. He smirked then extended his staff, vaulting the river.

Ladybug swung through the streets of Paris. Onlookers snapped photos and pointed. When she reached the TVi news tower she sat on the ledge of the roof and took in the Paris skyline. Her yoyo chimed and she answered.

"Adrien is safe M'lady."

"Any more on Chance?"

"All is quiet at the Agreste house. I'll keep an eye out."

"Good. In that case, I have a lead I want to follow. Can you do me a favor? Check in on Marinette." Ladybug closed her yoyo and threw it towards home.

This was probably a stupid idea, but Cat was her best friend besides Alya, and she just wanted to make sure.

Cat closed his staff and detransformed. He needed to make sure Nathalie saw him before he went out again tonight. He'd wait until dark. If he was caught sneaking out again it would complicate matters.

Adrien flopped on the bed, Plagg joined him. "Boy you sure do create a lot of problems."

Adrien rubbed his eyes. "I don't mean to. Now Marinette is in trouble again because of me." Plagg was quiet. Adrien glanced at him. "What?"

"Then make sure she's all right. Be a friend as both Cat Noir and Adrien."

"I don't think that's a good idea. What if I say something that happened while I talked to her as Cat Noir and she figures out who I am?"

"Would it really be any harder than when you speak to Ladybug as yourself?"

"You heard me yesterday. I almost slipped and called her M'lady."

"Eh, you caught yourself. It's fine. Now where's my cheese? I'm going to need all the fuel I can get if we're going out late tonight."

Adrien rolled over and checked his phone, then got up. Time to make an appearance at dinner.

At nine, Adrien transformed again and took to the night. He blended with the shadows and grinned at the refreshing rush of cool air. Everything felt stronger and he was free as Cat Noir.

Marinette's family bakery was close to the school, but he could never remember which building. There! The rooftop garden gave it away. Lights hung with a canopy over a sling chair. No Marinette in sight, though.

He landed silently. Should he knock on her access door? Did Ladybug warn her he was coming? Cat extended his staff off the side of her building and lowered himself to peek inside her bedroom window. It didn't occur until he saw her in her pajamas how much of an intrusion that might be. Then he saw the pictures. All his friends—their friends—together. Pictures of him and Marinette from yesterday, pictures of them together with Alya and Nino at the park. Her room was alive with all their smiling faces.

Cat didn't realize he smiled like that with her—his real smile. She really was important to him. He'd protect her, no matter what. He tapped on the glass.

She shrieked, then dropped a handful of papers. He winced and silently apologized. Hurriedly, she opened a window.

"What are you doing here?"

"Marinette, is everything OK?" Marinette's father called from downstairs.

"Fine, Dad! Just a pest." She pointed to the roof and shut the window.

Cat extended the staff and leaped lightly to the rooftop as Marinette scrambled out the access door. She shut it behind her and kept her voice low.

"Is everything all right? Something tells me this isn't a social call."

"There's an akuma. We think she may be after you."

Marinette hugged herself, brushing her arms for warmth. "I think her name is Emily. She was in the bakery earlier today and got upset over some pictures."

Cat slid open his staff. "These pictures?" Her cheeks turned pink as she nodded. "Geez, that guy Adrien was targeted just yesterday, and this isn't the first time. He causes a lot of trouble."

"It's not his fault. He's my friend. He's kind and sweet, but popular. He even has his own fanclubs online. I guess it's ridiculous to think anyone could mistake me as his girlfriend." She laughed, but her eyes stayed sad.

"I'm sure he values you more than you know." He tapped her chin and she swatted him away. This time he got a real smile out of her.

A beam of light struck down on them like a blow, blinding them both. The thud-thud of helicopter blades grew almost deafening.

"I was just asking what my chances would be of finding Marinette, and would you look at that?" Chance dropped down onto the roof.

"Hold on princess!" Cat dove, tackling Marinette around her waist and knocking them both off the building.

"And the chances of you dropping her?" Chance shouted as they fell. Cat felt Marinette's grip falter. He tried to shift his hold, but she tumbled free.

"No!" He redirected his staff towards Marinette. She gripped it moments before the hitting the ground and rolled away. Cat hit the cement hard, his whole body aching at the force.

"Cat Noir! Are you okay?" She ran to his side. He winced as he stood. Chance jumped down atop them, the ground buckling to soften her landing. Marinette put Cat's arm over her shoulders and started to run. A tree fell in their path. Marinette aimed to climb over it with Cat, then a streak of bright light, a force he couldn't fathom, and a sound so concussive his heart threatened to stop. Lightning.

The tree was aflame from the strike and both he and Marinette lay sprawled on the ground. Even Chance hadn't escaped the power of nature.

"Didn't you know Thor hates leprechauns?" Cat wheezed at Chance. He had to get Marinette away from her. "Ladybug," Cat spoke into his open staff. "We need you. We're in the park outside the Dupont school." He rolled aside and checked Marinette, she was dazed, but unharmed. An idea sparked at him.

"Sorry, princess." He ripped away a chunk of her long pajama pants and limped back to Chance. The green lady of luck was equally dazed. He tied the strip of fabric around her in a gag. "Sorry, can't take my chances with you." He hurried back to Marinette, scooped her up, and used his staff to get them out of there.

On the roof of Chloe's family hotel, Cat laid Marinette on one of the poolside lounges and pinched her.

"Ow! Cat Noir what was that for?"

"There's only a few minutes left before midnight and you're not wearing green. When else am I going to have an excuse to pinch you?" He went for another but she rolled out of the way and stood shakily.

"Thank you for saving me."

"It's what I do."

"Can I ask you something?" When he nodded, she continued. "A couple of weeks ago, when you made that rooftop beautiful for Ladybug, did she ever see it?"

Cat grinned. "She did, and was properly impressed at my romantic ways." Though, of course he recalled that she liked someone else. What kind of man did Ladybug like? She might never tell him.

"I don't think you'll have a problem with people adoring you with how often you save the city, but I liked the Cat Noir I spoke to that day. You were...well, less obnoxious."

He couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Princess, are you saying I should be called Cat No-Charm instead of Cat Noir? You're something else" He picked up her hand and kissed it. "Stay here, stay safe. Once Ladybug and I have defeated Chance, I'll return you home."

He jumped off the edge.

Marinette waited until he was only a dot.

"Why did you want to speak to Cat Noir?"

"I guess I wanted to see if he was okay. He speaks to me differently than to Ladybug. And I needed to reassure myself I could be someone without the mask."

"You'll always be Ladybug, because Ladybug isn't her powers. It's her heart."

Marinette gave Tikki a quick cuddle, then called to transform. The magic cleared her head and soothed her raw skin. She'd never been that close to a lightning strike and never wanted to be again.

Using her yoyo, Ladybug swung out and after Cat Noir.

"M'lady where have you been?" Cat Noir was attempting to fight Chance while bricks fell on him at inopportune times. "She keeps using her luck on me, but I'm a black cat, doesn't she know it will never work?"

"I told you I was following a lead," Ladybug sidestepped into him as debris fell. "I don't think her power can directly affect us, just the things around us. The akuma is in a photo she carries."

A car careened towards them at Chance's order. They leaped apart and into the park.

"I just have to get close to her. Can you distract her? Annoy her."

"As a friend tells me, that might be my greatest strength." Cat posed atop a park bench as Chance neared.

"What are the chances you'll be trapped by a mob?" She grinned as people swarmed from all sides. Cat jumped as Ladybug slid behind a tree, trying to get closer.

"About the chances of you and Adrien going on a date," Cat goaded.

Chance screeched in frustration. The outline of Hawkmoth's butterfly illuminated her face."Yes, Hawkmoth. What are the chances you'll get overwhelmed? 100%. The same as Marinette dumping Adrien right in front of me. Now."

"You'd have to get my feet on the ground first!" Cat taunted, but his voice sounded strained. He was perched atop his staff out of reach, but from the swarming crowd a construction worker used a sledgehammer to knock Cat's staff out from under him.

Ladybug paled, she had to fix this before any of them could notice Marinette wasn't going to show had to help Cat!

"Lucky charm!" A dotted taffy tell into her hand. "What the?"

"Ladybug!" Cat was pinned by the crowd, his limbs spread eagle on the ground. Ladybug looked around, waiting for her sight to give her a clue. All it showed was the taffy and Chance. With Chance's focus on Cat, Ladybug pounced, locking Chance's arms beside her and shoving the taffy into her gawking mouth.

"What er teh..." Chance mumbled and slurped. Ladybug swept over the girl's clothing and pulled the two photo halves from a shirt pocket. She ripped them up.

"No more evil doing for you!" She captured the Akuma and let out a breath as the crowd released Cat Noir. Emily returned to her purple-haired self. Marinette used her Miraculous to reset the damage done by the akuma.

"Oh my gosh, Ladybug and Cat Noir! Can I have an autograph?" She fumbled in her pocket and came up with nothing.

Ladybug crumpled the photo print out of her and Adrien, ditching it in the nearby trash can while Emily wasn't looking.

"Here," an onlooker—previously one of Cat's holders—handed Ladybug a pen and paper. She thanked him and signed it, then passed it to Cat.

"It's not often I get asked for autographs." He smirked and signed it with flourish, then gave it back to Emily. The girl shivered with excitement. "Ladybug you better get going. I've got to return a damsel in distress to her humble abode anyway." He saluted her.

"Thanks, kitty." Ladybug had to move quick if she was going to beat Cat Noir to the hotel.

Cat Noir landed on the roof. "Marinette? Are you there?"

A crash came from behind as Marinette burst through the hotel roof doors. "Cat Noir! Sorry, I was cold, so I waited inside."

"No problem, Princess. Ready to go home?" He opened his arms and waited for her to come closer. There was a hint of hesitation as she wrapped her arms securely around him. He carried her over the buildings of Paris with her head buried in the crook of his neck. He landed on her roof and eased her down.

"Thank you," she said and righted her shirt. "Can I, I mean I'd like to, but of course you're a fancy superhero with lots of important hero-ing things to do, so I understand if—"

"Marinette, just say it."

"I'd like to be your friend."

Cat grinned to himself more than her. Silly Marinette, when could he ever not have her as a friend? "I'd like that too. How about I stop out after busy days of hero-ing and say hi?"

"Oh! No you don't have to go through all that trouble. But you're welcome whenever you need someone to talk to. I imagine being a hero can also be kind of lonely, since no one knows who you really are. But I'm buying curtains! That scared me to death earlier." She held up a small box that had been sitting on the table. "Here, I know it's not much, but consider this a thank you from a friend."

He took the package and felt a warm flutter in his chest. "Until next time, my Princess." Cat took her hand, kissed it, and sprang into the night.

When he made it home, Adrian detransformed and flopped on his bed. It was past one in the morning and his alarm would go off in just a few hours. Curiosity won him over and he peeked inside at the gift Marinette had given him. A bright green kiwi tart practically sparkled up at him in delicious perfection.

"So you're going to be friends with Marinette?"

"I'm already friends with her, Plagg."

Plagg popped a piece of cheese in his mouth and swallowed. "I approve, she's cute and makes good food, even if it isn't covered in camembert."

"Do you only ever think with your stomach?" Adrien threw his pillow at Plagg. As he ate the tart it occurred to him that Marinette actually was pretty cute. Maybe she wouldn't get as tongue tied talking to Cat Noir. She already seemed more comfortable with Cat Noir than she did with him as Adrien. He thought up excuses to go see her. Maybe he'd go tomorrow. No, that was too soon. The next day. Yeah, that would work.